BDNG SUB GROUP CONTACT DERMATITIS TERMS OF REFERENCE AIMS To provide a Nurse forum that can advise on issues relating to the continued development of Contact Dermatitis with dermatology. To advise on strategies/ policies/ protocols for Contact Dermatitis To develop proposals that improve the dermatology nursing service provided to patients. To encourage and support where possible best practice through standardisation. To encourage appropriate change and support change in dermatology nursing in primary, secondary and tertiary care where needed. To encourage professional development for all BDNG members with an interest in Contact Dermatitis. To act as a reference group for BAD/ RCN consultations on Contact Dermatitis and Patch testing, providing nursing representation at review panels as required OBJECTIVES 1. To engage stakeholders in addressing issues identified. 2. To plan such that specific needs and issues are identified 3. identify ( system) constraints and develop plans to overcome them 4. To identify, agree and document national dermatology Contact dermatitis standards 5. To ensure representation and communication within sphere of nursing for contact dermatitis. 6. To ensure full and appropriate representation of (objective 5) to BDNG Executive Committee. 7. To provide regular quarterly written reports to BDNG Executive Committee. 8. To ensure full and appropriate representation from the Executive Committee on issues relating to BDNG strategy and policy on Contact dermatitis. 9. To strive to develop local dermatology practice to meet national standards 10. To review policies , protocols relating to contact dermatitis ensuring they are effective and used in practice. 11. To ensure the Clinical Governance agenda within dermatology contact dermatitis 12. To act as an expert resource in relation to contact dermatitis 13. To make recommendations on options which should be considered in both the short and long term, to enable the BNDG and other stakeholders, to meet obligations in relation to activity. 14. To ensure that changes reflect the strategic direction off the BDNG/RCN/NMC and local trusts. SCOPE The Contact Dermatitis subgroup will consider The dermatology nursing service to patients within the British isles Professional Development of BDNG members Resources (membership, meetings, educational study days) Dermatology nursing practice in all clinical areas Current issues and processes Reporting system to Executive Committee Needs of the Patient Liaison and communication within and out-with the group Influence of professional standards of all nurses in dermatology MEMBERSHIP 1 Chair – Up to 4 other BDNG members ( Including a honorary member in an advisory role) Membership of the sub-group is open to all BDNG members SUBCOMMITTEE OPERATION 1. The sub committee will meet at least three times a year ( or which one maybe through a teleconference) 2. Adopt a strategic role 3. Plan and provide advisory function to clinical/ nursing groups and individuals. 4. Make recommendations and actions to be reported back to the BDNG Executive committee. SUB-GROUP MEMBERSHIP The sub committee members will have a tenure of 2 years in the first instance Will comprise of up to 5 members of the BDNG (including the chair) The Subcommittee Chair will have a maximum of 5 years in the first instance Honorary membership of non – BDNG members is at the discretion of existing subcommittee members for specific issues and projects. The subcommittee will evaluate its productivity and effectiveness annually Recommendations will be made for either continuation or termination. Subgroup committee members are accountable to the BDNG ensuring the legalities are upheld and met. 2