ICAME Conferences & Proceedings

ICAME Conferences & Proceedings
Compiled by David Y.W. Lee1
(This version: Aug 17, 2008)
ICAME Conferences & associated publications
[Note: I’m calling these ‘proceedings’ even though most are edited collections/selections of
presentations rather than complete proceedings.]
1st ICAME (1979, March 29-30, Bergen, Norway)
"Grammatical Tagging of English Text Corpora in Machine-readable Form"
Report in ICAME News 3 (1979), 9-14
2nd ICAME (1981, June 1-3, Bergen, Norway)
"Computer Corpora in Research and Teaching"
No real proceedings, but the following includes most papers and later additions:
JOHANSSON, Stig. (Ed.). (1982). Computer Corpora in English Language
Research. Bergen: Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities. [ISBN: 827283-027-2]
3rd ICAME (1982, Sept 12-14, Stockholm, Sweden)
"Seminar on the Use of Computers in English Language Research"
Report in ICAME News 7 (1983), 1-12
4th ICAME (1983, May 30-June 1, Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
AARTS, Jan & Willem MEIJS. (Eds.). (1984). Corpus Linguistics: recent
developments in the use of computer corpora in English language research.
Amsterdam: Rodopi.
[Includes two papers (by Quirk and Greenbaum) not originally presented at the
5 th ICAME (1984, May 19-22, Windermere, England)
No real ‘Proceedings’, but ICAME News 9, pp. 3-28, has a report on the meeting, with
descriptions of the papers rather than the full papers themselves.
6th ICAME (1985, May 19-22, Röstånga, Sweden).
Report in ICAME News 10 (1986), 10-61.
7th ICAME (1986, June 9-11, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
MEIJS, Willem (Ed.). (1987). Corpus Linguistics and Beyond. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
I wish to thank the ICAME luminaries who helped in this filling in some of the gaps, among whom
were Bengt Altenberg, Stig Johansson, Geoff Leech, Geoff Sampson.
8th ICAME (1987, May 21-24, Helsinki, Finland)
KYTÖ, Merja, Ossi IHALAINEN, and Matti RISSANEN. (Eds.). (1988). Corpus
Linguistics, Hard and Soft. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
9th ICAME (1988, May 18-22, Birmingham, England)
AARTS, Jan & Willem MEIJS. (Eds.). 1990. Theory and Practice in Corpus
Linguistics. Amsterdam: Rodopi. [Includes some papers not originally
presented at the conference]
10th ICAME (1989, June 1-4, Bergen, Norway)
JOHANSSON, Stig & Anna-Brita STENSTRÖM. (Eds). (1991). English Computer
Corpora: selected papers and research guide. Berlin/New York: Mouton de
11th ICAME (1990, June 10-13, Berlin, Germany)
LEITNER, Gerhard (Ed.). (1992). New Directions in English Language Corpora:
methodology, results, software developments. Mouton de Gruyter: Berlin.
12th ICAME (1991, May 8-12, Ilkley, England, UK)
SOUTER, Clive & Eric ATWELL. (1993). Corpus-based Computational Linguistics.
Amsterdam: Rodopi.
13th ICAME (1992, June 3-7, Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
AARTS, Jan, Pieter de HAAN and Nelleke OOSTDIJK. (Eds.). (1993). English
Language Corpora: design, analysis and exploitation. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
14th ICAME (1993, May 19-23, Zürich, Switzerland)
FRIES, Udo, Gunnel TOTTIE and Peter SCHNEIDER. (Eds.). (1994). Creating and
Using English Language Corpora. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
15th ICAME (1994, May 18 - 22, Århus, Denmark)
Proceedings published in:
LAURIDSEN, Karen M. & LAURIDSEN, Ole. (Eds.). (1994). Hermes, 13, Århus
School of Business, Faculty of Modern Languages, Available on-line at:
http://hermes.asb.dk/archive/1994/Hermes13.html . Paper version can be
ordered from: The Århus School of Business, Elin Madsen/Faculty of Modern
Languages, Fuglesangs alle 4, DK 8210 Århus V. Fax: (+45)_ 86157727. Email: kal@hdc.hha.dk
16th ICAME (1995, May 24-29, Toronto, Canada)
PERCY, Carol E., Charles F. MEYER & Ian LANCASHIRE. (Eds.) (1996).
Synchronic Corpus Linguistics. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
17th ICAME (1996, May 15-19, Stockholm, Sweden)
LJUNG, Magnus. (Ed.) (1997). Corpus-based Studies in English. Amsterdam:
18th ICAME (1997, May 21-25, Chester, UK)
RENOUF, Antoinette (Ed.). (1998). Explorations in Corpus Linguistics. Amsterdam:
19th ICAME (1998, May 20-24, Newcastle, Northern Ireland)
KIRK, John M. (Ed.) (2000). Corpora Galore: analyses and techniques in describing
English. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
20th ICAME (1999, May 62-03, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany)
MAIR, Christian & Marianne HUNDT (Eds.). (2000). Corpus Linguistics and
Linguistic Theory. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
21st ICAME (2000, April 21-25, Sydney, Australia)
COLLINS, Peter, Pam PETERS & Adam SMITH. (Eds.). (2002). New Frontiers of
Corpus Research. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
22nd ICAME (2001, May 62-63, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)
GRANGER, Sylviane & Stephanie PETCH-TYSON (Eds.). (2003). Extending the
Scope of Corpus-based Research: New applications, new challenges.
Amsterdam: Rodopi.
23rd ICAME (2002, May 22-26, Göteborg, Sweden)
AIJMER, Karin & ALTENBERG, Bengt (Eds.). (2004). Advances in Corpus
Linguistics. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
24th ICAME (2003, April 23-27, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, British Isles)
RENOUF, Antoinette & KEHOE, Andrew (Eds.). (2006). The Changing Face of
Corpus Linguistics. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
25th ICAME (2004, May 19-23, University of Verona, Italy)
FACCHINETTI, Roberta (Ed.). (2007). Corpus Linguistics 25 Years on. Amsterdam:
26th ICAME (2005, May 12-15, 2005, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan,
USA. [Joint meeting of the AAACL (American Association of Applied Corpus
Linguistics) and ICAME)
ÄDEL, Annelie & Randi Reppen (Eds.). Forthcoming (2008). Corpora and
Discourse: The Challenges of Different Settings. Amsterdam/Philadelphia:
John Benjamins.
27th ICAME (2006, 24-28 May, 2006, Helsinki, Finland)
PAHTA, Päivi, Taavitsainen, Irma, Nevalainen, Terttu & Tyrkkö, Jukka (Eds.).
(2007). Towards Multimedia in Corpus Studies. Research Unit for Variation,
Contacts and Change in English (VARIENG), University of Helsinki.
[Available on-line at: http://www.helsinki.fi/varieng/journal/volumes/02/ ]
NEVALAINEN, Terttu, Taavitsainen, Irma, Pahta, Päivi & Korhonen, Minna (Eds.).
Forthcoming. The Dynamics of Linguistic Variation: Corpus Evidence on
English Past and Present. John Benjamins.
28th ICAME (2007, 23-27 May 2007, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK)
29th ICAME (2008, 14-18 May 2008, Ascona, Switzerland)
30th ICAME (2009, Lancaster, UK)
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