The Queen`s University of Belfast

The Queen’s University of Belfast
School of Politics, International Studies and Philosophy
Academic Conference in connection with the
Centenary of Queen’s (1908-2008)
and of Scholastic Philosophy within it
Opening by H.E Cardinal Daly
Venue: Elms Village Conference Room QUB.
Dates: Thursday 26 — Saturday 28 June 2008
Sponsored by QUB Centenary Fund,
The School of Politics, International Studies and Philosophy,
The Diocese of Down and Connor,
The Faculty of Arts, Celtic Studies and Philosophy, NUIM,
The Institute of Philosophy, KUL Leuven (Belgium)
The conference will be held under the academic auspices of the Royal Irish Academy, the School
of Politics, International Studies and Philosophy, QUB and the Irish Philosophical Society
Conference Organisers: Rev. Professor James McEvoy & Dr Michael Dunne
Conference Manager: Julia Hynes
Professor Margaret Mullet, Director of the Institute of Byzantine Studies. QUB (to
be confirmed)
Professor Cynthia Macdonald, Professor of Philosophy, School of Politics,
International Studies and Philosophy, QUB
Professor Marie-Therese Flanagan, Professor of Medieval History, School of
History, QUB
Dr Mette Lebech, Lecturer in Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, NUIM
Dr Kevin O’Reilly, Lecturer in Philosophy, The Milltown Institute, Dublin
Professor William Desmond, Professor of Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, KU
Leuven (Belgium)
Dr Catherine Kavanagh, Lecturer in Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, MIC
Most Rev. Dr John Fleming, Bishop of Killala
Dr Michael Dunne, Lecturer in Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, NUIM
Rev. Professor James McEvoy, Professor of Scholastic Philosophy, School of
Politics, International Studies and Philosophy, QUB
Dr Michael Haren, Irish Manuscripts Commission
An t-Ollamh Ruairí Ó hUiginn: Ollamh na Nua-Ghaeilge, NUIM
Professor Martin Stone, Professor of Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, KU
Leuven (Belgium)
Rev. Dr Alessandro M. Apollonio, FI: Professor of Logic and Theology, Seminario
Teologico dei Frati Francescani dell’Immacolata, Rome
Dr Liam Chambers, Department of History, MIC Limerick
Rev. Dr Gavan Jennings, Secretary of the Irish Philosophy Society
Professor Philipp Rosemann, Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy,
University of Dallas.
Conference Programme:
Thursday 26 June
Registration: 9.30-10.15 Full Fee for Participants: £40 (includes 2 lunches and Reception)
Admission free for Staff and Postgraduates of School of Politics, International Studies and Philosophy
QUB Graduates in Scholastic Philosophy will pay a reduced fee of £15 for the conference
Students, OAPs and unwaged £5
Professor Shane O’Neill, Head of the School of Politics, International Studies and Philosophy,
Formal Opening: H.E. Cardinal Cahal B. Daly
10.50-11.15 Coffee
Session 1 (11.15-13.00) Early Academic Links Between Ireland and Europe
Chair: Professor Margaret Mullet
11.15 Catherine Kavanagh: John Scottus Eriugena and the Uses of Dialectic
12.10 John Fleming: Gille of Limerick (ca 1072-1145), an Irish Canonist
13.00-14.15 Lunch
Session 2 (14.15-16.05) Irish Continental Scholastics
Chair: Professor Cynthia Macdonald
14.15 Michael Dunne: Petrus de Hibernia and Aristotelianism in Southern Italy
15.10 James McEvoy: Thomas de Hibernia, Anthologist of the Classical and Patristic Theories
of Friendship
16.05-16.20 Tea
Session 3 (16.20-18.05) Insular and Linguistic Interests
Chair: Professor Marie-Therese Flanagan
16.20 Michael Haren: Richard Fitzralph of Dundalk, Oxford and Armagh: Scholar, Prelate and
17.15 Ruairí Ó hUiginn: Scholars, Schools and Scholasticism: Aspects of the Irish Language
and Late Medieval Learning
Friday 27 June
Session 4 (9.15-12.25) The Irish Academic Presence in Louvain, Rome and Paris
Chair: Dr Mette Lebech
9.15 Martin Stone: Poncius’s Riposte: The Irish Dimension to Early Modern Scotism from
Cauellus to Anthony Rourke
10.15 Alessandro M. Apollonio: Hugh McCawell (Hugo Cauellus) on the Knowledge of
Individuals (translated and read by Dr Michael Dunne)
11.10-11.30 Coffee
11.30 Liam Chambers: Michael Moore and his Contemporaries: Irish Scholastics in Early
Modern France ca 1650-ca 1750
12.30-18.30 Lunch and Afternoon Break
Optional Visit to Carrickfergus Castle and the Historic Church of St Nicholas
18.30 Book Launch and Reception: Conference Room, Elms Village, QUB
To be launched by Professor Martin Stone: Yearbook IPS (2007), ed. Dr Will Desmond
To be launched by Dr Catherine Kavanagh: Maynooth Philosophical Papers Issue 4, ed. Dr
Cyril McDonnell .
Copies of the following publications will be placed on sale at reduced prices. Proceeds from sales will go towards
conference expenses.
Thomas Aquinas: Approaches to Truth, eds. James McEvoy and Michael Dunne, £10
Philosophy and Totality, ed. James McEvoy (1977), £2; Marx, Justice and Dialectic; Deals and Ideals: Two
Concepts of Enlightenment (James Daly) £3 each.
Fealsúnacht 2 volumes, eds. Colin Harper et al. £3
Conference Poster £2
20.00 Conference Dinner at Malone Lodge Hotel, Eglantine Avenue, Belfast
Saturday 28 June
Session 5 (9.30-10.25) Chair: Dr Kevin O’Reilly
Gavan Jennings: Peter Coffey (1876-1943), Neo-Scholastic and Social Theorist
10.25-10.50 Coffee
Session 6 (10.50-11.45) Chair: Professor William Desmond
10.50 Philipp Rosemann: The Future of Scholastic Thought
11.45 Conference Review with Discussion led by James McEvoy and Martin Stone
12.30 Acknowledgements: Michael Dunne
Closure: Mette Lebech
The Wisdom icon on the front is reproduced with the permission of the University.