Call for Proposals IVETA Annual Conference – Las Vegas, Nevada USA, December 3-4, 2013 Proposals Due July 31, 2013 Note that in previous years, the IVETA Annual USA conference was a one-day conference. In 2013 we are moving to a two-day conference. The International Vocational Education and Training Association (IVETA) invites the submission of proposals for presentation on the theme of “Quality Assurance in Technical-Vocational Education and Training (TVET)” for its annual conference on Tuesday and Wednesday, December 3-4 in Las Vegas, Nevada USA. TVET is used to include VET and CTE. The annual conference is being held in conjunction with the annual IVETA membership meeting and the ACTE Convention, which is being held December 4-7, 2013 in Las Vegas, Nevada. ( Quality assurance (QA) consists of procedures to ensure that a company or organization is providing the best possible products or services. Quality assurance in TVET focuses on enhancing and improving the processes that are used to provide relevant, effective, efficient work-related instruction. It is the “systematic measurement, comparison with a standard, monitoring of processes and an associated feedback loop that confers error prevention.” The Conference will focus on key aspects of Quality Assurance in TVET, including, but not limited to: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Approaches to monitoring and evaluation of TVET programs Developing performance indicators and assessment tools Data-driven decision-making Using data to guide program improvement Demonstrating return on investment (ROI) Promoting industry relevance of TVET programs through a. The development of TVET content standards through job analysis and similar research techniques b. Linking educational programming to labor market information 7) Implementing program accountability systems 8) Approaches to ensuring quality instruction Submission of presentations is being sought in these general or related areas. Presentations that are not associated to Quality Assurance in TVET will NOT be considered for inclusion in the program. Deadlines for submissions of presentation proposals: July 31st, 2013, submissions of the completed presentation proposal form and resumes of presenters August 31st, 2013, selection and notification of presenters October 1st, 2013, complete papers in electronic MS Word format, and presentations (electronic MS Power Point format required). Presentations will be made available on the IVETA website. IVETA Contact: Robert A. Mahlman, 2013 IVETA Annual Conference Chair Electronic mail contact (preferred), phone 614-292-9072, fax 614-292-4323 Presentation Proposal Form – 2013 IVETA Annual Conference 2013 International Vocational Education and Training Association Conference December 3-4, 2013 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Presentation Proposal Submission Form IVETA Annual Conference Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, December 3-4, 2013 Take part in the International Vocational Education and Training Association Conference by sharing your experience, wisdom and knowledge with Technical-Vocational Education and Training experts from around the world! If you are a Technical Vocational Education and Training or Career-Technical Education professional willing to share your expertise, complete this form and return it to the 2012 IVETA Annual Conference Chair by July 31st, 2013. For 2013, the Conference Committee’s goal is to include presentations that focus on innovative programs on the following theme: “Quality Assurance in Technical-Vocational Education and Training (TVET)” Please complete following information form and return by July 31st, 2013, via email to Please Submit a Complete Proposal Presentations will be selected and presenters notified by August 31st, 2013. Presenter Registration Policy: Presenters are asked to register and attend the entire two-day conference at the regular registration fee. Thank you for your interest in this GREAT opportunity Presentation Information Presentation Title: Length of Presentation* (includes question & answers) 30 minutes 45 minutes 60 minutes (double-click box to check) Lead Presenter Name: Title/Position: (Communications will ONLY be sent to this contact) E-mail Address: (ALL future communications will be sent via email) School/Organization: School/Organization Address: Lead Presenter Home Address Home/Cell Phone: Business Phone: Questions? Contact Bob Mahlman at 2 Presentation Proposal Form – 2013 IVETA Annual Conference 2013 International Vocational Education and Training Association Conference December 3-4, 2013 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA By checking this box, I hereby grant permission to provide the PowerPoint (and paper, if relevant) to participants via the IVETA Website Permission granted (double-click box to check) Additional Presenter(s) Information (please limit to three presenters) Name: Title/Position: E-mail Address: (ALL future communications will be sent via email) School/Organization: Address Phone: Name: Title/Position: E-mail Address: (ALL future communications will be sent via email) School/Organization: Address Phone: Presentation Abstract – this will be used to select presentations Presentation Abstract – Please provide an overview of your presentation, including your objectives and what attendees will learn and/or benefits of attendance. (250 words or less, please): Presenter Bios Short bio on EACH presenter; please include title, school/organization and experience in the topic area. Limit bio to 40 words or less. Presenter 1: Presenter 2: Presenter 3: IMPORTANT: - Audio/Visual - all rooms will have a projection screen, laptop, and LCD projector. If your presentation is selected, you will be notified by August 31st, 2013 All communications will be sent via email to the Lead Presenter ONLY Incomplete proposals will not be considered Questions? Contact Bob Mahlman at 3 Presentation Proposal Form – 2013 IVETA Annual Conference 2013 International Vocational Education and Training Association Conference December 3-4, 2013 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA - Please review this proposal carefully before submitting *Length of presentation may need to be adjusted depending on scheduling Questions? Contact Bob Mahlman at 4