Europe Postcard Project

Where did we go?
Europe Postcard Project
You are to create a …
A. Collage on HALF a poster (covering the entire half poster- edge to edge).
Half a Poster= 14 in. by 22 in.
 You must have typed labels on the pictures stating where and what it is.
 Do NOT include the name of your country on the collage.
 Use color pictures (internet, magazines, travel brochures) and/or color photos.
 Fuzzy/blurry pictures and/or tiny pictures are NOT acceptable.
B. Write a letter to your World Geography Class.
Letter must be TYPED and PASTED on the back of the poster.
Your letter must include the following at least 15 of the following:
1. Relative location
2. Capital
3. 1 large city other than the capital
4. Current head of government
5. Type of government w/explanation
6. Human Environment Interaction
7. Significant historical event with an explanation.
8. Famous person and why he/she is famous. Cultural
9. Famous person and why he/she is famous. Historical
10. Typical “hello” and “goodbye” in the native language
11. One national holiday and meaning- example- 4th of July (New Year’s, Xmas,
Easter, Halloween are not acceptable)
12. Typical meal
13. One popular pastime activity
14. Historical Cool place to visit with explanation
15. Cultural Cool place to visit with explanation
16. Religious Cool place to visit with explanation
17. Cool place to visit with explanation
18. Cool thing for typical teenagers to do
NUMBER each fact by putting the number in parentheses ex: hamburger and fries (12)
and HIGHLIGHT each fact. Facts do not have to go in order.
C. Design a Stamp
✉ Stamp design should use a symbol (s) commonly associated with the country and
be colored.
✉ DO NOT use the country’s flag.
✉ Put a monetary value on the stamp. Use the currency on the country.
✉ Use the stamp template on this project sheet. Cut it out and Paste it on the
Grading Rubric:
Collage – entire poster covered; very little empty space
Pictures – gorgeous pictures relevant to country; secured to poster
Labels – typed and font is easy to read; secured to poster; explains who/what/where
Stamp – clearly thought out; colorful; secured to back of poster; symbolizes/represents country
Letter – typed and pasted securely; facts numbered and highlighted; all 15 points covered and flows
well; clearly thought out; creative, fun, interesting; has character; accurate information; obvious class is
interested in letter
Collage – most of poster is covered; little empty space
Pictures – great pictures; mostly relevant; secured to poster
Labels – typed and font is somewhat easy to read; some explanation; secured to poster
Stamp – great symbol that represents country; secured to poster; colorful
Letter – typed and pasted; accurate information; facts numbered and highlighted; all points covered;
mostly interesting; some character; some creativity
Collage – pictures and empty space are about equal
Pictures – good pictures; somewhat relevant; some pictures more secured than others
Labels – typed and secured; some explained
Stamp – country represented; not much color; not all space used
Letter – accurate information; all information included; not typed/labeled/highlighted; you completed
the assignment
Collage – mostly empty space
Pictures – pictures blurry/too small; pictures not relevant to assignment; pictures not secured to poster
Labels – not typed; difficult to read; not secured; little explanation
Stamp – no symbol used or not much country representation; small; lots of white space; not colorful
Letter – missing information; information not all accurate; not though out; doesn’t flow well; not typed
and pasted; facts not labeled/highlighted
Collage – poster is bare
Pictures – blurry/small; no relevance to assignment; not secured to poster
Labels – not typed; not labeled; not explained
Stamp – not thought put into it; did not follow directions; does not represent country accurately; not
Letter - no thought went into this assignment; information not accurate; missing most information
______ x 6 = _____
______ x 2 = _____
______ x 2 = _____
______ x 8 = _____
______ x 2 = _____