Sun Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Diameter (km) 1,391,900 4,866 12,106 12,742 6,760 139,516 116,438 46,940 45,432 2,274 Converted Diameter (in) 2.274 Distance from Sun (km) 0 57,950,000 108,110,000 149,570,000 227,840,000 778,140,000 1,427,000,000 2,470,300,000 4,499,900,000 5,913,000,000 Converted Distance 1 (in) 5,913 Step 1 - Conversions - Divide all the sun/planet diameters by 1,000 so to find the Converted Diameter - Divide all the sun/planet distances by 1,000,000 to find Converted Distance 1 - Divide all the sun/planet distances by 59,130,000 to find Converted Distance 2 Step 2 – Design & Assemble Solar System - Design the sun/planets as Part files. - Assemble the solar system using the Converted Distance 1 for planet spacing Step 3 – Football Field - Use the converted Distance 2 to properly layout our Solar System - Have Mr. Cady check your Solar System when you are done. Converted Distance 2 (yards) 0 1 1.5 2.5 4 13 25 43 75 100