


The Institute of Languages and Communication provides students the necessary language knowledge and skills for building a successful career in their profession. Students’ experience as trainees and the results of the surveys conducted after they have found employment continuously inform us about which factors contribute to the development of competitive professional and language knowledge.

Commerce and Marketing Programme

Exit requirements

For obtaining a degree (BA), students on the Commerce and Marketing Programme must have a state-approved, intermediate level (B2) specialised (economics) examination certificate of the complex type in one foreign language , corresponding to the subject area of the Programme or a state-approved, advanced level (C1) general language examination certificate of the complex type or a Secondary School Leaving Examination Certificate or a degree equivalent thereto.

As you will attend the Foreign Language Programme, the degree to be obtained at the end of your studies will be equivalent to an advanced level monolingual examination certificate. In this way you will meet the language-related exit requirements at an advanced level.

Studying languages at the College

Commerce and Marketing Programme


1st (autumn) semester 2nd (spring) semester

1st Study Skills 1

Business Language 1 and


Business Language 2

Study Skills 2

Language for Economics

The language of your studies

During the first and second semester of your studies, you will study a subject entitled

Study Skills 1 and 2 in two hours per week, aimed at maintaining your proficiency level in your major language. Registering for these courses and obtaining credits are compulsory.

A second foreign language

Receiving instruction in a different foreign language begins in the second semester and lasts three semesters in four hours per week.

Languages offered: German, Spanish

From the second semester onwards continually, it is compulsory to register and obtain credits for the courses Business Language 1 and 2 , followed by Language for

Economics ( Professional Foreign Language).

Each semester is closed with a grade. For the conditions of getting a grade see below.

Tourism and Catering Programme

Exit requirements

For obtaining a degree (BA), students on the Tourism and Catering Programme must have state-approved, intermediate level (B2) specialised (economics) examination certificates of the complex type in two foreign languages , corresponding to the subject area of the Programme – one of them replaceable with a state-approved, advanced level

(C1) general language examination certificate of the complex type – or a Secondary School

Leaving Examination Certificate or a degree equivalent thereto.

As you will attend the Foreign Language Programme, the degree to be obtained at the end of your studies will be equivalent to an advanced level monolingual examination certificate. In this way you will meet one of the language-related exit requirements at an advanced level. In the other language you will need to take an examination complying with the criteria above (specialised intermediate/advanced level or general advanced level).

Studying languages at the College

Tourism and Catering Programme


1st (autumn) semester

Business Language 1

2nd (spring) semester

Business Language 2

1st and

Study Skills 1 and

Study Skills 2



Business Language 3

Language for Tourism and


Business Language 4

Catering Programme

Study Skills 3



Tourism Programme :

Study Skills 3

The language of your studies

During the first and second semester of your studies, you will study a subject entitled

Study Skills 1 and 2 in two hours per week, aimed at maintaining your proficiency level in your major language. In the fifth semester, Study Skills 3 is meant to provide you with assistance in writing your thesis paper. Registering for these courses and obtaining credits are compulsory.

A second foreign language

Receiving instruction in a different foreign language begins in the first semester and lasts five semesters in four hours per week.

Languages taught: French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian and Hungarian as a foreign language.

It is compulsory to register and obtain credits for the courses Business Language 1, 2, 3, 4 and, later on, Foreign Language for Tourism and Hospitality (irrespectively of language examination certificates). You may choose to spend those five semeters studying a single foreign language (especially, if you start from a beginner or false beginner level), or, alternatively, after three semesters (and passing the language examination) you may switch to a different language. Each semester is closed with a grade. Conditions of getting a grade are listed below.


Regular attendance at language classes

On missing 6 classes (3 consecutive occasions) students may be tested on the material covered during their absence.

The test should be arranged within the study period of the semester and agreed on by the teacher and the student. Another date may be arranged if the student’s inability to come is certified. Students not able to justify their failure to take the test may not get a teacher’s signature at the end of the semester.

Missing more than 25% of classes may result in an incomplete subject.

Improving a fail mark can be attempted according to Education and Exam


Contribution to class work and performance of tasks set

 regular preparation for classes

 completion of homework

 work on individual assignments (in accordance with the the level of the group) such as home-reading, translation of longer texts or short presentations

 taking mid-term and end-term tests.

In the case of justified absence students may take another (mid- or end-term) paper on a date set by the Institute.

Failing to fulfil any of the above tasks may result in an incomplete subject (i.e. the teacher’s refusal to sign the student record and grant the credit points at the end of the term).

Grading is based on the following:

written assignments

performance during classes

mid- and end-term papers

Any incomplete subject needs to be taken up again for completion.

A state-accredited professional language examination can be taken in the Language

Examination and Training Centre of the BBS (Room 5 at 29-31 Markó utca 1055

