Lesson Plans 12-7-15

Library Skills & Activities
Bayou View Elementary
December 7-11, 2015
Bell Ringer and Anticipatory Set: What animal do you see on the
front covers of these 2 books? Which book is “real?” What do we
call real books? Which book is pretend? What do we call pretend
books? With what letter does the word “dinosaur” begin?
Objectives: 1) Student’s knowledge of fiction versus non-fiction will
be reinforced. 2) Students’ knowledge of the letter “d” will be
Procedure: Teacher Input: The teacher will read the first few
pages of the non-fiction book called Dinosaur Time by Peggy
Parish. The teacher will ask questions to check for comprehension.
When did dinosaurs live? Are any dinosaurs alive today? What do
they eat? What sizes are dinosaurs? The teacher will then read
Edwina: The Dinosaur Who Didn’t Know She Was Extinct by Mo
Willems. Prior to reading the story, the teacher will explain what the
word “extinct” means. The teacher will ask questions to check for
comprehension. Who are the main characters? What is the setting
of the story? Why is Reginald so upset about Edwina? What does
he do about Edwina? How is the problem solved? Closure: Turn
to someone next to you and tell them one thing that you learned
about dinosaurs.
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Objectives: Student’s knowledge of declarative, interrogative and
exclamatory sentences will be reinforced. Bell Ringer and
Anticipatory Set: What is the title of this book? What type of
sentence is that? I just asked you a question. What type of
sentence is a question? I can’t wait for you to hear this story! It is so
funny! What type of sentences are those? Procedure: Mrs.
Marshall will read the book called The Day the Crayons Came
Home? by Drew Daywalt; or she may read the first book by the
same author called The Day the Crayons Quit. As she reads the
book, she will occasionally ask the students to identify the types of
sentences found on each page of the book. Closure: In your mind,
create an exclamatory sentence. Turn to your neighbor and tell
them your exclamatory sentence. Did everyone say a statement
with a lot of excitement?
Bell Ringer and Anticipatory Set: What do we call words such as
can’t or didn’t or I’ve? What do these contractions mean? What are
adjectives? What are adverbs? Objectives: Students’ knowledge
of contractions, adjective and adverbs will be reinforced.
Procedures: Teacher input: Mrs. Marshall will read the book
called The Day the Crayons Came Home? by Drew Daywalt; or she
may read the first book by the same author called The Day the
Crayons Quit. As she reads the book, she will occasionally ask the
students to identify the adjective or adverbs in a sentence. When
the teacher comes across a contraction, she will ask the student
what two words could replace the contraction. Closure: In your
mind, create a sentence using a contraction and at least one
adjective. Turn to your neighbor and tell him or her your sentence.
Bell Ringer and Anticipatory Set: What is the setting of the story?
What are adjectives in the following sentence: The big ugly monster
with three eyes is lonely living in Melvin Bubble’s messy closet.
Objectives: Students’ knowledge of the setting of the story and of
adjectives will be reinforced. Procedures: As the teacher reads a
book called The Day the Crayons Came Home by Drew Daywalt,
she will ask the students to name the setting. She will also ask the
students to listen and identify the adjectives in some of the
sentences of the story. Closure: Create a sentence that uses
ridiculous or funny adjectives. Turn to your neighbor and share that
Grade 4
The students will practice for their Christmas musical in the
Grade 5
Bell Ringer and the Anticipatory Set: The students will view a
YouTube video called the Comma Story – Terisa Folaron.
Objectives: Students’ knowledge of comma usage will be
reinforced. Procedures: Teacher Input: After viewing the video,
the teacher will read the first couple of pages from the book called
Took by Mary Downing Hahn. Next, the teacher will distribute 7
sentences from the book. These sentences will have all the
commas removed. The students will be asked to reinsert the
commas where they belong. The teacher will go over the correct
placement of the commas with the students. Closure: Give me a
thumbs up if you understood the placement of commas in these 7
sentences. Give me a thumbs down if you need further assistance
with comma usage.
Class format for Grades 1-5:
1. The lesson takes the first 15-20 minutes of the class period.
2. Book selection takes the next 15 minutes. Call one table at a time to get their
3. The next 10 minutes is silent reading at their assigned seats or elsewhere.
NOTES: K-1st graders can check out one book. Grades 2-5 can check out two