EFFECTIVE TEACHING: A WORKSHOP Richard M. Felder Hoechst Celanese Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering North Carolina State University Rebecca Brent President, Education Designs, Inc. Cary, North Carolina UCT: 19/20 October 2008 Wits: 27/28 October 2008 UKZN: 30/31October 2008 This workshop provides tools and strategies for engineering and science instructors to make their classes more effective. Separately and together, Drs. Felder and Brent have presented over 300 workshops and seminars on effective teaching, course design, mentoring and supporting new faculty members, and faculty development in science and technology on campuses throughout the United States and in Europe, Asia, South America, and South Africa. They co-direct and facilitate the annual National Effective Teaching Institute under the auspices of the American Society for Engineering Education. Topics addressed during the course include the following: Learning and teaching styles. Defining and assessing learning styles of students. How a single teacher can address the needs of students with the full spectrum of learning styles. Outcomes-based education. Planning, teaching, and assessing courses to address the ABET Engineering Criteria and the Washington Accord. Lecturing and active learning. Common lecturing mistakes and how to avoid them. Getting students actively involved in learning, even if there are 200 of them in the class. Assessment of learning and skill development. Assessing different learning objectives. Designing tests that are both rigorous and fair. Cooperative learning. Defining conditions of cooperative learning. Criteria for forming project teams, helping them to function effectively, and assessing individual effort. Crisis clinic. Problems commonly encountered by instructors (difficult students, cheating, time management) and how to deal with them. Our track record: The workshop has been given on campuses throughout the United States and in South America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and the Far East. It has been exceptionally well received by the participants. Of the 3329 participants who submitted evaluations since 1996, 79% gave the workshop the top rating of “Excellent,” 20% rated it “Good,” fewer than 1% rated it “Average,” and none rated it “Fair” or “Poor.” Following are representative participant responses. “The ideas presented in this workshop are among the best and most useful that I have ever heard. I appreciate the fact that, while they represent a great change in the way material is presented, they do not involve throwing out what I am doing now.” “The presenters were competent, confident, and VERY comfortable. They did a good job of using the audience's expertise.” “The workshop was presented in a way that was very noncritical. Instead of feeling like you are a `bad teacher,’ you felt more like you now have tools to be a more effective or a `great’ teacher.” Course Details University of Cape Town: 19th and 20th October. (Administered by Prof Duncan Fraser as part of the ASEE 7th Global Colloquium on Engineering Education. Please contact him for further details - see below) Wits University: 27th and 28th October University of KwaZulu-Natal: 30th and 31st October Fees R1950 R1800 R1650 delegates per Department or School 1 2 3 or more Enquiries / Registrations: For more information about this workshop and to register online, please visit our website www.wits.ac.za/Enterprise/index.html or alternatively you can contact Tennyson Mashiloane: (011) 717 1188: E-mail: Tennyson.Mashiloane@wits.ac.za or Joshna Panday (011) 717 4592; E-mail: Joshna. Panday@wits.ac.za For enquiries about the course at the University of KwaZulu- Natal, contact Dr J. Pocock (Programme Coordinator Academic Support and Advancement Programme) , e-mail: pocockj@ukzn.ac.za, Tel 031 260 3377 For enquiries about the course at the University of Cape Town, contact Prof Duncan Fraser, email Duncan.Fraser@uct.ac.za, Tel 021-650-2515, or visit the ASEE website, www.asee.org. ************************** Our Internationally Acclaimed Presenters: Richard M. Felder, Ph.D., is Hoechst Celanese Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina. He has authored or coauthored over 200 papers on chemical process engineering and engineering education and presented hundreds of seminars, workshops, and short courses in both categories to industrial and research institutions and universities throughout the United States and abroad. He has won R.J. Reynolds Award for Excellence in Teaching, Research, and Extension, the AT&T Foundation Award for Excellence in Engineering Education, the Chemical Manufacturers Association National Catalyst Award, the ASEE Chester F. Carlson Award for innovation in engineering education, the 2002 AIChE Warren K. Lewis Award for contributions to chemical engineering education, the ASEE Chemical Engineering Division Lifetime Achievement Award for Pedagogical Scholarship, and a number of national and regional awards for his publications on engineering education. Many of his publications can be viewed at <http://www.ncsu.edu/felder-public>. Rebecca Brent, Ed.D., is President of Education Designs, Inc., a consulting firm in Cary, North Carolina. Her academic degrees are from Millsaps College (B.A., 1978), Mississippi State University (M.Ed., 1981), and Auburn University (Ed.D., 1988). Her interests include faculty development in the sciences and engineering and simulation and multimedia development in teacher education. She received the 1990 Research Article Award from the Organization of Teacher Educators in Reading and the 1993-94 East Carolina Alumni Association Teaching Excellence Award.