Some Challenges of Statistical Capacity Building

Carol S. Carson ( )
with Lucie Laliberté and Sarmad Khawaja
International Monetary Fund, Statistics Department
53rd Session of ISI, Seoul, August 22-23, 2001
IPM 43: Enhancing Statistical Capabilities
Some Challenges of Statistical Capacity Building
We may be at a critical juncture as we examine statistical capacity, statistical capacity
building, and international efforts to support statistical capacity building. The information
society, globalization, demands for transparency, and increased use of quantified expressions
of national and global goals have given new prominence to official statistics. The last decade
has witnessed the emergence of capacities to produce statistics as needed for a marketoriented economy in a number of countries, and we may be seeing emphasis shifted to
strengthening statistical capacity in countries where alleviating poverty is the overarching
policy concern. As the emphasis shifts, there is an opportunity to examine whether
international efforts at technical cooperation or assistance in statistics (hereafter TA) were
optimal and what changes might be made if they are not. As well, for several reasons, there is
a strong interest in getting more results from TA and other assistance provided by donors to
countries attempting to strengthen their statistical capacity, for reasons that may range from
general "aid fatigue" to more specific calls by donors for accountability in the use of scarce
Whether all these and other factors come together as a single challenge representing a
critical conjuncture for statistics could be explored as a contribution to this panel. Probably
each of the developments could be explored on its own as a challenge. However, rather than
pursuing either of these topics, I would like to pursue the idea that these and other factors
have a common implication. That implication is that the time has come for us to firm up what
we mean by statistical capacity and then identify how we might track changes in statistical
capacity. I will present some ideas of how this might be done as a springboard to encourage
comments and suggestions. The ideas that I will present draw on the IMF's experience in
statistics as embodied in the Data Quality Assessment Framework. In addition to discussion
here, I expect that the Paris21 Consortium's Task Team on Indicators of Statistical Capacity
Building will be a forum where this discussion will be carried forward.
Section A sets out why I think the time has come for us to take up these topics. The
Data Quality Assessment Framework (DQAF) and IMF experience are briefly described in
Section B. Section C suggests a way forward toward a methodology for tracking statistical
capacity, and Section D asks “Where do we go from here?”
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A. The Time Has Come
Many of the interrelated factors listed above push us to firming up what we mean by
statistical capacity and to be able to identify whether and how much progress is being made
in developing statistical capacity.
We noted the new prominence of official statistics. How do we respond to the calls
for more and better statistics? Can we just say that resources are tight and we cannot do
more? We may need to show that priorities must be established and sequenced across a range
of statistics, and/or that progress is being made even if it is slower than some might expect.
We noted that more attention is turning to strengthening statistical capacity in areas when
poverty alleviation is the overarching concern. But the record of the past TA may not be
heartening. The recipient countries are as disillusioned as the donors, if not more so. Donors,
however, are better positioned to ask for comprehensive planning of statistical capacity
building and for documentation of results. How do we respond? With the danger lurking that
resources may be curtailed, the need is fast emerging for an appropriate response.
To date, we have not been adequately equipped to address statistical capacity building
in its entire complexity. Our approach, to varying degrees, has been mainly intuitive,
spontaneous, and conducted on an ad hoc basis. We, the international community, tend to
focus our efforts on our own area of expertise and, to some degree, without knowledge of aid
provided by other agencies. What this paper is suggesting is a methodology that, I believe,
could help us change this situation.
B. The DQAF and IMF Experience
In a nutshell, the DQAF identifies the most important characteristics of the statistical
system and organizes them into a framework that can be used around the world. It
encompasses the organizational aspects of a statistical unit, the policies and processes of a
statistical unit, and the characteristics of the statistical output. It is organized in a cascading
structure that progresses from the general level to the specific. The first level defines the
institutional preconditions required for quality and five dimensions of data quality: integrity,
methodological soundness, accuracy and reliability, serviceability, and accessibility. Each
component of this level is in turn characterized by elements, which are further elaborated by
indicators. This main framework, which is referred as the generic framework (presented in
Annex 1), constitutes the common basis from which the more concrete and detailed
frameworks specific to datasets are elaborated (e.g., national accounts, balance of payments).
We, in the IMF Statistics Department, have used the DQAF in three ways: to assess
data quality, as a compass for TA, and as a device to monitor such assistance. The DQAF is a
framework that permits the full capture of a statistical system.1
For further information, see the following articles on the Fund’s Data Quality Reference
Site ( ): "Toward a Framework for Assessing Data Quality"
The Data Module of so-called Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes
(ROSCs)2 appraise current data dissemination practices against the Special Data
Dissemination Standard (SDDS) or General Data Dissemination System (GDDS) and assess
data quality. Data quality is assessed by applying the DQAF. The summary assessment of
quality provides a snapshot of the current status of the statistics using a 4-point scale
describing the observance of the good practices identified in the DQAF. IMF staff also enter
into an exchange about how to effect the desired improvements. The DQAF is helpful in
precisely identifying the areas for improvements.
IMF technical assistance missions have increasingly used the DQAF both to structure
the evaluation of the situation and their recommendations. As an evenhanded tool of
assessment, the DQAF is applied easily across a very diverse range of countries that
comprise the IMF’s membership. Also, the DQAF is applied flexibly with the objective of
pointing to areas that may need attention so that an action plan, and the resources to carry it
out, can be identified.
We are exploring the use of the DQAF as a tool for planning and monitoring its TA
activities. TA is organized as projects with clearly identified objectives, with each project
involving one or more missions. The department currently uses a “logical framework”
(matrix approach), where current activities of the recipient country are defined and, based on
certain assumptions, clearly linked to expected outcomes with a timetable. At any stage
during the project, one can track what has been achieved against the expected outcomes,
including the reasons for the results, and the need, if any, to review the basic assumptions.
Consideration is being given to using the DQAF as the main structure of the system with a
view to harmonizing its various functions of describing, planning and monitoring. The main
features of what would constitute the new system are presented in the next section.
C. Toward a Methodology for Tracking Statistical Capacity
The IMF experience suggests that the DQAF, or an adaptation of it, could be
effectively used as the underlying methodology for tracking statistical capacity. The strength
of the DQAF for this purpose lies in its comprehensiveness: it addresses all aspects of a
dataset, covering for that specific dataset the statistical unit, the processes, and the output. It
is applicable across a range of datasets. It is adaptable to different country situations. By
bringing together internationally accepted standards and codes of good practices so that
(October 2000) and "Further steps Toward a Framework for Assessing Data Quality" (May
ROSCs are reports that are produced for assessing the adherence of countries to standards
and codes. They are part of an international effort, undertaken in 1999, to strengthen the
architecture of the international financial system. For statistics, the relevant standards are the
SDDS and GDDS, depending on the country circumstances.
country’s current practices can be compared with them, it helps to highlight the
vulnerabilities of the system and facilitates the identification of the TA interventions required
to strengthen it. It gives guidance on sequencing the tasks required by taking into account the
actual circumstances of the system and the interdependencies of the statistical operations.
The application of the DQAF to tracking statistical capacity involves two broad steps:
selection of statistics that can be taken as representative of the statistical system and setting
up tools to perform three functions. These functions are (i) providing a snapshot reading of
the current status of the statistics (describing); (ii) providing a framework for planning
statistical development (planning); and (iii) providing a framework for monitoring statistical
capacity building (monitoring) and evaluation.
Selection of datasets
It is widely recognized that users’ statistical needs evolve over time reflecting the
changing reality under measurement as well as newly recognized concerns. The statistics to
be selected should be from among those that help in developing, conducting, and monitoring
public policy purposes. However, selection needs to be brought to workable proportions
through the use of criteria that would be adapted to countries’ circumstances. For developing
countries, the series contained in the GDDS constitute a good starting point since they were
identified as relevant for economic analysis and the monitoring of social and demographic
progress. Among these statistics, the focus could be, for example, on those for which
methodological manuals exist in the field. Alternatively, the focus could be on those used to
track global goals. A further selection could be to concentrate on statistics, such as national
accounts and population, that are recognized as providing a comprehensive reading of certain
aspects of society. The advantage of comprehensive statistics is that they provide a broad
framework to harmonize the definitions and classification of other statistics on which they
are based, and constitute the denominators for a number of important economic and social
Functions of the framework
Once the datasets have been selected as representative of the statistical system, the
DQAF can be applied to perform the three functions of describing, planning, and monitoring.
The description will provide a snapshot reading of the current status of the statistics and, as
such, constitutes a measure of statistical capacity for these datasets. The DQAF can also be
used as a mechanism for planning statistical development; a common platform for planning
will be especially useful when some of the milestones are to be performed with the assistance
of various external donors. Finally, the use of a common format for describing and planning
should greatly facilitate the monitoring of statistical capacity building and evaluation of TA.
The combination and interrelationship of these three functions are presented in a
summary form in the Statistical Capacity Matrix (Matrix) shown in Table 1. While the
Matrix can be applied to any dataset, it is applied here, for illustrative purposes, to national
accounts. The first column lists areas of activity that have a role in statistical production. The
subsequent columns deal with the three functions of describing, planning, and monitoring, as
described below.
Snapshot reading of current status of the statistics
The observations concerning each of the activities listed in column 1 are recorded in
summary form in column 2. The current conditions are described by comparing them to
internationally accepted standards, guidelines, or practices. The Matrix, to illustrate, uses a 4level scale: practice not observed (NO), largely not observed (LNO), largely observed (LO),
and up to observed (O). Provisions are also made to take into account work under progress
(U) and non-applicability or non-availability of the information (NA). Such description can
be carried out either by a technical assistance mission, by the country authorities, or by
independent assessors.
Planning statistical development
With this reading of the current situation on national accounts, it is much easier to
identify the measures required to improve the situation. It also suggests some form of
sequencing (prioritization) to apply these measures. For instance, there would be little point
in trying to improve the accessibility of statistics until the situation improves in regard to the
availability of resources to process the statistics. The second and third columns provide a
synopsis of milestones along with target dates to reach these milestones. Underpinning these
milestones would be an action plan (e.g., medium term) that could be developed with the
authorities when external assistance is involved.
Monitoring statistical capacity building and evaluation
The plans having been developed with the same framework as that used for
describing the statistical system makes it much easier to assess the outcomes achieved; a
second reading of the situation constitutes effectively a monitoring on how the plans
proceeded. For the example used here, a new reading of the situation shows that by 1999
there was some improvements, although they were not numerous or, on the face of it, striking
(column 5). The reading shows marked improvement in two areas, serviceability and
methodological soundness, where the country was by then “largely observing” good
practices. Some improvements were noted in some aspects of accuracy and reliability. Where
targets were set, they were met. However, it is also noted that there is some deterioration in
one aspect of accuracy and reliability. A snapshot reading in 2002 (column 6) will show to
what extent the country is still lagging not only in the areas where technical assistance was
provided, but also elsewhere in its statistical system.
Table 1. Statistical Capacity Matrix
Country: XXX
Statistics: National Accounts
Prerequisites of quality
Environment is supportive of statistics
Resources are commensurate with statistical program
Quality awareness is cornerstone of work
Policies are guided by professional principles
Policies and practices are transparent
Practices are guided by ethical standards
Methodological soundness
Concepts definitions follow international frameworks
Scope is in accord with international standards
Classification systems are in accord with int. standards
Flows/stocks are valued according to international standards
Accuracy and reliability
Source data are adequate
Statistical techniques conform with sound procedures
Source data are assessed and validated
Intermediate results are assessed and validated
Revisions are tracked
as of
as of
Dec Aug Dec
1999 2002 1999
Statistics cover relevant information on the subject
Timeliness, periodicity follow dissemination standards
Statistics are consistent
Data revisions follow regular, publicized procedures
Presentation is clear and data are available
Up-to-date pertinent metadata are available
Prompt, knowledgeable support is available
Note: Assessment follows the following scale: O – Practice observed; LO – Practice largely observed; LNO –
Practice largely not observed; NO – Not observed; U- Work under progress; NA - Information not available.
D. Where Do We Go From Here?
The experience of using the DQAF as the methodological basis for my department’s
work has been very positive. While the Matrix set out here is a starting point, a number of
issues and concerns will need to be addressed. Two are obvious:
Identification of statistics to serve as representative of the statistical system: How
should the scope for statistical capacity measurement be defined? What is the
critical mass of economic (both macro and micro) and socio-demographic
statistics that reflects at least the core statistical capacity of a country?
Adaptation of the DQAF: Should the DQAF as it now stands be compressed but
still maintain the full spectrum of characteristics of a system? Or should it, for the
purposes of statistical capacity building, focus more on some characteristics, such
as institutional setting?
As I noted at the outset, my purpose in sharing our experience with the DQAF is to
encourage discussion of the use of the DQAF, or some adaptation of it, to provide a
systematic way to describe, strengthen, and monitor statistical capacity building. I hope I
have provided some ideas to serve as a springboard to encourage discussion and comment.
The challenges are out there; let’s work together to meet them.
Data Quality Assessment FrameworkGeneric Framework
(Draft as of July 2001)
Quality Dimensions
Prerequisites of
1. Integrity
The principle of
objectivity in the
processing, and
dissemination of
statistics is firmly
adhered to.
0.1 Legal and institutional
environment – The environment
is supportive of statistics.
0.1.1 The responsibility for collecting, processing,
and disseminating statistics is clearly specified.
0.1.2 Data sharing and coordination among data
producing agencies are adequate.
0.1.3 Respondents' data are to be kept confidential
and used for statistical purposes only.
0.1.4 Statistical reporting is ensured through legal
mandate and/or measures to encourage response.
0.2 Resources – Resources are
commensurate with needs of
statistical programs.
0.2.1 Staff, financial, and computing resources are
commensurate with statistical programs of the
0.2.2 Measures to ensure efficient use of
resources are implemented.
0.3 Quality awareness – Quality
is a cornerstone of statistical
0.3.1 Processes are in place to focus on quality.
0.3.2 Processes are in place to monitor the quality
of the collection, processing, and dissemination of
0.3.3 Processes are in place to deal with quality
considerations, including tradeoffs within quality,
and to guide planning for existing and emerging
1.1 Professionalism – Statistical
policies and practices are guided
by professional principles.
1.1.1 Statistics are compiled on an impartial basis.
1.1.2 Choices of sources and statistical techniques
are informed solely by statistical considerations.
1.1.3 The appropriate statistical entity is entitled
to comment on erroneous interpretation and
misuse of statistics.
1.2 Transparency – Statistical
policies and practices are
1.2.1 The terms and conditions under which
statistics are collected, processed, and
disseminated are available to the public.
1.2.2 Internal governmental access to statistics
prior to their release is publicly identified.
1.2.3 Products of statistical agencies/units are
clearly identified as such.
1.2.4 Advance notice is given of major changes in
methodology, source data, and statistical
1.3 Ethical standards – Policies
and practices are guided by
ethical standards.
1.3.1 Guidelines for staff behavior are in place
and are well known to the staff.
Data Quality Assessment FrameworkGeneric Framework
(Draft as of July 2001)
Quality Dimensions
2. Methodological
The methodological
basis for the statistics
accepted standards,
guidelines, or good
2.1 Concepts and definitions –
Concepts and definitions used are
in accord with internationally
accepted statistical frameworks.
2.1.1 The overall structure in terms of concepts
and definitions follows internationally accepted
standards, guidelines, or good practices: see
dataset-specific framework.
2.2 Scope – The scope is in
accord with internationally
accepted standards, guidelines, or
good practices.
2.2.1 The scope is broadly consistent with
internationally accepted standards, guidelines, or
good practices: see dataset-specific framework.
2.3 Classification/sectorization –
Classification and sectorization
systems are in accord with
internationally accepted
standards, guidelines, or good
2.3.1 Classification/sectorization systems used are
broadly consistent with internationally accepted
standards, guidelines, or good practices: see
dataset-specific framework.
2.4 Basis for recording – Flows
and stocks are valued and
recorded according to
internationally accepted
standards, guidelines, or good
2.4.1 Market prices are used to value flows and
2.4.2 Recording is done on an accrual basis.
2.4.3 Grossing/netting procedures are broadly
consistent with internationally accepted
standards, guidelines, or good practices.
- 10 -
Data Quality Assessment FrameworkGeneric Framework
(Draft as of July 2001)
Quality Dimensions
3. Accuracy and
Source data and
statistical techniques
are sound and
statistical outputs
sufficiently portray
3.1 Source data – Source data
available provide an adequate
basis to compile statistics.
3.1.1 Source data are collected from
comprehensive data collection programs that take
into account country-specific conditions.
3.1.2 Source data reasonably approximate the
definitions, scope, classifications, valuation, and
time of recording required.
3.1.3 Source data are timely.
3.2 Statistical techniques –
Statistical techniques employed
conform with sound statistical
3.2.1 Data compilation employs sound statistical
3.2.2 Other statistical procedures (e.g., data
adjustments and transformations, and statistical
analysis) employ sound statistical techniques.
3.3 Assessment and validation
of source data–Source data are
regularly assessed and validated.
3.3.1 Source data—including censuses, sample
surveys and administrative records—are routinely
assessed, e.g., for coverage, sample error,
response error, and non-sampling error; the
results of the assessments are monitored and
made available to guide planning.
3.4 Assessment and validation
of intermediate data and
statistical outputs.-Intermediate
results and statistical outputs are
regularly assessed and validated.
3.4.1 Main intermediate data are validated against
other information where applicable.
3.4.2 Statistical discrepancies in intermediate data
are assessed and investigated.
3.4.3 Statistical discrepancies and other potential
indicators of problems in statistical outputs are
3.5 Revision studies – Revisions,
as a gauge of reliability, are
tracked and mined for the
information they may provide.
3.5.1 Studies and analyses of revisions are carried
out routinely and used to inform statistical
- 11 -
Data Quality Assessment FrameworkGeneric Framework
(Draft as of July 2001)
Quality Dimensions
4. Serviceability
Statistics are
relevant, timely,
consistent, and follow
a predictable
revisions policy.
4.1 Relevance – Statistics cover
relevant information on the
subject field.
4.1.1 The relevance and practical utility of
existing statistics in meeting users’ needs are
4.2 Timeliness and periodicity –
Timeliness and periodicity follow
internationally accepted
dissemination standards.
4.2.1 Timeliness follows dissemination standards.
4.2.2 Periodicity follows dissemination standards
4.3 Consistency – Statistics are
consistent within the dataset, over
time, and with other major
4.3.1 Statistics are consistent within the dataset
(e.g., accounting identities observed).
4.3.2 Statistics are consistent or reconcilable over
a reasonable period of time.
4.3.3 Statistics are consistent or reconcilable with
those obtained through other data sources and/or
statistical frameworks.
4.4 Revision policy and practice
– Data revisions follow a regular
and publicized procedure.
4.4.1 Revisions follow a regular, well-established
and transparent schedule.
4.4.2 Preliminary data are clearly identified.
4.4.3 Studies and analyses of revisions are made
- 12 -
Data Quality Assessment FrameworkGeneric Framework
(Draft as of July 2001)
Quality Dimensions
5. Accessibility
Data and metadata
are easily available
and assistance to
users is adequate.
5.1 Data accessibility – Statistics
are presented in a clear and
understandable manner, forms of
dissemination are adequate, and
statistics are made available on
an impartial basis.
5.1.1 Statistics are presented in a way that
facilitates proper interpretation and meaningful
comparisons (layout and clarity of text, tables,
and charts).
5.1.2 Dissemination media and formats are
5.1.3 Statistics are released on the pre-announced
5.1.4 Statistics are made available to all users at
the same time.
5.1.5 Non-published (but non-confidential) subaggregates are made available upon request.
5.2 Metadata accessibility – Upto-date and pertinent metadata
are made available.
5.2.1 Documentation on concepts, scope,
classifications, basis of recording, data sources,
and statistical techniques is available, and
differences from internationally accepted
standards, guidelines or good practices are
5.2.2 Levels of detail are adapted to the needs of
the intended audience.
5.3 Assistance to users – Prompt
and knowledgeable support
service is available.
5.3.1 Contact person for each subject field is
5.3.2 Catalogues of publications, documents, and
other services, including information on any
charges, are widely available.
The elements and indicators included here bring together the “pointers to quality” that are applicable across the
five identified dimensions of data quality.