Personal data
Current Position Research scientist
Proposed project position
CESBIO, 18 av E.Belin, Toulouse
+33 (0) 5 61 55 86 68
+33 (0) ( 61 55 85 00
Academic Qualifications
PhD (Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse) in 1995 Global biosphere modelling and contribution of remote
sensing data.
Degree from Ecole Centrale de Paris in 1988.
Relevant Experience
Since 1992, L. Kergoat is involved in ecosystem modelling at local, regional and global scale using remote
sensing data, either with direct diagnostic models or through assimilation schemes. The data are mostly times
series of optic data, but radar has been used to infer sinks and sources of carbon in Siberian forests. Recently, he
has been analysing CO2 flux data from 86 sites to link leaf nitrogen and CO2 flux. He is currently responsible
for remote sensing of terrestrial ecosystems in the UE-AMMA (African Monsoon) project, and he is involved in
field studies of local and regional carbon fluxes in AMMA. These activites have been carried out in the frame of
different projects including UE-ESCOBA, UE-CARBO-SIBERIANFLUX, UE-SIBERIA2.
Recent Publications
* Delbart N, Le Toan T, Kergoat L, V Fedotova, 2006, Remote sensing of spring phenology in boreal regions: A
free of snow-effect method using NOAA-AVHRR and SPOT-VGT data (1982-2004), Remote Sensing of
Environment, 101, 52-62
Vicente-Serrano SM, Grippa M, Delbart N, Le Toan T, and Kergoat L, 2006, Influence of seasonal pressure
patterns on temporal variability of vegetation activity on central Siberia, 2006, International Journal of
Climatology, 26, 303-321, DOI 10.1002/joc.1244
Grippa M, Kergoat L, Le Toan T, Mognard N, Delbart N, L'Hermitte J, and Vicente-Serrano S, 2005, The
impact of snow depth and snowmelt on the vegetation variability over central Siberia,2005, Geophysical
Research Letters, 32, L21412, doi:10.1029/2005GL024286
Delbart N, Kergoat L, Le Toan T, Lhermitte J, Picard G, 2005, Determination of phenological dates in boreal
regions using normalized difference water index, Remote Sensing of Environment, 97(1), 26-38
Kergoat L., Lafont S., Douville H., Berthelot B., Dedieu G., Planton S., Royer J-F., 2002 : Impact of 2xCO2 on
global scale leaf area index and evapotranspiration : Conflicting stomatal and LAI responses, J. Geophys. Res.,
10.1029/2001JD001245 31 December 2002
Moulin S., Kergoat L., Cayrol P., Dedieu G., Prevot L., 2002, Calibration of a coupled canopy functionning and
SVAT model in the ReSeDA experiment : towards the assimilation of SPOT/HRV observations into the model.
Agronomie, 22, 681-686
Olioso A., Braud I., Chanzy A., Courault D., Demarty J., Kergoat L., Lewan E., Ottle C., Prevot L., Zhao W.G,
Calvet J.C., Cayrol P., Jongshaap R., Moulin S., Noilhan J., Wigneron J.P., 2002, SVAT modeling over the
Alpilles-ReSeDA experiment: comparing SVAT models over wheat fields, Agronomie, 22, 651-668
Lafont S., Kergoat L., Dedieu G., Chevillard A., Karstens U., and Kolle O., 2002, Spatial and temporal
variability of land CO2 fluxes estimated with remote sensing and analysis data over western Eurasia. Tellus-B
Bonan GB, Levis S, Kergoat L and Oleson KW, 2002, Landscapes as patches of plant functional types: An
integrating concept for climate and ecosystem models, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 16(2)
François, C.; Cayrol, P.; Kergoat, L.; Moulin, S., 2001, Assimilation techniques of remote sensing measurements
into vegetation models : overview, limits and promises, ISPRS 8, January 08-12, Aussois, France, pp 649-658
Cayrol P., Chehbouni A., Kergoat L., Dedieu G., Mordelet P., and Nouvellon Y. , 2000, Grassland modeling and
monitoring with the SPOT-4 VEGETATION instrument during the 1997-1999 SALSA experiment, Agric.
Forest Meteor., 105, 91-115
Cayrol P., Kergoat L., Moulin S., Dedieu G., Chehbouni A., 2000, Calibrating a Coupled SVAT / Vegetation
Growth Model with Remotely Sensed Reflectance and Surface Temperature. A Case Study for the HAPEXSahel Grassland Sites. J. Appl. Meteor., 39, 2452-2472
Douville H., Planton S., Royer J-F., Stephenson D.B., Tyteca S., Kergoat L., Lafont S. and Betts R., 2000:
Importance of vegetation feedbacks in doubled-CO2 climate experiments , J. Geophys. Res., 105 (D11), 1484114861
Calvet JC., Bessemoulin P., Berne I., Courault D., Fritz N., Gonzalez-Sosa E., Goutorbe JP., Haverkamp R.,
Jaubert J., Kergoat L., Lachaud G., Laurent JP., Mordelet P.,Noilhan J., Olioso A., Peris P., Roujean JL., Thony
JL., Tosca C., Vauclin M., Vignes D., 1999, MUREX: a land-surface field experiment to study the annual cycle
of the energy and water budgets, Ann. Geophysicae, 17, 838-854
Ruimy A., Kergoat L. and Bondeau A. and the participant of the Potsdam NPP model intercomparison, 1999,
Comparing global models of terrestrial net primary productivity (NPP): Analysis of differences in light
absorption and light-use efficiency', 1999, Global Change Biology, 5 (1), 56-64
Kergoat L., Moulin S., Cayrol P. and Dedieu G., 1999, Controlling vegetation growth models with satellite
measurements, Advances in environmental and ecological modelling, (Blasco F. and Weill A. ed.) Elsevier
Publishers, pp 73-89
Kergoat L., 1998, A model for hydrological equilibrium of Leaf Area Index on a global scale, J. of Hydrology,
212-213, 268-286
Maisongrande P., Dedieu G., Ruimy A., Kergoat L., Saugier B., Berthelot B. and Ciais P., 1997, Diagnostic and
prognostic modelling of the terrestrial biosphere with remotely sensed measurements, Sciences Geologiques, 50,
Fischer A., Louahala S., Maisongrande P., Kergoat L. and Dedieu G., 1996, Satellite data for monitoring,
understanding and modelling of ecosystem functioning, Global Ecological Volume, Cambridge University Press.
pp 566-591
Chuinsiri S., Blasco F., Bellan M.-F. and Kergoat L., 1997, A poppy survey using high resolution remote sensing
data, Int. J. of Remote Sens., 18 (2), 393-407
Moulin S., Kergoat L. Viovy N. and Dedieu G., 1997, Global scale assesment of vegetation phenology using
NOAA/AVHRR satellite measurements, J. of Climate, 10(6),1154-1170
Fischer, A., Kergoat, L. and Dedieu, G., 1997, Coupling satellite data with vegetation functional models: Review
of different approaches and perspectives suggested by the assimilation strategy, Remote Sens. Review, 15, 283303
Ruimy A., Kergoat L., Field. C. and Saugier B. 1996, The use of CO2 flux measurements in the models of the
global terrestrial carbon budget, Global Change Biology, 2(3), 287-296
Kergoat, L., Fischer, A., Moulin, S. and Dedieu, G., 1995, Satellite measurements as a constraint on estimates of
vegetation carbon budget, Tellus, 47B, 251-263