Contemporary Resume

Date of Birth: 3 July 1954; Gender: Male; Nationality: Nepalese
Address: 224 Rudra Marga, Ratopul, Gyaneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel No.: +977-1-4428050; Mobile No.: +977-9802011786
Marital Status: Married
Utilization of skills and knowledge gained during the last three decades
in the field of hydrology, hydrometry, meteorology, climate change,
hydrological disasters and water resources.
Education and training in hydrology, meteorology, river sedimentation,
mathematical modeling, statistics, and computer applications.
Twenty-five years’ experience in hydrological database management,
hydrological modeling, hydrological investigations, hydrometeorological forecasting, hydrometry, water resources assessment,
GIS, and technical writing. Research experience in climatic changes
and its impacts. Experience in project management including
monitoring and evaluation.
Ph.D. in Earth Sciences (1993-1997). University of New Hampshire,
Durham, NH, USA (research on climatic trends and climate change
impacts on hydrology in the Himalayan region, courses in hydrology,
GIS and advanced modeling techniques)
M. Tech. in Hydrology (1980-1982). University of Roorkee (renamed
as Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in 2001), India (specialization
in surface water hydrology and watershed management)
Degree in Science - Atmospheric Physics (1976-1979). Tribhuvan
University, Kathmandu, Nepal (specialization in meteorology)
Diploma in Science (1973 - 1975). Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu,
Nepal (meteorology major, physics and math)
Member, Executive Committee, I IIT Roorkee Thomason Alumni
Association: Nepal (ITRAAN).
Chairperson of the Scientific Committee, “International Conference on
Climate Change, Water Resources and Disasters in Mountainous
Regions: Building Resilience to Changing Climate.” 26-29
November, 2013, Kathmandu.
Permanent Representative of Nepal with WMO (21 June 2011 – 2 July
Board Member: Finnish Nepalese Project for Improved capability of
the Governments of Nepal to respond to the increased risks related to
the weather-related natural disasters caused by climate change (16
May 2011 – 2 July 2012).
Member: Commission for Hydrology, WMO (1987-2011).
Team-member of the DHM/Himalayan Climate Centre for a
START/UNITAR ACCCA project, “Application of community based
adaptation measures to Weather and Climate related Disasters
(WCDs) in Western Nepal” 2008-2009.
Member Secretary: International Hydrology Program (IHP-Nepal) of
UNESCO, 2005-2008.
Vice President: Society of Hydrologists and Meteorologists- SOHAM
General Secretary, IAHS-PUB, 2005.
Member of the National Study Team of the DHM executed study
"Initial National Communication to the Conference of the Parties of
the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change", 19
Sept 2001 - 2004
Life Member: Society of Hydrologists and Meteorologists (SOHAMNepal: LM-235); Admission date 28 June 2004.
Life Member: IIT Roorkee Thomason Alumni Association: Nepal
Chapter (ITRAAN: LM-80); Admission date 13 May 2004.
Executive Committee Member IITRAAN; 2012 to Till Date
Co-Leader of the Nepal-India Joint Task Force of "Nepal-India Flood
Forecasting Master Plan", 2003.
Registered Engineer: Nepal Engineering Council (Regd. No. 362
(Civil) “A Category”; Admission date 7 Sep 2000.
Life Member: Indian Association of Hydrologists (LM-641);
Admission year 1990.
Nepali (Native)
Administrative and financial management of government
organizations, technical knowledge of PC-based, UNIX-based, and
Linux-based computers; in-depth knowledge of DOS and Windows;
programming skills in FORTRAN and BASIC; database
management, hydrological modeling; quick adaptation to software
with proficiency in Microsoft Office, statistical packages, Quantum
GIS (open source) and ArcGIS.
28 September 2014 to Till Date
Employer: Association for the Development of Environment and People in Transition
Positions Held: Technical Director
Assignment: Lead role in technical aspects of ongoing and proposed projects
Activities performed: Coordinated in preparing technical reports and in developing
project proposals on different aspects of disaster management, vulnerability mapping,
agriculture meteorology, hydrology, environment and climate change.
3 July 2012 to Till Date
Employer: Centre for Postgraduate Studies, Nepal Engineering College (NEC),
Positions Held: Resource Person (Teaching Contracts).
Assignment: Teaching “Elective II, Climate Change Livelihood and Adaptation” offered
in M.Sc. in Natural Resources Management Program and “IWM 752.3 Climate
Change, Adaptation and Livelihood” for M.Sc. IWRM program.
Activities performed: Completion of teaching assignments.
Employer: Global Water Partnership (GWP-Nepal)/Jalsrot Vikas Sanstha (JVS),
Positions Held : Resource Person (Part-time).
Assignment: Regular participation in GWP/JVS activities particularly in the area of
climate change and water resources.
1 Jan 2014 to 31 Dec 2016 (part time)
Employer: Society of Hydrologists and Meteorologists/Imperial College London.
Position Held: Investigator, Mountain Environmental Virtual Observation (EVO).
Assignment: Support research team in implementing case studies of the Upper
Mustang areas; a project on “Adaptive Governance of Mountain Ecosystem
Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) Enabled by Environmental Virtual
Observatories (Mountain EVO-Nepal).”
30 June 2013 to 29 Sept 2013
Employer: Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Kathmandu.
Positions Held: Project Technical Coordinator.
Assignment: Supervision, monitoring and mobilizing the Project Management Unit of
the World Bank Administered DHM project, “Building Resilience to Climate-Related
Hazards”, a Component of the Pilot Program on Climate Resilience (PPCR).
Activities performed: Coordinated the initial activities of the project implementation
including: reporting technical, financial and administrative activities; developing
inventories and contributing in the planning and implementation of annual programs.
Developed ToR for key consultants, developed objective evaluation criteria for
piloting two river basins in Nepal, contributed in finalizing annual programs, prepared
project brochure in English Nepali languages, contributed in reports submitted to the
World Bank, developed GIS-based station and equipment inventories, prepared
workshop materials and contributed in organizing a workshop on activities
implementation and developing System Integrator selection criteria. (Overall budget of
the PPCR project, ~US$25M).
21 June 2011 to 2 July 2012
Employer: Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Kathmandu.
Positions Held: Director General.
Assignment: Technical, administrative and financial management of the Department of
Hydrology and Meteorology. Overall management of different projects implemented
under the department.
Activities performed: Successfully implemented DHM projects on hydrology,
meteorology, weather forecasting, and flood forecasting. Successfully executed and
initiated projects with international collaboration include:
 WMO/ICIMOD HKH-HYCOS scheme, a Finland supported project for regional
(among co-riparian countries in the Ganga-Brhmaputra-Indus basin) sharing of
flood information (~US$104000).
 Finnish Nepalese Project (FINEP) for Improved capability of the Governments
of Nepal to respond to the increased risks related to the weather-related natural
disasters caused by climate change (~US$500,000);
 ADB supported Asian Disaster Prevention Center (ADPC) executed project on
the development of climate data portal including climate projection; and
 ‘Application of Hydro-Meteorological data for Innovative community-based
agricultural development initiatives for increasing climatic resilience of rural
poor (2011-2013)’ in collaboration with CGIAR Research Program on Climate
Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
 ‘Environmental and Social Management Framework’ for the Implementation
PPCR with guidance from the World bank;
28 June 2006 – 20 June 2011
Employer: Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Kathmandu.
Position held: Deputy Director General (Hydrology).
Assignment: Technical, administrative and financial management of the Hydrology
Division under the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology.
Activities performed: Developed and implemented plans, programs, and projects
related to hydrology and water resources assessment activities in Nepal. Successfully
implemented DHM projects on hydrology and flood forecasting. Extended real time
data acquisition system in Nepal to about 70 stations with online access. Some projects
implemented with international collaboration include:
 UNEP-ICIMOD Nepal-China-India ‘Kailash Sacred Landscape Conservation
Initiative (KSLCI)’ and finalized the Feasibility Assessment Report (ICIMOD,
July 2011);
 Worked with GIZ to obtain additional support in the modernization of three
hydrological and nine meteorological stations in the far western areas of Nepal
considered for climate change studies under KSLCI (~US$300,000);
 DHM/DANIDA/RIMES (2009-2012) ‘Support to strengthening national
capacity for flood risk reduction and adaptation to climate change project’ in the
Bagmati River basin (~US$ 0.5M) and
 Development of real-time hydrological network in the Rapti and Babai basins
(2009-2012) as a part of World Bank supported IWRM project (~US $0.6M).
13 Jan 1990 – 27 June 2006
Employer: Department of Hydrology and Meteorology.
Position held: Senior Divisional Hydrologist.
Assignment: 1) In Charge, Flood Forecasting Section (1999-2006)
2) In Charge, Training Section (1990 to 1999).
Activities Performed as an In Charge of Flood Forecasting Section: Successfully
implemented flood forecasting-related activities planned by DHM. Some noteworthy
achievements can be summarized as:
 Successful experiments with wired and wireless technologies for real time data
acquisition from remote locations. The experiment conducted at Narayanghat
was extended to different locations in the Narayani basin. The success story has
been replicated to cover all the major basins in Nepal with necessary upgrading.
 Developed collaboration with India and Bangladesh in sharing hydrometeorological data and information (Annual recurrent project with budget
ranging from about US$75,000 to 125,000).
 Led a team to develop Nepal-India Comprehensive Flood Forecasting Master
Plan (DHM, 2004);
 Contributed as a team member for the implementation of ‘Application of
community based adaptation measures to Weather and Climate related Disasters
(WCDs) in Western Nepal’, a project implemented in the Syangja District in
2008-2009 in collaboration with START/UNITAR ACCCA, the Himalayan
Climate Center and DHM (~US$ 70,000).
 Calibrated and validated different hydrological models for flow forecasting
including: HFAM model, TOP model, Tank model, Xinjiang model and ADM
 Revised historical hydrological data (1962-1994) and used the data for
developing regional hydrology of Nepal (extremes and normals) bringing out a
publication, ‘Hydrological estimation in Nepal.’
Activities Performed as an In Charge of Training Section: Major achievement was
the establishment of a training section for regular organization of training programs.
Major achievements are:
 Organization of orientation training for new staff;
 Organization of training for gauge readers and observers at different regional and
field offices (Nepalgunj, Dharan, Jumla, Karnali Chisapani);
 Developed training manuals and
 Contributed in the process of establishing the Department of Hydrology and
Meteorology separated from the Department of Irrigation, Hydrology and
Meteorology with basin concept.
6 Oct 1983 - 12 Jan 1990
Employer: Department of Hydrology and Meteorology.
Position held: Hydrologist.
Assignment: Hydrological database management.
Activities Performed: Major activities performed include:
 Manually processed and published hydrological data recorded in 1976;
 Conducted hydrological and channel surveys at different stations for developing
station inventories;
 Worked with WMO consultant to develop software for nationwide processing
and publication of hydrological data in Nepal, which is still been used with
upgrading in widows-based system;
 Introduced computerized database system and reprocessed all the historical data
bringing out a publication ‘Streamflow Summaries 1962-1985”;
 Used the published data to develop regional hydrology of Nepal bringing out a
joint DHM/WECS publication published by the Water and Energy Commission
Secretariat and
 Managed Hydrological Database with improved data dissemination system.
13 Jun 1980 – 5 Oct 1983
Employer: Department of Hydrology and Meteorology.
Position held: Meteorologist.
Assignment: Weather forecasting.
Activities Performed: Major activities included:
 Operational weather forecasting for general public, aviation and mountaineering
 Provided weather briefing to pilots.
19 Sept 1976 - 12 June 1980
Employer: Department of Hydrology and Meteorology.
Position held: Meteorological Assistant.
Assignment: Meteorological observations.
Activities Performed: Major activities performed are:
 Recorded and transmitted (through SSB wireless set) meteorological
observations at Kathmandu Airport, Okhaldhunga and Dhankuta;
 Plotted synoptic observations and analyzed weather charts;
 Extracted automatically recorded charts for climatological summary;
 Prepared climatological summaries;
 Prepared METAR, TAF and SPECI for aviation purpose and
 Operated pilot balloon-based upper air sounding and radiosonde for upper air
temperature, humidity, wind and pressure recording.
Scholastic Honors
and Awards
University of Roorkee: Master-level studies with scholarship under
the Colombo Plan. Recognized for high percentage with Honours.
University of New Hampshire: NASA Earth Sciences Fellowship
for the PhD program.
Awarded ‘Mahendra Vidya Bhusan Ka’ by His Majesty’s the King
of Nepal.
Zayed Prize Diploma (IInd) Prize awarded to the Authors of the
"Millennium Ecosystem Assessment" for Scientific and
Technological Achievement in Environment.
Advancement of hydrology and meteorology in Nepal with
improved data quality and reliable hydro-meteorological services
based on user needs. Research on technologies for the
understanding of meteorological processes at regional scales and
hydrological processes at basin scales for sustainable water
resources development, disaster mitigation and environmental
Dingman, S. L., & Sharma, K.P. 1997. Statistical development and validation of
discharge equations for natural channels. Journal of Hydrology, 199, 13-35.
Kharbuja, R.G & Sharma, K.P. 2008. Impacts of climatic changes on hydrology of the
Narayani Basin: distributed TOP model-based assessment. Journal of Hydrology and
Meteorology, 5(1),1-14.
Sharma, K.P., Adhikari, N. R., Ghimire, P. K., & Chapagain, P. S. 2003. GIS-based
flood risk zoning of the Khando river basin in the Terai region of East Nepal. Himalayan
Journal of Sciences, 1(2), 103-106
Sharma, K.P., 2012. Hydrology of South Asia from the perspective of global
environmental changes. Hydro Nepal. Special issue on Proceedings of National
Conference on Water, Food Security and Climate Change in Nepal, 7-11.
Sharma, K.P. & Kharbuja, R.G. 2007. Simplified method of sediment monitoring and
estimation: A case study of the Narayani River. Journal of Hydrology and Meteorology,
4(1), 26-32.
Sharma, K.P., Moore III,B, & Vorosmarty, C. J. 2000. Anthropogenic, climatic, and
hydrologic trends in the Kosi basin, Himalaya. Climatic Change, 47, 141-165.
Sharma, K.P., Vorosmarty, C. J., & Moore, B. 2000. Sensitivity of the Himalayan
hydrology to land-use and climatic changes. Climatic Change, 47, 117-139.
Buytaert, W., Zulkafli, Z, Grainger, S, Acosta, L, Alemie, T.C., Bastiaensen, J.,
DeBièvre, B., Bhusal, J., Clark, J, Dewulf. A., Foggin, M., Hannah, D.M., Hergarten, C.,
Isaeva, A, Karpouzoglou, T., Pandeya, B., Paudel, D., Sharma, K., Steenhuis, T.,
Tilahun, S., GertVanHecken, G., & Zhumanova, M. 2014. Citizen science in hydrology
and Water resources: opportunities for knowledge generation, ecosystem service
management,and sustainable development. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2(26), 1-21.
Vorosmarty, C. J., Meybeck, M., Fekete, B., Sharma, K.P., Green, P., & Syvitski, J. P.
M. 2003. Anthropogenic sediment retention: Major global impact from registered river
impoundments. Global and Planetary Change, 39(1-2), 169-190.
Vorosmarty, C. J., Sharma, K.P., Fekete, B. M., Copeland, A. H., Holden, J., Marble,
J., & Lough, J. A. 1997. The storage and aging of continental runoff in large reservoir
systems of the world. Ambio, 26, 210-219.
Judge, D. G., Sharma, K.P., Shankar, K., Mandeville, N., McClennan, B. I., Shrestha,
H. M., & Tuladhar, D. 1990. Methodologies for estimating hydrologic characteristics of
ungauged locations in Nepal. Kathmandu: Water and Energy Commission Secretariat
and Department of Hydrology and Meteorology.
Mutschler, R., Shrestha P.K., & Sharma, K.P.
(Eds.), 2007. Proceeding of
International Symposium on Community-led Management of River Environment.
Kathmandu: Environmental Camps for Conservation Awareness (ECCA Nepal).
Sharma, K.P. 2010. Climate change trends and instances of socio-economic effects
in Nepal. Kathmandu: Jalsrot Vikas Sanstha (JVS), Nepal/Nepal Water partnership.
Sharma, K.P. & Adhikari, N. R. 2004. Hydrological estimations in Nepal. Kathmandu:
Department of Hydrology and Meteorology.
Sharma K.P. & R.N. Jha (Eds.) 2006. Proceedings of the Workshop on Flood
Forecasting Management in Mountainous Areas. Kathmandu: Department of Hydrology
and Meteorology.
Sharma, K.P. 2014. Spatial and temporal pattern of climatic parameters in Nepal.
Kathmandu: Central Department of Environment Science, Tribhuvan University.
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Shrestha, R. Yatabe & N.P. Bhandary (Eds.), International Conference on Disasters
and Development: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice (PP 155-161).
Kathmandu: Nepal Engineering College.
Bania, R. & Sharma, K.P. 2008. Evaporative climate change in Nepal. In N. Islam, S.
Das, A.Q. Khan, B.R.S.B Basnayake (Eds.), Proceedings of SAARC Workshop on
variability of Southwest Monsoon and its Hydrological and Preparedness Aspects over
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Baniya, R. & Sharma, K.P. 2009. Annual patterns of evaporative climate change in
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watershed using an artificial neural network model. In K.P. Sharma & R.N. Jha (Eds.),
Workshop on Flood Forecasting Management in Mountainous Areas (pp. 12-22).
Kathmandu: Department of Hydrology and Meteorology.
Shakya, B., Sharma, K.P., Shakya, A., Shrestha, N., & Tibrewala, 2007. A. Rain, river
and groundwater quality in the Kathmandu Valley. In R. Mutschler, P.K. Shrestha & K.P.
Sharma (Eds.), International Symposium on Community-led Management of River
Environment (pp. 194-203). Kathmandu: Environmental Camps for Conservation
Awareness (ECCA Nepal).
Sharma, K.P. 1979. Onset of summer monsoon in Nepal. Degree Thesis, Tribhuvan
University. Kathmandu.
Sharma, K.P., & Mathur, B. S. 1982. Comparative intensity-duration studies of severe
rainstorms in mountainous and plain areas of western Utter Pradesh. International
Symposium on Hydrological Aspects of Mountainous Watersheds (pp. I66-I69).
Roorkee, India: Manglik Prakashan.
Sharma, K.P. 1982. A study of severe rainstorms over northwest Utter Pradesh.
M.E. Dissertation, University of Roorkee. Roorkee.
Sharma, K.P. 1987, December 6.
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Tackling natural disasters: Common front
Sharma, K.P. 1988 August 11. Mitigating flood disasters: Non-structural approach.
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Sharma, K.P., & Pokhrel, A. P. 1989 November. Erosion and sedimentation problems
of Nepal. First colloquium - Regional Training Program on Erosion and Sedimentation
for Asia. Beijing: International Research and Training Centre on Erosion and
Sharma, K.P. 1991 November. Assessment of hydrometeorological network of Nepal.
International Workshop on Network Design Practices. Koblenz, Germany: World
Meteorological Organization, WMO/TD - No. 671.
Sharma, K.P., & Kansakar, S. R. 1991 September. On failure of river training works
with reference to Arniko highway. International Symposium on Special Problems
Alluvial Rivers including those of International Rivers (pp. 75-85). Seoul, Korea: Korea
Institute of Construction Technology.
Sharma, K.P., & Kansakar, S. R. 1992 April. Suspended sediment yield estimation
model for Nepalese watersheds. Regional Seminar on Mathematical Modeling of
Alluvial Rivers (pp. 16-21). Kathmandu: Department of Hydrology and Meteorology.
Sharma, K.P. 1993 March. Hydrological and meteorological services to mitigate
natural disasters in Nepal. Information Exchange in the Field of Disaster
Prevention/Preparedness (pp. 80-84). Kathmandu: Disaster Prevention Technical
Sharma, K.P. 1993 November. Role of meltwater in major river systems in Nepal.
International Symposium on Snow and Glacier Hydrology (pp. 113-122). Kathmandu:
IAHS Publication No. 218.
Sharma, K.P. 1997. Impact of land-use and climatic changes on hydrology of the
Himalayan basin: A case study of the Kosi basin. Doctoral Dissertation, University of
New Hampshire, Durham.
Sharma, K.P. 1998 November. Some aspects of real-time data in mitigating
hydrological disasters in a Himalayan catchment. International Seminar on Water
Induced Disaster. Kathmandu: Disaster Prevention Technical Centre.
Sharma, K.P. 1998 November. Modeling the impact of land-use and climatic changes
on sediment flux in a Himalayan basin. International Workshop on Aspects and Impacts
of a Changing Sediment Regime (pp. 77-83). Bangkok: IHP/OHP Sekretariat, Koblenz,
Sharma, K.P. 1999 April. Regional sediment delivery pattern of the South Asian river
basins to the coastal areas. In J. Ratnasiri (Ed.), Regional Workshop on Estuarine
Modelling and Coastal Zone Management (pp. 111-117). Colombo, Sri Lanka: The Sri
Lankan National Committee of IGBP.
Sharma, K.P. 2001 July. Impacts of climatic change on Himalayan water resources.
Poster Presentation. Amsterdam: CONGREX HOLLAND BV, 209.
38) शर्मा, के. प्र., २००१. जलस्रोत विकासका लागि सूचना संग्रह। माससक जीिन, २(८) २०५८ भाद्र
Sharma, K.P. 2001 October. Global change impact on sediment flux in a Himalayan
basin. In K. L. Shrestha (Ed.), Scoping Workshop on Global Change and Himalayan
Mountains (pp. 109-116). Kathmandu: Institute for Development and Innovation.
Sharma, K.P., N.R. Adhikari, and R.G. Karbuja, 2002. Vulnerability and Adaptation of
Water Resources to Climate Changes in Nepal. Interim Report prepared for the
UNFCCC Initial National Communication. Kathmandu: Central Department of
Hydrology and Meteorology, Tribhuvan University.
Sharma, K.P. 2002 December. A study of sediment fluxes to coastal zone in South
Asia and their relationship to human activities. In J. Ratnasiri (Ed.), Workshop on
Assessment of Material Fluxes to the Coastal Zone in South Asia and their Impacts (pp.
47-58). Negombo: Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka National Committee of IGBP.
Sharma, K.P. 2003. Disaster prevention, flood forecasting, and sustainable
development. In R. K. Regmee (Ed.), Sustainability: The Lasting Fuel (pp. 122-124).
Kathmandu: Forum for Sustainable Development.
Sharma, K.P. 2003 July. Extreme precipitation events in the central Himalayas. In S.
Herath, & R. Shaw (Ed.), Regional Workshop on Ensuring Flood Security for
Sustainable Urbanization: Catastrophic flood risk assessment in the Asia-Pacific region
(pp. 31-35), Bangkok. Tokyo: United Nations University.
Sharma, K.P., Sahu, S.K., Basnyat, R.B. Adikary, N.R., Singh, V.B. Singh S. & Singh,
N. 2003 April. Flood Forecasting Master Plan. Kathmandu: Department of Hydrology
and Meteorology/New Delhi: Central Water Commission.
Sharma, K.P. 2003 October. Signatures of global changes observed in climatic and
hydrologic variables in the Himalayas. Poster Presentation. Portsmouth, NH, USA:
Complex Systems Research Center.
Sharma, K.P. 2004. Existing treaties, agreements, and arrangements in flood data
sharing. Nepal national consultation for the establishment of a regional flood
information system in the HKH region (pp. 5). Kathmandu: International Centre for
Integrated Mountain Development.
Sharma, K.P. 2004. Impacts of climate change on water resources of South Asia.
Workshop on Adaptation to climate change in mountain ecosystems: bridging research
and policy (3-4 March 2004) (pp. 3:1-19). Kathmandu: Institute for Global
Environmental Strategies.
Sharma, K.P., & Maskey, S. 2004. Monitoring sediment transport - gaps in
information. Sri Lanka National Committee of IGBP.
Sharma, K.P. 2004. Report on literature survey on sedimentation in South Asia. Sri
Lanka National Committee of IGBP.
Sharma, K.P. & a team of 18 experts. 2004. Initial National Communication to the
Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change. Kathmandu: Ministry of Environment and Population.
Sharma, K.P., & Kharbuja, R. G. 2004 March. A simplified procedure for sediment
monitoring: Reducing gaps in sediment information. Poster Presentation. Colombo, Sri
Lanka: Sri Lanka National Committee of IGBP, 128.
Sharma, K.P. 2004 November. Prediction of extreme flows at ungauged locations in a
mountainous basin of the monsoon region. In S. Herath, A. Pathirana, & S. B.
Weerakoon (Ed.), International Conference on Sustainable Water Resources
Management in the Changing Environment of the Monsoon Region (pp. 440-448).
Colombo: Sri Lanka: National Water Resources Secretariat.
Sharma, K.P., Anis, R., Safiq, S., & Nadim, I. 2005 March. Impacts of global warming
on Siran river. In I. Ahmed, S. Jehangir, & F. Saeed (Ed.), South Asia Regional Training
Workshop on Watershed Modeling (pp. 551-559). Islamabad: Global Change Impact
Studies Centre.
Sharma, K.P. 2005 March. Water resources of Nepal and modeling experience. In I.
Ahmed, S. Jehangir, & F. Saeed (Ed.), South Asia Regional Training Workshop on
Watershed Modeling (pp. 31-60). Islamabad: Global Change Impact Studies Centre.
Sharma, K.P. 2005 June. Impact of human activities on region-wise and ocean-ward
flux of sediment in South Asia. LOICZ II Inaugural Open Science Meeting: Coast and
Coastal People - Scenarios of Change and Responses (pp. 132-133). Egmond aan
Zee, Netherlands: LOICZ.
Sharma, K.P. 2006 June. Aerological alterations over Nepal during the onset of
monsoon. In K.P. Sharma & R.N. Jha (Ed.), Workshop on Flood Forecasting
Management in Mountainous Areas (pp. 12-22). Kathmandu: Department of Hydrology
and Meteorology.
Sharma, K.P. 2006 June. Characteristics of selected severe rainstorms in the central
Himalayas. In K.P. Sharma & R.N. Jha (Ed.), Workshop on Flood Forecasting
Management in Mountainous Areas (pp. 23-26). Kathmandu: Department of Hydrology
and Meteorology.
Sharma, K.P. 2006 November. Hydrologic extremities of Southwest Nepal in 2006. In
International Symposium on Geo-Disasters, Infrastructure Management and Protection
of World Heritage Sites (pp. 224-230). Bhaktapur: Nepal Engineering College.
Sharma, K.P. & Paudel, D, 2008. April. Information for disaster management in
Nepal: a review of precipitation and stream gauging network. In International Seminar
on Management and Mitigation of Water Induced Disasters (pp 76-86). Kathmandu:
Department of Water Induced Disaster Prevention.
Sharma, K.P. & Basnyat, R.B. 2005. Telemetry and telecommunication for flood
forecasting in Nepal. Report submitted to International Centre for Mountain
Development. Kathmandu: ICIMOD.
शर्मा, के. प्र., २०१०. संघीय नेपालको आधार: जलाधार, जलिायु र जलिायु पाररिततन
व्यिस्थापन। हाम्रो सम्पदा २०६६।
शर्मा, के. प्र., २००९. नेपालको पररपेक्षमा जल तथा मौसम विज्ञानको इततहास। नेपालमा
इन्जजतनयररङ तथा इन्जजतनयर विशेषाङ्क, िरु
ु प्रसाद पोखरे ल र चजद्रमणि प्रसाईँ (सम्पादक)।
िोरखा सजदे श साप्ताहहक १९ (१) २०६६।
शर्मा, के. प्र., २००९. जलिाय,ु जलस्रोत र जलिायु पररिततन । हाम्रो सम्पदा ८(११), २०६५ चैत्र।
शर्मा, के. प्र., २००८. नेपालको जलस्रोतमा िातािरि पररिततनको दिाि। हाम्रो सम्पदा ८(१),
२०६५ जेष्ठ।
Vorosmarty, C. J., Meybeck, M., Fekete, B., & Sharma, K. 1997 April. The potential
impact of neo-Castorization on sediment transport by the global network of rivers.
International Symposium on Human Impact on Erosion and Sedimentation (pp. 261273). Rabat, Morocco: IAHS Publ. No. 245.
J.J. McCarthy, O.F. Canziani, N.A. Leary, D.J. Dokken, & K.S. White (Eds.) (2001),
Chapter 11: Asia Climate change: Impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability (pp. 533-590).
IPCC Third Assessment Report. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
R. Zomer & K.P. Oli (eds.) (2011). Kailash Sacred Landscape Conservation Initiative:
Feasibility Assessment Report. Kathmandu: International Centre for Integrated
Mountain Development.
Theses Supervision/Guidance
1. Environmental flow requirements of schizothorax species: a habitat rating approach in
Budhigandaki River: M.Sc. in Environmental Science, Mr Hari Shankar Jha, Central
Department of Environmental Science, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu. 2014.
2. Adaptation approach to cope with impacts of climate change on water supply: a case
study in Lamjung district: M.Sc. in Environmental Science, Ms Kamana KC, Central
Department of Environmental Science, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu. 2014.
3. Web-based spatial data management: case study on hydro-meteorological information
system: Master of Computer Application Dissertation, Ms Kalandika Sharma,
Kantipur City College, Purbanchal University, Kathmandu. 2008.
4. Community vulnerabilities and coping mechanism in the Khudi watershed: M.Sc.
(Environment) Thesis, Mr Aseem Raj Sharma, Tribhuvan University, 2007.
5. Implementation of E-Governance in Nepal: Master of Computer Application
Dissertation, Mr Kshitish Bhattarai, Kantipur City College, Purbanchal University.
6. Flood hazard estimation and mapping of Bagmati River Basin within Kathmandu
Valley using GIS and Remote Sensing: M.Sc. (Environment) Thesis, Mr Susheel
Dangol, Khwopa College, Tribhuvan University. 2006.
7. Impact of climate change on hydrological cycle: M.Sc. (Environment) Thesis, Mr
Resham Bania, Khwopa College, Tribhuvan University. 2006.
Countries visited and travelled: Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Finland,
France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Korea (PR), Pakistan, Sri
Lanka, Switzerland, Thailand, The Netherlands, The Philippines, The United
Kingdom, The United States, .Uganda, Uzbekistan and Vietnam..
Travelled districts in Nepal: Achham, Baglung, Bajhang, Banke, Bara, Bardiaya,
Bhaktapur, Chitwan, Dailekh, Dandeldhura, Dang, Darchula, Dhading, Dhankuta,
Dhanusa, Dolakha, Doti, Gorkha, Humla,Ilam, Jhapa,Jumla,Kailali, Kalikot,
Kanchanpur, Kapilbastu, Kaski, Kavre, Khotang, Lalitpur, Lamjung, Mahottari,
Makawanpur, Morang, Mugu, Baitadi, Mustang, Myagdi, Nawalparsi, Nuwakot,
Okhaldhunga, Palpa, Panchthar, Parbat, Parsa, Ramechhap, Rasuwa, Rautahat,
Rupandehi, Sankhuwasabha, Saptari, Sarlahi, Sindhuli, Sindhupalanchok, Siraha,
Solukhumbu, Sunsari, Surkhet, Syangja, Tanahu, Tehrathum and Udaypur.
Consultancy Services
9 November 2014 to 15 December 2014. Team Leader (Program Expert). Final evaluation
of Enhancing the Health Sector Crisis Preparedness in the Event of a Intensity
earthquake in Kathmandu Valley” supported by Handicap International Federation.
Social Welfare Council.
18 September 2014 to 15 November 2014, Consultant. Preparation of Country Brief by
Collecting National Statistics/Data on Investments in the Water Sector. Global
Water Partnership (GWP—Nepal)/Jalsrot Vikas Sanstha (JVS).
20 October 2014 to 31 December 2014. Hydrologist. Assessment of climate change and
hydrometeorology for the project, “Preparation of climate vulnerability and gap
assessment report on flood and drought for lower part of Rapti River in Banke
District.” Global Water Partnership (GWP-Nepal)/Jalsrot Vikas Sanstha (JVS).
1 July 2014 to 15 July 2014. Consultant. Assessment of the project “Enhancing
Community Resilience to Water-Induced Hazards among Vulnerable Communities
in the Koshi River Basin of Nepal. Lutheran World Federation Nepal
27 May 2014 to 16 June 2014. Consultant. Service agreement to lead the thematic area of
hydrology under a project, “Hazard and Vulnerability Analysis of Nepal’s Churia
Region to Support Implement the Strategic Plan.” Central Department of
Environmental Science, Tribhuvan University.
25 May to 29 May 2014, Subject Expert. Review “Study of Impacts of Climate Change in
Water Induced Disasters in River Basins and their Management”; Water and
Energy Commission Secretariat.
18 March 2014 to 17 April 2014. Team Leader. Project Evaluation Team, Final evaluation
of the project, “Building Disaster Resilient Community (BDRC)’ implemented in
Pokhara Municipality. Social Welfare Council.
11 April 2013 to 10 April 2014. Senior Hydrologist. Hydrological investigation of the
proposed Rasuwa Bhotekoshi Hydropower Project; Langtang Bhotekoshi
Hydropower Company (LBHC).
17-25 March 2014. Senior Hydrologist. Reviewed hydrological investigations of the
Upper Khimti I (12 MW) and Upper Khimti II Draft Feasibility Study Report. Urja
Bikas Company (P.) Ltd.
March 2014. Senior Hydrologist, Reviewed hydrological investigations of the
Ankhu Khola Small Hydropower Project (35 MW). Feedback Nepal.
24-31 December, 2014. Short-term consultant. Kangchenjunga Landscape Conservation
and Development Initiative (KLCDI) – Nepal. (Research Centre for Applied
Science and Technology (RECAST), Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur)
10 April 2013-10 April 2014. Senior Hydrologist. Rasuwa Bhotekosi Hydropower Project
under Langtang Bhotekosi Hydropower Company Pvt. Ltd
3 Feb 2013 – 31 December 2013. Consultant. Preparation of “An encyclopedia on Water
in Nepal and beyond”; GWP-Nepal/JVS.
April-June 2012. Hydrologist. Kasuwa Hydropower Project under Clean Energy
Development Bank Hydro Fund Limited.
March 2011-Feb 2012. Hydrologist. Bheri River 1, 2 & 3 Hydropower Projects, KSK
Energy Venture Limited, Hyderabad, India/ Mutual Consultancy Pvt Ltd, Nepal.
Jan-Feb 2011. Hydrologist, Sanjen Hydroelectric Project under Sanjen Hydropower
Company Limited.
Oct-Nov 2010. Hydrologist. Rasuwagadhi Hydroelectric Project under Chilime
Hydropower Company Limited.
May-June 2010. Meteorologist. Trends of Climatic Changes and Need Assessment of
Potential Impacts in Nepal under Nature’s Conservation (P.) Ltd.
Jan – March 2010. Hydrologist. Tamor Storage Project, Terhathum-Panchthar.
JICA/Mutual Consultancy Pvt Ltd.
December 2009- December 2010. Hydrologist. Hydrological and Sedimentation Studies,
Tila River Hydropower Project (480 MW); S.C. Power Company /Mutual
Consultancy Pvt Ltd.
Nov-Dec 2009. Hydrologist. Upper Solu Hydroelectric Project under Upper Solu
Hydroelectric Company.
May-Jul 2009. Hydrologist. Ghelamdi Hydropower Project under CEMAT Consultants (P)
Nov 2009 – Jan 2010. Hydrologist. Dorje Hydropower Project under CEMAT Consultants
(P) Ltd.
Jan 2008. Hydrologist. Investigation and design of bridges, for the Department of Local
Infrastructure and Agricultural Roads (DoLIDAR), Government of Nepal under
IDRS Consult (P.) Ltd., Nepal.
2007 Dec -2008 Jan . Hydrologist. Mailun Hydroelectric Project in Rasuwa District under
CEMAT Consultants (P) Ltd.
May-August 2001. Hydrologist. Sunkosi Hydroelectric Project in Sindhupalchowk District
of Nepal under SANIMA Hydropower (P.) Ltd., Nepal.
Nov 1999 – Apr 2000. Hydrologist, Piluwa Khola Hydroelectric Project in
Sankhuwasabha District of Nepal under Arun Valley Hydropower Development
Co. (P) Ltd., Nepal.
May-August 1999. Hydrologist. 1st Phase of Feasibility Study Work of Sharada – Babai
Hydropower Project (51 MW) at Salyan District of Nepal under CEMAT
Consultants (P) Ltd.
Aug 1998 – Jan 1999. Hydrologist, RMDP Project under CEMAT Consultants (P) Ltd
jointly with SMEC (Australia).
Aug-Nov 1992. Hydrologist: Hydrological, meteorological and sediment studies at the
inception stage for the Sapta Koshi High Dam Multipurpose Project under Water
and Energy Commission Secretariat.
Apr-May 1992. Hydrologist. Melamchi Water Supply Project (UNDP/IBRD/ financed),
SMEC/SCOTT & Furphy/CEMAT Consultants (P) Ltd.
Oct-Dec 1990. Hydrologist. Arniko Highway Rehabilitation Project under RFRP (IDA
financed) for (ch. 67+000 km to 87+000 km) ITECO/ CEMAT Consultants (P)
July-Sept 1990. Hydrologist. Groundwater Management Project in Kathmandu Valley.
Oct 1989 – April 1990 Hydrologist. Greater Kathmandu Drainage Master Plan Studies
(IDA financed) for SMEC (Australia)/ CEMAT Consultants (P) Ltd.
List of Participated Trainings
seminar on ice and snow
Application of microcomputers
to primary processing of
hydrological data
Statistical analysis in hydrology
Application of computers to
hydrological studies
Application of computers in
Regional seminar on seasonal
hydrological forecasting
Training course in hydrological
Organizer, Location
UNESCO/Department of Irrigation, 1-14 March 1983
Hydrology and Meteorology (DIHM),
Kathmandu, Nepal
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), 17-29 Oct 1983
Bangkok, Thailand
AIT/WMO/cdg/GFIH, Bangkok
19-24 Nov 1984
UNESCO/Central Water and Power 7-25 Jan 1985
Research Station, Pune, India
National Computer Centre, Kathmandu
21-26 April 1985
WMO/DIHM, Kathmandu, Nepal
29 Apr-10 May
WMO/NOAA/University of California, 24 June-3 Oct
Davis and National Weather Service, 1985
Portland, Oregon
Workshop on application of WMO/Institute
Hydraulic 8-20 Dec 1986
in Engineering, Bangdung, Indonesia
operational hydrology and water
resources planning
Development administration and Nepal Administrative Staff College, 30 Mar -13 May,
Kathmandu, Nepal
GIS Nepal
Center, 15 Feb-5 Mar
land-use Kathmandu
Use of microcomputers in water Delft hydraulics/ UNESCAP, Bangkok, 13-24 Nov 1989
resources development
hydrologic UNESCO/National
of 29 Jan-9 Feb
Hydrology, Roorkee, India
database UNESCO/GRDC/ICIMOD, Kathmandu 13-22 May 1998
Planning and management
Nepal Administrative Staff College, 12 Feb-30 March,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Performance management for Nepal Administrative Staff College, 14-16 July, 1999
managerial effectiveness
Kathmandu, Nepal
Vulnerability and adaptation Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, 23-29 April 2002
and Norwegian Agency for Development 10-17 May 2004
improvements on mitigation Cooperation/USAID/Department
measures and monitoring of EIA Electricity Development, Kathmandu,
hydropower Nepal
South Asia Regional Training Global Change Impact Studies Centre 15-19
Watershed and
Meteorological 2005
Department, Islamabad, Pakistan
on Global Change Impact Studies Centre 19-23 June 2007
comprehensive climate change and Pakistan/Department of Hydrology
research results
and Meteorology, Kathmandu, Nepal