Curator Team Research Guide

Curator Team Research Guide
Use the following form to assist you in your research of the American
Revolutionary War and the paradox described in the Introduction of this Webquest. You
should print out a copy of this form. However, because you will gather much
information, you should copy this form on notebook paper using the headings you see
here. You will likely have several pages of research information.
Remember: your goal is to develop an Introduction to the “Living History
Museum” that will:
 Encourage visitors to the Living History Museum to visit each individual
exhibit through a thoughtful and creative Power Point Introduction to the
Living History Museum:
 Introduce visitors to the paradox described in the Introduction of this
 Summarize colonial beliefs and ideas about liberty, inalienable or natural
rights, slavery, and the Declaration of Independence
 Explain the decision slaves and black non-slaves faced during the
Revolutionary War
 Summarize the role of slaves and their Student contributions during the
Revolutionary War
 Summarize the views of modern historians on slaves during the
Revolutionary War, their contributions, and the Declaration of
 Invite visitors to step inside the museum to learn more
 Your Power Point Introduction must be informational, visually appealing,
interesting, and exciting to lure visitors into the Living History Museum.
To accomplish this, you should visit all of the “Exhibit Team” sites. You should
also visit all of the “Curator Team” sites. You may divide up the work when visiting the
“Exhibit Team” sites to ensure that your team gathers information from each site. You
can share this information with your team later when you are developing your Power
Point Presentation. However, you should each visit all of the “Curator Team” sites, in
order to gain a full understanding of the paradox. Take careful notes based on the
websites you visit, but remember you will summarize information in your presentation,
not giving great detail about each individual. Be careful to spend plenty of time at the
sites related to the Declaration of Independence and modern historians’ views on it and
colonists' views on slavery so you will have a full understanding of the big picture. The
exhibit teams will provide the details of individuals.
Questions based on the “Exhibit Team” historical figures (sites)
After you visit each historical figure site listed under the exhibit team, try to answer
as many of the questions below as possible. Note that you may not be able to fully
answer these until after you also visit the “Curator Sites”. Use informati0n from the
“Curator Sites’ to help.
Identify the status of individual historical figures at the time of Revolutionary War (slave,
free black, Caucasian, Military or government position):
Compare and contrast the historical figures views on slavery:
Summarize the historical figures’ role during the Revolutionary War— (If they joined the
military, tell which side, contribution to the war effort etc. If they were civilians, a nonmilitary person, explain what they did during the Revolutionary War period, their notable
decisions/actions related to their beliefs on slavery, and their contribution to the war
Summarize why slaves and free blacks decided to join the military.
Summarize the status of slaves after the Revolutionary War (awards, freedom, etc.) and
how the Revolutionary War affected them:
Summarize the attempts to end or continue slavery during this time:
Summarize the opinions of slave and free blacks about colonial governments and their
Summarize how the decision(s) made by military leaders affected slaves/free blacks?
Describe their view on slavery. Summarize why you think they made the decisions they
Summarize the experience of slaves who fought for England and left the United States,
and slaves who created runaway settlements in the United States.
What do you think slaves who fought during the Revolutionary War would most want
people in the 21st Century to understand about them?
What conclusion can you make about the historical importance of slaves/freedmen during
the Revolutionary War?
Compare and contrast the slaves who fought for the United States and those who fought
for England.
What conclusion can you make about how fighting in the war affected slaves?
List the artifacts (photographs, documents, quotes, etc.) you have found to use in your
exhibit and the exact URL (Internet Address). Copy or save to disk artifacts you believe
would be good to use in your Power Point introduction.
Questions based on the “Curator Team” sites:
Note: Some 0f the information you find on “exhibit team” sites will also help you
with these questions.
Summarize colonial beliefs about liberty and inalienable rights/natural rights in their
complaints against England.
Summarize the paradox – the belief in liberty vs. slavery
Summarize the importance of the Declaration of Independence and how the issue of
slavery affected what Jefferson wrote
Summarize what modern historians believe about the role of slaves in the Revolutionary
Summarize what modern historians believe about slavery and the Declaration of