ENGLISH, Marshall J. Bioengineering Dept. Oregon State University Degrees Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of California, Davis, 1978 M.S., Civil Engineering, University of California, Davis 1973 B.S., Electrical Engineering, San Jose State College, 1965 Academic positions Professor; Irrigation Extension Specialist, Bioengineering Department, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR: 1989 - present Visiting Professor, University of Zimbabwe, Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering Department, 1992 Associate/Assistant Professor, Agricultural Engineering Department, Oregon State University, 1978-1989 Non-academic positions Fulbright Fellow, Irrigation management research in sub-Saharan Africa, 1991-1992 Senior Research Fellow, New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Modeling efficiency of irrigation systems, 1984-1985 Hydrologist, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974 Associate Development Engineer, Civil Engineering Department, University of California, Davis, 1976-77 Electronic Systems Analyst, Lockheed Space Systems Division, 1965-1971 Specialization Irrigation Optimization Systems Analysis/Modeling and Operations Research Professional Activities Chairman, Irrigation and Drainage Division - American Society of Civil Engineers, 1993-1994 Registered Professional Civil and Environmental Engineer (Oregon #15476) Editorial Board; Agricultural Water Management, 1993-2002 Member: International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) Member: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Chair: Academic Regulations Committee, Oregon State University Chair: On-Farm Irrigation Committee, Water Resources Engineering Division of ASCE 1997-2000 Invitations/Honors Keynote speaker; Symposium on Water Resources Management in Arid and Semi-arid Regions, American University, Beirut; October, 2004 (pending) Keynote speaker; United Nations Regional Conference on Water Demand Management and Pollution Control; Sharm Al-Sheikh, Egypt, 14-17 Dec., 2003 Invited speaker: Special session on Irrigation Advisory Services and Participatory Extension in Irrigation Management, 18th Congress; International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, Montreal, 7/02 Keynote speaker: United Nations (FAO) Expert Consultancy on Irrigation Advisory Services for the Near East; Hammamet, Tunisia, May, 2002 Invited paper on the future of irrigation; Jubilee Edition of the Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, in celebration of 150th anniversary of American Society of Civil Engineers Agricultural Research Institute of Chile (INIA); invited speaker for an irrigation conference and tour of irrigation facilities, 1995 Water Research Commission, Republic of South Africa: invited lecture tour concerning deficit irrigation and optimum irrigation practices; 1992 Irrigation Research Institute of Czechoslovakia, invited residency; October-November, 1991 Ningxia Province, China; Invited lecture and discussion tour dealing with salinity control in irrigated agriculture, 1986 Senior Research Fellowship, awarded by the New Zealand National Research Advisory Council, 1984-85 One year fellowship offered by International Rice Research Institute, Philippines, 1983 (declined) Alpha Epsilon, the National Honor Society of Agricultural Engineering Gamma Sigma Delta, the Honor Society of Agriculture Funded Research: Principal investigator/management of the following studies (partial list): “Regional Benefits of an Irrigation Scheduling Service,” EPA, 1975-1977 ($53,000). “Importance of Uncertainty in Irrigation Operations,” California Water Resources Center, 1977-1978 ($20,000). “State of the Art of Crop Production Modeling.” Agricultural Engineering Research Foundation, 19781979 ($1,200). “Procedures for Irrigation System Design and Management When Water supplies are Limited or Expensive,” Office of Water Research and Technology, 1979-1982 ($36,000). “Potential for Energy Conservation in Irrigated Agriculture in the Pacific Northwest,” Battelle Northwest, 1979-1980 ($30,000).“Effects of Irrigation Frequency with Deficit Irrigation,” USDA-ARS, 1980-1982 ($30,000). “Maximizing Production Efficiency Utilizing Deficit Irrigation,” Agricultural Engineering Research Foundation, 1980-1981 ($6,000). “Senior Research Fellowship: Development of an Irrigation System Model,” New Zealand National Research Advisory Council, 1984-1985 ($30,000) “Deficit Irrigation in the Columbia Basin,” BPA, 1984-1988 ($347,000). “Crop Production Modeling,” Agricultural Research Foundation, 1985-1986 ($5,000). “Modeling Irrigated Agriculture in the Columbia Basin,” Agricultural Experiment Station, 1986-1989 ($30,000). “Application of Remote Sensing for Monitoring Potato Production in the Columbia Basin,” NASA, 19881991 ($388,000). “Modification of Furrow Irrigation Practices to Reduce Sediment and Nutrient Loss in Small Grain Production,” USDA, 1993-1995 ($41,000). “Evaluation of Irrigation Strategies for Regional Ground Water Quality Management,” USDA-CSRS; 1993-1995 ($148,808). “Evaluation of Impacts of Irrigation in North Central Oregon,” Oregon Water Resources Research Institute; 1994 ($12,000). “Modeling Crop Stress for Irrigation Management,” U.S. Department of State, Office of International Cooperation and Development, Research and Scientific Exchanges Division; Cooperative research project with Dr. Josef Huzulok Irrigation Research Institute of Slovakis. 1994 ($39,000). “Irrigation System Design and Management Under Conditions of High Climatic Variability”, The Oregon Cranberry Grower’s Association, 1997-2000 ($13,000). “Evaluating Water Policy Affecting Fish Habitat, Hydrology and Irrigated Agriculture in the Snake River Basin.” (With Washington State University and University of Idaho) 1998-2000, $393,118 ($16,000). “Development of an Intensive Short Course in Irrigation Management”, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance; 1998, ($12,000). “Comparison of Penman Monteith and Kimberley Penman models of reference ET in a coastal climate”, US Bureau of Reclamation, 1998-1999 ($5700) “Development of Advisory Services for Optimum Irrigation Management,” USDA National Research Initiative, 2003-2006 ($290,000) “Comparison of Parameter Estimation Methods for Surface Irrigation Modeling,”, USDAAgricultural Research Service, 2003-2004 ($32,000) CONSULTING Egyptian Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (USAID); Development of procedures for improved management of Aswan Dam releases for irrigation, June - August, 2001 Xenergy Corporation BPA); Development of procedures for determining the value of irrigation scheduling advisory services Pakistan Ministry of Water Resources (USAID), Critical review of national irrigation management research program for Pakistan Government of Tunisia; Initiation and review of small-farm irrigation management program USDA-ARS, University of California at Davis; Evaluation of groundwater quality in the San Joaquin Valley, CA Bonneville Power Administration/Northwest Economic Assoc. Evaluating the benefits of deficit irrigation Northwest Economic Associates, Evaluation of energy use by northwest irrigated agriculture Paramount Farms, California; Development of optimum irrigation strategies when water supplies are restricted Absorbent Industries, Inc., Evaluation of soil amendments for improvement soil water holding capacity Sunburst Corporation, Evaluation of potential hydropower development on the Clearwater River Northwest Economic Associates; Crop yield losses from insufficient water supplies Klamath County, Oregon; Analysis of culvert failure Ecolotree, Inc., Iowa City; Design of biological land-fill cap Econergy Corporation, Los Angeles, CA; computer models of energy production costs Selected publications: Following selections from a list of approximately 60 publications. English, M.J. 2003. “Optimum Irrigation Management; an opportunity and a challenge.”United Nations Second Regional Conference on Water Demand Management and Pollution Control, Sharm Al-Sheikh, Egypt, 14-17 December, 2003. English, M. J. 2002. “Irrigation Advisory Services for Optimum Use of Limited Water.” 18th ICID Congress; Montreal, Canada July 21-28, 2002 English, M. J. 2002. “An Irrigation Advisory Service for Optimum Use of Limited Water.” United Nations (FAO) Expert Consultancy on Irrigation Advisory Services for the Near East Region, Hammamet, Tunisia, May 13-16, 2002. English, M.J., Solomon, K. H., and Hoffman, G.J. 2002. “A paradigm shift in irrigation management.” J. Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE. Vol. 28, No 5. (Invited paper for Jubilee Year Edition) English, M.J., J.T. Musick and V.V.N. Murty. Deficit Irrigation; In: Management of Farm Irrigation Systems; ASAE, St. Joseph, MI; 1990. English, M.J. 1999. “Determining Optimum Application Efficiencies.” In: Proceedings, Symposium on Irrigation Efficiency, International Water Resources Engineering Conference, Seattle. August, 1999. Frazier, W.M., N.K. Whittlesey and M.J. English. 1999. “Economic Impacts of Irrigation Application Uniformity in Controlling Nitrate Leaching.” In: Proceedings, Symposium on Irrigation Efficiency, International Water Resources Engineering Conference, Seattle. August, 1999. Campagna, P. M., R.N. Faux and M.J. English. 1999. “Estimating Ground Water Quality as a function of Surface Irrigation Practices.” In: Proceedings, Symposium on Irrigation Efficiency, International Water Resources Engineering Conference, Seattle. August, 1999. English, M.J. (Ed.) “Managing Water; Coping with Scarcity and Abundance.” Vol. 2 of Proceedings of XXVII Congress, International Association for Hydraulic Research, San Francisco, August, 1997. English, M.J. and S.N. Raja, 1996; “Perspectives on Deficit Irrigation.” Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 32, (1996) 1-14. Ortega, SA., R.H. Cuenca and M.J. English. 1995. Application of Penman Montieth Equation in a Maritime Climate. Journal ASCE-ID, Vol. 12.1 (6), Nov.-Dec. English, M.J., A.R. Taylor and S. Abdelli; A Sprinkler Efficiency Model. ICID Bulletin 1992, Vol.41, No. 2 English, M.J. Deficit Irrigation; An Analytical Framework. (1 of 2) ASCE, Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Vol. 116, No. 3, pp 399-412, 1990. English, M.J., L.G. James, C-F Chen. Deficit Irrigation; Observations in the Columbia Basin. ASC, Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Vol. 116, No. 3, pp 413-426, 1990. English, M.J. and B.C. Nakamura. Effects of Deficit Irrigation and Irrigation Frequency on Wheat Yields. ASCE, Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division, Vol. 116, No. 2, pp. 172-184, 1989. English, M.J., A.R. Taylor and P. John. 1986. “Evaluating Sprinkler System Performance. New Zealand Agr. Science Vol. 20(1). February. English, M.J. and G.S. Nuss. Designing for Deficit Irrigation, ASCE, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Vol. 108, No. IR2:91-106, 1982. English, M.J. The Uncertainty of Crop Models in Irrigation Optimization, Transactions ASAE, 20 (4):917928, 1981. English, M.J. and G.T. Orlob. Decision Theory and Irrigation Optimization, California Water Resources Center Contribution No. 174, 1978. English, M.J. 1997. “Under-irrigating To Boost Profits.” The Irrigation Journal. Nov./Dec. Trimmer, W.L. and M.J. English, 1997. “Conserving Water in Agriculture; Stretching Irrigation Water Supplies.” Pacific Northwest Extension Publication No. 323. Oregon, Idaho, Washington. Revised Sept. 1997. English. M.J., R. Mittlestadt, and J.R. Miner. “Irrigation Management Practices: Checklist for Oregon.” EM 8644. OSU Extension Service. August, 1996. English, M.J. 1997. “Partial Irrigation; A Fundamental Change”; Proceedings, Int. Association for Hydraulic Research, XXVII Congress, San Francisco, August, 1997. English, M.J., A.R. Taylor and S. Abdelli. A Sprinkler Efficiency Model. ICID-CIID 14th Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. April 28 - May 4, 1990. English, M.J., M. Glenn and J. VanSickle. Irrigation Scheduling for Optimum Water Use. Proceedings, ASAE Symposium on Irrigation Scheduling for Water and Energy Conservation in the 80’s, pp. 61-72, Chicago, IL., December 14-15, 1981. May, 2004