Steady State Heat Transfer In Composite Hollow Cylinders – The Nuclear Fuel Rod (A Term Project for MEAE 6630 – Conduction Heat Transfer) Submitted by: Thomas D. Hammel Date: April 14, 2000 Page 2 of 14 1. Introduction This project presents the analytical solution to the problem of steady-state heat transfer for a two-layer composite hollow cylinder with perfect thermal contact and heat generation, with an applied heat rate at the inner surface and a convection boundary condition at the outer surface. The problem is similar to the in-class exercise we completed for a composite solid cylinder with heat generation and a specified temperature at the outer surface. Following the presentation of an analytical solution to this problem, an example problem simulating a nuclear fuel rod at steady-state conditions is solved using the analytical solution derived in Section 2. Finally, an ANSYS finite element analysis of the same example problem is presented for comparison purposes. The complete ANSYS input file listing is included in Appendix A. Page 3 of 14 2. Analytical Solution Consider a two-layer composite cylinder as illustrated in Figure 1. a k2, g2 b r o c k1, g1 convection heat flux f1 T h Figure 1 Two-layer hollow cylinder with perfect thermal contact The system contains an inner cylinder a rb and an outer cylinder b rc that are in perfect thermal contact. k1 and k2 are the thermal conductivities, and g1 and g2 are the heat generation rates of the inner and outer cylinders, respectively. Heat is dissipated by convection from the outside surface at r = c into an environment at T = TThe inside surface at r = a is subjected to heating at the rate of f1. The mathematical formulation of the problem is given by 1 d d T i gi 0 r r dr dr k i in r i r r i 1, i 1, 2 (1) Page 4 of 14 subject to the boundary conditions d T1 f1 dr at ra (2) T1 T 2 at r b (3) d T1 dT2 k2 dr dr at rb (4) d T1 h T 2 T 0 dr at rc (5) k1 k1 k2 The solution may be found by simply integrating the two equations defined by Equation (1) and using the four boundary condition relationships in Equations (2) – (5) to evaluate the four constants resulting from the integrations of Equation (1). The problem is similar to the in-class example we solved during the semester, except for the non-zero inner radius and the differing boundary conditions. For cylinder and material 1 (i = 1), integrating Equation 1 results in the following expression r d T 1 g1 2 r A0 dr 2 k1 (6) d T 1 g1 A r 0 dr r 2 k1 (7) or Separating variable, we obtain d T1 g1 2 k1 r dr A dr 0 r (8) Page 5 of 14 Integrating once more, we get the solution for T1 as T1 g1 2 r A ln r B 4 k1 (9) Similarly, for cylinder and material 2, the solution for T2 is T2 g2 2 r C ln r D 4k2 (10) Equations (9) and (10) constitute a solution of the general problem with four arbitrary constants. The solution is made particular to the case considered here by evaluating the four constants, A, B, C, and D, using the four boundary condition relationships in Equations (2) – (5). We note here that the following are expressions for the first partial derivatives (which will be needed to evaluate the constants) g T1 A 1r r r 2 k1 (11) g T 2 C 2 r r r 2k2 (12) From Equation (2), we have k1 g a k g d T1 A f 1 k1 1 a 1 1 A dr a 2 a 2 k1 (13) Rearranging, we obtain an expression for A, as A a a g1 f 1 k1 2 From Equation (4), we obtain the following (14) Page 6 of 14 g1 g A C a k2 2 b k1 a b 2 k1 2k2 (15) Knowing A, we readily obtain an expression for C, as C g1 2k2 a 2 b 2 2gk2 b 2 ak f 1 2 (16) 2 Equation (5) results in the expression g2 g C c h 2 c 2 C ln c D h T k2 c 2k2 4k2 (17) which leads to an expression for D, as D 2 a a c g2 c 2 g1 f 1 b g 2 g1 k 2 ln c T 4 k 2 h 2k2 k 2 2 h c (18) Finally, Equation (3) gives us the expression g1 2 g2 2 b A ln b B c C ln b D 4 k1 4k2 (19) which, after substitutions for A, C, and D are made, and much rearranging, we obtain the following expression 2 g B b 1 4 k1 2 a g2 a a g1 f 1 b g 2 g1 ln b 2k2 k2 k 2 k 1 2 2 a a k c g2 c 2 T g1 f 1 b g 2 g1 2 ln c 2 2 c 4 k k h k h 2 2 2 (20) Page 7 of 14 Using these expressions for A, B, C, and D, final expressions for T1(r) and T2(r) are found to be as follows: T 1 r g1 2 a a g1 b 2 g1 g 2 f 1 ln r r 4 k 1 k 2 4 k1 k1 2 a a a b2 g1 f 1 g 2 g1 ln b 2k2 k 2 k 1 2 (21) a a k c g2 c 2 b2 T 0 g 1 f 1 g 2 g1 2 ln c 4 k 2 h 2k2 k 2 2 h c for a r b and T 2 r a f 1 c g2 c g2 2 g2 2 g1 2 2 a b2 b r ln r 2 2 4 4k2 k k k k h 2 2 2 2 a a k b2 g 1 f 1 g 2 g1 2 ln c T 2k2 k 2 2 h c for b r c (22) Page 8 of 14 3. Example – Nuclear Fuel Rod at Steady-State Conditions Nuclear fuel rods are typically manufactured from Zircaloy. These rods typically have a layer of oxidation on the outer surface of the rod. At full power the fuel pellets within the rods subject the inside surface of the rods to a constant heat rate, and there tends to be some small amount of heat generation within the Zircaloy clad. Heat is dissipated by convection from the outside surface of the oxidation into a forced water flow environment at a uniform temperature. These conditions are represented by the analytical problem presented and solved in Section 2. To illustrate the application of the analytical solution, typical input parameters for a nuclear fuel rod are presented here, and are used in the following two sections to obtain analytical and finite element analysis results, respectively, for the same problem. Material Properties (Thermal conductivities assumed constant, at T = 600 F, for this analysis) Thermal conductivity of clad, k1 = 10.00 Btu/(hr-ft-F) Thermal conductivity of oxide layer, k2 = 0.02 W/(cm-K) Geometric Properties Clad inner radius, a = 0.200 inches Clad thickness, b - a = 0.030 inches Oxide thickness, c - b = 0.005 inches Loading Heat rate, f1 = 6.00 Kw/ft Heat generation in clad, g1 = 2% of applied heat rate Heat transfer coefficient, h = 6000 Btu/(hr-ft2-F) Bulk coolant temperature, T = 600.0 F Page 9 of 14 3.1 Analytical Solution to Example Using the input parameters from Section 3 and Equations (21) and (22) for T1 and T2, respectively, the steady-state through-wall temperature distribution in the example fuel rod is determined. The results are calculated at radii chosen to coincide with the nodal spacing developed in the finite element analysis of the following section. The results of the analytical solution are presented in Table 1 and Figure 3, 3.2 Finite Element Analysis Solution to Example An ANSYS finite element analysis was completed using the parameter input of Section 3. A 2-D axisymmetric model of arbitrary axial length was developed using PLANE55 2-D thermal solid elements. A radial grid with eight uniformly spaced elements through the clad and two uniformly spaced elements through the oxidation was used. (See complete ANSYS input listing in Appendix A for all modeling details.) A contour plot of the through-wall temperature distribution from the finite element analysis is included in Figure 2. A tabulation of the same temperature distribution is included in Table 1, along with the analytical solution developed in Section 3.1. 3.3 Comparison of Analytical and Finite Element Analysis Solutions The analytical solution and the finite element solution are in excellent agreement. All temperatures agree within 0.02%. Page 10 of 14 1 MX MN ANSYS 5.5.2 APR 12 2000 21:57:25 PLOT NO. 1 NODAL SOLUTION STEP=1 SUB =1 TIME=1 TEMP (AVG) RSYS=0 PowerGraphics EFACET=1 AVRES=Mat SMN =628.351 SMX =736.326 628.351 640.348 652.345 664.342 676.34 688.337 700.334 712.331 724.329 736.326 Figure 2 ANSYS Through-Wall Temperature Distribution for Example Problem Page 11 of 14 Table 1 Input and Output for Example Fuel Rod Problem Geometric Properties: a = inner radius = t1 = clad thickness = b = interface radius = t2 = oxidation thickness = c = outer radius = Material Properties: cylinder k Btu/(hr-ft-F) 1 10.0 2 1.16 0.2000 0.0300 0.2300 0.0050 0.2350 k Btu/(sec-in-F) 2.315E-04 2.675E-05 Boundary Conditions: inside: heat flux = outside: in. in. in. in. in. g Btu/(sec-in3) 2.514E-01 0 2 0.3771 Btu/(sec-in 6 Kw/in h 6000 T 600.0 F 2 Btu/(hr-ft -F) Analytical Solution r (in) 0.2 0.20375 0.2075 0.21125 0.215 0.21875 0.2225 0.22625 0.23 0.2325 0.235 T1 (°F) 736.20 730.14 724.18 718.30 712.52 706.82 701.20 695.66 690.20 ----- T2 (°F) ----------------690.20 659.06 628.26 0.0116 2 ANSYS Solution T (°F) 736.20 730.14 724.18 718.30 712.52 706.82 701.20 695.66 690.20 659.06 628.26 X (in.) 0.2 0.20375 0.2075 0.21125 0.215 0.21875 0.2225 0.22625 0.23 0.2325 0.235 ) Btu/(sec-in -F) TEMP (°F) 736.33 730.27 724.30 718.43 712.64 706.95 701.33 695.79 690.33 659.18 628.35 Page 12 of 14 Temperature in Composite Cylinder Analytical ANSYS 750 Temperature (°F) 725 700 675 650 625 600 0.200 0.210 0.220 0.230 0.240 Radius (in.) Figure 3 Comparison of Analytical and Finite Element Analysis Solutions to Example Problem Page 13 of 14 APPENDIX A - ANSYS Input File Listing ! file = example.inp ! created by T. D. Hammel (April 2000) /title,Nuclear Fuel Rod Example Problem et,1,plane55,,,1 ! use 2-D thermal solid, axisymmetric ! material properties ! clad kcld=10.00/(3600*12) ! Btu/(sec-in-°F) mp,kxx,1,kcld ! Btu/(sec-in-°F) ! oxide layer Kox = 0.0200 Kox = Kox*57.79 Kox = Kox/(3600*12) mp,kxx,2,Kox ! W/(cm-°K) ! Btu/(hr-ft-°F) ! Btu/(sec-in-°F) ! geometric input data a=0.200 ! clad inner radius (in) t1=0.030 ! clad thickness (in) b=a+t1 ! clad outer radius = oxidation inner radius (in) t2=0.0050 ! oxidation thickness (in) c=b+t2 ! oxidation outer thickness (in) ! model creation n_clad=8 n_ox=2 ! no. of elements through clad thickness ! no. of elements through oxidation thickness k,1,a k,2,b k,3,c kgen,2,1,3,,,t2 a,1,2,5,4 a,2,3,6,5 ! area 1 = clad ! area 2 = oxidation lesize,all,,,1 lesize,1,,,n_clad lesize,3,,,n_clad lesize,5,,,n_ox lesize,7,,,n_ox allsel mat,1 amesh,1 mat,2 amesh,2 finish /solu antype,static pi = 3.14159 ! determine heat rate bc_flux = 6.00/12 bc_flux = bc_flux/(pi*2*a) bc_flux= bc_flux*1000/(0.2931*3600) ! Kw/in ! Kw/in^2 - divide by circumference ! Btu/(in^2-sec) Page 14 of 14 ! determine heat generation rate bc_gen = 0.02*bc_flux/t1 ! Btu/(in^3-sec), divide by clad thickness ! determine convection boundary condition input bc_conv = 6000/(3600*144) ! Btu/(in^2-sec-°F) bc_Tbulk = 600.0 ! °F ! apply convection on outer surface nsel,s,loc,x,c-.001,c+.001 sf,all,conv,bc_conv,bc_Tbulk ! select oxidation outer nodes (x=c) ! apply convection to oxidation outer nodes ! apply heat rate at inner surface nsel,s,loc,x,a-.001,a+.001 sf,all,hflux,bc_flux ! select cladding inner nodes (x=a) ! apply heat flux to clad inner nodes ! apply heat generation in cladding esel,s,mat,,1 nsle bf,all,hgen,bc_gen ! select cladding elements ! select nodes in cladding elements ! apply heat generation to clad nodes allsel outpr,basic,all solve