Year 7 Summer 2 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Keep Calm and Ask a Geographer Fieldwork n/a Research GIS Using Google Earth to use satellite images of different regions Homework Project Do geographers ever get lost? Maybe it’s because I’m a…Londoner. Is Hounslow London? Change Fieldwork Off site: Hounslow High Street Questionnaire Research Using ONS Neighbourhood statistics to compare different parts of the UK GIS Using AEGIS to plot data from questionnaires; Homework Project Would I fit in somewhere else? Why are rivers important? interaction Fieldwork On site: Infiltration rates Virtual: Investigating changes along a river Research Using World Book online to investigate world rivers GIS Using Google Earth to investigate different river regimes looking at links with population distribution Homework Project Which is the most important river in the world? What does geography have to do with crime? Diversity Fieldwork On site: Choosing a site for a new CCTV camera Research Using to compare type and number of crime in areas GIS Using AEGIS to plot data from onsite fieldwork to aid decision making Homework Project How safe is my street? How do humans affect the coastline? Interaction Fieldwork Off site: Littlehampton Investigation Virtual: Field trip to southern Spain Research Using Google to investigate coastal management – guided with key words GIS Use Google Earth to investigate the visible impacts of humans on coastlines – Dubai, Gold Coast, Gulf of Mexico Homework Project Wish you were here? Year 8 Summer 2 Autumn 1 What makes places dangerous? Diversity Fieldwork Virtual: Field work visit to active volcano Research Use simulation Stop Disasters to help prepare and plan for natural disasters GIS Use Google Earth to create a tour of the most dangerous places to live Homework Project Why would you live in a dangerous place? How many people are too many? Perception & representation Fieldwork Homework: Questionnaires about population change and migration GIS Use Google Earth to design maps and posters to show differences in population size and structure Autumn 2 How does your city grow? Interaction Fieldwork Virtual: Site observations of spontaneous settlements in Rio, Cape Town, Nairobi, Jakarta and Mumbai Off site: Land use mapping in Hounslow GIS Use AEGIS 3 to investigate differences in land use in Hounslow. Spring 1 Is it me or is it hot in here? Homework Project What will cities be like in the future? Interaction Research Compare different forest biomes Homework Project Will there be any rainforest left? Change Fieldwork Homework: Questionnaires about attitudes towards climate change GIS Using Google Earth to predict changes Using Environment Agency maps to investigate impact of climate change on local area Summer 1 Research Use UN Cyber school bus to investigate changes in cities around the world Why does the UK not have a rainforest? Fieldwork Off site: Epping Forest FSC GIS Using Google Earth to estimate current rates of deforestation Spring 2 Research Use BBC news and other news sites to investigate China’s One Child Policy Homework Project Is the grass greener? Research Human and natural causes of climate change; Homework Project Climate Change Games Unhealthy people or unhealthy places? Change, Interaction Fieldwork Investigating access to open space and the impact of exercise and play on the sense of well-being GIS Using csv data sets to produce maps to investigate the relationships between socio-economic data and health in the UK Research . Homework Project Investigating access to open space and the impact of exercise and play on the sense of well-being Year 9 Summer 2 Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud Change, Interaction Fieldwork Off-site: Soil Catena of Box Hill, Surrey GIS Use DigiMaps for schools to plot data fieldwork data Use ARCGIS to plot live data Autumn 1 Storm Chasing: Changing Weather Change, Interaction Fieldwork On-site: Gathering micro climate data GIS Use ARC GIS to create maps of micro climate data around shool Autumn 2 Spring 1 Globalisation and Me Fieldwork Offsite: Glocal or Global Hounslow. Research Webquest: Does IT work? GIS Use night view of Google Earth to identify ‘switched on’ and ‘switched off’ places Homework Project Global spread: Mapping the spread of technology and ideas Arrested Development: Impact of Conflict GIS Use AEGIS3 to investigate the impact of a local conflict Summer 1 Research Use of cultural artefacts in the tracking changing weather patterns Homework Project Extreme Weather Report Diversity, Interaction Fieldwork Homework: Photographic essay on local conflicts Spring 2 Research Issues related to quality of soil and the importance for farming in the UK. Homework Project Who cares about soil? Water, water everywhere Perception/representation, Change Research UN Cyber school bus Web quest on child soldiers Homework Project The Geography of Peace: how effective is the Global Peace Index Interaction, Change Fieldwork On-site, Experiential: Personal response to carrying 5l bucket of water for 15 minutes Fieldwork On-site, Experiential: Personal response to carrying 5l bucket of water for 15 minutes GIS Use Google Earth images to track evidence of water use and abuse GIS Use Google Earth images to track evidence of water use and abuse Going to Extremes: Super Eruptions, Mega Tsunamis & Twisters Diversity Fieldwork Virtual: Yellowstone, Japan & Tornado Alley GIS Select an appropriate tool to develop hazard map of the school and its hazard preparedness plan (Linked to homework project. Research Using investigate levels of risk in different parts of the world. Homework Project Design a hazard plan for Lampton School Reserve Units Spring 2 Is the World Fair? Tackling Global Poverty Perception/representation, Interaction Year 9 Fieldwork Research N/A Using investigate the relationships between development indicators00 GIS Homework Project Use Google Earth or AEGIS 3 to devise mapping techniques to examine differences in development Collaborative development campaign – MDG rating