Limitations of 2003-2004 LA 4 and Starting Points Data To present the test results in a generally meaningful way, the use of percentile ranks is common. These ranks are useful in describing a score in relation to the position of other scores in an array, and indicate the percentage of children from a norm population who fall below a particular point. The Developing Skills Checklist used in LA 4 and Starting Points provides two such ranks: 1) grade percentile, and 2) age percentile. The grade percentile rank compares children against other children in the same grade at the same time of year, regardless of the children’s ages. The age percentile rank compares a child with other children of the same age in years and months. For the purposes of the evaluation of the 2003-2004 LA 4 and Starting Points programs, the grade percentile rank was used to compare LA 4 and Starting Points students against other students in the same grade at the same time of year. It should be noted that the Developing Skills Checklist has no norm tables for children tested in the Fall of prekindergarten; therefore, Spring prekindergarten norms were used. The application of Spring prekindergarten norms to the Fall LA 4 and Starting Points children’s test results establishes a baseline that may underestimate the children’s actual performance relative to peers at that time. In order to address this limitation test results were analyzed using the age percentiles. Results indicate the majority of students remain in the bottom quartile regardless of the use of grade or age percentiles. Additional statistical analyses reveal the two groups are impossible to tell apart in a typical classroom. 2003-2004 LA 4 and Starting Points Full Report Technical Appendix LA 4 & STARTING POINTS PROGRAMS INTAKE FORM 2003-2004 School Year Louisiana Department of Education - Division of Student Standards and Assessment 1201 North Third Street, Fourth Floor, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Toll free: 1-877-453-2721 CONFIDENTIAL: All information that would identify any individual will be held strictly confidential. If you have any questions, please contact Marieanne Hollay, at (225) 219-4533 ( or Ivy Starns at (225) 342-3366 ( INSTRUCTIONS: Please use a number 2 pencil to darken the appropriate ovals or print requested information in the designated blocks. If a mistake is made, thoroughly erase the incorrect response. Incorrect Marks: (Insert Direction Box) A. CHILD IDENTIFICATION (If both the social security number (SSN) and State identification number are available, please provide the SSN). LAST NAME _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B. C. D. E. F. FIRST NAME _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MI _ SSN or STATE ID No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TEST ADMINISTRATOR'S NAME: __________________________ SCHOOL NAME: _____________________________ DISTRICT NAME: ______________________________________ DISTRICT CODE: ENTRY DATE OF CHILD INTO PROGRAM: MM / DD / 20 YY _ _ / _ _ / 20 _ _ CHILD'S DATE OF BIRTH Report as MM/DD/YY M M _ _ / D D / Y Y Y Y / _ _ / _ _ _ _ G. 0 _ _ CHILD’S GENDER: MALE FEMALE H. RACE/ ETHNIC BACKGROUND (Mark All that Apply) __ Black (not Hispanic) __ White (Not Hispanic) __ Asian or Pacific Islander __ Hispanic __ Alaskan Native or American Indian __ Other______________ (please specify) I. CHILD'S EDUCATIONAL CLASSIFICATION (Select one) __ Regular Education __ Special Education (not Gifted or Talented) __ Gifted __ Talented BEFORE AGE 3, DID THIS CHILD RECEIVE SERVICES FOR A SPECIAL NEED THROUGH PART C OR CHILDNET, SUCH AS SPEECH/LANGUAGE, PHYSICAL THERAPY, OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY, OR SPECIAL INSTRUCTION? _ Yes _ No K. IS ENGLISH THE PRIMARY LANGUAGE SPOKEN AT HOME? L. __ Yes __ No INDICATE CURRENT ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN U.S. DOLLARS: __ Under $10,000 __ $10,000 - $19,999 __ $20,000 - $29,999 __ $30,000 - $39,999 __ $40,000 - $49,999 __ over $50,000 2003-2004 LA 4 and Starting Points Full Report Technical Appendix LA 4 & STARTING POINTS PROGRAMS INTAKE FORM 2003-2004 School Year (continued) SSN or STATE ID NUMBER _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M. DOES THE CHILD QUALIFY FOR THE FREE/REDUCED LUNCH PROGRAM? (select one) __ Yes, Free Lunch __ Yes, Reduced Lunch __ No N. HOW MANY CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 18 CURRENTLY LIVE IN THE CHILD'S HOUSEHOLD, INCLUDING THIS CHILD? __ 1 O. __ 2 __ 3 __ 4 __ 5 __ 6 __ 7 __ 8 __ 9 __ 10 or more WHAT IS THE HIGHEST GRADE IN SCHOOL THAT THE MOTHER/FEMALE GUARDIAN COMPLETED? __ No Mother or Female Guardian __ Below 6th grade __ 6th grade __ 7th grade __ 8th grade __ 9th grade __ 10th grade __ 11th grade __ GED ___ High School Graduate __ Some Education after High School __ Associate or Vocational Degree __ Some College ___College Graduate __ Some Education after College ___Graduate Degree ___Don’t Know __ Other (Specify)_____________________ P. WHAT IS THE HIGHEST GRADE IN SCHOOL THAT THE FATHER/MALE GUARDIAN COMPLETED? __ No Father or Male Guardian __ Below 6th grade __ 6th grade __ 7th grade __ 8th grade __ 9th grade __ 10th grade __ 11th grade __ GED ___ High School Graduate __ Some Education after High School __ Associate or Vocational Degree __ Some College ___College Graduate __ Some Education after College ___Graduate Degree ___Don’t Know __ Other (Specify)_____________________ Q. WAS THIS CHILD IN ANY TYPE OF NON-PARENTAL CARE FOR A PERIOD OF 6 MONTHS OR LONGER BEFORE ENTERING THE PREKINDERGARTEN PROGRAM? ___ Yes ___ No IF YES, indicate all types of child care used for 6 months or longer since birth: __ Child care center __ Registered family day care __ Care center in a church __ At child's home with relative __ Early Head Start (for ages 0-2 years) __ At relative's home __ Head Start __ At neighbor's home __ At child's home with paid babysitter __ Other(Specify)_________________ 2003-2004 LA 4 and Starting Points Full Report Technical Appendix LA 4 & STARTING POINTS PROGRAMS PRE-TEST & POST-TEST FORMS 2003-2004 School Year Louisiana Department of Education - Division of Student Standards and Assessment 1201 North Third Street, Fourth Floor, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Toll free: 1-877-453-2721 If you have any questions, please contact Marieanne Hollay, (225) 219-4533 ( or Ivy Starns, (225) 342-3366 ( __________________________________________________________________________________ CHILD'S NAME: __________________________________ TEST BEGIN DATE: _____________ TEST END DATE: _____________ SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER (or State ID No.) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DISTRICT NAME: ___________________________________ DISTRICT CODE: SCHOOL NAME: 0_ __ __ ________________________________ TEACHER’S NAME: _____________________________ TEST TO BE GIVEN: Pre Test Post Test Instructions: Please write in the Student's name and identification number on both pretest and posttest forms. Mark "O" for Observed and "U" for the Unobserved Activity. Darken the appropriate oval with a number 2 pencil. Mark only one response unless instructed otherwise. If a mistake is made, completely erase the incorrect answer and darken the correct response. MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS (Book 1) Naming Shapes (page 1) 1. O U Circle 2. O U Square 3. O U Rectangle 4. O U Triangle Copying Patterns (page 3) 5. O U R-B-R-B Extending Patterns (page 3) 6. O U R-R-B-B Counting (pages 5 and 7) 7. O U By Ones to 10 8. O U On from 4 9. O U Backwards Counting Objects to 10 (page 7) 10. O U 1-10 Identifying Numerals (pages 9-15) Matching Sets and Numerals Identify Match 11. O U 5 12. O U 5 13. O U 2 14. O U 2 15. O U 0 16. O U 0 17. O U 9 18. O U 9 2003-2004 LA 4 and Starting Points Full Report Joining and Separating Sets of Objects (page 17) 19. O U Left (4) 20. O U Hiding (1) 21. O U Left (2) 22. O U Hiding (3) 23. O U Left (1) 24. O U Hiding (4) 25. O U Left (3) 26. O U Hiding (2) 27. O U Left (0) 28. O U Hiding (5) Demonstrating Knowledge of Ordinal Positions (page 19) 29. O U First 30. O U Third 31. O U Second 32. O U Fourth LOGICAL OPERATIONS (pages 21-25) 1. O U Classifying 2. O U Conservation of Number 3. O U Estimating 4. O U Seriating 5. O U Inserting Technical Appendix LA 4 & STARTING POINTS PROGRAMS PRE-TEST & POST-TEST FORMS 2003–2004 School Year (continued) SSN or STATE ID NUMBER _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LANGUAGE (Book 2) PRINT CONCEPTS (A DAY AT SCHOOL Book) Naming Body Parts (page 1) 1. O U Neck 2. O U Shoulders 3. O U Elbow 4. O U Wrist 5. O U Knees 6. O U Ankles Holding a Book/Turning the Pages 1. O U Stating Function of Body Parts (page 3) 7. O U Eyes 8. O U Nose 9. O U Ears 10. O U Mouth Stating Personal Information (page 5) 11. O U First Name 12. O U Last Name 13. O U Age Labeling Objects (page 7) 14. O U Demonstrating Knowledge of Position Words (page 9) 15. O U Back 16. O U Over 17. O U Front 18. O U Through 19. O U Around 20. O U Under 21. O U Next to 22. O U Between Telling a Five-Part Story in Sequence (page 11) 23. O U Demonstrating (page 13) 24. O U 25. O U 26. O U 27. O U 28. O U 29. O U Knowledge of Opposites Hot Fast Loud Big Happy Good 2003-2004 LA 4 and Starting Points Full Report Identifying People Engaged in Reading Activities 2. O U 3. O U 4. O U Differentiating Print from Pictures/ Differentiating Letters from Numerals Clock 5. O U Words 6. O U Function 7. O U Numerals 8. O U Function Milk Carton 9. O U Words 10. O U Function 11. O U Numerals 12. O U Function Differentiating Numerals Recess 13. O U Numerals (Shirt) 14. O U Numerals (Hopscotch) 15. O U Function Identifying Components of Written Communication 16. O U Beginning 17. O U Letter 18. O U Word 19. O U Sentence 20. O U Capital Letter 21. O U Period WRITING AND DRAWING CONCEPTS 1. O U Demonstrating Left/Right Progression 2. 0 1 2 3 4 Printing First Name 3. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Drawing a Person 4. 0 1 2 3 4 Writing a "Message"; Mechanics 5. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Writing a "Message"; Quality Technical Appendix LA 4 & Starting Points Prekindergarten Program – SWOT Form for Administrators District _______________________________ School ______________________________________ Title (Principal, Early Childhood Coordinator, etc.) ________________________________________ Is this your first year to be involved in the LA 4 or Starting Points Program? YES ______NO ______ One piece of the evaluation of the LA 4 and Starting Points prekindergarten programs is a SWOT analysis looking at Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. A SWOT analysis is a tool that helps in planning, developing strategies, and supporting the program. Strengths and Weaknesses are internal factors. When thinking of the strengths of the program, ask yourself questions such as: what are the advantages? what is done well? what relevant resources are available? what do other people see as the strengths of the program? When thinking of the weaknesses of the program, ask yourself questions such as: what could be improved? is anything done badly? what needs to be avoided? Opportunities and Threats are external factors. A useful approach to looking at opportunities is to look at your strengths and ask yourself whether these open up any opportunities. Alternatively, look at your weaknesses and ask yourself whether you could open up opportunities by eliminating them. When thinking of threats to the program, ask yourself questions such as: what obstacles does the program face? could any of the weaknesses seriously threaten the program? Please list 2 or 3 items under each of the following sections to complete your SWOT analysis from the perspective of an administrator in a school offering this program. Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats 2003-2004 LA 4 and Starting Points Full Report Technical Appendix LA 4 & Starting Points Prekindergarten Programs – SWOT Form for Teachers District _______________________________ School ______________________________________ Is this your first year to be involved in the LA 4 or Starting Points Program? YES _____ NO ______ One piece of the evaluation of the LA 4 and Starting Points prekindergarten programs is a SWOT analysis looking at Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. A SWOT analysis is a tool that helps in planning, developing strategies, and supporting the program. Strengths and Weaknesses are internal factors. When thinking of the strengths of the program, ask yourself questions such as: what are the advantages? what is done well? what relevant resources are available? what do other people see as the strengths of the program? When thinking of the weaknesses of the program, ask yourself questions such as: what could be improved? is anything done badly? what needs to be avoided? Opportunities and Threats are external factors. A useful approach to looking at opportunities is to look at your strengths and ask yourself whether these open up any opportunities. Alternatively, look at your weaknesses and ask yourself whether you could open up opportunities by eliminating them. When thinking of threats to the program, ask yourself questions such as: what obstacles does the program face? could any of the weaknesses seriously threaten the program? Please list 2 or 3 items under each of the following sections to complete your SWOT analysis from the perspective of a teacher of a prekindergarten classroom. Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats 2003-2004 LA 4 and Starting Points Full Report Technical Appendix