*TL1 Program Application for 2015 Awards (start date 9/1/2015) Mentored Pre-doctoral Research Training Program revised Dec. 2014 Application Checklist: _____ Apply to either program: Clinical Investigation PhD or PhD minor (refer to https://ictr.wisc.edu/GraduateProgram and direct questions to Sally Wedde, Education Programs Administrator, at sewedde@wisc.edu or 262-3768) _____ Secure a committed Mentor with an appropriate Clinical or Translational Project _____ Student and Mentor complete the attached TL1 Program Application Form _____ Submit a current CurriculumVitae for Student and Mentor _____ Draft a Proposed Coursework Plan. Successful applicants (TL1 trainees) must fulfill the full-time graduate student requirement for the TL1 program. That is 8 credits Fall, 8 credits Spring, and 2 credits Summer. _____ Student and Mentor obtain ICTR Membership (refer to https://ictr.wisc.edu//) For TL1 Applicants pursuing the Clinical Investigation PhD: _____ Complete the Online Application to UW Graduate School or _____ MD/PhD Program Applicant: Submit a copy of your Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) application For TL1 Applicants pursuing the Clinical Investigation PhD Minor: _____ Include a completed Intent to Complete a PhD Minor in Clinical Investigation (refer to https://ictr.wisc.edu/files/MinorInClinicalInvestigationRequirements_GPCI_3.pdf) *Application materials should be submitted electronically in a single pdf document, and program questions directed to, Sally Wedde, TL1 Program Coordinator (sewedde@wisc.edu or 262-3768). Page 1 of 4 *TL1 Program Application for September 1, 2015 Awards I. Basic Data Complete all questions in the Basic Data section. If a question is not applicable, please indicate so with the words “Not Applicable”. Name (Last, First, MI) Degree/s Birthdate (mm/dd/yyyy) Current Position Department Address City/State/Zip Telephone (w/ area code) Email address Mentor’s Name & E-mail Citizenship (select one): U.S. Citizen Permanent Resident of the U.S. II. Information Required by the NIH What is your gender? Are you Hispanic? Female Yes Male No What is your racial background? American Indian or Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Asian Black or African American White (non-Hispanic) Do you have a disability? Yes No Do Not Wish to Provide If yes, which of the following categories describe your disability (ies): Hearing Visual Mobility/Orthopedic Impairment Are you from a disadvantaged background? Yes No Other? Do Not Wish to Provide Page 2 of 4 III. TL1 Applicant Section 1. Will you pursue the Clinical Investigation PhD, or PhD Minor? 2. Are you requesting 1 or 2 years on this award? Include the following detailed information to describe why you are a strong candidate for the TL1 Program (up to 2 pages): Previous Research Experience and Training Research Interests 1. What clinical and translational research project(s) will you work on among the projects in the lab? Describe the work you most enjoy. 2. How does your work in the lab relate to your mentor’s research goals? Are you able to adjust your lab schedule to accommodate your coursework? Career Goals Your Mentor’s role in helping you to reach your research and career goals 1. Will you be encouraged to publish? What role will you have in publishing? 2. Will you be encouraged to attend conferences? Present posters? 3. What is the best training outcome from your perspective? From your mentors perspective? How the TL1 Program will benefit your research interests and career goals Describe your level of need for the TL1 funding. 3. List (if any) your publications, abstracts, or manuscripts, including those in preparation (if applicable). I hereby certify that the information presented in this application is true and accurate. I have not knowingly withheld any facts or circumstances that could interfere with the integrity and accuracy of this application. If awarded a TL1 appointment, I will acknowledge the ICTR/NIH grant (UL1TR000427) on all work while funded and on all future work that is a result of the work I completed while funded. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Applicant Signature Date Page 3 of 4 IV. TL1 Mentor Section Proposed Mentor: _______________________________ Degree/s ____________________ Title: _______________________ Department: __________________________ Telephone: _____________ Email: __________________________ Statement Including the Following To Be Completed by Proposed TL1 Mentor: 1. Mentor’s research focus (1 paragraph): 2. Mentor’s prior experience with trainees (1 paragraph): 3. Describe the research training plan for this applicant (please be specific): If this student is awarded a TL1 appointment, I will acknowledge the NIH ICTR and ICTR/TL1 grants (UL1TR000427 and UL1TR000429) on all work that this student contributes to while funded, as well as all future work that is a result of the work the student contributed to while funded on the TL1. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Mentor Signature Date Page 4 of 4