The Efficiency of Window Design and Orientation on Long-Cycle Passive Solar Heating Demands in Residential Buildings. كفاءة تصميم واتجاه الشباك على االحتياج الحراري السلبي بعيد المدى بالمباني السكنية Amjed A. Maghrabi Head of Researches & Consultations Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Architecture College of Engineering & Islamic Architecture, Um Al-Qura University. أمجد بن عبد الرحمن مغربي رئيس قسم االستشارات والبحوث أستاذ العمارة المساعد – قسم العمارة اإلسالمية .كلية الهندسة والعمارة اإلسالمية – جامعة أم القرى :المستخلص العربى لمنال كاكني نم اي بمديناةpassive( يختص هذا البحث ب تقييم األداء لمختلف أنواع الشبابيك (الفتحاا) ييماا يتعلاا بااألداء الحاراري السالبي عدد من أنواع الشبابيك (المفترضة ذا) األداء الحراري العالي تم مقارنتها مع أنواع من الشبابيك العادياة (الحالياة ياي محاولاة.ووترلوو بكندا ( لعدد من الشبابيك وثالثة اتجاها) للفتحا) تم دراكتها متضامنة االتجااهactive) لدراكة التقليل بعيد المدى من تكاليف اكتخدام ال اقة اإليجابية . المختص بدراكة االحتياج الحراري السلبيRetScreen PSH الجنوبي والشمالي والغربي باكتخدام برنامج نااتج عاان الترقيااة ماان الشااباك العااادي لااى الشااباك ذي األداء الحااراري العااالي نتاااوج ملموكااة للتقلياال ماان االحتياااج لااى اكااتخدام ال اقااة اإليجابيااة ، تم اكترداد المبالغ التي تم نفاقها لترقية الشاباك لاى باباك ذي أداء حاراري أعلاى، ضاية لى ذلك.وباألخص عند توجيه المبنى باتجاه الجنوب لعمال- ويخلص البحث لى أن ما يحدد االختياار الساليم – اقتصااديا.) يي أقل من عشرة كنوا،نظرا للتقليل من احتياج ال اقة الحرارية اإليجابية .الترقية الم لوبة للشباك هما التكاليف األكاكية للترقية وعمر الشباك االيتراضي Abstract: This paper describes research conducted to evaluate the efficiency of various window components with respect to solar heating demands of a prototype residential house in Waterloo, Canada. A number of proposed high performance window types are compared against base-case conventional windows in attempt to trace the longcycle cutback in heating demands. Three window orientations including South, North and West facing were considered. RetScreen passive solar heating project model was used for this purpose. The upgrade of windows has shown a dramatic cutback in passive solar heating demands with preference to South facing direction. Initial cost of window upgrade is reimbursed, due to reduction of active solar heating cost, in less than ten years depending on the type of window selected. It is concluded that the economical upgrade of a window depends on the initial installation cost required for the upgrade and the project life. KEYWORDS: window, window orientation, solar, passive solar heating, cost. 1 (4). The design of window thus must be given greater concern being the prime source of passive heating compared to other building components. The work in hand compares a number of window types (Appendixa) for a proposed house at Waterloo, Canada. The site complex contains a number of prototype single family, one storey town house designed with passive solar principles (Figure 1). As shown in figure 1, the house contains a number of apertures (windows and patio doors) scattered at various elevations. Dimensions of these apertures are shown in Appendix-a. 1. Introduction Accessing thermal comfort solutions in architecture requires a number of strategies. Amongst these; efforts are focused on the utilization of active and passive heating and cooling techniques to achieve the desired level of occupant's comfort. With the arise debate concerning tumbling active energy techniques within buildings due to its economical causes associated with energy waste, passive solutions are increasingly implemented. Passive solutions are more environmentally friendly and have economical privileges comparing to former technique. Passive heating occurs due to number of factors including solar gains and other radiating resources of heat around building. Alternatively, sources of heat within building are limited to heat transferred through thermal envelop, apertures, occupants as well as equipment (such as kitchen appliances). Amongst these, passive solar heating (PSH) is considered the most significant, i.e. heat penetrating through external doors and windows (1), (2), (3), (4), (5). Selection and orientation of windows will significantly control the annual heating demand (3). In addition, high-performance windows can require less than half the heating energy necessary for a space when compared to conventional windows (6). Beside pleasant living environment, passive solar designs can also provide a better use of natural daylight for lighting purposes N Bedroom 4*3 Bedroom 4*4 Dining Living 4*6 Figure 1. The proposed prototype single family, one storey town house, Waterloo, Canada 2 A number of detailed investigations are carried out concerning the use of highperformance windows in comparison with conventional window types. Full details of house components and apertures various specifications are examined using a project model named by RetScreen passive solar heating (7). The model is used to evaluate the energy production (or savings) and financial performance associated with energy efficient window use. Passive solar Heating systems along with the project model applications are discussed next. A full detail of the proposed house is highlighted later followed by the methodological approach and the discussion of the results. windows are not as thermally insulating as the building walls. Buildings envelop acts as solar heat storage that reduces the need for heating in cold seasons. For buildings with modest window area, lightweight construction of wood or steel frame walls with gypsum board offers sufficient thermal mass to store solar gains and prevent overheating on cold sunny days. When compared to heavy materials such as stone or concrete, the former choice has significance in preserving heat while the later releasing it slowly overnight (9), (10), (11). The thermal mass of the building construction is crucial for passive solar heating systems with large window area. Other sources of heat are less effective in the contribution of heat when compared to solar heat (12). 2. Passive Solar Heating Systems Passive solar heating is best applied to buildings where heating demand is high relative to cooling demand (2), (8). As mentioned earlier, the prime element in passive solar heating systems is windows. The transmission of solar radiation allows energy to enter the building and warm interior spaces whilst heat is not easily transmitted back outdoors. The phenomenon of greenhouse effect is particularly useful for supplying heating energy in the winter. Thus, window dimensions, components, thermal properties and orientations contributes significantly to the fraction of radiation piercing through (1),(2),(3),(5). Unfortunately, 3. Solar Heating Project Modsel Solar energy contribution through an opening encounters a number of complications in the real environment. Some of these are related to the physics of heat transmitting through an opaque envelope and others are related to the aperture and surroundings. Calculation method or measuring technique selected is considerably important to decide the optimum technique for a specific task. Theoretical approaches concerning passive solar heating can be used to evaluate the energy production (or savings) and financial performance associated with energy 3 efficient window use. Maghrabi (13) has compared various measuring techniques and concluded that theoretical approach has an advantage at early stages of design where a number of cases could be examined, and parameters are controlled. The technique was led be many researchers as it is beneficial in time and cost. In this approach, assumptions are employed to answer some of the complexities accruing in practice since the full understanding of these complexities is not yet complete (14). One of the models applied to assess the accuracy of the calculated energy flow is found in the work of Arasteh The model examines the window configurations and its effectiveness with respect to energy and thermal comfort. Nevertheless, the model does not consider the annual energy cost saving. HOT2-XP is another energy model which is the quick entry version of Natural Resources Canada’s (NRCan’s) (15). The ER method is a Canadian standard that was developed based on hourly energy simulations (8). Additionally, REDFEN model solution is used to predict energy performance of fenestration on residential buildings (3). The work in hand was carried using RetScreen Passive Solar Heating Project Model (7). The Model can be used to evaluate the energy production (or savings) and financial performance associated with energy efficient window use (7), (12). The model is intended for low-rise residential applications, although it can be used for small commercial buildings, and it applies anywhere in the world where there is a significant heating load. A number of projects are investigated using RetScreen project model including those found in Canada, USA, Germany, and recently in Japan. Validations of the project model in hand and various model equations involved are found in RetScreen PSH manual (12) for further investigation. Basically, the model can be used to determine how efficient window use can affect building energy use in four ways: 1. Increased solar heat gains to the building through larger and better-oriented windows; 2. Reduced heat loss through more insulating windows; 3. Increased or reduced solar gains through the use of appropriate glazing; and 4. Reduced cooling energy demand due to improved shading. 3.1. Adjustment of Window Thermal Properties The software incorporates database, which includes more than 1,000 windows that have thermal performance ratings. It adjusts the window thermal properties for the actual window sizes using method recommended by Baker and Henry (16). Dimensions of samples used to rate windows, according to Canadian standards, with respect to their Uvalues and solar heat gain coefficients (SHGC) are found in 4 Appendix-a. In the model it is assumed that all windows of the same orientation have the same SHGC unless different type of window was used (7), (12). The utilization factor is calculated according to methods developed by Barakat and Sander (17). Values for a 5.5°C temperature swing are used in the software program (this is likely the maximum swing that could be tolerated in a passive solar house) (7). The resulting utilization factor indicates the proportion of the transmitted solar gains that are utilized to offset heating load. Heating energy savings are calculated for each month as the difference between the energy required to heat the building in the base case and in the proposed case. The energy savings over the heating season are the sum of the monthly energy savings: 3.2. Heating Energy Savings Two terms are evaluated each month to determine the net heating demand: heating demand (gross) and usable solar heat gains. Third term, internal gains, although part of each monthly evaluation, is assumed constant throughout the year. The model determines the difference in energy consumption between the proposed passive solar building and an identical building but without the passive solar features (i.e. the “base case”). The monthly heating demand and usable solar gains will be different between the base case and proposed buildings because of differences in window properties and orientations. Building monthly heating demand is assumed to vary linearly with outdoor temperature and is based on typical house heat loss coefficients. The increase in solar heat gains obtained in the proposed case configuration is the sum of two terms: first, the associated increase in solar gains due to higher transmission of short-wave radiation through the glazing, and second, the re-distribution of window area that changes the total amount of solar energy captured by the windows due to their orientations. The seasons are considered six-month periods corresponding to the sun’s movement. 3.3. Cooling Energy Savings. One of the tradeoffs associated with increased solar gains is the additional heat that may contribute to cooling energy demand in the summer months. To determine annual energy savings, the detrimental effects of increased solar heat gain must be assessed. For heating-dominated climates, the conductive heat gain through windows in the summer is very small relative to the solar gains and can be ignored (18); therefore the additional cooling requirement is determined only from the increased solar gain. 3.4. Annual Energy Savings Annual energy savings, referred to in the model as renewable energy delivered, , are obtained by simply 5 summing heating and cooling energy savings. Finally, the model also calculates the peak heating or cooling load (power) reductions, which indicate to the user opportunities to reduce the capacity of the conventional heating system or that of the air-conditioning system. Appendix-b demonstrates the flowchart of the PSH energy model(7). there are three main types; singleglazed, double and triple-glazed. The sources of information for the window SHGC obtained from the project model data base matches those found in the ASHRAE Handbook-Fundamentals (20). The U-value is a measure of the heat transmission of the window (Appendix-a). It is assumed that all windows of the same orientation have the same U-values (12). Unit cost for each type of windows as they are involved in the process to acquire the life-cycle cost of energy demand for passive heating are entered in the model. The insulated glass units (IGU) is double-glazed with a single low-e film plus argon gas fill (DC-Le-A) and the high performance IGU is triple-glazed with double low-e films fill (TC-Le) are examined and compared against the double-glazed (DC) and singleglazed (SC) types. Low-e film material was proved to provide greater savings with respect to high solar heat (2). The orientations examined are limited to the selected most appropriate window types obtained from the model. Allocating the house into three various orientations including south, north and westfacing as shown in Table-1. It is worth mentioning that about Sixty five percent of the window area is on the front elevation (Table 1). Heat generated by the sun could have disadvantages during summer for larger apertures. Nevertheless, since average temperature does not exceed 20C (Table 2) the additional heat 4. The house The proposed house consists of a living space, two bedrooms, dining, and other amenities including kitchen, bathroom, toilet and storage (Figure 1). As mentioned before, the house is designed with passive solar principles as an attempt to analyze the long term cutback in heating demands. The insulation level used by the wall thickness and the thermal resistance of the insulation material used in the walls. At this proposed dwelling, a high insulation level building would have walls with at least 200mm of fibrous insulation (RSI > 4.5 m²·°C/W). Appendix-c shows the general parameters that are required to run the model. As far as apertures were concerned, an attempt to intensively examine the various components of these apertures and how they contribute to the house efficiency with respect to passive heating demand. The regulations of Canadian Standard Association (CAN/CSA A440.2) (19) set the types windows with respect to their thermal properties. Apparently, 6 provided by the sun can add little segment to air-conditioning loads. This problem can be alleviated by the use of shading elements. windows as well as the correct use of energy efficient windows with varieties of thermal properties. Sensitivity analysis is performed to help determine which parameters are critical to the financial viability of a project and, meanwhile, to improve the performance of the building envelope with positive environmental benefits. Table 1. Various orientations examined with respect to window configurations 5. Methodological Approach Window Type: Two different cases will take place comparing: 1. Single-glazes (SC) window type (base model) with respect to three window types (proposed models): a. Double-glazed Clear Window type (DC) b. Double-glazed, Low-e, Argon (DC-Le-A) c. Triple-glazed, Low-e, (TCLe) 2. Double-glazed clear (DC) window type (base model) with respect to two other types (proposed models): a. Double-glazed, Low-e, Argon (DC-Le-A) b. Triple-glazed, Low-e, (TCLe) 3. Orientation, as three orientations were examined for the selected model; a. Front elevation facing south b. Front elevation facing west c. Front elevation facing north Initial cost of unit and installing at each window upgrade (Appendixc) is considered in the project model to trace the year to positive cash flow and long cycle cut back in energy demands. Table 2. Various orientations examined with respect to window configurations In conclusion, passive solar design in hand evolved proper orientation of buildings and proper location and surface area for 7 Table 3. Results of upgrading Single-glazed (base case) with respect to other window types Window Type DC-Le-A $ (2,035) 706 741 778 817 858 901 946 993 1,043 1,095 1,149 1,207 1,267 1,331 1,397 1,467 1,540 1,617 1,698 1,783 1,872 1,966 2,064 2,167 2,276 2,390 2,509 2,635 2,766 2,905 $ (2,035) (1,329) (588) 190 1,006 1,864 2,765 3,711 4,703 5,746 6,841 7,990 9,197 10,464 11,795 13,192 14,659 16,200 17,817 19,515 21,298 23,171 25,137 27,201 29,368 31,644 34,034 36,543 39,178 41,944 44,848 Saving Cumulative $ (4,428) 780 819 860 903 948 996 1,046 1,098 1,153 1,211 1,271 1,335 1,401 1,471 1,545 1,622 1,703 1,789 1,878 1,972 2,070 2,174 2,283 2,397 2,517 2,642 2,775 2,913 3,059 3,212 $ (4,428) (3,647) (2,828) (1,968) (1,064) (116) 880 1,926 3,024 4,177 5,387 6,658 7,993 9,394 10,866 12,411 14,033 15,736 17,525 19,403 21,375 23,445 25,619 27,902 30,298 32,815 35,458 38,232 41,145 44,204 47,416 Totlal initital cost Year to positive cash flow After 10 years Cumuative cashflow After 20 years After 30 years DC-Le-A $ (5,951) (5,171) (4,351) (3,491) (2,588) (1,639) (643) 402 1,500 2,653 3,864 5,135 6,470 7,871 9,342 10,887 12,510 14,213 16,001 17,879 19,851 21,922 24,096 26,378 28,775 31,292 33,934 36,709 39,622 42,681 45,893 Ye TC-Le Saving Cumulative Saving Cumulative $ Window Type $ $ $ DC-Le-A (2,393) (2,393) TC-Le (3,916) (3,916) # a0 r Saving 1 Cumulative Cumulative Saving 288 (2,105) $ $ $ 302 (1,803) (3,916) (2,393) (2,393) 317 (1,486) 348 (2,105) 288 (1,153) 365 302333 (1,803) 317350 (1,486) (803) 383 333367 (1,153) (436) 403 350385 (803) (50) 423 367405 (436) 354 444 (50) 779 466 385425 405446 3541,226 489 425469 7791,694 514 446492 1,2262,186 540 469517 1,6942,703 567 595 2,186 492 542 3,245 625 2,703 517 570 3,2453,815 656 542 570598 3,8154,413 689 598628 4,4135,041 723 628659 5,0415,700 759 659692 5,7006,392 797 692727 6,3927,119 837 727763 7,1197,882 879 763801 7,8828,684 923 801841 8,6849,525 969 841884 9,525 10,4091,017 884 928 10,409 11,3371,068 1,122 11,337 928 974 12,311 1,178 12,311 974 1,023 13,334 13,3341,237 1,023 1,074 14,407 1,299 14,407 1,074 1,128 15,535 15,5351,363 1,128 1,184 16,719 16,7191,432 1,184 # 2 0 3 1 24 35 46 57 68 79 810 911 10 12 11 13 12 14 13 15 14 16 15 17 16 18 17 19 18 20 19 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 348 $ 365 (3,916) 383 (3,568) 403 (3,203) 423 (2,820) 444 (2,417) 466 (1,994) 489 (1,550) (1,084) 514 (595) 540 567(81) 595459 1,025 625 1,620 656 2,245 689 2,900 723 3,589 759 4,312 797 5,071 837 5,868 879 6,706 7,584 923 8,507 969 9,476 1,017 10,494 1,068 11,562 1,122 12,684 1,178 13,861 1,237 15,098 1,299 16,397 1,363 17,760 1,432 19,192 (3,568) (3,203) (2,820) (2,417) (1,994) (1,550) (1,084) (595) (81) 459 1,025 1,620 2,245 2,900 3,589 4,312 5,071 5,868 6,706 7,584 8,507 9,476 10,494 11,562 12,684 13,861 15,098 16,397 17,760 19,192 Window Type Window Type TC-Le DC-Le-A DC-Le-A TC-Le -3,916.00 -3,916.00 -2,392.50-2,392.50 cost cost initital Totlal Totlal initital 9.20 7.10 flow flow cash cash to positive Year Year to positive 7.10 9.20 459 10 years After After 10 years 1,226 1,226 459 Cumuative cashflow 7,584 7,119 After 20 years Cumuative cashflow After 20 years 7,119 7,584 19,192 16,719 After 30 years summary Financial Financial summary Years Double Double wih low-e 16,719 30 26 28 18 20 14 16 8 10 12 6 4 After 30 years 2 0 $ $ (5,951) 780 819 860 903 948 996 1,046 1,098 1,153 1,211 1,271 1,335 1,401 1,471 1,545 1,622 1,703 1,789 1,878 1,972 2,070 2,174 2,283 2,397 2,517 2,642 2,775 2,913 3,059 3,212 Cumulative Window Type DC DC-Le-A TC-Le -2,035 -4,427.50 -5,951 2.80 5.10 6.60 6,841 5,387 3,864 21,298 21,375 19,851 44,848 47,416 45,893 Financial summary 50,000 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 -5,000 -10,000 Window Type TC-Le Saving 22 24 # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Cumulative ar Saving Ye ar Ye DC Table 4. Results of upgrading Double-glazed (base case) with respect to other window types. 20,000 Triple 15,000 Figure 2. Regression curves of upgrading Single-glazed (base case) with respect to other window types. $ 10,000 5,000 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 8 10 6 4 2 0 0 -5,000 6. Discussion -10,000 1. Years 6.1. Window Type Single-glazed (SC) as a based model: As shown in Figure (2) and Table (3), three cases took place for the proposed dwelling. Double wih low-e Triple Figure 3. Regression curves of upgrading Double-glazed (base case) with respect to other window types. 8 19,192 There is a clear improvement for the upgrade from single-glazed (SC) to double-glazed (DC) window type. The initial cost of this upgrade was reimbursed three years later. In other words, the year to positive cash flow was shown roughly after two years and nine months after installation. Additionally, the cumulative cash flow after 10, 20 and 30 years was $6,841, $21,298 and $44,848 respectively. The fraction of cash flow is even more with the upgrade to type DC-Le-A or TC-Le. It is worth mentioning that after twenty year of use, the cumulative cash flow for the three upgrades reaches nearly $20,000 although the year to positive cash flow varies (Table 3). The regression curve of the year to positive cash flow ranged from two to six and half years for the three types. In one hand, the comparison shows an evident advantage to the upgrade. On the other hand, it shows that SC window type has a disadvantage to passive solar heating when implemented in these climatic regions. temperature degrees reaches below freezing point (8), (19), (21). 2. Double-glazed (DC) as a base model: The two proposed types are Dc-Le-A and TC-Le as shown in Figure (3) and Table (4). A number of results are derived from the comparison: ڤInitial cost for upgrade to DcLe-A type is $2,392. This number is increase with 40% when TC-Le type is selected. ڤDc-Le-A has almost 2 years to cash flow privilege to the other type. ڤWith respect to the cumulative cash flow, small fraction of improvement was recorded to TC-Le, after 20 years of use. This fraction is even increase with 25% when reaching 30 years as shown in Figure 3 and Table 4. ڤSo, if the replacement of this window would occur after 20 years, it is more economical to use Dc-Le-A type since initial cost was less. ڤIf replacement would occur later, then the proper decision for the proposed window type would be TC-Le as illustrated in Figure 3 and Table 4. In conclusion, with consideration to current climate conditions, the decision to implement SC window type is bounded with considerable fraction of uncertainty. This assures recommendations set by ASHRAE Fundamentals and Canadian standards concerning the implementation of this type where In conclusion, results had shown advantage improvement to the upgrade of windows specifically when considering the long-cycle saving. 9 South 7.10 1,226 7,119 16,719 Year to positive cash flow 10 Cumuative cashflow 20 30 Orientation North 7.20 328 5,621 14,244 West 7.2 735 6,270 15,285 5.b: upgrade DC to TC-Le West 7.2 735 6,270 15,285 Financial summary South 9.20 459 7,584 19,192 Year to positive cash flow After 10 years Cumuative cashflow After 20 years After 30 years Orientation North 9.20 (170) 5,641 15,925 West 9.1 392 6,544 17,431 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 $ Orientation North 7.20 328 5,621 14,244 - Years South North South West - 20,000 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 $ 4.a: upgrade DC to DC-le-A 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 - - Years West South North number of results were derived from the experiment (Figure 4), (Table 5): ڤsummary In 20 years,SouthforOrientation an upgrade to Financial North West Year to positive cash flow 9.20 9.20 9.1 DC-Le-A, directing building After 10 years 459 (170) 392 Cumuative cashflow After 20 years 7,584 5,641 6,544 towards west resulted in After 30 years 19,192 15,925 17,431 reduced cumulative cash flow with nearly $849 compared to that of south facing. Likewise, north facing was reduced $1498 to that of south facing. ڤIn 20years, for an20,000 upgrade to 18,000 16,000 TC-Le, directing14,000 building 12,000 towards west resulted in 10,000 8,000 reduced cumulative6,000cash flow with nearly $1040 4,000 compared to 2,000 that of south facing. Similarly, 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 north facing was reduced Years nearly $1943 to that of south facing. ڤThe above figures substantially increased with nearly 65-68% and when compared after 30years of use. ڤThe year positive to cash flows were generally similar to the south facing model in both upgrades. $ 5.a: upgrade DC to DC-le-A Financial summary $ h 7.10 26 19 19 Table (5): Summary of cumulative cash flow with respect to various orientations involved West 4.b: upgrade DC to TC-Le Figure (4): Regression curves of cumulative cash flow with respect to various orientations involved North West In conclusion, the above results obtained from the modeling south facing orientation would be more efficient with respect to passive solar heating in particular when compared to that of north. Thus increasing the number of opening for elevations facing south is preferable than any other location. In fact this is valid for cities locating north the hemisphere and above the equator. During summer seasons, treatments must be applied to apertures on southern direction to prevent 3. Orientation: The orientation experiment was run considering Double-glazed (DC) as a base model. It is worthy mentioning that the above experiment concerning window type was run considering south facing orientation. In here, both upgrades will be examined each with three different orientations; south, north and west facing. A 10 overheating within buildings which will require passive or active cooling demands. glazed with double low-e films are recommended more than single-glazed or double glazed windows. ڤUpgrading window from Double-glazed to DC-Le-A, , is more economical if the window is considered to last for 20 years and to TC-Le if replacement would occur after 30 years. ڤWindow design and orientation are effective for building designed with passive solar principles. 7. Conclusions The prototype dwelling is designed with considerations to passive solar heating. Two base models for window types were selected and examined using RetScreen passive solar heating project model. Building orientations were examined for three different orientations including south, west and north facing. A number of Conclusions are derived from this study: ڤSingle-glazed windows recorded the poorest performance with respect to passive solar heating in buildings. ڤSouth facing orientation is more efficient with respect to passive solar heating demands and north facing is less desirable. ڤInitial cost of window upgrade is reimbursed, due to reduction of active solar heating cost, in less than ten years depending on the type of window selected. ڤFor an economical upgrading of a windows two issues must be considered; initial installation fees required for the upgrade and the project life. ڤThe use of double-glazed with a single low-e film plus argon gas fill and the high performance IGU is triple- References 1. 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Orientation Orientation Elevation Front Southٍ Front Southٍ Front Southٍ Back North Back North Back North Right West Left East Left East Left East Orientation Orientation Elevation Front Southٍ Front Southٍ Front Southٍ Back North Back North Back North Right West Left East Left East Left East Type Casement Fixed Patio Door Fixed Casement Casement Patio Door Fixed Casement Casement Type Casement Fixed Patio Door Fixed Casement Casement Patio Door Fixed Casement Casement Height (mm) 1,600 1,600 2,000 1,600 1,000 1,000 2,000 1,600 1,000 1,600 3 8 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 2 Number Window Configurations Width (mm) 1,000 500 1,200 500 1,600 700 1,000 500 700 1,000 Height (mm) 1,600 1,600 2,000 1,600 1,000 1,000 2,000 1,600 1,000 1,600 3 8 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 2 Number Window Configurations Width (mm) 1,000 500 1,200 500 1,600 700 1,000 500 700 1,000 Double-glazed, Low-e, Argon (DC-Le-A) Adjusted Rated Window Centre Glazing SHGC U-value SHGC SHGCcg U-value Ucg Total Area W/(m2-ºC) W/(m2-ºC) W/(m2-ºC) (m2) 0.50 1.90 0.43 2.00 0.64 1.69 4.80 0.51 1.90 0.56 1.82 0.64 1.69 6.40 0.35 1.69 0.31 1.88 0.40 1.41 4.80 0.51 1.90 0.56 1.82 0.64 1.69 1.60 0.50 1.90 0.43 2.00 0.64 1.69 1.60 0.44 1.99 0.43 2.00 0.64 1.69 0.70 0.34 1.72 0.31 1.88 0.40 1.41 2.00 0.51 1.90 0.56 1.82 0.64 1.69 3.20 0.56 1.82 0.56 1.82 0.64 1.69 0.70 0.50 1.90 0.43 2.00 0.64 1.69 3.20 Single glazed clear (SC) Adjusted Rated Window Centre Glazing SHGC U-value SHGC SHGCcg U-value Ucg Total Area W/(m2-ºC) W/(m2-ºC) W/(m2-ºC) (m2) 0.71 5.40 0.63 5.14 0.86 5.91 4.80 0.69 5.34 0.75 5.55 0.86 5.91 6.40 0.72 5.45 0.63 5.14 0.86 5.91 4.80 0.69 5.34 0.75 5.55 0.86 5.91 1.60 0.71 5.40 0.63 5.14 0.86 5.91 1.60 0.64 5.16 0.63 5.14 0.86 5.91 0.70 0.71 5.39 0.63 5.14 0.86 5.91 2.00 0.69 5.34 0.75 5.55 0.86 5.91 3.20 0.64 5.16 0.63 5.14 0.86 5.91 0.70 0.71 5.40 0.63 5.14 0.86 5.91 3.20 Trible-glazed, Low-e (TC-Le) Adjusted Rated Window Centre Glazing SHGC U-value SHGC SHGCcg U-value Ucg W/(m2-ºC) W/(m2-ºC) W/(m2-ºC) 0.45 1.53 0.39 1.68 0.58 1.21 0.53 2.00 0.58 1.88 0.67 1.67 0.32 1.39 0.28 1.60 0.37 1.09 0.47 1.50 0.51 1.39 0.58 1.21 0.45 1.53 0.39 1.68 0.58 1.21 0.40 1.67 0.39 1.68 0.58 1.21 0.31 1.43 0.28 1.60 0.37 1.09 0.47 1.50 0.51 1.39 0.58 1.21 0.40 1.67 0.39 1.68 0.58 1.21 0.45 1.53 0.39 1.68 0.58 1.21 Double-glazed clear (DC) Adjusted Rated Window Centre Glazing SHGC U-value SHGC SHGCcg U-value Ucg W/(m2-ºC) W/(m2-ºC) W/(m2-ºC) 0.59 2.73 0.50 2.69 0.76 2.82 0.60 2.76 0.66 2.78 0.76 2.82 0.62 2.85 0.55 2.88 0.73 2.81 0.60 2.76 0.66 2.78 0.76 2.82 0.59 2.73 0.50 2.69 0.76 2.82 0.51 2.69 0.50 2.69 0.76 2.82 0.61 2.86 0.55 2.88 0.73 2.81 0.60 2.76 0.66 2.78 0.76 2.82 0.51 2.69 0.50 2.69 0.76 2.82 0.59 2.73 0.50 2.69 0.76 2.82 13 Appendix-b: Passive Solar Heating energy model flow chart (7). Adjust window thermal properties Calculate base/proposed heating demands Calculate base/proposed cooling demands Calculate internal gain Calculate base/proposed usable solar gains over heating season Calculate base/proposed increase in cooling loads due to solar gain Calculate energy savings Over heating season Calculate energy savings Over cooling season Calculate overall energy saving Calculate peak heating load and peak cooling load reduction Appendix-c: General parameters required to run the model. Shading Factor Winter shading factor Summer shading factor Front 50% 10% Elevations Left Right 15% 30% 10% 80% Back 60% 80% Nearest location for weather data of Waterloo Muskoka,ON Latitude of project location °N 44.97 Building front azimuth ° 180 Heating design temperature °C -24.2 Cooling design temperature °C 26.9 Building floor area m² 110 Mass level (Wood with gypsuim board) Low Insulation level m²·°C/W 4.5 Internal gains kWh/d 2 Other cost (Contingencies) % 10 Building has air-conditioning? No Heating fuel type Propane Modifiy window shading to the propsed case wiondow No Avoided cost of energy heating (Propane) $/L 0.48 Retail price of electricity $/kWh 0.065 Energy cost escalation rate % 5 Inflation % 3 Project Profile Years 30 Heating system seasonal efficiency 0.9 Elevation Front Elevation Left elevation Right elevation Back elevation Installation charges m2 16.00 7.10 2.00 3.90 29.00 SC $ $ $ $ $ 100 150 150 150 100 14 DC $ $ $ $ $ 175 200 200 200 100 (DC-Le-A) $ 250 $ 275 $ 275 $ 275 $ 100 (TC-Le) $ 300 $ 320 $ 320 $ 320 $ 100