EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 1999 2004 Committee on Constitutional Affairs 26 October 2000 *** DRAFT RECOMMENDATION on approval of the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights (C5-00) Committee on Constitutional Affairs Rapporteurs: Andrew Nicholas Duff and Johannes Voggenhuber PR\422857EN.doc EN PE 294.705 EN Symbols for procedures * **I **II *** ***I ***II ***III Consultation procedure majority of the votes cast Cooperation procedure (first reading) majority of the votes cast Cooperation procedure (second reading) majority of the votes cast, to approve the common position majority of Parliament’s component Members, to reject or amend the common position Assent procedure majority of Parliament’s component Members except in cases covered by Articles 105, 107, 161 and 300 of the EC Treaty and Article 7 of the EU Treaty Codecision procedure (first reading) majority of the votes cast Codecision procedure (second reading) majority of the votes cast, to approve the common position majority of Parliament’s component Members, to reject or amend the common position Codecision procedure (third reading) majority of the votes cast, to approve the joint text (The type of procedure depends on the legal basis proposed by the Commission) PE 294.705 EN 2/6 PR\422857EN.doc CONTENTS Page PROCEDURAL PAGE .............................................................................................................. 4 A. DRAFT RECOMMENDATION ......................................................................................... 5 PR\422857EN.doc 3/6 PE 294.705 EN By letter of … the Presidency of the Council forwarded to Parliament the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights (C5-00). At its meeting of 28 September 2000 the Conference of Presidents had decided to draw up a report on approval of the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights in assent form. At the sitting of … the President of Parliament announced that she had asked the Committee on Constitutional Affairs to submit a recommendation on the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights. The committee appointed Andrew Nicholas Duff and Johannes Voggenhuber rapporteurs at its meeting of 16 October 2000. It considered the draft recommendation at its meetings of 7 November 2000. At the latter meeting it adopted the draft decision by ... votes to ..., with ... abstention(s)/unanimously. The following were present for the vote: ..., chairman/acting chairman; ... (and ...), vicechairman/vice-chairmen; ..., rapporteur; ..., ... (for ...), ... (for ... pursuant to Rule 153(2)), ... and ... . The recommendation was tabled on … . PE 294.705 EN 4/6 PR\422857EN.doc DRAFT RECOMMENDATION Decision on approval of the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights (C5-00) The European Parliament, - having regard to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (C5-00), - having regard to the resolution of 16 March 2000 on the drafting of a European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights (A5-0064/2000), – having regard to the resolution of 13 April 2000 on the Intergovernmental Conference (A5-0086/2000), – having regard to the resolution of 3 October 2000 on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (B5-0767/2000), – having regard to Rule 54 of its Rules of Procedure, – having regard to the report of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (A5-../2000), A. whereas the European Council at Cologne in June 1999 decided ‘to establish a Charter of Fundamental Rights in order to make their overriding importance and relevance more visible to the Union's citizens’, B. whereas the European Council resolved that the Charter ‘should contain the fundamental rights and freedoms as well as basic procedural rights guaranteed by the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and derived from the constitutional traditions common to the Member States, as general principles of Community law; the charter should also include the fundamental rights that pertain only to the Union's citizens; In drawing up such a Charter account should furthermore be taken of economic and social rights as contained in the European Social Charter and the Community Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers (Article 136 TEC), in so far as they do not merely establish objectives for action by the Union’, C. whereas the European Council decided that the Convention established to draft the Charter should present a draft document in advance of the European Council of December 2000, and that the European Council ‘will propose to the European Parliament and the Commission that, together with the Council, they should solemnly proclaim on the basis of the draft document a European Charter of Fundamental Rights’, D. whereas on 16 March 2000 the European Parliament resolved that a Charter ‘constituting merely a non-binding declaration and, in addition, doing no more than merely listing existing rights, would disappoint citizens' legitimate expectations,’ and that the Charter ‘should be regarded as a basic component of the necessary process of equipping the European Union with a constitution’, PR\422857EN.doc 5/6 PE 294.705 EN E. whereas on 2 October the Convention achieved a wide consensus on a final draft of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (Convent 50), F. whereas the informal European Council at Biarritz on 13-14 October 2000 accepted as definitive the Convention’s final draft of the Charter and invited the Parliament to join with it and the Commission in a solemn proclamation of the Charter, 1. Considers that the Convention has fulfilled its mandate from the European Council; 2. Approves the text of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union as appended hereto; 3. Instructs its President to jointly proclaim the Charter at Nice with the President of the European Council and the President of the European Commission; 4. Instructs its President to forward this decision to the President of the Council, the President of the European Commission and the President of the Convention. PE 294.705 EN 6/6 PR\422857EN.doc