Cellular Reproduction – Meiosis - Unit Plan

Cellular Reproduction – Meiosis - Unit Plan
Big Ideas
Michigan High School Content Standards and Expectations - Biology:
Students recognize that the specific genetic instructions for any organism are contained
within genes composed of DNA molecules located in chromosomes. They explain the
mechanism for the direct production of specific proteins based on inherited DNA.
Students diagram how occasional modifications in genes and the random distribution of
genes from each parent provide genetic variation and become the raw material for
L4.p1 Reproduction
Reproduction is a characteristic of all living systems; because no individual organism
lives forever, reproduction is essential to the continuation of every species. Some
organisms reproduce asexually. Other organisms reproduce sexually.
B4.3 Cell Division — Mitosis and Meiosis
Sorting and recombination of genes in sexual reproduction results in a great variety of
possible gene combinations from the offspring of any two parents.
Miss Thelen’s Additional Big Ideas:
Students develop an understanding of both mitosis and meiosis and relate them to each
other in a meaningful way. They will use diagrams and worksheets to gain a better
understanding of the processes. Additionally, students in the Zoology class will be
raising FFA Poultry projects which will show the growth through the five weeks that the
students raise the projects.
Michigan High School Content Standards and Expectations - Biology:
L4.p1A Compare and contrast the differences between sexual and asexual reproduction.
B4.3A Compare and contrast the processes of cell division (mitosis and meiosis),
particularly as those processes relate to production of new cells and to passing on
genetic information between generations.
B4.3B Explain why only mutations occurring in gametes (sex cells) can be passed on to
B4.3d Explain that the sorting and recombination of genes in sexual reproduction result
in a great variety of possible gene combinations from the offspring of two parents.
B4.3e Recognize that genetic variation can occur from such processes as crossing over,
jumping genes, and deletion and duplication of genes.
B4.3f Predict how mutations may be transferred to progeny.
Michigan High School Natural Resources and Agriscience – CIP 01.0000;
Agriculture, Agriculure Operations and Related Sciences – Technical Standards:
Compare the sexual life cycle of plants to the sexual life cycle of animals.
Miss Thelen’s Additional Objectives:
What are gametes?
Where are gametes created?
What is a haploid cell?
How do the nine steps of meiosis work to complete the process?
Observations or
phenomena, data)
Mitosis has some of the
same steps.
Phases occur like
Meiosis is similar to
Knowledge of where
meiosis occurs in
Reproductive gametes
Patterns (laws,
graphs, tables,
(models, theories)
5 phases in Mitosis
Visualization of Mitosis
and Meiosis in poultry
Diploid vs. haploid
Mitosis vs. meiosis
Comprehension of
Meiosis I and Meiosis
II steps through
Analysis between
Meiosis I and II
Application: Model-based Reasoning
Inquiry: Finding and Explaining Patterns in Experience