Personal Information

Charles Waiswa
Personal Information
Mailing address:
Charles Waiswa
Date of birth: 14/10/1965
Associate Professor
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Makerere University
P.O Box 7062, Kampala, Tel: 041 540502 or 077 501274
e-mail: OR
Education Background/Key Qualifications
2003: Awarded a PhD in tsetse and trypanosomosis studies (Mak Univ 1999-2002).
Collaborating Institutions included LIRI-Uganda & CTVM, University of Edinburgh.
1995: Master of Science in Veterinary Medicine (Mak Univ 1994-1995). Collaborating
Institutions were, Institute for Parasitol & Trop Vetmed, FU-Berlin, Germany
1991: Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (Mak Univ, 1991)
Postgraduate students supervision in the last 5 years
Since 2003, I have participated in the supervision of three PhD students and two have completed
while one is still on-going, six Msc students and four have completed while two are still on-going.
Employment Record and Community Service
Qualified with BVM in Sept 1991, took up employment at Makerere University as a teaching
assistant in Feb 1992 and went through the ranks, appointed Head, Dept of Veterinary Medicine
in 2006 and recently promoted to the rank of Associate Professor effective 1st July 2008
Grants Where I have been Principle Investigator
WHO/TDR: Study the socio-economic factors that affect tsetse and
trypanosomiasis control in southeastern Uganda
WHO/RCS Re-entry Grants to study the reservoir role of pigs in the transmission
of sleeping sickness
International Foundation for Science (IFS) Grants to study the porcine
trypanosomiasis and other health problems
DFID Bolt-on Grant to complete research related to animal reservoir in Eastern
Selected Publications where I was lead author in the last five years
1. Waiswa et al. (2007). Prevalence of Endoparasitic Infections in pigs kept in southeastern
Uganda. Afr. J. Anim. Biomed. Sci., 2(1):1-6.
2. Waiswa et al (2006). Glossina fuscipes fuscipes in the trypanosomiasis endemic areas of
south eastern Uganda: apparent density, trypanosome infection rates and host feeding
preferences. Acta Tropica, 99:23-29.
3. Waiswa, C (2005). Porcine trypanosomiasis in southeastern Uganda: prevalence and
assessment of therapeutic effectiveness. Bulg. J. Vet. Med. 8 (1):13-22
4. Waiswa, C and E. Katunguka-Rwakishaya (2004). Bovine Trypanosomiasis in southwestern
Uganda: packed cell volumes and prevalence of infection in cattle. Ann Trop Med Parasitol.
98 (1):21-7
5. Waiswa C, et al (2003). Domestic animals as reservoirs for sleeping sickness in three
endemic foci in south-eastern Uganda. Ann Trop Med Parasitol. 97(2):149-55.
6. Waiswa, C., et al (2003). Packed cell volume as a measure of porcine health and the
implication on the control of sleeping sickness in Uganda. Bulg. J. Vet. Med., 6 (3), 187-191.
7. Waiswa, C. et al. (2003). M. lizard as a host for G.f.fuscipes in the sleeping sickness endemic
foci of Uganda. Afr. J.Ecol., 41, 349-351
Educational Manuals witten for farmers, students and extension workers
Written farmers/students manuals in pig, dairy zero grazing, rabbits and poultry farming.
International Exposure, Scientific Conferences/Workshops Attended:
Attended more than 40 Annual International and Local Scientific Conference, Meetings and
Workshops in since 1992.
Membership of Selected Professional Bodies
Registered member of four professional bodies
Courses on Leadership and Management (Limited to past 5 years)
Attended several courses on leadership and research management
Research Collabration and Short Courses (Limited to past 5 years)
Collaborator with Institutions within and outside Uganda
XIX Languages Fluent: English, Lusoga and Luganda; Others: Kiswahili