1 Transmission of BLV between infected cows and their calves during gestation periparturient period: a Pilotstudy in Chile, Xth Region. September 2008-March 2009, a research project as part of professional examination of Veterinary Medicine, University of Utrecht. Drs. J.J. van Arkel Supervisors: Dr. G.E. Monti DVM Msc (UACh) Dr. M. Nielen (UU) Transmission of BLV between infected cows and their calves during gestation periparturient period: a Pilotstudy in Chile, Xth Region. Van Arkel, J.J., Monti, G.E., 2009. 2 Index Summary ................................................................................................................................................. 3 1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Virus ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 Transmission of the virus .................................................................................................................... 4 Detection of BLV .................................................................................................................................. 5 Antibody .............................................................................................................................................. 5 Antigen ................................................................................................................................................ 5 Genetic diversity.................................................................................................................................. 6 Virus Difficulties................................................................................................................................... 6 Objective of the study ......................................................................................................................... 6 2. Materials and Methods ....................................................................................................................... 8 Animals ................................................................................................................................................ 8 Sampling of blood................................................................................................................................ 8 ELISA .................................................................................................................................................... 8 PCR....................................................................................................................................................... 8 Interview.............................................................................................................................................. 9 Analyses and proceeding of the results .............................................................................................. 9 3. Results ............................................................................................................................................... 10 Frequencies of antibody detection ................................................................................................... 10 PCR..................................................................................................................................................... 11 Statistical analyses............................................................................................................................. 11 Interview............................................................................................................................................ 11 4. Discussion .......................................................................................................................................... 13 5. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 15 Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................... 15 Literature: .............................................................................................................................................. 16 Appendix 1 Test results ......................................................................................................................... 19 Appendix 2............................................................................................................................................. 23 Transmission of BLV between infected cows and their calves during gestation periparturient period: a Pilotstudy in Chile, Xth Region. Van Arkel, J.J., Monti, G.E., 2009. 3 Summary Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) is a retrovirus that causes economic looses in dairy herds in Chile. Infection is mostly due to blood related proceedings, where infected B-lymphocytes can transfer form one cow to another. Less important, but also less understand is the possibility of a very early infection during gestation and in the first days of life of a newborn calf. The objective of this study was to estimate the infection rate of newborn calves in highly infected herds in the Xth region of Chile. From 61 newborn calves and 55 of their dams; blood samples were collected and tested with a commercial enzyme-linked-immunosorbent assay (ELISA). From this, 57,7 % positive calves and 45 % of the dams tested positive. The correlation (Pearson-correlation) between them was .866 (sign. <.001), including the observance of interfering maternal antibodies. To exclude the influence of maternal antibodies 29 selected blood samples were retested by PCR. 15.4% (n=4) tested positive, knowing that all their dams tested positive too. Due to less data and many interfering factors in management and execution of this research it isn’t possible to deduce any reliable consequences for the level of infection in newborn calves. Transmission of BLV between infected cows and their calves during gestation periparturient period: a Pilotstudy in Chile, Xth Region. Van Arkel, J.J., Monti, G.E., 2009. 4 1. Introduction Virus Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) is a ubiquitous RNA retro-virus, genus Deltaretroviridae that infects the B-lymphocytes of the bovine (Bos Taurus), and integrates at the DNA of B-lymphocytes (Kettman 1980). Infection could lead to a development of polyclonal expansion of B-lymphocytes known as persistent lymphcytosis (PL). Just, a few animals will show various clinical signs of disease. Therefore three different stages of expression of the infection exist; only infected animal or asymptomatic course (≈65%), persistent lymphocytosis (≈ 29%) and lymphosarcoma (> 5%). (van der Maaten 1990). PL is a subclinical stage that changes blood view, the lymphocyte count is significant higher compare to negative animals. Lymphosarcoma is characterizing by various types of tumors in lymph nodes, spleen and bone marrow. Tumors are found during clinical examination and at the slaughterhouse during meat inspection. Infection with BLV is suppose to a decrease of milk yield, condemned carcasses at the slaughterhouse and an increased culling rate in the dairy farms. In the United States is BLV an important disease which has an influence on the economic losses in the dairy sector. (Ott 2003) Dairy farming in Chile is at this moment an important economic activity, especially in the southern regions (IXth and Xth), where about 55% of all Chilean milk is produced (ODEPA 2008). BLV is in Chile common in dairy herds of all sizes. In the nineties were different kinds of researches that recognize prevalence within herds about 40 to 50%. It would be necessary to evaluate the most important epidemiological aspects that might play a role in the transmission of BLV within herds. (Villouta 1990; Moraga 1998) Transmission of the virus The main transmission route of BLV is horizontal by infected blood lymphocytes. During bloodrelated management interventions like; injections, vaccinations and de-horning (DiGiacomo 1985; Lassauzet 1990) are the risks of transmission high. Also blood transfer vectors (mosquitoes and flies) (Webber 1988; Hasselschwert 1993), close contact with BLV-positive animals (Lassauzet 1991) and iatrogenic ways are horizontal transmission routes. It’s necessary to keep in mind that just 0,1 µl of blood with infected lymphocytes enough is to infect a negative animal. (Dimmock 1991) Other transmission-routes that are proved under experimental are vertical transmission (dam to calf during gestation) (Van der Maaten 1982; Thurmond 1983; Ohshima 1984; Meas 2001), milk and colostrums feeding (Mattheus 1982; Straub 1976; Kenyon 1982; van der Maaten 1982) and reproduction related interventions. Research with diagnostic methods based on the detection of antibodies (ELISA and AGID) shows that this ways of infections are possible, but less important as the blood related transmission. (Hopkins 1997) At this moment its unknown what the exact importance is of the last mentioned transmission routes. Transmission of BLV between infected cows and their calves during gestation periparturient period: a Pilotstudy in Chile, Xth Region. Van Arkel, J.J., Monti, G.E., 2009. 5 Detection of BLV BLV can be detected in two different ways, direct (antigen) and indirect (antibody). Direct methods are used to prove present of virus-integration at the DNA of the host cell, especially the pro-virus. The indirect methods are bases on the principal of detecting antibodies. BLV infected animals could be detected 14 to 57 days post-infection by detection methods based on indirect methods’, like ELISA and AGID (Johnson 1987; Monti 2005). Antibody Agar gel immunodiffusion test (AGID) (Miller 1976) was one of the first serological tests for detection of BLV infection. It detects antibodies against gp51 (surface glycoprotein) and p24 (virus core protein), whereby the gp51 appears before than p24 and remains lifelong. The meantime for obtaining a test result is between 48-72 h. AGID compared with other detection methods has a lower sensitivity. AGID couldn’t used for milk samples to detect specific antibodies against BLV. Although this disadvantages of AGID, it is still an important test for import/export control points in many countries over the world. ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) is a common serological test (Portelle 1983). The difference with AGID is that ELISA is based on monoclonal antibody; therefore is it possible to detect one of each specific proteins (p24 and gp51). Detection by gp51 is proved to be more sensitive than by p24 virus core-protein (Klintevall 1994). A practical advantage is the process-time, which provides a result in 2-3 hours. The improved sensitivity of ELISA made this test one of the most used test for BLV. Specificity (SP) of 0,98 and sensitivity (SE) of 1,0 are declared for different kind of commercial ELISA tests (Camargos 2007). Not only in blood are BLV-antibodies present, also in milk (Mammerickx 1985). There are nowadays commercial ELISA-kits available for detecting specific BLV-antibodies in milk. Antigen PCR, and especially the modified nested PCR technique, are both for the detection of BLV relative new. PCR and modified nested PCR technique recognize the BLVDNA that’s integrated at the DNA of infected B-lymphocytes. (Klintevall 1991; Rola 2002) This characteristic part of the DNA makes the test useful to detect animals which not develop an immune response yet (Nagy 2006). The level of detection is declared to be lower as AGID and ELISA tests. At this moment there is not a definitive sensitivity and specificity given of the PCR tests. The results are widespread (SE .63-.98) (SP .89-1.0) (Nagy 2006, 2007). PCR tests are relative expensive and includes many laboratory acts. Therefore are PCR and modified nested PCR technique not very useful at control points and in a national eradication program, but useful for specific groups of cattle like periparturent cows with low levels of antibodies, just infected cows and calves with interfering maternal antibodies. (Nagy 2006) Other very sensitive tests used in the past are syncytium inhibition assay (SIA) and immune peroxidase assay (IPAI), whereby IPAI is more sensitive than SIA (Jerabek 1979). Both tests are based on virus neutralization. Problem is the long time of incubation and the costs for the specific cell-lines that are used. This makes these tests less useful for a quick and commercial interesting detection of BLV. Transmission of BLV between infected cows and their calves during gestation periparturient period: a Pilotstudy in Chile, Xth Region. Van Arkel, J.J., Monti, G.E., 2009. 6 Genetic diversity Beside transmission it is demonstrated that BLV-provirus has a genetic diversity (Sagata 1985). There are nowadays 7 different strains already known. (Fechner 1997) The Belgium, Japanese and NorthAmerica strains are more or less comparable with each other, while the Australian sub-type shows more differences. These four strains are the most common world-wide. There are also strains like Argentine, Polish and Italian (Marsolais 1994; Bicka 2002). The difference is made by different pointmutations at the DNA of the pro-virus. The strains can be differentiated by using different restriction strains during the with a Restricted Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) process (Beier 2001), this should give us a view in de herd-specific strains, family-specific strains and animal-specific strains. For Chile, the Argentine strain important, possible in the context of international trade of livestock. Virus Difficulties One aspect of BLV is important to keep in mind, the typical long period of latency of the virus, between 1-8 years after infection. The period of latency is known as the period between infection and infectioness of the virus. (Ketmann 1980) The virus gives no antibody response and will be in such low concentrations that detection with a direct method (PCR) is possible outcome for early detection. (Belak 1993, Nagy 2004) Because of the long period of latency, it’s hard to determine the set point/age of infection. Nowadays seroconversion is a conformation that a cow is infected, but there is no continuing relation between time of infection, latency and seroconversion. Secondly is the possibility of leukocyte and antibody transmission by colostrum and milk, which interfere with an early detection of BLV. (Kenyon 1982; Ferrer 1981) Colostrum contains antibodies against BLV if the mother has or had an antibody response, due to an earlier infection. An infected cow can even infected a calf with BLV infected lymphocytes by colostrum (Ferrer 1981). Other literature suggests that colostrum BLV-antibodies could be preventive against an infection with BLV, but it’s not proved in a field study (Van der Maaten 1981). Antibody transmission is interfering with the used indirect detection methods until the decrease of maternal antibodies at the age of 2-6 months (van der Maaten 1981, Oshima 1984). So it will be not possible to detect young calves as BLV-positive with the nowadays used techniques in different eradication programs. To make clear if the calf is infected, vertical or horizontal with BLV, PCR could be the detection tool to answer this question. Objective of the study The objective of this study is to estimate the incidence of vertical transmission in highly infected dairy farms in Chile, X region (infection rate over 55%). A screening with ELISA and a conformation with PCR, should give us a more realistic view of the percentage of vertical transmission instead of the use of the commonly used serological methods as ELISA and AGID. Taking pre-colostral blood samples should make it possible to discriminate between vertical and horizontal transmission. It should be clear that vertical transmission only happened during gestation. A second aim, uprising during this study is the infection rate of calves during their first days of life. It’s known that calves could be infected, but it’s unknown when and what percentage is under field conditions with different interfering factors. These interfering factors are in our opinion: separations from the cow, feeding, housing and management interventions. Transmission of BLV between infected cows and their calves during gestation periparturient period: a Pilotstudy in Chile, Xth Region. Van Arkel, J.J., Monti, G.E., 2009. 7 Hereby is the transmission through colostrum feeding an important route, it is known that lymphocytes can transfer from mother to calf during the first 24 hours of life. The gut is not completely closed at that moment; it will be possible that BLV-infected lymphocytes can `enter` the blood stream of calves (Merck 2008). Taking blood samples and screening with EILSA during the first 10 days of life shows the percentage of likely infected calves. To test ELISA positive calves afterwards with PCR could show the real percentages of infected calves at such a young age. Transmission of BLV between infected cows and their calves during gestation periparturient period: a Pilotstudy in Chile, Xth Region. Van Arkel, J.J., Monti, G.E., 2009. 8 2. Materials and Methods Animals For this pilot-study it was used the voluntarily cooperation of 5 dairy farms in the Xth region of Chile, with an average of 150 productive cows. The mean average of infection by antibody detection in blood and milk was 55%, between the herds (Monti 2009 not published yet). Within the herds the range varies between 30-85%. The animals were all mixed-breed dairy cows; there was no discrimination on age or lactations. Selection of dams that could give birth during this period were selected by expecting calving dates, based on the farmers own registration. During every visit of the farm, monthly, were samples taken of calves at a maximum age of 10 days at the test date. Taking pre-colostral was nearly impossible because of time-management and distance between university and farm. Due to less data and practical reasons, like infrequent farm visiting, unknown birthdates and running research of Monti et we also extracted 68 results of calves within an age of 10 days – 1 year. al. They are summarized in appendix… Sampling of blood The dams were twice screened, in the period September 2008-April 2009 as part of a running BLV project of Monti et al. (Facultades Ciencias Veterinarias, Instituto Medicina Preventiva Veterinaria, UACh, Valdivia, Chile). These results were used for the separation of the dams in two groups. Group 1 infected with BLV and Group 2 not infected with BLV. Blood samples of the dams and calves were taken by BD Vacutainer™ Precion Glide multi sample system (BD Franklin Lakes, NJ USA). We used BD Vacutainer® Serum (BD Franklin Lakes, NJ USA) and BD Vacutainer®, K2 EDTA 7,2 mg (BD Franklin Lakes, NJ USA) to collect two blood samples. Blood samples of the calves were taken with 5 ml syringe (BD Franklin Lakes, NJ USA) and an 18G Hypodermic needle (Nubeco Enterprises, Inc USA). We used Venoject® II Clot Act Z (Terumo Europe NV Leuven, Belgium) and Venoject® II EDTA (K2) K2E (Terumo Europe NV Leuven, Belgium) to collect the two blood samples. Serum was kept in the fridge (4°C) until processing; whole blood was kept in the freeze (-20°C) until processing. ELISA After manual separation of serum and clot was 1,0 ml of serum proceeded with the CHEKIT* LEUCOSE SERUM (IDEXX Laboratories, USA) at the laboratory of the Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile. Processes were followed by the IDEXX protocol. PCR One ml of whole blood was kept into the freeze until the PCR proceeding at the laboratory of the Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile. Transmission of BLV between infected cows and their calves during gestation periparturient period: a Pilotstudy in Chile, Xth Region. Van Arkel, J.J., Monti, G.E., 2009. 9 Oligonucleotide primers for PCR were designed according to sequence data published elsewhere (Sagata et al., 1985). Primers corresponding to the env gene (Rice 1985) were selected, and env5032 5’ - TCT GTG CCA AGT CTC CCA GAT A - 3’, and env5099 5’ - CCC ACA AGG GCG GCG CCG GTT T - 3’ were used as forward primers. The reverse primers were env5521r 5’ - GCG AGG CCG GGT CCA GAG CTG G - 3’, env5608r 5’ - AAC AAC AAC CTC TGG GAA GGG T - 3’. The sets env5099 and env5521 had been established and described previously (Naif 1990; Naif 1992). DNA was obtained from frozen blood collected with EDTA and was extracted using Jet QUICK kit (Genmed, Germany). The first round of nested PCRs (Fechner 1996) was performed using env5032 / env5608r as first primers; initial incubation of samples was at 72 ˚C for 2 minutes; denaturation took place at 94 ˚C for 2 minutes followed by 50 amplification cycles consisting of denaturation at 95 ˚C, 30 seconds, primer annealing at 58 ˚C, 30 seconds and extension at 72 ˚C for 1 minute; final extension took place at 72 ˚C for 4 minutes. The second round of amplifications was conducted using the second pair of primers (env5099 / env5521r). The second round was the same as the first round except that the primer annealing temperature was changed to 72 ˚C. A known positive and negative control DNA sample was included in each test run, and samples showing a band migrating at 444 base pairs (bp) were considered as positive. Interview We used a questionnaire (appendix I) to learn more about the practical management of nursing calves at the farms. The questions were based on high-risk management activities that contribute in the transmission of BLV. Feeding, housing and interventions are the main activities that are related to the transmission. (Lassauzet 1990) Appendix 1 concludes the interview and the results Analyses and proceeding of the results All test-results from this project and the project of Monti were saved in an MS-excel file. All unique tubes match with an individual animal, including number of the animal (Identification) and date of sampling. Based on the farmers databases were the expecting calving dates, birthdates, mother-calf relations, ID and ages of the calves at moment of sampling documented. For the statistic -analyze it was used: Win Episcope 2.0 and SPSS 16 for Windows. Transmission of BLV between infected cows and their calves during gestation periparturient period: a Pilotstudy in Chile, Xth Region. Van Arkel, J.J., Monti, G.E., 2009. 10 3. Results Frequencies of antibody detection The results of all tested calves (n= 129) are proceeded in table 1. Results are known of 55 dams who gave birth during this project. # Calves # Negative < 10 days # Positive < 10 days # Negative > 10 days # Positive > 10days % Positive ELISAtest A 25 9 15 1 0 60,00% M 20 1 4 3 12 80,00% S 78 10 7 42 19 33,33% W 3 0 3 0 0 100,00% T 3 2 1 0 0 33,33% 129 22 30 46 31 47,28 % Farm Total Table 1 results of detection antibodies by an ELISA test at the individual farms, Xth region of Chile Extracting results from the older calves, (n=77) between 10 days and 1 year old, proceed in December and November 2008 shows an positive test result of 40,78 % with an average age of 90 (median 80) days. Negative calves had an average age of 156 (median 154) days. Excluding calves older than 10 days (n=52) it was estimated that 57,69% tested positive by ELISA. For the selection of BLV-positive and BLV – negative dams (n=55) where 2 groups formed: Group 1 contains 25 dams which are BLV-positive, based on at least 2 positive ELISA test-results and Group 2 contains 30 dams which are BLV-negative, based on at least 2 negative ELISA test-results. 55 combinations of ELISA test-results of calves and their dams could show in table 2 the following results. Dam-Calf Combinations Total births 55 Positive Dams (Group 1) (45%) Dam and calf positive Dam positive, calf negative 20 36,40% 5 9,00% 21 38,20% 9 16,40% Negative dams (Group 2) (55%) Dam and calf negative Dam negative, calf positive Table 2 Combinations of test-results dam -calf Discrimination of sexes of the calves shows in table 4 no difference. Both groups’ male and female have a positive combination, dam and calf percentage between 30% and 40%. Transmission of BLV between infected cows and their calves during gestation periparturient period: a Pilotstudy in Chile, Xth Region. Van Arkel, J.J., Monti, G.E., 2009. 11 Male calves 40% Total births Total positive comb. Total only calf Total only mother Total negative comb. 22 7 5 2 8 31,80% 22,70% 9% 36,40% Female calves 60% Total births Total positive comb. Total only calf Total only mother Total negative comb. 33 13 4 3 13 39,40% 12,10% 9,10% 39,40% Table 3 Sex discrimination in prospect of dam -calf relation. PCR After testing with ELISA calves selected were for PCR-test, mostly based on positive outcome of ELISA-test. It resulted in 29 results, which are represented in table 5. Four calves should be excluded based on an age > 10 days. PCR results Calves Average age 8,73 # Calves 29 Pos 8 Neg 21 % Pos 27,58% Table 4 PCR Results In combination with the results of the dams four calves tested positive (15,3 % resp.). All four had a mother which tested positive for BLV-antibodies. One of the four calves tested negative for BLVantibodies with the ELISA test. Statistical analyses A Pearson-correlation (SPSS 16) test resulted only in a significant correlation between positive ELISA test of the dam and calf at 0.886 (<0.01). There were no other correlations based on sex, age and PCR-positive test results. Beside the aim of the study the usage of an ELISA-test for the detection of BLV by calves was evaluated. Preceeding the combinend ELISA test-results and PCR results (n=29) with Win Episcope 2.0 and presume that PCR-test is the golden-standard with a level of confidence of 99,5%. An sensitivity of 87,50 (54,68;100) and specificity of 19,04 (0;43,10) was found. The positive predictive value is 29,17% (3,12;55,21), the negative predictive value is 80,00% (29,77;100) Interview All exact results (n=4 farms) are shown in Appendix 1. One farm was excluded, because we visited this farm once. All high-risk management proceedings are summarized in table 5. Transmission of BLV between infected cows and their calves during gestation periparturient period: a Pilotstudy in Chile, Xth Region. Van Arkel, J.J., Monti, G.E., 2009. 12 Subject Score Transmission route Note: (farms/total farms) Feeding Colostrum feeding by own dam (4/4) Colostrum Fresh milk (0/4) Milk Discharged milk (2/4) Milk Only for the male calves Milkreplacer (4/4) Milk All female calves were fed a milk replacement for four weeks Cleaning drinking facilities (4/4) Milk/colostrum rests All farms clean their drinking facilities 2 or more times a day. One farm cleaned just once a day. Seperation directly (0/4) Colostrum/milk Seperation after a few hours (1/4) Colostrum/milk Seperation after a few days (3/4) Milk or colostrum from other cows Individual housing (1/4) Prevent contact with BLVpositive animals (Laussazet 1991) Grouphousing (3/4) Contact with BLV-positive animals All calves were housed in groups > 5 animals. Prevention for mosquito’s (4/4) Insect bites There were still a lot of mosquito’s during the summer. Replace needles after a single treatment (4/4) Blood on/in needle What they answer, no proof of practice. Dehorning (4/4) Blood on hotspot Ear tagging (4/4) Blood on eartag device Remove of the supermammair tits (3/4) Blood on scissors Housing Blood related interventions Two farms used an device, which make no contact with the calf. Table 5 Summarized interview results Transmission of BLV between infected cows and their calves during gestation periparturient period: a Pilotstudy in Chile, Xth Region. Van Arkel, J.J., Monti, G.E., 2009. 13 4. Discussion Goal one was to obtain pre-colostral blood of newborn calves, to prove if there was an opportunity for vertical transmission. Poor management and registration made it hard to obtain enough data to prove infection between dam and calf. Calves were born in big pens with many other dams at the end of gestation. There was no surveillance during birth and the following hours. Excluding two samples we failed to collect blood samples before calves took colostrum of their dam. It’s even doubtful if they suckle by their own dam because there were many more. Separated housing of the calves was realized after 6 to 72 hours. Beside the possible infection route by colostrum it was not even clear which blood related treatments all calves undergo, like vaccination, ear tagging, injections and dehorning. Ear tagging, injections and vaccinations are treatments at risk for infection (Lassauzet 1990). In the summer period (December – February) where in some farms a lot of mosquito’s and flies, which are known vectors for horizontal transmission of BLV (Dimmock 1991). Frequency of BLV-positive calves within herds varies between 33,33% and 100%, based on a single ELISA test. But as showed in static analyze obtained data from the ELISA-test has a low predicted value. A positive predicted value low as 30% remarks that the opportunity to detect a real infected calf is very low from this point of view. A positive ELISA result show more over success of transmission of (maternal) antibodies during gestation and periparturient period.(Ferrer 1978, Johnson 1987). Negative result is more reliable, because the negative predicted value is 80%. But al these data were obtained from a small group (n=29). If we took the PCR test as a golden-standard, suggested by Nagy (2003), for all sampled calves we can doubt about perfection of the test. SE depends on design and execution of the primers (Marsolais 1994 and Amperse 2008 (not published)) especially for commercial sold PCR tests. Secondly less then 10% of the B-lymphocytes in adult cattle is infected with BLV. (Mirsky 1996), this influences the chance of detection. Thirdly Kampen (2006) proves that during gestation B-lymphocytes will increase from 1% - 2% until 10% to 20%. But the absolute amount of B-lymphocytes in newborn calves is lower in the first week compare to older calves and adult cattle (Ayoub 1996), this will also influence the chance of detection. At last the possibility of transmission of B-lymphocytes by colostrum and their uptake in the first 24 hours of life is very less, because colostrum of cows contains less then 5% B-lymphocytes (Reber 2006). Our second aim, what is the infection rate is of calves in their first days of live become clear. As showed in table one 56,69% of the calves are positive for detection of antibodies by ELISA. There’s no comparable data on farm level previously publicized. But we couldn’t make a difference between maternal antibodies and calves their own ones. It’s known that the detection level for maternal antibodies of BLV is between two to six months (van der Maaten 1981, Oshima 1984). Preceding a PCR-test, despite of previously mentioned criticism showed an infection rate of 15,6% in the first days of live, whereby even one ELISA-negative calf was tested positive by PCR. Unfortunately there was no possibility to obtain pre-colostral blood for PCR-testing. Infection rate is still more than Thurmond (1983) suggested (6,4%) by vertical transmission (in utero) based on pre-colostral AGID testing, but less then Piper (1979) under research facilities (10- 25%). Transmission of BLV between infected cows and their calves during gestation periparturient period: a Pilotstudy in Chile, Xth Region. Van Arkel, J.J., Monti, G.E., 2009. 14 Sex-associated infection with BLV was not proven; there were no statistically differences in testing with ELISA or PCR. Testing calves between an age of 10 days and 1 year with ELISA marks that the average infected age (100) is within the period of interfering maternal antibodies. ELISA isn’t able to detect that these animals are infected, as previously mentioned lifetime of maternal antibodies is two to six months (Oshima 1984). For definitive status of the animals it could be practical to retest these animals with ELISA after six months of age or test all these animals with PCR. The results of the interview based on four out of five farms, shows that during normal circumstances and with knowledge of the transmission of BLV infection possible is directly after birth and the following days. Beside this interview it became clear that group housing of pregnant dams in a big pen at the end of gestation and during parturition is common. Colostrum feeding and blood related interventions were possible the factors most at risk which the young calves were exposed to. Transmission of BLV between infected cows and their calves during gestation periparturient period: a Pilotstudy in Chile, Xth Region. Van Arkel, J.J., Monti, G.E., 2009. 15 5. Conclusion We proved that there are some infections with BLV either newborn or after parturition, but due to less data and many interfering factors in management and execution of this research it isn’t possible to deduce any reliable consequences for the level of infection in newborn calves. But descriptive we can suggest that if more than 1 out of 7 calves (15%) are infected, based on the PCR-test result, in their first days of live it’s recommended to do further research to the importance of transmission in newborn calves, this could define the moment of infection in herds. It’s necessary to develop protocols within herds for birth process, sampling and herd administration. Also should specific risks in management, like colostrum-feeding, blood-related proceedings and housing be clear before research start. Acknowledgements Thank you for help; G.E. Monti and family, O. Allocilla, B.Benavides, N.Nielen. Thanks for support; Fundo Sichahue, Fundo Aromos - Soto, Fundo Muller, Fundo Winker, Fundo Twelle, Marcelo Gomez, Ann Huenink and Ginger James Transmission of BLV between infected cows and their calves during gestation periparturient period: a Pilotstudy in Chile, Xth Region. Van Arkel, J.J., Monti, G.E., 2009. 16 Literature: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. KETTMANN R, CLEUTER Y, MAMMERICKX M. Genomic intergration of bovine leukemia provirus; comparison of persistent lymphocytosis with lymph node tumor form of enzootic bovine leukosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci 77 (1980) p 2577-2581 VAN DER MAATEN, M.J. & MILLER, J.M. Bovine leukosis virus. (1990). Virus Infections of Vertebrates, 3, pp. 419429. Elsevier Science Publishers OTT, S.L., JOHNSON, R. WELLS, S.J. Association between bovine-leukosis virus seroprevalence and herd productivity on US dairy farms. Prev. Vet. Medicine 61 (2003) p 249-262 ODEPA. 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Van Arkel, J.J., Monti, G.E., 2009. 19 Appendix 1 Test results Until 10 days Tubo ID 7449 903 7269 3584 7270 3585 7476 3596 7266 7267 7532 7277 Man 1 Zwart Man 2 Wit 902 575 7455 3595 7397 7398 7450 7390 7391 7392 907 552 901 872 873 544 5861 3529 7482 3594 7396 7468 7387 7537 7388 7518 551 3593 905 920 870 2302 5870 3526 7389 7395 7485 7393 871 906 3592 549 5863 3524 7394 8563 7543 7386 550 3023 919 542 6359 866 7260 7481 7261 7265 7495 3582 3591 3583 3581 3590 Farm age t a a a m m t s a s s t s s s a a s a s m s w a s s a s a s w m s s a a a a a 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 Result ELISA Result PCR 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 Transmission of BLV between infected cows and their calves during gestation periparturient period: a Pilotstudy in Chile, Xth Region. Van Arkel, J.J., Monti, G.E., 2009. 20 6358 865 7262 8758 7263 8759 7517 2301 5876 1999 5878 2000 7264 8760 7276 916 7413 810 7474 7258 7480 7487 3588 8757 3587 3586 s a a w a a a s m a a a a 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 Transmission of BLV between infected cows and their calves during gestation periparturient period: a Pilotstudy in Chile, Xth Region. Van Arkel, J.J., Monti, G.E., 2009. 21 Age 10 days - 1 year Tubo ID 7413 7399 6359 6358 7259 7257 6368 7256 7255 7254 7251 7253 7252 6367 6363 6360 6362 6361 7414 6366 7401 6365 7406 7402 6364 7403 7404 6370 6369 6374 7415 7410 6371 6373 7412 7408 7405 6375 6378 Tubo 0810 5220 0866 0865 910 559 0864 558 557 556 908 555 554 0863 0862 0861 0860 0859 0808 0858 0806 0857 0807 0804 0856 0803 0802 0855 0854 0853 0899 0898 0852 0851 0896 0895 0894 0850 0849 ID Farm Age Result ELISA m a s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s m s m s m m s m m s s s m m s s m m m s s 10 111 112 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 Age Result Farm 12 14 15 20 23 25 26 28 29 30 30 30 30 32 35 38 40 49 53 62 65 68 69 71 76 80 82 83 85 86 89 92 96 102 103 104 Transmission of BLV between infected cows and their calves during gestation periparturient period: a Pilotstudy in Chile, Xth Region. Van Arkel, J.J., Monti, G.E., 2009. 22 Elisa 7409 7407 6379 6377 7411 6372 6376 6501 6492 6491 6496 6494 6493 6511 6495 6500 6510 6499 6502 6497 6503 6508 6509 6460 6504 6506 6507 6498 6461 6505 6453 6490 6435 6441 6437 6419 6421 6446 0891 0892 0848 0847 0890 0846 0845 0844 0843 0842 0841 0839 0837 0838 0836 0835 0833 0832 0830 0831 0829 0826 0825 0821 0822 0820 0819 0818 0817 0814 0812 0811 0808 0807 0806 0804 0803 0801 m m s s m s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s 114 114 115 119 120 121 128 136 139 141 143 153 155 155 163 176 200 211 214 214 224 228 229 243 243 244 247 251 253 258 264 270 285 296 297 302 306 312 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 Transmission of BLV between infected cows and their calves during gestation periparturient period: a Pilotstudy in Chile, Xth Region. Van Arkel, J.J., Monti, G.E., 2009. 23 Appendix 2 Results of the Interview of the farmers: A: Alimento A.1.: De qué se alimentan los ternoros hasta el primer mes? Leche de vaca (no tratadas o de descarte) Sustituto lácteo Leche de descarte All the farmers use a milkreplacer during the first month for their female calves. The male-calves will also be fed with discharged milk. A.2.a Por cuantos o cuantas tomos luego de nacer los terneros reciben calostro? Mean for 2 days (2/4), but it depends on the possibility to split calf and cow. Some farms will split after 6 hours max (1/4) other after 3 days, or more (1/4). It depends also on the fitness of the calves b. Recibe calostro de: Fresco de su madre Fresco de cualquier madre Congelado de un banco de calostro All farmers use fresh colostrum from the mother. A.3. Como alimenta a los terneros? Tetillas/mamaderas Baldes It depends on the management. Most of the farms use replacement nipples (3/4). Some use only drinking buckets for the male calves. A.4.Con qué freceuencia limpian el sistema de alimentación? Most of the farmers clean after ever y time they use the bucket or nipples. (3/4) One farm cleans just 1 time a day. A.5 Como lavan el sistema de alimentación? (Procedimiento) Hot water and desinfection (chloride) B. Instalaciones B.1. Cuando se sepera el tenero de la madre? 12 hrs (1/4) 2 days (2/4) Transmission of BLV between infected cows and their calves during gestation periparturient period: a Pilotstudy in Chile, Xth Region. Van Arkel, J.J., Monti, G.E., 2009. 24 3 days (1/4) B.2 Como se alojan los teneros? Individual Individual por 5-10 dias, luego en grupos Grupos Individual por 5-10 dias (1/4) Groups (3/4) B.3 Cuantos animals por grupo? 1-3 4-5 >5 > 5 (3/4) 4 (1/4) B.4 Qué criteros se utilize para ele agrupamiento? (edad, peso etc.) Sex of calves (4/4) and fitness (1/4) B.5. Con que frecuencia cambian la cama y limpian el establo de los teneros? Luego de cada tenero/grupo Una vez al semana Una vez al mes Cuando está muy sucio Cuando tengo tiempo 2 farms put in all lodges everyday new straw or other bedding. 1 farm cleans every 2 days 1 farm once a week B.6 Controlan contra mosquitos y moscas? Si, pour-on Si, repelent por fumigación Otro:______ Nada 2 farms use pour-on and 2 farms use smoke or repellent Transmission of BLV between infected cows and their calves during gestation periparturient period: a Pilotstudy in Chile, Xth Region. Van Arkel, J.J., Monti, G.E., 2009. 25 C Intervenciones C.1. tabla Intervenciones Fundo 1 2 3 4 Areteo Si Dia 3 Si Si Inyecciones * Si si Si Si Descorne Si 8 semanas Si No machos, si teneras Cirugías (castración, tetillas, etc.) No Tetillas, si Si Si, tetillas * = Vacunación, medicación y vitaminas con agujas For dehorning, all the farmers use an hotspot C.2 Limpian o desinfectan los instrumentos para aretear? Si, entre cada ternero Si al final del trabajo No Yes after every calf (2/4) No, but we use an ear tagger that make no contact with the calf. (2/4) C. 3 Cambia las agujas? Si, entre cada de tenero Si, luego de cada de tipo de medicación Luego de cada ronda de inyecciones Si, pero al final del día Cuando la aguja está sucia o defectuosa All the farmers changes needles after they use them for one calf! C.4 Qué sistema de decorne utilizan? Hotspot (heater) (4/4) C.5 Hacen alguna maniobra quinrúgica masiva? (castración, recorte tetillas, etc.)? Yes (3/4) Remove of the supermammair tits. (3/4) Castration of the males. (1/4) Transmission of BLV between infected cows and their calves during gestation periparturient period: a Pilotstudy in Chile, Xth Region. Van Arkel, J.J., Monti, G.E., 2009. 26 The truth, during our farm visits showed sometimes other things then the answers of the interviews. We saw a lot of used needles and changing was not always done. A lot of dirty stables, with flies, high contact level between the animals and not cleaned ear taggers were specific attention points. Otherwise to prevent horizontal transmission of all kind of microbiological risk were the calves housed apart from the heifers and dairy cows. Transmission of BLV between infected cows and their calves during gestation periparturient period: a Pilotstudy in Chile, Xth Region. Van Arkel, J.J., Monti, G.E., 2009.