Extended Master Sequence of Play Chart

The Finnish Trilogy 1939-1945®
Extended Master Sequence of Play Chart
Air bombing Surprise Turn (Optional, Nov. IV ‘39 and Jun. IV ‘41 only)
o In WW/CW, the SOV player may terror bomb Finnish cities (only). In CW, also the GER Player may
terror bomb, but Soviet cities only. Play the Weather-, Air Movement- and Air Combat Segments. Use
all normal rules with enemy interception and AA-fire included. It is necessary to roll “a hit” before the
City Terror Bombing Table can be used  see also Fire in Cities [21.5]. Note! Only VPs can be
received or lost.
[A] Game Turn Phase (Both Players)
Turn & Initiative Segment
o Both players roll a Die to solve which player gets the first Player Turn in the Game Turn. The Die
rolled is based on the Current Morale/Prestige Level: VH = White Die, H = Black Die, A = Red Die,
L = Blue Die, VL = Green Die; the Aggressive side always gets a +1 DRM. In the case of a tie 
higher Morale/Prestige level begins, if still a tie  the Aggressive side begins (SOV player in WW
and CW ’44; FIN/GER in CW ’41; and FIN/SOV in LW). On the very first Game Turn: No
initiative DR – the Aggressive side always gets the first Player Turn in all games. Also, no Supply- or
RPs are received on the first Game Turn. All units/HQs are in General Supply. Last Game Turn: The
Aggressive side always gets the last Player Turn in all games. Note! There is a Non-aggressive side
Player Turn on the very last Game Turn only if the Non-aggressive side gets the initiative.
Weather Segment
o Weather Type DR. Roll a White Die to determine the current weather in the Game Turn. The result is
for Weather Zone South. There is a -2 DRM for Weather Zone North.
o Sky Status DR. Roll a White Die for both Weather Zones separately  current Sky Status in the
Game Turn. Sunny = there are no restrictions; Cloudy = only Fighters can fly missions (all types
marked with F); Bad Weather = almost everything is prohibited, see more in 11.2.2c.
o Ice Status DR. Roll a White Die to determine the current Ice Status in the Game Turn. There is a -2
DRM for Weather Zone North (see Ice Status Table). N = No Ice: naval units move normally, Ground
units/HQs  see TEC; C = Coast Only: all rivers and coastlines (partial water/land hexes) are frozen,
naval units (other than warships and icebreakers) need icebreaker if they move in frozen coast hexes if
the hex is not a Major or Grand Port. Subs may operate in non-ice hexes; ground units/HQs only FC
INF units and non-motorized HQs may move across one all-water hexside, C+1 = Coast +1: all partial
water/land hexes and all-water hexes adjacent to those; subs can only leave/enter a Grand Port. Naval
units: same as Coast Only. Ground units/HQs: all FC INF units and non-motorized HQs may move
across all-water hex, all MC units/HQs (no heavy AFVs) may move across one all-water hexside with
an additional cost of +1 MP. F = Full Ice: all-water hexes are now frozen exception Arctic Sea,
Vuoksi, Svir and any canals (or other waters with currents). Naval movement is not allowed. See also
rule 11.3.5. Ground units/HQs: all FC INF units and non-motorized HQs may move across two allwater hexes and all MC units/HQs (now also heavy AFVs) may move across one all-water hex.
o Mines! – markers are removed from frozen hexes.
o All units with HE (MA followed by a dot or rectangle of any type) must pay one additional MP when
crossing a river or a frozen all-water hexside.
Random Events Segment (Optional)
o Roll a Blue Die. If 1  FIN and if 2  SOV. Continue to roll a White Die. See more in [12.1.2].
Foreign Intervention Segment (in WW only)
o Check the Foreign Intervention Status only when the Finnish Morale level is Average or lower. During
a Morale Check consult the 33.1.1 Foreign Intervention Activation Table. See FIN OOB on page 18.
Heeresgruppe Nord Status Segment (in CW only)
o Consult the Heeresgruppe Nord Initiative Table in the CW/LW Ref. Chart. The SOV player may not
enter or remain in a zone that is currently under Heeresgruppe Nord’s control. No black airfields may
be used by any player side when the zone is controlled by the Heeresgruppe Nord, but other airbases
may be used by GER (not FIN) air units. No GER ground units/HQs may enter a zone but GER naval
units may move in the coast hexes part of a zone. There is a -1 DRM for a SOV Remove-DR during
GER initiative and a +1 DRM for a SOV Remove-DR during SOV initiative.
Lend-Lease Convoy Segment (in CW/LW only)
o A convoy must be spotted before any attacks are allowed. See more on p. 5 in the CW RB.
[B1] Initial Phase (Player A)
Supply Segment
o Combat Supply: The Phasing player receives Supply Points (SPs) as SUPPLY markers. Two SPs per
Army HQ. In addition, the FIN player receives two SPs for its SHO (PM) and the SOV player receives
two SPs per FHQ. The SPs placed on the SHQ/FHQ can move an unlimited distance and be placed
on one or several friendly OHQs (in the same or any forthcoming turn). An OHQ may possess/save
SPs up to its CCV limit. There is no Supply Segment in the first Game Turn!
o General Supply: Units/HQs trace a supply route from their current hex through friendly hexes that are
out of EZOCs unless contested [3.2] to the supply source. The supply length for both players is 10
MPs of any MA-Class, exception for units/HQs with HE that may not use Lt or Std MA-Class.
o First Game Turn Supply: all units/HQs on both sides are in General Supply on the first Game Turn.
o Supply sources are: 1) Main Supply Sources: any friendly hex with a white/blue or red supply
symbol; 2) Regular Supply Sources: any friendly city hex; or SUPPLY marker, or road/railroad
hex which is leading an unlimited number of hexes to a Main Supply Source (supply symbol) or
Regular Supply Source (friendly city hex or SUPPLY marker).
o If a unit/HQ cannot trace a supply route to a supply source, it suffers from penalty  place a Limited
Supply marker on top of the unit/HQ; see table 8.1.1.
The OOB/RB Features Segment (play the steps in any order)
o Remove: If unit/HQ is on its reduced side or it has been eliminated  remove an equal amount of
steps from play of the same size, nationality and CAL-category, or reduce an equal number of RPs or
any combination thereof.
o Reinforcements must arrive on the turn of arrival. These units/HQs are in General Supply. They must
be placed in the same hex as the parent HQ or on the appropriate HQ Breakdown Box; if this is not
possible  place them in the High Command Box or if THQ is eliminated  add units/HQs as RPs,
see more in 15.0.
o Conversations take a place in the same hex as the current units. All markers, status symbols and any
front/reduced side will be moved to new unit/HQ.
o Upgrades: 1) according to the OOB take place if possible otherwise  get RPs. 2) according to the
RPs-rules, see more in 15.0.
o Breakdowns: the unit must be on its frontside but may be out of supply and EZOC. If unit has a
specified Bkd unit, it must be used otherwise use the correct type, category and winterization status.
o Consolidations: is always optional and it takes a place according to OOBs/RBs. All units must be in
the same hex and on their frontside but may be out of supply and EZOC.
o Flip sides: used in various game situations according to the OOB, during Breakdown or otherwise
mentioned in the rules, e.g. in WW: Border Coys into AT-Coys.
o Activations/Conditional Reinforcements (e.g. OKW in the CW): According to the OOB or if enemy
units/HQs move within a radius of 5 hexes to the conditional reinforcement unit/HQ. A unit that has
not yet been activated may not move or attack, only defend. Coys/Bttys are eliminated [8.6].
o Marker Removal/Re-location: remove all FATIGUE, FIRE! CITY/FOREST, REFIT and MINES!
markers [11.1.3.E] from the map until re-used. Re-locate SOV Balloon markers [4.7.10], Concealment
“?” markers [6.6.1] and SKI/BIKE markers [18.3].
o High Command Units/HQs Release: Units/HQs in the High Command box may enter play if they
roll a White DR of 5 during any friendly Initial Phase There is a +1 DRM or +2 DRM if the
Morale/Prestige level is Low or Average respectively.
Replacements Segment (play the steps in any order)
o RPs are received in the Initial Phase according to the OOB or immediately when a unit loses steps due
to combat or overrun (but not in a MOTTI). 1 step is the equivalent of 1 RP received. Use the RPtrack!
o Units may bring back to game or these can be flipped to their full side.
o Units must be in a city/village with a VP-value and a road/railroad !to be able to get any
replacements of even if when brought back to game  adjust the RP-track when doing
o INF = 3; ART = 6; AFV = 9; HQs = CCV x 4; Add +1 RP per step when SOV Gd (Guards), GER
SS, and GER/SOV winterized; See the RP-costs in the Ref. Chart #2.
o When a SOV ART or AFV CAL-unit loses a step due to MOTTI or Panic (ART-units only), it is the
FIN/GER player who receives the RPs.
o Air units: The FIN player gets 0.5 SE every Game Turn and the SOV player gets 1 SE every Game
Turn. These points are not cumulative and they may not be saved. In CW the GER player gets 0.5 SE
every Game Turn.
o Naval units: Only Transport Flotillas may be brought back to game. Naval unit RPs are received
only on each “Jan. I” Game Turn! The FIN player gets 1 VE of naval RP and the SOV player gets 2
VEs of naval RPs. In CW the GER player gets 1 VE of naval RP.
Attach/Detach Units/HQs Segment (play the steps in any order)
o Attach units/HQs: All HQs may attach units up to its CCV (in addition an equal number of
attachments are allowed up to the number of detachments of the HQ; any number of Corps Art. may
be attached to a Corps HQ). Only smaller size units may be attached.
Re-attach Organic Units/HQs: The unit/HQ must be in within CR of the parent HQ  remove any
DETACHED! marker from the parent HQ Breakdown Box, in addition flip the HQ from its
Battlegroup HQ side to back its normal side.
Non-THQs: see NO-THQ/STHQ Attachment Table on the Ref. Chart #2.
Detach units/HQs: All HQ may detach its organic units up to its CCV. The unit/HQ to be detaching
must be within CR of the parent HQ and may not be out of command [16.4]  place an appropriate
DETACHED! marker onto the parent HQ Breakdown Box and flip Brigade/Regiment HQ to its
Battlegroup HQ side.
If all non-detached units are eliminated (and therefore HQ stands alone), at least one detached org. unit
must immediately return to the HQ ASAP.  A HQ that has lost all of its organic units/HQs in the
game is removed from the game and the opposite player gains VP.
A unit/HQ outside its parent HQ’s CR is considered out of command  place an OUT OF
COMMAND marker on top of the unit/HQ (its Status Level is reduced by two levels).
Construction/Repair/Maintenance Segment
o Constructions: Only engineer units may conduct constructions/repairs. While a construction, no
engineer units may participate in any combat. There is a Construction Time when the engineer unit is
trying to construct any objects: roll a White Die  any number but zero is a success. This DR may be
modified by weather (-1 DRM during Frost or Snow), EZOC (-1 DRM, only combat engineers may
perform), number of engineer units (+1 DRM for every single engineer unit).
o Only one construction category per hex. Defensive objectives are one category and airbases another.
Each FORT -2/-3 and Airfield markers may only be constructed once in a game.
o See more Construction and Repair alternatives on p. 17-18 in the MRM.
o Road/rail and terrain Maintenance: Combat and construction engineers may conduct maintenance
at the cost of +1 MP plus the normal terrain cost for entering the hex and other units/HQs pay normal
terrain cost -1 MP to enter such a (maintenance) hex.
[C1] Movement Phase (Player A, exc. “Opp.”)
Ground Movement Segment
o Activations/conditional reinforcements (Opp.): see the OOB/RB Features Segment  Activate
Conditional Reinforcements.
Attempt Overruns: Counted as a part of Movement  units can move both before and after. May be
conducted only if the total firepower is at least 10:1 in favor for attacker. The requirement is that
there must be MPs left to enter the hex and for the Overrun itself (usually terrain +1 MP if defender
has HOC); both sides calculate their CAL and roll the dice as in combat, Note! There is no CALdetermination and DRs if defender has not a HOC or if Coys/Btty are undergoing training  (1) the
Overrun is successful; If the result of Overrun Check is at least 10:1 for attacker  the defending
units/HQs are eliminated and the attacker may move into the vacant hex  the attacker may either
conduct a new Overrun (in the Adv. Phase) or attack in the next Combat Phase. Not both, unless AFV
unit. (2) If failed  the defender may retreat a one hex, but the attacker may not adv. into the vacant
hex nor attack in the forthcoming Combat Phase or move in the Adv. Phase (and thus they are not able
to conduct additional Overruns during that Game Turn). HQs may not use their CAL in an overrun.
Other than that, both sides may use all four CAL-categories in an Overrun Check!
Demolitions: Only (Assault) combat engineers may conduct demolitions. They must have a Status
Level 0. No DRs are needed, only expenditure of MPs, see more in 18.6.
Declare Flooding: Both players may conduct one flooding and only one time in the game, it costs 6
MP + terrain. It is allowed if (1) the (Assault) combat engineer is adjacent to a canal/water with
currents and (2) there is an enemy stack adjacent to both the canal/water with currents and the engineer
conducting the flooding. Place a FLOOD! marker  affects all units/HQs (of both players), which
cannot move or attack into or out of the hex and their Status Level is reduced by one.
Declare target hexes: Place a BLACK or WHITE TARGET! marker on the hex in which combat will
be occur. A WHITE TARGET!  No Combat Supply (SPs) needed; A BLACK TARGET! 
Combat Supply (SPs) needed.
Naval Movement (Missions) Segment; [In general: 2 MPs for coast/islands, 1 MP for others]
o Long-Range Naval Movement: Double the printed MPs if moved without passing within radius of
enemy naval or Cst. Art. units, not involved in any combat, minefields (NA for subs) or U-boat nets
(subs only).
o Minelaying (secret hex): Only Minelayers (CM) or naval units with an M on the left side of their
silhouette (unit counter) may perform minelaying. Limit: one mine-/netlaying per turn and naval unit.
Minelaying means secretly writing down on a paper  use MINES! Low Density at first, then High
Density. Netlaying (only GER naval units)  U-boat Net marker undamaged side face up.
o Minesweeping: Only Minesweepers (AM) may perform this operation. Place a minesweeper in the
same hex with the MINES! marker  if an enemy minefield, go through the first the mine attack with
-1 DRM. Then roll a White Die  value equal of the minefield attack value is successful, remove if
MINES! Low Density and turn the marker if MINES! High Density.
o U-boat Netsweeping: Only Minesweepers (AM) in the same hex as the U-boat Net marker  a
successful attempt on a Blue DR of 0.
o Offensive Ground Support: All naval units with printed a CF can support on one target hex per turn
during the Ground Combat Phase  add naval unit’s CF to total.
o Naval Landings: Only fully supplied unit counters and only on friendly or enemy controlled islands
or coast hexes without cliffs. There is a penalty of -3 Column Shifts for a naval landing on an enemy occupied hex. Unit counters conducting naval landings may not move during the same Movement
Phase only during the Advancement Phase. During the Combat Phase their printed CFs are halved.
o Escorting: Destroyers (D) and Destroyer Leaders (DL) may act as escorts in the same way as the
fighter may. See more [20.1.7].
o Patrolling: All naval units with a CF. In non-enemy controlled hex or coast hex. When an enemy
naval unit enters within the Firepower radius (1 or 2 hexes), the naval combat may take a place. In the
next friendly Player Turn, the Patrolling naval unit must return to a friendly port.
o Transportation: Ground units/HQs, Movement markers and SUPPLY markers may be transported by
Transport Flotillas (each with a load capacity of 6 BEs).
o Capture of Enemy Empty Island: when an enemy naval unit enters (either stops or pass through)
those island and survives any possible attack [19.9], the island becomes controlled by the new owner.
o Submarine Movement: secretly written on a paper to which hex each sub will be located  within
Movement Radius; but only 2 consecutive turns in the Arctic Sea and 3 consecutive turns in the other
Sea/Lake zones. If sub enters in the hex with an enemy sub  a combat may occur. After the mission,
the sub is moved any number of hexes to any friendly port in the same Sea/Lake zone.
o Scuttling (voluntary “ship sinking “): eliminated any friendly naval unit(s) during friendly Naval
Movement Segment, any missions are allowed before scuttling.
o Naval Units Reaction/Interception (Opp.): Non-Phasing Player may react to ground combat (as
support) [23.7.1] and to enemy naval unit movement. A) surface naval units: all non-refitting naval
units within the radius of half of the printed MA may intercept  possible naval combat may occur
[22.1], first naval units with long-range combat capability may fire and then intercepting units may
continue to battle. B) Submarines: only when sub and enemy naval unit is in the same hex  the sub
may open fire and by doing this reveal itself. The opponent may counter-attack but only with the naval
unit that was attacked. Use Naval-to-Naval Rules [22.1.1]. C) Coast and Railroad Artillery: All Cst.
Art. and RR-Art. within range may open fire versus enemy naval units  The CAL of the unit is used
if Status Level permits it. The unit may use either the ACF or DCF. See more in Ref Chart #3. D)
Mines: If enemy naval units enter hex, in which MINES! marker is  mine attack (Subs are immune).
Low Density: roll a White Die for each naval unit, hit on a DR of 0-1. High Density: roll a White Die
for each naval unit, hit on a DR of 0-3. Other results are a miss.
Air Movement (Missions) Segment [Fighters only during Cloudy Sky Status]
o Long-range Air Movement: Air unit may double its MA radius only if moving between two friendly
airbases and not involving in any combat  must move to closest airbase/non-base hex.
o Bomb Raid: All units with a Ground Combat Factor (GCF). The unit is moved into the hex where
bombing is to take place.; Tactical bombing: all air units with GCF. Targets are: bridges,
railroads/roads, airbases, factories, cities, ports and radars (in CW) or Strategic bombing: air units
with a boxed GCF, but only half of the GCF may be used. Targets are: ports and cities (only) 
enemy Escort Screen and AA(A)-fire, then roll a White Die and consult the Bombing Result Table: if
a hit, place the appropriate marker on the target.
o Air Torpedo Attack: Air units that have a GCF = T(torpedo) may attack enemy naval units [See
o Sea-Minelaying: All air units marked with an M (mines) on their left side. Only MINES! Low density
markers, into unfrozen all-water and/or coast hex  write the hex number secretly on a piece of paper.
o Offensive Ground Support: All air units with Ground Combat Factor (GCF) may conduct one
ground support per turn during Ground Combat Segment. Air units are never subject to ground combat
o Reconnaissance: All air types but specialized air units for Recon. A non-recon unit may examine one
enemy hex per Game Turn. A Recon air unit (all types marked with R) may examine one enemy hex
plus all six adjacent hexes.
o Escorting: Only Fighters (all types marked with F) may perform Escorting mission to protect friendly
Mission Force from enemy Fighters conducting Interception [20.4].
o Patrolling: Only Fighters (all types marked with F) may conduct offensive patrol in any hex  place
a Patrol Mission Marker on the air unit. When an enemy air unit flies into the patrolling hex, air
combat may occur. In the next friendly Player Turn, patrolling air units must return to any friendly
airbase/non-base hex. Any AA-capable units may fire vs. enemy Fighters conducting patrolling.
o Transportation: All air units marked with T (not to confuse with T in CGF = Torpedo) may be used
in transport missions. The load capacity is printed inside the white circle = number of BEs that may be
transported, but only during Sunny Sky Status. Supply, Std. and Lt. units (no Heavy Equipment, HE)
may be transported.
o Air Drop: Only Transport air units may Air Drop SUPPLY markers and Small Recon/Partisan units.
They may be dropped in any non-mountain or frozen water hex but not in an enemy occupied hex.
HQs may never be Air Dropped. [In Small Scenarios: only SUPPLY 1 markers may be Air Dropped
 A Green DR of 1 is successful and a Green DR of 0 is a failure and the SUPPLY 1 marker is
o Air Unit Reaction/Interception (Opp.): The Non-phasing Player may react to enemy air and naval
unit movements with half of their MA. Only Fighters (all types marked with F) may act as
Interceptors. The Non-Phasing Player may react to enemy ground combat with the air units’ GCF 
possible air combat may occur at first in the hex and then ground combat. In case of naval units  the
air unit must have a Torpedo capability.
[D1] Combat Phase (Player A, exc. “Opp.”)
Air Combat Segment
o Air-to-Air: Air combat occurred when opposing player has air unit in the same hex and at least one of
players has Interceptors (Fighters). Interceptors encounter never enemy Interceptor but encounter
Mission Force or Escort Screen. 1) Preparation Sequence: All air units must be divided to Mission
Force, Escort Screen or Interceptions. 2) Assign Enemy Sequence: Only one air unit may encounter
each enemy air unit. If opponent has Escort Screen, each Interceptor (Fighter) may either encounter
any Fighters in Escort Screen or try pass Escort Screen and attempt to encounter the Mission Force 
opponent may choose which of its Fighters in the Escort Screen will encounter the enemy Interceptor.
3) Initiative Sequence: Add the Speed Factor with the air unit’s SE-color and finally roll a White Die.
Add/reduce certain DRMs. See Ref. Chart #3.  The highest result gains the initiative. The player
with the initiative has the option to take part in an air combat (dogfight); do nothing; or voluntarily
abort/escape. 4) Combat Sequence: Compare the ACF of the attacking air unit with the DCF of the
defending air unit and consult the Air-to-Air Combat Table. Roll the White Die. -1 DRM on the
White Die for each additional Attack wave.
o Anti-Aircraft Defense (opp.): Only units with AA-CF may fire when enemy air unit flies into same
hex (NA if passing through) and there aren’t friendly air units in same hex. Lt- AA-units may fire
when enemy flies at low attitude. Hvy AAA-units (boxed AA-CF) may fire when enemy flies low
and/or high attitude. AA-units may also battle against enemy ground units. All AA-capacity units fire
vs each enemy air unit using their printed AA-CF. See Ref. Chart #3.
o Air-to-Naval/Air Torpedo Attack: All air units with GCF may attack enemy naval units  first
naval unit(s) open AA-fire, then air unit(s) marked with T may do individual Torpedo-attacks. See
Ref. Chart #3.
o Bombing Enemy Objects/Bomb Raid: SOV/GER. air units may bomb enemy cities  possibly VPs
gaining/losing. Roll a White Die and consult the City Terror Bomb Table.
 The result F (Fire) applies only in Forest hexes (during Jun./Jul. turns only) or in cities.
Naval Combat Segment:
o Naval-to-Naval: Only naval units with a CF may attack. The range is two hexes when boxed CF,
otherwise 1 hex. 1A, 1B, 1C) Assign Enemy Sequence vs: All interception units with boxed CF may
fire; all escorting units with boxed CF may fire; Non-Phasing player moves naval units adjacent to
enemy naval units. Max of one VE of interceptors against an enemy naval unit! 2) Initiative
Sequence: Both players: add SF on naval unit to white DR and VE-Hexagon color  higher result
gains initiative, if tied  higher White DR gains 3) Combat Sequence: Attacking units compare
their CF with the defending unit’s HF  Naval-to-Naval Combat Table, then roll a White Die. On
each additional combat round, there is a -1 DRM on the Combat Results Table. Naval units with
a “T” may attack in adjacent hexes only.
o Naval-to-Coast Artillery: See Naval-to-Coast Artillery Combat Table/Result. See Ref. Chart #3.
o Soviet Blockade Threat DR: Soviet Baltic Fleet and Submarines only. If successful  FIN Player
gains fewer SUPPLY markers during the next friendly Player Turn. Roll a White DR for each Warship
and submarine VE in the Baltic Sea. See Ref. Chart #3.
Ground Combat Segment (step by step)
o Regular Attacks and/or 1st Echelon attacks: Player may declare Echelon attacks, if and only when
there is Corps 2nd Stacking in at least one attacking hex  attacking units may split into two different
attacks. Defender may also split defending units into two different echelons if and only when there is
Corps 2nd Stacking in the combat hex. There is always a 2nd Echelon attack if 1st Echelon was
o Expenditure of Combat Supply: Calculate the number of units involved in the combat (number of
BEs, not units). All units in a combat must be able to trace a supply route to a SUPPLY 1 or 2 marker
in same way as General Supply. See more in the Combat Supply Point Table [Ref. Chart #2]. Add 1
SP-cost to Weather Zone North during Snow Turns.
o Defense Type; Mobile or Static: In General: Mobile Defense is always allowed, exception for SOV
NKVD units/HQs or Fixed units). Static Defense is only allowed if the hex also has a DO or it is a city
o Total Printed CFs (attacker = ACF and defender = DCF)
o Check for CAL status in combat hex and attacking hexes: Units/HQs may not use CAL with a low
Status Level [8.1]. Cal-Categories: Infantry; Artillery (also Air and Naval Support), Armored
Fighting Vehicles, Headquarters. One CAL = -1 DRM; Two CAL = 0 DRM; Three CAL = +1
DRM; All four CAL = +2 DRM. CAL-DRM rolled for each stack, not units! Some restrictions:
Mountain hexes (NA heavy equipment; CAL allowed for mountain units/HQs and artillery);
Rivers/Water hexsides/Passages (attack across non-frozen hexside requires support of Combat- or
Pontoon Engineer to allow any CAL use exc. artillery); Forts/Cities: INF-units may not use CAL
unless Combat- or Assault engineer is in same hex and involved in combat; ART-units may not use
CAL unless Super Heavy Artillery unit involving in that combat; AFV-units may not use CAL unless
Flame- or Heavy Tank involving in same combat.
o Combat Support (air/naval long-range ART and abstract): 1) Air and naval units with (G)CF may
support one ground combat  add (G)CF to total Firepower. Air and naval units considered ART
CAL-Category units. They are never subject to combat result! 2) Abstract support for small
scenarios only: See more in the OOBs for each scenario separately. 3) Long-range units are
recognized by their boxed CF. The radius for long-range ART CAL-category units is up to two hexes
to a combat hex when attacking and adjacent to combat hex when defending.
o Colum Shifts and DR (Recon Balloon Bonus [4.7.10]): Max. 5 shifts per direction. Always reduce
Column Shifts before adding them. See Column Shifts on the CRT.
o Advance after Combat: Attacker may advance, if (1) the defender has abandoned the hex and (2) the
target hex is not marked with a red color in the TEC. The following units may not advance: Fixed
units, Railbound units, or OHQs. AFV CAL-category units may always advance one or two hexes.
o 2nd Echelon Attacks – repeat from the top of Ground Combat
o Counter Attacks (Opp.) (Static Defense only): Only units that participated in combat  the attacker
becomes the defender and vice versa. Any terrain modifiers are reduced with 1 Column Shift and only
Mobile Defense is allowed.
[E1] Advancement Phase (Player A, exc. “Opp.”)
Advancement Segment
o Special criteria: 1) Unit/HQ didn’t involve in any combat. Note: Overrun doesn’t count! 2) Unit/HQs
is fully supplied 3) Unit/HQ is not in EZOC, unless negated by at least same number of BEs of
friendly combat units 4) HQ has not used SP in combat (OHQs only). Note: These rules don’t apply to
fully supplied AFV-units.
o SHO/OHQ Movement: Only during Advancement Phase and if the criteria above is met.
o Activations/conditional reinforcements (Opp.): See the OOB/RB Features Segment  Activate
Conditional Reinforcements.
o Return Air and Naval Units (also Opp.): All air units on mission must return friendly airbase or
non-base hex (NA to make aggressive missions in Game Turn). Also naval units that stay on sea are
unable to make aggressive missions in Game Turn.
[B2 – E2] Repeat Phase B1 - E1 (Player B, exc. “Opp.”)
End Phase (Both Players)
Victory Status Segment
o Make sure to update all VPs earned and lost during each Player Turn. Only Aggressive side gains VPs.
Morale & Prestige Check Segment
o Morale Check: Check Aggressive side’s VP-Level end of every End Phase and consult the Morale
Level Table. See Morale Level Table and Morale/Prestige Results [Ref. Chart #2]
o Prestige: A game ends immediately when the Aggressive side has failed a Prestige Check. Check the
Prestige Level during every End Phase  Morale Level will determine the Prestige Level and a
possible Prestige Check DR. The Prestige Level will affect the number of RPs gained on each Game
Turn (SOV only). See the Prestige Level Table [Ref. Chart #2].
Made by Tapio Aropaltio
June, 2014
Published by Miku (Mikugames)
September, 2014
Changes are allowed for your personal copy.
If you find some errata in the Segments or Steps,
Or that something is missing, please let me know.