SOWK 607
Spring 2009
Professor: Dr. Terry B. Northcut
Prerequisites: All 500 level required courses completed
Course Description:
This is an advanced HBSE elective, which will provide a critical examination of
mainstream psychoanalytic thinking as it has evolved over time. Students will read in the
original, some of the important works which have had major influence in conceptual
innovation, as well as some of the currently significant literature. Controversies and
limitations in the theoretical frameworks will be noted. Concepts will be discussed and
analyzed in relation to the problems with which the theorist was struggling and in relation
to the societal conditions at the time of the ideational developments. The applications of
these concepts to clinical social work issues, including their strengths and weaknesses in
relationship to social work values and goals, will be discussed. Students will be expected
to draw actively upon their own practice experiences for illustrative material.
Course material will be divided into three sections: 1) An introduction to psychoanalytic
thought through the basic concepts and assumptions of 4 major schools of thought:
classical analysis (Freud), ego psychology (Hartmann), object relations (Mahler and the
British school), and self psychology (Kohut). 2) Shifts in psychoanalytic theories based
on the interpersonal school, conceptualizations of intersubjectivity, and findings in infant
and brain research. 3) Ideational content up to this time to deal with current
formulations of psychotherapeutic processes with an emphasis on feminist perspectives,
the influence of culture, and postmodern thought. Also considered is the relative
goodness of fit between these concepts and clinical social work perspectives. This
section thus deals with the importance of context and culture, of relational and
interpersonal concepts, of constructivism and hermeneutics, and of the recent findings in
neurobiology related to human development in the social environment.
The content of this course expands the knowledge gained in first year required courses
but provides a more in-depth look at both the interrelationships between theory and
practice and the importance of critical thinking in the clinician's selection of treatment
interventions. Students are encouraged to examine features of their own practice in
accordance with both their analyses of theoretical underpinnings and their understanding
of the utility of these underpinnings for clinical social work in a world full of diversity.
Learning Objectives:
Through class assignments, students are expected to demonstrate mastery of the
following objectives:
1. To increase understanding of the interplay between theory, practice, and research in
clinical social work at an advanced level.
2. To understand the development of psychodynamic theories and their continuing
evolution as an explanatory system for both adaptive and dysfunctional behavior.
3. To comprehend of the embeddedness of theory within the sociocultural context in
which the theory evolves.
1. To understanding that knowledge or theory can be used or misused in relation to the
values and goals of social work.
2. To recognize underlying biases in traditional psychoanalytic theories, especially those
relating to sexism, homophobia, and cross-cultural phenomena.
3. The recognition that, since all theories must be evaluated from the perspective of their
underlying value base, traditional social work values must be taken into consideration in
understanding any clinical theory.
1. To be able to select treatment techniques and interventions differentially with
awareness of the theoretical framework and underlying assumptions with which these
techniques are compatible.
2. To be able to analyze in a critical fashion the utility of any clinical theory.
Measurement of Knowledge, Values, and Skills Objectives: The accomplishment of
these objectives will be measured via the midterm and final assignments.
Teaching Methodology and Assignments
Teaching methodology includes videos, lecture, discussion, and group exercises. The
scheduled course outline only includes 11 weeks to allow extra class time for student
interests and/or guest speakers. Students will be expected to be familiar with the reading
for each session since lectures are designed to clarify the concepts from the reading, but
will not simply be a repeat of the reading assignment. Since the readings in this course
are complex, students are strongly advised to plan on reading all assignments twice once prior to the lecture in order to be familiar with the basic concepts to be discussed
and once again following the lecture in order to integrate and apply the material from the
lecture to the meaning in the literature.
Respect for diversity:
It is expected that students will comport themselves in accordance with the ethical
standards of the profession.
Special Needs:
Any student with special needs or difficulties in learning and completing the assignments
is strongly encouraged to see the instructor as soon as possible. Please refer to the
Student Handbook for student rights and available resources pertaining to assistance with
special needs or disabilities.
Academic Integrity:
Academic integrity is essential to a student’s professional development, their ability to
serve others, and to the University’s mission. Therefore, students are expected to conduct
all academic work within the letter and the spirit of the Statement on Academic Honesty
of Loyola University Chicago, which is characterized by any action whereby a student
misrepresents the ownership of academic work submitted in his or her name.
Responsibilities of Academic Honesty are detailed in The Graduate Manual of Loyola
University Chicago. This commitment ensures that a student of the School of Social
Work will neither knowingly give nor receive any inappropriate assistance in academic
work, thereby, affirming personal and professional honor and integrity. Students may not
use the same assignment content to fulfill different course requirements.
Required Texts:
Borden, W. (2009). Contemporary psychodynamic theory and practice. Chicago:
Freud, S. (1923). The ego and the id. Standard edition, Vol. 19. Edited by Thomas
Strachey. 3-66. (Also in paperback: New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1960.
Mitchell, S. A. & Black, M. J. (1995). Freud and beyond. New York: Basic Books.
Recommended Texts:
Akhtar, S. (ed.) (2005). Freud along the Ganges: Psychoanalytic reflections on the
people and culture of India. New York: Other Press.
Berzoff, J., Flanagan, L. M., and Hertz, P. (1996). Inside out and outside in:
Psychodynamic clinical theory and practice in contemporary multicultural contexts.
Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson.
Brandell, J. R. & Ringel, S. (2007). Attachment and dynamic practice . New York:
Columbia University Press.
Cooper, M. G. & Lesser, J. G. (2002). Clinical social work practice: An integrated
approach. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Ellman, C. S., Grand. S., Silvan, M., & Ellman, S. J. (1998). The modern Freudians:
Contemporary psychoanalytic technique. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson.
Elson, M. (1986). Self psychology in clinical social work. New York: W. W. Norton &
Goldstein, E. (1994). Ego psychology and social work practice (second edition). New
York: Free Press.
Northcut, T. B. & Heller, N. R. (eds.) (1999). Enhancing psychodynamic therapy with
cognitive-behavioral techniques. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson.
Saari, C. (2002). The environment: Its role in psychosocial functioning and
psychotherapy. New York: Columbia University Press.
Siegel, D. J. (1999). The developing mind. New York: Guilford Press. (required in
SOWK 500)
Wachtel, P. L. (2008). Relational theory and the practice of psychotherapy. New York:
Guilford Press.
Walker, M. & Rosen, W. B. (2004). How connections heal: Stories from relationalcultural therapy. New York: Guilford Press.
The first six weeks will cover basic concepts from the four psychologies: drive, ego,
object, and self. In approximately the sixth week, a take-home examination will be given
which will consist of essay type questions focusing on an understanding of the basic
concepts of the theory discussed and their place in the evolution of the major themes of
the theory development as well as their compatibility with clinical social work values and
goals. It is expected that students will demonstrate their understanding of how the four
psychologies are embedded within the individual, familial, and sociocultural context in
which the theory evolved. Due Date: Decided in class 2.
Final exam
Option 1: A final paper focusing on a critical analysis of a theoretical framework from
the course material post-midterm, its applicability for practice, and relevant research
supporting this analysis. It is also acceptable to compare and contrast a theoretical
framework for the first half of the course with a framework from the second half of the
course. Case material is appropriate to include but should not be the major focus of the
paper: the focus should remain on demonstrating understanding of the theories and their
utility and their clinical applicability. In other words, do not do a biopsychosocial
assessment. APA style is required. The bibliography should draw upon assigned
readings, but also be supplemented with related readings from the recommended list or
other sources. Due Date: Decided in Class 2.
Students should hand in a 3-5 page proposal for this final paper two weeks prior to the
due date. This proposal should provide the focus under consideration for the term paper,
what concepts and/or theorists will be considered, and the manner in which these
concepts will be related to practice (ordinarily, but not necessarily, a case presentation).
The proposal should have a theoretical focus and must demonstrate the utilization and
application of concepts from this course. The proposal papers will be returned in the
following session with comments and recommendations for carrying out the work on the
term paper. References should be included. Of course, APA style is expected.
Examples of final paper topics include: issues of affective experience including but not
limited to depression; narrative or other types of identity organization; issues in
psychosexual development; the utility of any particular theoretical approach for clinical
social work practice; understanding the effect of cultural experience and/or racism,
sexism, classism, or homophobia; the development of identity or autonomy in normal and
pathological functioning; issues in diagnostic understanding or treatment from the
perspective(s) of one or more theorist(s); the functions of anger and aggression; empathy
or the use of a therapeutic relationship; and approaches to treatment as a process.
Option 2: Students may elect to complete a 3-5 page critical analysis of one of the
required readings each week of the second half of the semester (for a total of 6 analyses).
Included in each analysis should be a brief overview of the article/chapter, an
understanding of the concepts in the reading, a summary of biases and values present in
the theoretical framework, and the applicability of the content for clinical work with
diverse populations. Each critical analysis should conform to APA standards. Due
dates: the week following class discussion of the readings. It is not acceptable to
turn these critical analyses in all together at the end of the semester. If you choose
Option 2, you must let the instructor know during week 7 or following the
completion of the midterm. All 6 of the critical analyses will be returned at the end
of the semester.
Grading Policy:
Options one and two are worth 50% of your grade. The proposal for option 1 of the final
paper will count approximately 5% of that grade. The midterm is worth 50% of your
final grade.
Grading criteria: Assignments will be evaluated on the following criteria: clarity of
ideas, spelling, grammar, organization, understanding of concepts including critical
analyses of those concepts, demonstration of the ability to apply the core concepts to
current clinical work.
Assignments turned in late will be reduced by one-half letter grade for each day late.
Any special circumstances must be approved by instructor in advance. Papers may not
be emailed unless a paper copy is also placed in the instructor’s mailbox.
Quality class participation is expected and should demonstrate thoughtfulness, relevance,
completion of required reading, and appreciation of the importance of group learning.
* the evolving nature of knowledge and theory
* the possibility of the misuse of any theory
* the need for value considerations in the critical analysis and utilization of theory
* social work as defined by goals and values rather than any specific knowledge base
* the problem-solving impetus to changes in conceptual formulations
* the myth of the "Immaculate perception”
In-Class Video: Bronowski, J. (1973). "Knowledge or certainty." The ascent of man.
Boston: Little, Brown & Co.
Required reading:
Leichsenring, F. & Rabung, S. (2008). Effectiveness of long-term psychodynamic
psychotherapy: A meta-analysis. Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol.
300(13), pp.1551-1565.
Leichsenring, F., Rabung, S. & Leibing, E. (2008). The efficacy of short-term
psychodynamic psychotherapy in specific psychiatric disorders: A meta-analysis.
Archives of General Psychiatry, 61(1208-1216).
Saari, C. (1986). "Introduction: The nature of clinical social work," Clinical social
work treatment: How does it work? New York: Gardner Press. 1-12.
* understanding the influence of social conditions and theoretical traditions on problemsolving attempts
* Freud's embeddedness in a patriarchical Germanic culture
* mental health care prior to Freud
* overview of Freud's thought and its evolving nature
* epigenetic stage theory
* id content as universal and inherited
Required reading:
Borden, W. (2009). Contemporary psychodynamic theory and practice. Chicago:
Chapter 1:Sigmund Freud and the classical psychoanalytic tradition. 10-25.
Freud, S. (1923). The ego and the id. Standard edition, Vol. 19. Edited by Thomas
Strachey. 3-66. (Also in paperback: New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1960.
Mitchell, S. A. & Black, M. J. (1995). Freud and beyond. New York: Basic Books
Chapter 1: Sigmund Freud and the classical psychoanalytic tradition. 1-22.
Recommended reading:
Nicholi, A. (2003) The question of God: C.S. Lewis and Sigmund Freud debate God,
love, sex, and the meaning of life. New York: 2003
Rosen, N. (2004). Mrs. Freud. New York: Arcade Publishing
* ego versus id psychology
* the conflict-free sphere (primary and secondary autonomy)
* the problem of the "average expectable environment"
* pleasure in functioning
* change of function
Required readings:
Hartmann, H. (1958). Ego psychology and the problem of adaptation.
International Universities Press. 3-56.
New York:
Mitchell, S. A. & Black, M. J. (1995). Freud and beyond. New York: Basic Books
Chapter 2: Ego psychology. 23-59
Recommended readings:
Berzoff, J., Flanagan, L. M., and Hertz, P. (1996). Inside out and outside in:
Psychodynamic clinical theory and practice in contemporary multicultural contexts.
Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson.
Goldstein, E. (1994). Ego psychology and social work practice (second edition). New
York: Free Press.
White, R. (1963). "In a nutshell," Ego and reality in psychological theory. Psychological
issues. International Universities Press. 182-196.
* research and the problem of defenses (Freud's military analogy)
* Mahler's drive-based epigenetic stages
* separation-individuation as basis for health (?)
* autism and symbiosis (?)
* literal applications versus metaphoric
* maternal functioning as average expectable environment
* Pine's theoretical attempt at integration through "moments"
* critiques of the concept of object relations
Required readings:
Mahler, M. S., Pine, F. and Bergman, A. (1975). The psychological birth of the human
infant. New York: Basic Books. 3-52.
Westen, D. (1990). Towards a revised theory of borderline object relations:
Contributions of empirical research. International Journal of Psychoanalysis. 71, 661693.
Recommended readings:
Blatt, S. J. (1974). "Levels of object representation in anaclitic and introjective
depression," Psychoanalytic study of the Child. 29: 107-57.
* Fairbairn & Guntrip
* Winnicott’s involvement with social workers and social work issues
* Transitional object as foundational to culture and meaning
* Delinquency as protest against depriving world
* Aggression as setting boundaries
* Melanie Klein and Contemporary Kleinian Theory
* John Bowlby and attachment theory
Required readings:
Borden, W. (2009). Contemporary psychodynamic theory and practice. Chicago:
Chapter 6: Psychoanalysis in Great Britain: Melanie Klein and Beyond (63-74)
Chapter 7: W. R. D. Fairbairn: Inner Experience and Outer Realtities (75-88)
Chapter 8: D. W. Winnicott and the Facilitating Environment (89-106).
Chapter 9: John Bowlby: Self, Others, and the Relational World (107-116).
Brandell, J. R. & Ringel, S. (2007). Attachment and dynamic practice . New York:
Columbia University Press. 1-104.
Guntrip H. (1975). My experience of analysis with Fairbairn & Winnicott: How
complete a result does psychoanalytic therapy achieve? International review of
psychoanalysis, 2, 145-156.
Mitchell, S. A. & Black, M. J. (1995). Freud and beyond. New York: Basic Books
Chapter 5: The British object relations school: W. R. D. Fairbairn & D. W. Winnicott.
Winnicott, D. W. (1958). "Hate in the countertransference," in Collected papers:
Through paediatrics to psychoanalysis. New York: Basic Books. 194-203.
Winnicott, D.W. (1975). "Transitional objects and transitional phenomena," Through
Pediatrics to Psycho-analysis. New York: Basic Books. 229-242.
Recommended readings:
Sanville, J. (1992). The playground of psychoanalytic therapy. Hillsdale, NJ: Analytic
Press. 203-219.
* classical approach to narcissism - Freud
* self psychology and Heinz Kohut
Required reading:
Borden, W. (2009). Contemporary psychodynamic theory and practice. Chicago:
Chapter 11: Heinz Kohut and the Emergence of Self Psychology (133-145)
Kohut, H. (1979). The two analyses of Mr. Z. International Journal of Psychoanalysis
60: 3-27.
Mitchell, S. A. & Black, M. J. (1995). Freud and beyond. New York: Basic Books
Chapter 6: Psychologies of identity and self: Erik Erikson & Heinz Kohut, 139-169.
Recommended reading:
Elson, M. (1986). Self psychology in clinical social work. New York: W. W. Norton &
Kohut, H. (1984). How does analysis cure? Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 172210.
Pine, F. (1991). Drive, ego, object, & self: A synthesis for clinical work. New York:
Basic Books. 1-41.
* Introduction to Interpersonal Psychoanalysis
* Founders of interpersonal psychoanalysis: Harry Stack Sullivan, Sandor Ferenczi, Clara
Thompson, Frieda Fromm-Reichman, Erich Fromm, Karen Horney
* The “self” in interpersonal theory
Required reading:
Borden, W. (2009). Contemporary psychodynamic theory and practice. Chicago:
Chapter 5: The emergence of relational perspectives: Otto Rank, Sandor
Ferenczi, and Ian Suttie. (48-62).
Chapter 10: Harry Stack Sullivan, Karen Horney, and the Interpersonal Tradition
Mitchell, S. A. & Black, M. J. (1995). Freud and beyond. New York: Basic Books.
Chapter 3: Harry Stack Sullivan and interpersonal psychoanalysis. 60-84
Sullivan, H. S. (1953). The interpersonal theory of psychiatry. New York: W. W.
Norton. 1-100.
Recommended reading:
Lionells, M., Fiscalini, J., Mann, C. H., Stern, D. B. (1995). Introduction to interpersonal
psychoanalysis. In M. Lionells, J. Fiscalini, C. H. Mann, & D. B. Stern (Eds.) Handbook
of interpersonal psychoanalysis, Hillsdale, NJ: Analytic Press. 3-10.
* empirical research utilized, but still theory
* strengths and weaknesses of domain versus stage theory
* intersubjectivity: the myth of the isolated mind
* RIGs; event representations: dyadic states of consciousness
* meaning as context-dependent
Required reading:
Borden, W. (2009). Contemporary psychodynamic theory and practice. Chicago:
Chapter 1: Orienting perspectives in contemporary psychodynamic thought (1-9).
Chapter 12: Emergence of the relational paradigm (146-158).
Chapter 13: Relational theory and integrative perspectives in clinical practice
Siegel, D. J. (1999). The developing mind. New York: Guilford Press. 1-23, 67-120.
Stolorow, R. D. and Atwood, G. E. (1992). Contexts of being: The intersubjective
foundations of psychological life. Hillsdale, NJ: Analytic Press. 7-40.
Recommended reading:
Furth, H. G. (1981). Piaget and knowledge: Theoretical foundations
University of Chicago Press. 3-21.
(2nd ed.) Chicago:
Nelson, K. (1986). "Event knowledge and cognitive development," Event knowledge:
Structure and function in development. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. 1-19.
Stern, D. N. (1985). The interpersonal world of the infant. New York: Basic Books. 3182.
Wachtel, P. L. (2008). Relational theory and the practice of psychotherapy. New York:
Guilford Press. Chapters 1-5 (pp. 1-75)
* 19th century and classification (Foucault)
* problems in drive theory explanation of sexuality:
* current feminist psychoanalytic thinking - Nancy Chodorow
* Stone Center
* rethinking sexuality and pleasure - Gilligan
Required reading:
Jordan, J. (1997). A relational perspective for understanding women’s development. In
J. Jordan (ed.) Women’s growth in diversity, 9-24. New York: Guilford Press.
Roland, A. (2005). Multiple mothering and the familial self. In S. Akhtar, ed., Freud
along the Ganges: Psychoanalytic reflections on the people and culture of India. 79-90.
Saari, C. (2002). “Culture, sexuality and impingement.” The environment: Its role in
psychosocial functioning and psychotherapy. New York: Columbia University Press. 92105.
Thompson, C. (1942). "Cultural pressures in the psychology of women," Psychiatry, 5:
331-339. Reprinted in Zanardi, C. (1990). (Ed.). Essential papers on the psychology of
women. New York: New York University Press.
Walker, M. & Rosen, W. B. (2004). How connections heal: Stories from relationalcultural therapy. New York: Guilford Press. Selected readings from class.
Recommended reading:
Chodorow, N. (1990). Feminism and psychoanalytic theory. New Haven: Yale
University Press. 178-198.
Gilligan, C. (2002). The birth of pleasure. New York: Alfred A. Knopf./Random
Eldridge, N. S., Mencher, J. & Slater, S. (1995). The conundrum of mutuality: A lesbian
dialogue. In J. Jordan (ed.) Women’s growth in diversity, 107-137. New York: Guilford
Miller, J. B., Jordan, J. V., Kaplan, A. G., Stiver, I. P., & Surrey, J. L, (1995). Some
misconceptions and reconceptions of a relational approach. In J. Jordan (ed.) Women’s
growth in diversity. New York: Guilford Press. 25-49
* the social culture of the agency
* the cultural meanings of “self”
* multicultural psychoanalysis - an oxymoron?
Required reading:
Akhtar, S. (ed.) (2005). Freud along the Ganges: Psychoanalytic reflections on the
people and culture of India. Preface and Chapter 1 (xv-28)
Altman, N. (1995). The analyst in the inner city: race, class and culture through a
psychoanalytic lens. Hillside, NJ: Analytic Press. 1-118.
Perez Foster, R. (1998). The power of language in the clinical process: Assessing and
treating the bilingual person. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson. Selected readings.
Recommended reading:
Perez Foster, R. (1996). "What is a multicultural perspective for psychoanalysis?"
Reaching across boundaries of culture and class: widening the scope of psychotherapy.
Ed. by R. P. Foster, M. Moskowitz, and R. A. Javier. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson. 320.
Roland, A. (1996). How universal is the psychoanalytic self? Reaching across
boundaries of culture and class: widening the scope of psychotherapy. Ed. by R. P.
Foster, M. Moskowitz, and R. A. Javier, Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson. 71-92.
* hermeneutics and the reinterpretation of Freud
* Vygotsky and the Zone of Proximal Development
* constructivism and social constructionism
* postmodernism, the importance of context, and the role of the environment
* the need for continuing contributions to clinical social work theory
* language, meaning and narrative
* identity as narratively based
* what is a modern Freudian?
* enduring concepts of psychoanalysis
Required readings:
Bergman, M. S. (1998). Asking for Freud’s blessing. In C. S. Ellman, S. Grand., M.
Silvan, & S. J. Ellman, (eds.) The modern Freudians: Contemporary psychoanalytic
technique. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson.
Ellman, S. J. (1998). The unique contribution of contemporary Freudian position. In C.
S. Ellman, S. Grand., M. Silvan, & S. J. Ellman, (eds.) The modern Freudians:
Contemporary psychoanalytic technique. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson. 237-268.
Loewald, H. W. (1960). "On the therapeutic action of psychoanalysis," International
Journal of Psychoanalysis. 41: 16-33. (Also in Loewald, Papers on psychoanalysis. New
Haven: Yale University Press, 1980.)
Shawer, L. (2003). What postmodernism can do for psychoanalysis: A guide to the
postmodern vision. American Journal of psychoanalysis, 56(4), 371-394
Soldz, S. (1996). Psychoanalysis and constructivism: Convergence in meaning-making
perspectives. In H. Rosen & K. T. Kuehlwein (Eds.) Constructing realities: Meaningmaking perspectives for psychotherapists. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 277-306.
Recommended readings:
Mahoney, M. (2003). Constructive psychotherapy: Theory and practice. New York:
Guilford Press. (paperback, 2006).
Russell, R. L. & Wandrei, M. L. (1996). Narrative and the process of psychotherapy. In
H. Rosen & K. T. Kuehlwein (Eds.) Constructing realities: Meaning-making
perspectives for psychotherapists. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 307-335.
Saari, C. (2001). The environment: Its role in psychosocial functioning and
psychotherapy. New York: Columbia University Press.
Stern, D. B. (1996). "The social construction of therapeutic action," Psychoanalytic
Inquiry. 16: 265-293.
* Is integration possible?
* psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral
Northcut, T. B. & Heller, N. R. (eds.) (1999). Enhancing psychodynamic therapy with
cognitive-behavioral techniques. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson.
Chapter 1: Introduction: Bringing together theory and experience (Northcut &
Heller) 1-14.
Chapter 2: Integrating psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral theory: A
psychodynamic perspective. (Northcut) 15-52
Chapter 3: Integrating cognitive and constructive psychotherapies: A cognitive
perspective. (Granvold, D.) 53-94
Chapters 5-12: Selected topics for your choice, including couples therapy,
children, adolescents, women survivors of sexual abuse, older adults, depression,
chemical dependence, brief treatment.
Wachtel, P. L. (2008). Relational theory and the practice of psychotherapy. New York:
Guilford Press. Selected chapters from class.
The following books may be used as secondary sources to supplement the required
readings but will be inadequate unless used in conjunction with the primary sources listed
Berzoff, J., Flanagan, L. M., and Hertz, P. (1996). Inside out and outside in:
Psychodynamic clinical theory and practice in contemporary multicultural contexts.
Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson.
Cooper, M. G. & Lesser, J. G. (2002). Clinical social work practice: An integrated
approach. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Ellman, C. S., Grand. S., Silvan, M., & Ellman, S. J. (1998). The modern Freudians:
Contemporary psychoanalytic technique. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson.
Elson, M. (1986). Self psychology in clinical social work. New York: W. W. Norton &
Foster, R. P., Moskowitz, M., and Javier, R. A. (Eds.) (1996). Reaching across
boundaries of culture and class: Widening the scope of psychotherapy. Northvale, NJ:
Jason Aronson.
Goldstein, E. (1994). Ego psychology and social work practice (second edition). New
York: Free Press.
Greenberg, J. A. and Mitchell, S. A. (1983). Object relations in psychoanalytic theory.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Mishne, J. M. (1993). The evolution and application of clinical theory: Perspectives
from four psychologies. New York: The Free Press.
Saari, C. (1991). The creation of meaning in clinical social work. New York: Guilford
Press, 1991.
Applegate, J.S. and Bonovitz, J. (1995). The facilitation partnership: A Winnicottian
approach for social workers and other helping professionals. Northvale, NJ: Jason
Bacal, H. A. (1987). British object-relations theorists and self psychology: Some critical
reflections. International Journal of Psychoanalysis,68, 81-98.
Bacal, H. A. & Newman, K.M. (1990). Theories of object relations: Bridges to self
psychology. New York: Columbia University Press.
Balint, M. (1968/1979). The basic fault: Therapeutic aspects of regression. New York:
Basch, F. B. (1983). Empathic understanding: a review of the concept and some
theoretical considerations. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association. 31 (1),
Baur, S. (1994). Confiding: A psychotherapist and her patients search for stories to live
by. New York: Harper Collins.
Bellak, L., Hurich, M., & Gediman, H. (1973). Ego functions in schizophrenics, neurotics
and normals. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Benjamin, J. (1988). The bonds of love: Psychoanalysis, feminism, and the problem of
domination. New York: Pantheon.
Beres, D. (1971). Ego autonomy and ego pathology. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child,
26, 3-24.
Blanck, G. & Blanck, R. (1974). Ego psychology: Theory and practice. New York:
Columbia University Press.
Blanck, G. & Blanck, R. (1979). Ego psychology II: Psychoanalytic developmental
psychology. New York: Columbia University Press.
Blanck, G. & Blanck, R. (1986). Beyond ego psychology: Developmental object
relations theory. New York: Columbia University Press.
Blatt, S. J. and Wild, C. M. (1976). Schizophrenia: A development analysis. New York:
Academic Press.
Bollas, C. 1987. The shadow of the object. New York: Columbia University Press.
Bowlby, J. (1969). Attachment: Vol. 1. Attachment and loss. New York: Basic Books.
Bowlby, J. (1973). Separation: Anxiety and anger: Vol. 2. Attachment and loss. New
York: Basic Books.
Bowlby, J. (1973). Loss: Sadness and depression: Vol. 3. Attachment and loss. New
York: Basic Books.
Brenner C. (1974). An Elementary Textbook of Psychoanalysis. (Rev. ed.). Garden City,
NY: Anchor Books.
Brenner, C. (1982). The mind in conflict. New York: International Universities Press.
Bruner, J. (1986). Actual minds, possible worlds. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.
Bruner, J. (1990). Acts of meaning. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Buckley, P. (Ed.). (1986). Essential papers on object relations. New York: New York
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