Centre for Democratic Governance Working Paper Series Number 6 Bibliography of Edward Caird (1835-1908) (2007 version) Compiled by Dr Colin Tyler Centre for Democratic Governance University of Hull February 2007 Every Working Paper is peer reviewed prior to acceptance. Authors & compilers retain copyright in their own Working Papers. For further information on the Centre for Democratic Governance and its activities, visit our website: http://www.hull.ac.uk/pas/CDG.htm/ Or, contact the Centre Directors Simon Lee: S.D.Lee@hull.ac.uk Colin Tyler: C.Tyler@hull.ac.uk Centre for Democratic Governance Department of Politics & International Studies University of Hull, Cottingham Road Hull, HU6 7RX, United Kingdom Table of Contents Acknowledgements 3 I. Writings 4 II. Reviews 10 III. Obituaries & Memorials 15 IV. Other Discussions 16 2 Acknowledgments for the 2004 version The work on this bibliography was supported by a Resource Enhancement Award (B/RE/AN3141/APN17357) from the Arts and Humanities Research Board. ‘The Arts and Humanities Research Board (AHRB) funds postgraduate and advanced research within the UK’s higher education institutions and provides funding for museums, galleries and collections that are based in, or attached to, HEIs within England. The AHRB supports research within a huge subject domain - from ‘traditional’ humanities subjects, such as history, modern languages and English literature, to music and the creative and performing arts.’ I have also profited enormously from having access to the Brynmor Jones Library at the University of Hull, a resource which benefits from an excellent stock of written and electronic sources, as well as extremely helpful and friendly librarians. My thanks also go to Dr Christopher Bearman, the research assistant on this and other projects. This bibliography is an up-dated version of the one included in my edition of the Collected Works of Edward Caird (Bristol: Thoemmes, 1999), vol. 11, pp.xxiii-xxxviii. Peter Nicholson and Henry R. Mendell have provided additional references. The remaining deficiencies are my responsibility alone. I wish to thank Philip de Bary for permission to reproduce Section II (‘Reviews’), which appears in Colin Tyler, ed., Early Reviews and Responses to the British Idealists: Volume 1 (London: Thoemmes Continuum, 2004), pp.213-218. Dr Colin Tyler University of Hull April 2004 Acknowledgments for the 2007 version I would like to thank the many people who sent in references, and hope they will not mind my not mentioning them individually. All future references will be received with thanks. Dr Colin Tyler University of Hull February 2007 3 Edward Caird (1835-1908) I. Writings* (in chronological order) ‘Plato and Other Companions of Socrates’, North British Review, vol. 43 (1865), 351–84 ‘The Roman Element in Civilisation’, North British Review, vol. 44 (1866), 249–71 Ethical Philosophy. An Introductory Lecture delivered in the Common Hall of Glasgow College on November 6, 1866 (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1866) Review of J. Mill, Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind, Academy, vol. 1 (13 November 1869), 43–4 Review of R. Rosenkranz, Hegel as the National Philosopher of Germany, Academy, vol. 2 (9 April 1870), 182–3 Review of A. Trendelenburg, K. Fischer’s Interpretation of Kant …, Academy, vol. 2, ns (15 December 1870), 67–9 Review of J. B. Meyer, Kant’s Psychology Exhibited and Explained, Academy, vol. 2 ns (1 September 1871), 417–18 Scottish Universities compared with Oxford, letter to the editor, The Times (25 November 1871) Review of W. C. Smith, Olrig Grange, Glasgow Herald (16 March 1872) Review of W. Wallace, trans., The Logic of Hegel. Part I.: Of the Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences, Academy, vol. 5 ns (10 January 1874), 38–9 Review of H. Spencer, Essays: Scientific, Political, and Speculative, Vol. III, Academy, vol. 5 ns (2 May 1874), 490–92 Review of D. Hume, A Treatise on Human Nature, and Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, T. H. Green and T. H. Grose (eds.), Glasgow Herald (12 November 1874) Review of H. Sidgwick, The Methods of Ethics, Academy, vol. 7 ns (12 June 1875), pp. 611–14 Review of F. H. Bradley Ethical Studies, Academy, vol. 10 ns (8 July 1876), 37–9 ‘Cartesianism’, in T. S. Baynes (ed.), Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. 5, ninth edition (Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1876), pp. 142–59; reprinted in Caird’s Essays on Literature and Philosophy (1892) (details below) (hereafter, ELP), vol. 2, pp. 267–383 The Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals 1824–1900, 5 vols. (Toronto: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1972), vol. 2, p. 500 attributes ‘The Unseen Universe’, Fraser’s Magazine, vol. 13 ns (1876), pp. 60–68 to Caird. I follow Paddle (1986, p. 336) (see below) in rejecting this assessment on the grounds of style, even though I do not share her scepticism about Caird’s interest in the subject matter. * 4 Review of John Grote, A Treatise on the Moral Ideals, Academy, vol. 11 ns (17 February 1877), 140–41 A Critical Account of the Philosophy of Kant with an Historical Introduction (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1877; 2nd ed., 1909) ‘Rousseau’, Contemporary Review, vol. 30 (June–November 1877), 625–41; reprinted in ELP, vol. 1, pp. 105–46 Review of G. Allen, Physiological Aesthetics, Academy, vol. 13 ns (9 February 1878), 125–6 ‘The Social Philosophy and Religion of Comte’, Contemporary Review: Part I = vol. 35 (May 1879), 193–213; Part II = vol. 35 (June 1879), 520–40; Part III = vol. 35 (July 1879), 648–70; Part IV = vol. 36 (September 1879), 66–92; reprinted as The Social Philosophy and Religion of Comte (1885) (see below) ‘The So-called Idealism of Kant’, Mind, vol. 4 (1879), 557–61 On J. H. Stirling’s View of Schopenhauer and Kant, letter to the editor, Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. 13 (1879), 215–20 ‘Mr Balfour on Transcendentalism’, Mind, vol. 4 (1879), 111–14 ‘Wordsworth’, Fraser’s Magazine, vol. 21 ns (1880), 147–89; reprinted in ELP, vol. 1, pp. 147–89 ‘Kant’s Deduction of the Categories with Special Reference to the Views of Dr Stirling’, Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. 14 (1880), 110–34 Reply to Henry Sidgwick’s ‘Kant’s Refutation of Idealism’, Mind, vol. 5 (1880), p. 115 Review of R. Adamson, On the Philosophy of Kant, Mind, vol. 5 (1880), 124–30 Review of F. Pollock, Spinoza: His Life and Philosophy, Academy, vol. 19 (22 January 1881), 63–5 The Problem of Philosophy at the Present Time. An Introductory Address delivered to the Philosophical Society of the University of Edinburgh (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1881); reprinted in Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. 14 (1882), 27–49; reprinted in ELP, vol. 1, pp. 190–229 ‘Preface’, in A. Seth and R. B. Haldane (eds.), Essays in Philosophical Criticism (London: Longmans, Green, 1883), pp. 1–7 ‘Professor Green’s Last Work’, Mind, vol. 8 (1883), 544–61 Hegel (Edinburgh & London: William Blackwood, 1883; cheap ed., 1907) ‘Metaphysic’, in W. R. Smith (ed.), Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. 16, ninth edition (Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1883), pp. 79–102; reprinted in ELP, vol. 2, pp. 384–539 5 The Social Philosophy and Religion of Comte (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1885; 2nd ed., 1893) ‘Goethe and Philosophy’, Contemporary Review, vol. 50 (July–December 1886), 788–808; reprinted in ELP, vol. 1, pp. 54–104 An Aid to the Study of Moral Philosophy, ed. by ‘Auxilium’ (W.S. Sime) (Glasgow, 1886) - an illegally produced text, over which Caird fought a success copyright case Speech in The Presentation of the Portrait of Professor Edward Caird to the University of Glasgow. January 10, 1887 (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1887); reprinted in Jones and Muirhead (1921) (see below), pp. 48–9 The Moral Aspect of the Economical Problem. Presidential Address to the Ethical Society. January 10, 1887 (London: Swan Sonnenschein, Lowrey, 1888) Speech in Queen Margaret Endowment Fund Public Meeting. November 5, 1888 (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1888) The Critical Philosophy of Immanuel Kant, 2 vols. (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1889; 2nd ed., 1909) ‘Dante in his Relation to the Theology and Ethics of the Middle Ages’, Contemporary Review, vol. 57 (January–June 1890), 808–28; reprinted in ELP, vol. 1, pp. 1–53 Contribution to ‘Memoir to David Duff’, Magazine for the United Presbyterian Church (October 1890) Review of O. Pfleiderer, The Development of Theology in Germany since Kant, and its Progress in Great Britain since 1825, Mind, vol. 16 (1891), 405–408 ‘Modern Conception of Science and Religion’, International Journal of Ethics, vol. 1, no. 4 (July 1891), 389–403; reprinted in Evolution of Religion, vol. 1, pp. 9–35 Essays on Literature and Philosophy, 2 vols. (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1892). [Volume 1 was reprinted as Essays on Literature (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1909)] The Evolution of Religion. The Gifford Lectures delivered before the University of St. Andrews in Sessions 1890–91 and 1891–92, 2 vols. (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1893; 2nd ed., 1894; 3rd ed., 1899) [Note on Plato’s allegory of the cave], in Lewis Campbell, ‘On the Structure of Plato’s Republic and its Relation to Other Dialogues’, in B. Jowett and L. Campbell, eds., Plato’s Republic. The Greek Text, 3 vols. (Oxford: Clarendon, 1894), vol. 2, pp.13-4n1. Address on “Plato’s Republic as the Earliest Educational Treatise” delivered by Edward Caird, Esq., LL.D., Master of Balliol College, at the Ceremony of the Session 1893–94 [University College of North Wales, Bangor]. June 29th, 1894 (Bangor: Jarvis & Foster, 1894) Obituary of Professor John Conington, Glasgow Herald (11 October 1894) Obituary of John Nichol, Glasgow Herald (ca. 11 October 1894) 6 Speech in Proceedings and Addresses upon the Occasion of the Opening of the Manchester College Buildings and the Dedication of the Chapel, October 18–19, 1893 (1894) On the Admission of Women to Degrees, letter to the editor, The Times (26 February 1896) Review of W. E. Gladstone, Studies Subsidiary to the Works of Bishop Butler, The Times (8 July 1896) ‘Some Characteristics of Shakespeare’, Contemporary Review, vol. 70 (1896), 818–34 ‘Professor Jowett’, International Journal of Ethics, vol. 8 (1897), 40–47 ‘Christianity and the Historical Christ’, New World, vol. 6 (1897), 1–13 The Present State of the Controversy between Individualism and Socialism. Being the Inaugural Address to the Civic Society of Glasgow (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1897); reprinted in D. E. G. Boucher (ed.), The British Idealists (Cambridge: CUP, 1997), pp. 173–94 The Edward Caird Presentation (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1897) ‘Biographical Introduction’, in W. Wallace, Lectures and Essays on Natural Theology and Ethics, ed. E. Caird (Oxford: Clarendon, 1898), pp. vii–xl ‘Preface’, in John Caird, University Addresses: Being Addresses on Subjects of Academic Study delivered to the University of Glasgow (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1898), pp. vii–viii ‘Prefatory Note’, in John Caird, University Sermons preached before the University of Glasgow 1873–1898 (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1898), p. v ‘Wallace, William (1844-1897)’, in L. Stephen and S. Lee, eds., Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 20 (London: OUP, 1899), p.573 ‘Memoir’, in John Caird, The Fundamental Ideas of Christianity. The Gifford Lectures delivered to the University of Glasgow in Sessions 1892–1893 and 1895–1896, ed. E. Caird (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1899), pp. ix–cxli Review of E. G. Gardner, Dante’s Ten Heavens, A Study of the Paradiso, International Journal of Ethics, vol. 9 (1899), 239–40 The Transvaal Crisis, letter to the editor, The Times (30 September 1899) ‘Anselm’s Argument for the Being of God’, Journal of Theological Studies, vol. 1 (1899), 23– 39 ‘Introduction’, to E. E. Speight (ed.), Selections from the Poetry of William Wordsworth (London: Horace Marshall, 1899), pp. v–viii 7 ‘Note on the Progress of Philosophy in the Nineteenth Century’, The Book of the Jubilee. In Commemoration of the Ninth Jubilee of the University of Glasgow 1451–1901 (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1901), pp. 35–9 ‘Preface’, in B. Jowett, trans., The Four Socratic Dialogues of Plato (Oxford: Clarendon, 1903), pp. v–xi ‘St. Paul and the Idea of Evolution’, Hibbert Journal, vol. 2, no. 1 (October 1903–July 1904), 1–19 ‘Idealism and the Theory of Knowledge’, Proceedings of the British Academy, vol. 2 (1903– 1904), pp. 95–108 The Evolution of Theology in the Greek Philosophers. The Gifford Lectures delivered before the University of Glasgow in Sessions 1900–01 and 1901–02, 2 vols. (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1904) ‘The Influence of Kant on Modern Thought’, Quarterly Review, vol. 200 (1904), 420–36 ‘Preface to the Fifth Edition’, in T. H. Green, Prolegomena to Ethics, ed. A. C. Bradley (Oxford: Clarendon, 1906), pp. iii–vii Lay Sermons and Addresses. Delivered in the Hall of Balliol College, Oxford (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1907) [Possibly by Caird] ‘Green, Thomas Hill’, in D. Patrick and W. Geddie, eds., Chambers’s Encyclopaedia (London & Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1935), vol. V, pp.403-5 [Signed] ‘Hegel, Georg Wilheim Friedrich’, in D. Patrick and W. Geddie, eds., Chambers’s Encyclopaedia (London & Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1935). [Possibly by Caird] ‘Wallace, William’, in D. Patrick and W. Geddie, eds., Chambers’s Encyclopaedia (London & Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1935), vol. X, p.490 Collected Works of Edward Caird, 12 vols., ed. C. Tyler (Bristol: Thoemmes, 1999) Printed in Colin Tyler, ed., Unpublished Manuscripts in British Idealism: Political philosophy, theology and social theory, 2 vols. (Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum, 2005), vol. 2: (a) ‘Reform and Reformation’ (b) ‘Lectures on Moral Philosophy: Social Ethics’ (c) ‘Essay on Mysticism’ (d) Report on Mr. Moore’s Essay’ (e) Reference for JME MacTaggart’s D.Litt’ (f) [Edward Caird’s Glasgow Lectures on Moral Philosophy.] (g) [Schedule of Edward Caird’s Lectures at Oxford, 1893-1905.] ‘Spencer’ [ca. 1874], ed. C. Tyler, Collingwood and British Idealism Studies, vol. 12, no. 1 (Spring 2006), 5-38. 8 Most of Caird’s manuscripts (including unpublished lecture notes, speeches and essays) and correspondence (to and from Caird for the period up until the end of his professorship at Glasgow (effectively, 1851 to 1893), and to Jones and Muirhead regarding their Life and Philosophy of Edward Caird (see below)) are deposited in the Special Collections Department of the University of Glasgow Library. Other manuscripts and correspondence are held in Oxford at Balliol College Library and the Bodleian Library, and in Cambridge at Trinity College Library. A selection of Caird’s philosophical letters are published in Jones and Muirhead’s Life (pp. 163–242). Five letters from Benjamin Jowett to Caird are published in E. Abbott and L. Campbell (eds.), Life and Letters of Benjamin Jowett, MA, 2 vols. (London: John Murray, 1897), vol. 1, pp. 441–3, 443–5, vol. 2, pp. 325, 340, 446, together with an extract from one letter from Caird to John Nichol (vol. 1, p.333); one further letter is included in their Letters of Benjamin Jowett (London: John Murray, 1899), pp. 190–91. One letter from Caird to Alfred Marshall, and two from Marshall to Caird are printed AC Pigou, (ed.), Memoirals of Alfred Marshall (London: MacMillan, 1925), pp.398-403 and reprinted in John K. Whitaker (ed.), The Correspondence of Alfred Marshall, Economist: Volume 2. At the Summit, 1891–1902 (Cambridge: CUP, 1996), letts. 552, 542 and 549, respectively. There are three letters from Caird to F. H. Bradley in C. Keene and W. J. Mander (eds.), The Collected Works of F. H. Bradley, 12 vols. (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1999), vol. 4, pp. 9–10, 73–4, 76–7; Caird was a signatory of a letter to Bradley at ibid, vol. 5, pp. 10–11. One letter from Sir Henry Jones to Caird is reprinted in H.J.W. Hetherington, The Life and Letters of Sir Henry Jones (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1924), pp.185-6. The Special Collections Department of the University of Glasgow Library holds many of the books which Caird owned during his time at Glasgow, including a mixed and sporadically annotated set of Hegel’s Werke (bought by Caird at various time from ca.1863). ‘Vols.8 and 10.3 are third editions; vols. 16, 17, 18, 19.1 and 19.2 are first editions; vol.19 published in Leipzig./Set lacks vols. 2 and 10.1.’ (from Glasgow Library Special Collections catalogue entry). Volume 8 = 1854 German edition of the Philosophy of Right (signed on ‘Werke’ title page: ‘Edward Caird/ Ball. Coll. 1863’). Volume 9 is the 1840 German edition of the Philosophy of History. Volumes were rebound in 1931. The Caird material at Glasgow is detailed on Glasgow University Library Special Collections catalogue, which can be accessed via the Internet. 9 II. Reviews (1) A Critical Account of the Philosophy of Kant with an Historical Introduction (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1877) Anon., Contemporary Review, vol. 30 (June 1877), 178-9 Anon., Academy, vol. 8, no. 174 ns (July–December 1875; 4 September), 247 (notice of work in progress) Anon., Mind, vol. 2, no. 7 os (July 1877), 430 Anon., British Quarterly Review, vol. 66, no. 131 (July 1877), 284-6 Anon., Athenaeum, no. 2596 (28 July 1877), 101–102 Anon., Saturday Review of Politics, Literature, Science and Art (27 October 1877), 520-1; and (3 November 1877), 559-60 Anon., London Quarterly Review, vol. 49, no. 98 (January 1878), 469–71 Anon., Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. 12 (1878), 219–20 Anon., London Quarterly Review, vol. 56, no. 111 (April 1881), 65–9 Green, T.H., Academy, vol. 12, no. 281 ns (July–December 1877; 22 September), 297–300; reprinted in R.L. Nettleship, ed., Works of Thomas Hill Green, Volume III Miscellanies and Memoir, pp.126-137; reprinted in C. Tyler, ed. Early Responses to British Idealism: Volume 1 Responses to B. Jowett, T.H. Green, E. Caird and W. Wallace (Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum, 2004), pp.165-176 Levin, Thomas Woodhouse, Theological Review, vol. 15 (1878), 534-48 Lindsay, T. M., Mind, vol. 2, no. 8 os (October 1877), 476–93 reprinted in C. Tyler, ed. Early Responses to British Idealism: Volume 1 Responses to B. Jowett, T.H. Green, E. Caird and W. Wallace (Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum, 2004), pp.93-112 Merz, J.T., MacMillan’s Magazine, vol. 38 (May 1878), 67-80 Tulloch, John, Edinburgh Review, vol. 157, no. 321 (January 1883), 1–45 Wallace, Edwin, Westminster Review, vol. 52, no. 1 (July 1877), 221-3 Walsh, W.H. ‘Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: Commentators in English, 1875-1945’, Journal of the History of Ideas, vol. 42, no. 4 (October-December 1981), 723-37 (2) Problem of Philosophy at the Present Time (Glasgow: Maclehose, 1881) Anon., notice, Mind, vol. 7, no. 25 (January 1882), 152 (3) Hegel (Edinburgh: William Blackwood, 1883) Adamson, R., Mind, vol. 8, no. 31 os (July 1883), 432–8 10 Anon., British Quarterly Review, vol. 77, no. 154 (April 1883), 526 Anon., Mind, vol. 8, no. 30 os (April 1883), 307 Anon., Church Quarterly Review, vol. 17 (1883/4), 257-84 Anon., Revue Philosophique de la France et de L’étranger, vol. 20 (1885), 619 Call. W.M.W., Westminster Review, vol. 118, no. 2 (April 1883), 536 (4) The Social Philosophy and Religion of Comte (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1885) Anon., Mind, vol. 10, no. 39 os (July 1885), 462–3 Anon., Athenaeum, no. 3000 (25 April 1885), 531–2 Anon., London Quarterly Review, vol. 5, no. 9 ns (October 1885), 175 Anon., Philosophische Monatshefte, vol. 22 (1886), 375–82 Anon., Presbyterian Review, vol. 7 (January–October 1886), 413 Anon., Edinburgh Review, vol. 194, no. 397 (July 1901), 92–131 Anon., American Journal of Religious Psychology and Education, vol. 1 (May 1904–August 1905), p. 211 Anon., Revue Internationale de Sociologie, vol. 15 (1907), p. 644 Anon., Revue Philosophique de la France et de L’étranger, vol. 67 (1909), p. 416 Anon., Journal de Psychologie Normale et Pathologique, vol. 6 (1909), p. 72 Anon., Revue de Droit Public et de la Science Politique en France et L’étranger, vol. 24 (1907), p. 405 Bascom, J., Dial, vol. 6, no. 66 (May 1885–April 1886; October 1885), 143–5 Brocard, L., Revue D’histoire des Doctrines Economiques et Sociales, vol. 1 (1908), p. 306 Reville, J., Revue de L’histoire des Religions, vol. 56 (1907), p. 128 (5) An Aid to the Study of Moral Philosophy, ed. by ‘Auxilium’ (W.S. Sime) (Glasgow, 1886) Anon., notice, Saturday Review, (11 September 1886), 368 (6) The Critical Philosophy of Immanuel Kant (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1889) Anon., Theological Review and Free Church College Quarterly, vol. 4 (1890), 269 Anon., Mind, vol. 15, no. 57 os (January 1890), 130 Anon., Athenaeum, no. 3274 (26 July 1890), 118–20 11 Dewey, John, Andover Review, vol. 13 (March 1890), 325-7; reprinted in The Early Works of John Dewey, 1882-1898; vol iii: 1889-92 (Carbondale & Edwardsville, Ill.: Southern Illinois University, 1969), pp.180-4 Konig, E., Philosophische Monatshefte, vol. 28 (1892), 323–43 Kroeger, A.E., Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. XII, no. 2 (April 1878), 219-20 Seth, A., Mind, vol. 15, no. 58 os (July 1890), 266–79 Wallace, W., Academy, vol. 37 (29 March 1890), 224-6 Walsh, W.H. ‘Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: Commentators in English, 1875-1945’, Journal of the History of Ideas, vol. 42, no. 4 (October-December 1981), 723-37 (7) Essays on Literature and Philosophy (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1892) [Volume 1 was later published separately as Essays on Literature (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1909).] Anon., Expository Times, vol. 3 (1891-2), 474 Anon., Mind, vol. 1, no. 3 ns (July 1892), 426–7 Anon., Dial, vol. 13, no. 149 (1 May–16 December 1892; 1 September), 146–7 Anon., Athenaeum, no. 3378 (23 July 1892), 122–3 Anon., Speaker (28 January 1893), 105 Anon., Academy, vol. 76, no. 1927 ns (January–June 1909; 10 April), 970–71 Anon., Dial, vol. 47, no. 563 (1 July 1909–16 December 1909; 1 December), 472 Anon., Athenaeum, no. 4272 (11 September 1909), 296 Benn, A. W., Academy, vol. 42, no. 1059 ns (July–December 1892; 20 August), 153–4 Blakeney, E. H., Churchman, vol. 7 (August & October 1893), 1–15 Everett, C. C., New World, vol. 2 (1893), 342 Raleigh, T., Critical Review of Theological and Philosophical Literature, vol. 2 (1892), 277-80 Ritchie, D. G., International Journal of Ethics, vol. 3, no. 2 (1892–3; January 1893), 259–61 J. G. S., Philosophical Review, vol. 1, no. 6 (November 1892), 657–8 (8) The Evolution of Religion (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1893) Adamson, R., International Journal of Ethics, vol. 4, no. 1 (1893–4; October 1893), 101–11 Anon., Book Reviews, vol. 1, no. 1 (May 1893), 12 Anon., Book Reviews, vol. 1, no. 2 (June, 1893), 38 12 Anon., Athenaeum, no. 3429 (15 July 1893), 91–2 Anon., Book Reviews, vol. 1, no. 5 (September 1893), 121 Anon., Westminster Review, vol. 139 (April 1893), 448–9 Benn, A. W., Academy, vol. 43, no. 1091 ns (1 April 1893), 286–8 Bosanquet, B., International Journal of Ethics, vol. 5 (1894-5), 432-44 Davies, E. R., Primitive Methodist Quarterly Review, vol. 17 ns (April 1895), 225 Denney, J., Bookman, vol. 4, no. 20 (May 1893), 55–6 Everett, C. C., New World, vol. 2 (1893), 591 Fairbairn, A. M., Critical Review of Theological and Philosophical Literature, vol. 3, no. 2 (April 1893), 198–206; reprinted in C. Tyler, ed. Early Responses to British Idealism: Volume 1 Responses to B. Jowett, T.H. Green, E. Caird and W. Wallace (Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum, 2004), pp.203-212 Iverach, James, Expository Times, vol. 5 (1893–4), 205–209; reprinted in C. Tyler, ed. Early Responses to British Idealism: Volume 1 Responses to B. Jowett, T.H. Green, E. Caird and W. Wallace (Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum, 2004), pp.193-202 McTaggart, J. E., Mind, vol. 2, no. 7 ns (July 1893), 376–83 Seth, J., Philosophical Review, vol. 2, no. 4 (July 1893), 510 Seth, J., Philosophical Review, vol. 3, no. 1 (January 1894), 69–73 (9) ‘Memoir’, in William Wallace, Lectures and Essays on Natural Theology and Ethics (Oxford: Clarendon, 1893) Bruce, A.B., Critical Review of Theological and Philosophical Literature, vol. 9 (1899), 137-41 Jones, E. E. C., Review of Lectures and Essays on Natural Theology and Ethics, International Journal of Ethics, Vol. 10, No. 1. (Oct., 1899), 98-103 (10) The Present State of the Controversy between Individualism and Socialism. Being the Inaugural Address to the Civic Society of Glasgow (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1897) Salmond, S.D.F., Critical Review of Theological and Philosophical Literature, vol. 7 (1897), 232 (11) ‘Memoir’, in John Caird, The Fundamental Ideas of Christianity. The Gifford Lectures delivered to the University of Glasgow in Sessions 1892–1893 and 1895–1896, ed. E. Caird (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1899), pp. ix–cxli Anon., Academy, vol. 58 (10 February 1900), 121 Iverach, James, Critical Review of Theological and Philosophical Literature, vol. 10 (1900), 146-50 (12) The Evolution of Theology in the Greek Philosophers (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1904) 13 Anon., Expository Times, vol. 15 (1903-04), 321 Anon., Academy and Literature, vol. 66 (January–June 1904), 166 Anon., Athenaeum, no. 3991 (23 April 1904), 521–2 Anon., Revue Philosophique de la France et de L’étranger, vol. 58 (1904), 430 Anon., American Journal of Religious Psychology and Education, vol. 1 (May 1904–August 1905), 107 Ballie, J. B., International Journal of Ethics, vol. 15, no. 1 (1904–1905; October 1904), 117–21 Dods, M., Bookman, vol. 26, no. 152 (May 1904), 57–8 Ebbinghaus, J., Kantstudien, vol. 16 (1911), 498 Gardiner, H. N., Philosophical Review, vol. 14, no. 2 ns (1905), 204–12 Hardie, R. P., Mind, vol. 14, no. 55 ns (July 1905), 403–12 Latta, R., Hibbert Journal, vol. 3 (October 1904–July 1905), 172–9 Mauss, H., Representations Religieuses, vol. 8 (1903–1904), 355 Reville, J., Revue de L’histoire des Religions, vol. 53 (1906), 98 Salmond, S. D. F., Critical Review of Theological and Philosophical Literature, vol. 14 (1904), 445 Schiller, F. C. S., Quarterly Review, vol. 204, no. 406 (January 1906), 62–88 Sterrett, J. M., Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods, vol. 1, no. 10 (12 May 1904), 271–3 Wilmanns, H., Kantstudien, vol. 14 (1909), 547 Wilmanns, H., Kantstudien, vol. 14 (1909), 563 (13) Lay Sermons and Addresses (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1907) Anon., Dial, vol. 44, no. 519 (1 January–16 June 1908; 2 February), 80 Anon., Revue de L’histoire des Religions, vol. 58 (1908), 154 [Hasting, James ?] Expository Times, vol. 19 (1907-08), 57-8 Lacey, T. A., Bookman, vol. 33, no. 194 (November 1907), 98 MacKenzie, J. S., Mind, vol. 17, no. 65 ns (January 1908), 123 Muirhead, J.H., Review of Theology and Philosophy, vol. 3 (1908), 595-60 Sélincourt, B. de, Hibbert Journal, vol. 6 (October 1907–July 1908), 464–6 14 (14) The Life and Letters of Edward Caird, H. Jones and J.H. Muirhead, eds. (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1921) Bernard Bosanquet, Mind, vol. XXXI, no. 123 ns (July 1922), 350-2 A.D. Lindsay, International Journal of Ethics, vol. XXXIII (October 1922), 103-6 III. Obituaries and Memorials The deposits of Caird’s papers held at the University of Glasgow Department of Special Collections, and Balliol College Library, Oxford, contain both letters of condolence to Caroline Francis (née Wylie), Caird’s wife, and recollections of his life, some of which were included in Jones and Muirhead (1921), passim. The following list is a selection of the published obituaries and memorials. Anon., Educational Review, vol. 36 (June–December 1908), 533 Anon., Journal of Education, vol. 30 ns (1908), 812 Anon., The Times (3 November 1908) Anon., Oxford Magazine (5 November 1908) Anon., Glasgow Herald (6 November 1908) Anon., Athenaeum, no. 4228 (7 November 1908), 574–5 Anon., Academie des Sciences Morales et Politiques, Seances et Travaux, vol. 70, no. 12 ns (Decembre 1908), p. 619 Anon., Memorial to Edward Caird: Ceremony in the University of Glasgow, 12th November 1910 (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1910) Bosanquet, B., Proceedings of the British Academy, 1907–1908, 379–86 Cappon, J., Queen’s Quarterly, vol. 16, no. 3 (July 1908–April 1909), 266–82 Fanshawe, R., Queen’s Quarterly, vol. 16, no. 4 (July 1908–April 1909), 314–15 MacKenzie, J. S., International Journal of Ethics, vol. 19 (1908–1909), p. 155 MacVannel, J. A., The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods, vol. 5, no. 25 (3 December 1908), 673–6 Smith, J. A., Oxford Magazine (12 November 1908) Watson, J., Queen’s Quarterly, vol. 16, no. 4 (July 1908–April 1909), 303–13 Watson, J., Philosophical Review, vol. 18, no. 1 (1909), 108–10 Wenley, R. M., Harvard Theological Review, vol. 2 (January–October 1909; April), 115–38 15 IV. Other Discussions Aaron, R.I., Review of Rudolf Metz, Die Philosophishcen Stromungen der Gegenwart in Grossbritannien, Mind, vol. 45, no. 177 ns (January 1936), 86-94 Abbagnano, Nicola, Il Nuovo Idealismo Ingelese ed Americano (Naples: Francesco Perralla, 1927) Allard, J.W., ‘Caird, Edward’, in R. Audi (ed.), The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy (Cambridge: CUP, 1995), p. 97 Allard, J.W. ‘Idealism in Britain and the United States’, in Thomas Baldwin, ed., Cambridge History of Philosophy, 1870-1945 (Cambridge: CUP, 2003), pp.43-59 Anon., ‘Publication of University Lectures – Caird v. Sime’, Scottish Law Review and Sherriff Court Reports, vol. 1 (1885), p. 174 Anon., ‘Caird v. Sime’, Law Quarterly Review, vol. 3 (1887), 360 Anon., ‘Caird v. Sime’, Law Quarterly Review, vol. 3 (1887), 477 Anon., ‘More Light on Religion and Philosophy’, Dublin Review, ser. 4 (vol. 135 os) (July 1904), 135 Anon., ‘Caird, Edward’, in H. Chisholm (ed.), Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. 3 (New York: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1910), p. 950 Armstrong, A.C., Review of Lewis, The Fundamental Principles involved in Dr. Edward Caird’s Philosophy of Religion, Philosophical Review, vol. xix, 351 Balfour, A. J., Reply to ‘Mr Balfour on Transcendentalism’, Mind, vol. 4, no. 3 os (January 1877), pp.114–15; reprinted in C. Tyler, ed. Early Responses to British Idealism: Volume 1 Responses to B. Jowett, T.H. Green, E. Caird and W. Wallace (Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum, 2004), pp.187-188 Bellini, Ornella, Una Lettura Idealistica dell’“AnaliticaTranscendentale”: saggio su Edward Caird (Milano: Dott. A. Gioffre Editore, 1990) Benn, A. W., English Rationalism in the Nineteenth Century, 2 vols. (London: Longmans, Green, 1906), vol. 2, pp. 424–7 Bonar, J., ‘Recollections of Three Universities’, University Monthly, April 1912 Boucher, D. E. G. & Vincent, A., A Radical Hegelian: The Political and Social Philosophy of Henry Jones (Cardiff: University of Wales, 1993) Brown, W.A., The Essence of Christianity. A study in the history of definition (New York: Charles Scrivener, 1913), chapter VI.6 (John and Edward Caird) 16 Burbidge, J. W., ‘Hegel in Canada’, Owl of Minerva, vol. 25, no. 2 (Spring 1994), 215–19 Campbell, Lewis, ‘On Liberal Movements of the Last Half-Century’, Fortnightly Review, vol. LXVII ns (January-June 1900), 427-41 Carritt, E.F. ‘Professor H.A. Prichard. Personal Recollections’, Mind, vol. 57, no. 226 ns (April 1948), 146-8 Copleston, F., A History of Philosophy: Volume 8 Bentham to Russell (London: Search, 1966), pp. 178–82 Cree, T.S., letter to the editor [attacking Caird’s work for ‘the women’s industrial movement’ (Jones et al, 1921, pp.118-9)], Glasgow Herald, 17 March 1894. Dawes Hicks, G, Berkeley (London: Ernest Benn, 1932) Devas, Charles Stanton, ‘Christian Democracy’, Dublin Review, vol. 13, ser. 4 (vol. 122, no. 25 os) (January 1898), 125-44 Dewey, John, ‘Psychology as Philosophic Method’, Mind 11 (April 1886), 153-73; reprinted in The Early Works of John Dewey, 1882-1898. Volume i: 1882-1888 (Carbondale & Edwardsville, Ill.: Southern Illinois University, 1969), pp.144-67 Ferreira, P., ‘Caird on Kant and the Refutation of Scepticism’, in W. J. Mander (ed.), Anglo–American Idealism 1865–1927 (Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2000), pp.65-79 Gould, F. J., Chats with Pioneers of Modern Thought (London: Watts, 1989) Graham, Gordon, ‘The Decline of Common Sense and the Rise of Scottish Idealism’, Rivista di Filosofia Neo-scolastica (2003), 37-52 Greenlees, Gavin, Was Jupiter the Christian’s God, or was he not? A philosophical and historical reply to the cardinal doctrines of the Gifford lectures, (London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, 1891; Edinburgh: Andrew Elliot, 1891; Glasgow: JNM Kinlay, 1891) [Commentary on Caird’s Evolution of Religion.] Habib, M.A.R., ‘The Prayers of Childhood: T.S. Eliot’s Manuscripts on Kant’, Journal of the History of Ideas, vol. 51, no. 1 (January-March 1990), 93-114 Haldane, R. B., ‘The Logical Foundations of Mathematics’, Mind, vol. 18, no. 69 ns (January 1909), 1-39 Haldar, H., ‘The Absolute and the Finite Self’, Philosophical Review, vol. 27, no. 4, 374–91 Haldar, H., Neo-Hegelianism (London: Heath Cranton, 1927), pp. 75–134 Harris, W.T., note regarding 'Dr. Stirling and Professor [Edward] Caird', Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. XIII, no. 3 (July 1879), 320-1 Harris, WT, note regarding Stirling and Edward Caird', Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. XIII, no. 4 (October 1879), 398 17 Hetherington, H.J.W., Life and Letters of Sir Henry Jones (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1924) - see index Hinchcliff, Peter, God and History: Aspects of British Philosophy, 1875-1914 (New York: Clarendon, 1992) Irving, John A., ‘Philosophical Trends in Canada between 1850 and 1950’, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 1, no. 2 (December 1951), 224-45 Johnson, E., ‘The Speculative Philosophy of Religion’, British Quarterly Review, vol. 80, no clix (July 1884), 93-113 Johnstone, J. J., Grundzuge der Philosophie von Edward Caird, Inaugural-Dissertation der Universitat Jena (Jena: Frommannsche Hofbuchdruckerei, 1905) [?Jones, Sir H.] ‘Caird, Edward (1835–1908)’, in Sir S. Lee, Dictionary of National Biography: Supplement, January 1901–December 1911 (Oxford: OUP, 1920), 291–5 Jones, Sir H., & Muirhead, J. H., The Life and Philosophy of Edward Caird (Glasgow: Maclehose, Jackson, 1921; reprinted, Bristol: Thoemmes, 1991) Jones, Sir H., Old Memories. Autobiography of Sir Henry Jones, C.H., Late Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Glasgow (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1922) Jones, J., ‘A Contested Mastership: The election of Jowett’s successor’, Balliol College Annual Record (1977) Kemp Smith, Norman, “The Scots Philosophical Club”, Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 1, no. 1 (October 1950), 1-4 Leventhal, F.M., The Last Dissenter: H.N. Brailsford and his World (Oxford: Clarendon, 1985) Lewis, W. O., The Fundamental Principles Involved in Dr Edward Caird’s Philosophy of Religion (Leipzig: Quelle & Meyer, 1909) Lindsay, A.D., ‘T.H. Green and the Idealists’, in F.J.C. Hearnshaw, Social and Political Ideas of Some Great Thinkers of the Victorian Age (London: George C. Harrap, 1931), pp.150-64 Lindsay, A. D., ‘The Idealism of Caird and Jones’, Journal of Philosophical Studies, vol. 1, no. 2 (April 1926), 171–82 Long, E. T., ‘The Gifford Lectures and the Glasgow Hegelians’, Review of Metaphysics, vol. 43, no. 2 (December 1989), 357–84 Luft, E. von der, ‘Five Undergraduate-Level Introductions to Hegel: A Comparative Review’, Owl of Minerva, vol. 13 (1982), 7–10 Mackenzie, John S., ‘The Hegelian Point of View’, Mind, vol. 11, no. 41 ns (January 1902), 54-71 18 Mackenzie, J. S., Hegel and Hegelianism (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1903) Mackenzie, J. S., ‘Edward Caird as a Philosophical Teacher’, Mind, vol. 18, no. 72 ns (1909), 509–37 Mackintosh, R., Hegel and Hegelianism (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1913) Mander, W. J., ‘Edward Caird’s Neo-Kantian Idealism’, The Modern Schoolman, vol. 76 (1998), 33-42 Mander, W. J., ‘Introduction, in W. J. Mander (ed.), Anglo-American Idealism 1865–1927 (Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2000), pp.1-19 Mander, W. J., ‘Caird’s Developmental Absolutism’, in W. J. Mander (ed.), Anglo-American Idealism 1865–1927 (Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2000), pp.51-63 McFadden, M. G., On the Periphery of the Absolute: William James’ Critique of British Hegelianism, PhD Dissertation, University of California Berkeley, 1984 Meade, G. H., ‘A New Criticism of Hegelianism: Is it Valid?’, American Journal of Theology, vol. 5 (January 1901), 87–96. Metz, R., A Hundred Years of British Philosophy (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1938), 286–93 Morrow, J., Idealism and Socialism in Britain, 1880–1920, PhD Dissertation, York University Canada, 1980 Morrow, J., ‘British Idealism, German Philosophy and the First World War’, Australian Journal of Politics and History, vol. 28, no. 3 (1982), 380–90 Muirhead, J. H., Platonic Tradition in Anglo-Saxon Philosophy: Studies in the History of Idealism in England and America (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1931) Muirhead, J. H., Bernard Bosanquet and his Friends (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1935), especially pp.231-4 Muirhead, J. 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B., Edward Caird (1835–1908): Religion, Philosophy and Education, PhD Dissertation, Queen Mary College, University of London, 1986 Patrick, James, ‘TH Green, JA Smith and Collingwood on Teaching Philosophy: Making the self’, Collingwood and British Idealism Studies, vol. 10 (2004), 23-43 Pucelle, J., L’Idealisme en Angleterre De Coleridge a Bradley (Neuchatel: Editions de la Baconniere, 1955), pp. 168–75 Restaino, F., ‘E. Caird: Un idealista cristiano fra Hegel, Comte e Spencer’, Giornale Critico della Filosofia Italiana, vol. 3, no. 3 (1983), 306–39 Robbins, P., The British Hegelians 1875–1925 (London: Garland, 1982) Rogers, A. K., ‘The Hegelian “Self” and Subjective Idealism’, Philosophical Review, vol. 10 (1901), 139–61 Sell, A. P. F., Philosophical Idealism and Christian Belief (Cardiff: University of Wales, 1995) Sidgwick, H., ‘The So-called Idealism of Kant’, Mind, vol. 4, no. 15 os (July 1879), 408– 10 reprinted in C. Tyler, ed. Early Responses to British Idealism: Volume 1 Responses to B. Jowett, T.H. Green, E. Caird and W. Wallace (Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum, 2004), pp.189-192 Sidgwick, H., ‘Kant’s Refutation of Idealism’, Mind, vol. 5, no. 17 os (January 1880), 111– 14 Smith, H. G., ‘Dr Edward Caird on St Paul’s Antitheses’, Hibbert Journal, vol. 2 (October 1903–July 1904), 375–7 Sorley, William Ritchie, ‘Philosophers: John Caird and Edward Caird’, in A.W. Ward et al, eds., Cambridge History of English and American Literature: Volume XIV. The Victorian Age, Part Two (Cambridge: CUP, 1916), §35 Stirling, James Hutchison, ‘Schopenhauer in Relation to Kant’, Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol.XIII, no. 1 (January 1879), 1-50; relevant part reprinted in C. Tyler, ed. Early Responses to British Idealism: Volume 1 Responses to B. Jowett, T.H. Green, E. Caird and W. Wallace (Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum, 2004), pp.177-186 Sweet, William, ‘General Introduction’, in C. Tyler, ed. Early Responses to British Idealism: Volume 1 Responses to B. Jowett, T.H. Green, E. Caird and W. Wallace (Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum, 2004), pp.ix-xv Trott, B., ‘Caird, Watson and the Reconciliation of Opposites’, in W. J. Mander (ed.), Anglo-American Idealism 1865–1927 (Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2000), pp.81-92 Trubetskoi, S. N., ‘Preface’, in E. Caird, Gegel, ed. and trans. by S. N. Trubetskoi (Moskva: [s.n.], 1898), v–li 20 Tyler, C., ‘Introduction: Spiritual Evolution and the Thought of Edward Caird’, in C. Tyler, ed., Collected Works of Edward Caird. Volume 1 (Bristol: Thoemmes, 1999), pp.viixvii Tyler, C., ‘Introduction: The Social Liberalism of Edward Caird’, in C. Tyler, ed., Collected Works of Edward Caird. Volume 11 (Bristol: Thoemmes, 1999), pp.vii-xxii Tyler, C., ‘Bibliographical Appendices’, in C. Tyler, ed., Collected Works of Edward Caird Volume 11 (Bristol: Thoemmes, 1999), pp.xxiii-xxxviii Tyler, C., ‘Caird, Edward (1835-1908)’, in W.J. Mander and A.P.F. Sell, eds., Dictionary of Nineteenth Century British Philosophers (Bristol: Thoemmes, 2002), pp.179-85 Tyler, C., ‘Edward Caird’, in P. Fosl, P. Dematteis, & L.B. McHenry, eds., Dictionary of Literary Biography Volume 262: British Philosophers 1800-2000 (Columbia, SC: Bruccoli Clark Layman, Thomson Gale, 2002), pp.61-9 Tyler, C., ‘Introduction: Edward Caird (1835-1908), in C. Tyler, ed. Early Responses to British Idealism: Volume 1 Responses to B. Jowett, T.H. Green, E. Caird and W. Wallace (Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum, 2004), pp.163-164 Tyler, C., ‘Introduction’, in C. Tyler, ed., Unpublished Manuscripts in British Idealism: Political philosophy, theology and social theory, 2 vols. (Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum, 2005), vol. 2, pp.vii-xiii Tyler, C., Idealist Political Philosophy: Pluralism, conflict and virtue in idealist thought (London and New York: Thoemmes Continuum, 2006), chapters 3 and 5 Tyler, C., ‘Edward Caird’, in Ed Randall, ed., Dictionary of Liberal Thought (London: Methuen/Politico’s, in press) Tyler, C., ‘Edward Caird’, in Graham Oppy and Nick Trakakis, eds., History of Western Philosophy of Religion, 4 vols. (Chesham: Acumen, forthcoming in 2007) Vitali, G., Introduction to E. Caird, Hegel: traduzione Italiana Authorizzata di Guilo Vitali preceduta da un saggio del traduttore sull’opera filosofica del Caird (Milano–Palermo–Napoli: Remo Sandron, n.d. [c.1910]), pp.vii–xxxvi Walsh, W.H. ‘Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: Commentators in English, 1875-1945’, Journal of the History of Ideas, vol. 42, no. 4 (October-December 1981), 723-37 Warren, W. 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