QxQ Models: Main Effects and Full Models Using Regression The purpose of the study was to examine the inter-relationships among social skills, the complexity of the social situation, and performance in a social situation. Each participant considered their most recent interaction in a group of 10 or larger that included at least 50% strangers, and rated their social performance (perf) and the complexity of the situation (sitcom), Then each participant completed a social skills inventory that provided a single index of this construct (soskil). The researcher wanted to determine the contribution of the “person” and “situation” variables to social performance, as well as to consider their interaction. Descriptive Statistics N SITCOM SOSKIL Valid N (listwise) 60 60 60 Minimum .00 27.00 Maximum 37.00 65.00 Mean 19.7000 49.4700 Std. Deviation 8.5300 8.2600 As before, we will want to center our quantitative variables by subtracting the mean from each person’s scores. We also need to compute an interaction term as the product of the two centered variables. Some prefer using a “full model” approach, others a “hierarchical model” approach – remember they produce the same results. Using the hierarchical approach, the centered quantitative variables (main effects) are entered on the first step and the interaction is added on the second step Be sure to check the “R-squared change” on the Statistics window SPSS Output: Model 1 is the main effects model and Model 2 is the full model. Model Summary Change Statistics Model 1 2 R .374 a .526 b R Square .140 .277 Adjusted R Square .110 .238 Std. Error of the Estimate 11.3406 10.4899 R Square Change .140 .137 F Change 4.636 10.620 df1 df2 2 3 57 56 Sig. F Change .014 .002 a. Predictors: (Constant), C_SITCOM, C_SOSKIL b. Predictors: (Constant), C_SITCOM, C_SOSKIL, INT ANOV Ac Model 1 2 Regres sion Residual Total Regres sion Residual Total Sum of Squares 1192.355 7330.742 8523.097 2360.961 6162.137 8523.098 df 2 57 59 3 56 59 Mean S quare 596.178 128.610 F 4.636 Sig. .014a 786.986 110.038 7.152 .000b a. Predic tors: (Constant), C_S ITCOM, C_S OSK IL b. Predic tors: (Constant), C_S ITCOM, C_S OSK IL, INT Both the main effects model and the full model “work”. R²Δ for Model 2 = .137. More than ½ of the variance accounted for by the full model is due to the interaction c. Dependent Variable: PE RF We have 2 equivalent tests of the interaction: Coefficientsa Model 1 2 (Constant) C_SOSKIL C_SITCOM (Constant) C_SOSKIL C_SITCOM INT Unstandardized Coefficients B Std. Error 29.102 1.464 .524 .180 .210 .174 29.651 1.365 .378 .172 .147 .162 7.120E-02 .022 Standardi zed Coefficien ts Beta .360 .149 .260 .104 .385 The R²Δ F-test for Model 2 tells us this R²Δ is significant. t 19.878 2.914 1.204 21.728 2.196 .907 3.259 Sig. .000 .005 .234 .000 .032 .368 .002 The t-test of the interaction b weight in the full mode is significant t² (3.259²) = R²Δ F (10.62) a. Dependent Variable: PERF Interpreting the Regression Weights Simple effect for social skills when situational complexity = 0 (its mean after centering) C_SOSKIL -- The regression weight for social skills tells that for average situational complexity, there is a positive relationship between social skills and performance. This positive slope is statistically significant. Simple effect for the situational complexity when social skills = 0 (its mean after centering) C_SITCOM -- The regression weight for situational complexity tells us that for those with average levels of social skills, there is not a significant relationship between situational complexity and performance. Interaction – each simple effect is different for different levels of the other variable INT -- The interaction regression weight tells us that (both are true): For each 1-unit increase in social skills, the slope of the relationship between performance and situational complexity increases by .007 (this increase in slope is statistically significant) For each 1-unit increase in situational complexity, the slope of the relationship between performance and social skills increases by .007 (this increase in slope is statistically significant) Note: Raw regression weights for interactions are often numerically small. Why? The interaction term is computed as the product of the centered main effect terms. So it will have a relatively large standard deviation and , consequently a relatively small regression weight compared to the main effects. Always use β weights to consider the “relative contribution” of the main effects and interaction. One Small Difference when Plotting the Interaction of 2 Quantitative Variables When we plotted the model for the interaction between a quantitiative variable and a categorical variable, we plotted the separate Y-X regression line for each of the different Z groups. Now, however, we have no groups – but we need some lines! TheXLS plotting Computator follows the usual convention, which is to plot the Y-X regression line for the mean of Z, for +1 std above the mean of Z and -1 std below the mean of Z. Starting with the main effect model,,, I’ve chosen to plot the Performance – Complexity regression for diffferent valuesof Social Skill, Because there is no interaction term, the slope of the PerformanceComplexity regression line is the same for all values of SocialSkill Describing the Plot of the Interaction Model Significant Interaction regression weights For those with average social skills, performance increases with increases in situational complexity (tested by situational complexity regression term ttest) For those with social skills +1 std, performance increases with increases in situational complexity (significantly different from slope of “hard”, and we know it is different 0 because the slope is significantly more positive than that for the average social skills group, which was significantly positive) For those with social skills -1 std, performance appears to decrease with increases in situational complexity (significantly different from slope of “hard”, but we don’t know if it is different from 0 ) Whatever the regression weight for situational complexity (remember it is a simple effect) the main effect is potentially misleading the relationship between situational complexity and the DV depends upon the level of social skills you look at when you have an interaction, always check main effects for descriptive/misleading Whatever the regression weights for social skills (each is a simple effect) the main effect is potentially misleading the relationship between social skills and the DV depends upon the level of situational complexity you look at when you have an interaction, always check main effects for descriptive/misleading Using SPSS to get & test Separate Regression Lines At this point we know that the Performance-Situational Complexity regression line is not different from 0 for those at the mean level of Social Skills (sitcom regression weight). We also know that the slope of the PerformanceSituational Complexity regression line varies with the level of Social Skills (i.e, the significant interaction). However, do not have significance tests to tells us if the slopes of the Performance-Situational Complexity regression lines are significantly different from 0 for +1 std social skills or for -1 std social skills values. When we want that formal test, we can apply the following procedure. Obtaining the simple regression line for complexity 1 std ABOVE the mean of social skills -- we need to “re-center” the scores around a point one standard deviation above the mean -- this means, in effect, that we need to “lower” all the scores by one standard deviation -- then we need to compute an interaction term specific to these “re-centered” values -- these new variables are used to obtain the simple regression line SPSS: Transform Compute Compute the variable abvskil by subtracting the standard deviation (8.26) from c_soskil. Then compute the recentered interaction term abvint by multiplying abvskil by c_sitcom. Enter perf as the dependent variable and c_sitcom, abvskil and abvint as the Independents. SPSS Output: The R² & F-test results will be the same as the original model. We did this analysis just to get the regression weight for Situational Complexity with Social Skills re-centered. Coeffi cientsa Model 1 Unstandardized Coeffic ients B St d. Error (Const ant) 32.775 1.930 C_SITCOM .735 .228 ABVSKIL .378 .172 ABVINT 7.120E-02 .022 St andardi zed Coeffic ien ts Beta .522 .260 .513 t 16.896 3.225 2.196 3.259 Sig. .000 .002 .032 .002 a. Dependent Variable: PERF The b-weight and its t-test situational complexity variable tells us that there is a significant, positive relationship between performance and situational complexity for those 1 std above the mean on social skills (same value as was obtained from the computator above). One could interpret this as meaning that, for those with particularly good social skills, increased social complexity “brings out their best”. Obtaining the simple regression line for complexity 1 std BELOW the mean of social skills -- we need to “recenter” the scores around a point one standard deviation below the mean -- this means, in effect, that we need to “raise” all the scores by one standard deviation -- then we need to compute an interaction term specific to these “recentered” values -- these new variables are used to obtain the simple regression line SPSS: Transform Compute Compute the variable belskil by adding the standard deviation (8.26) to c_soskil. Then compute the recentered interaction term belint by multiplying belskil by c_sitcom. Enter perf as the dependent variable and c_sitcom, belskil and belint as the Independents. SPSS Output: The R² & F-test results will be the same as the original model. We did this analysis just to get the regression weight for Situational Complexity with Social Skills re-centered. Coeffi cientsa Model 1 Unstandardized Coeffic ients B St d. Error (Const ant) 26.529 2.002 C_SITCOM -.441 .257 BELSKIL .378 .172 BELINT 7.120E-02 .022 St andardi zed Coeffic ien ts Beta -.313 .260 .592 t 13.250 -1. 719 2.196 3.259 Sig. .000 .091 .032 .002 a. Dependent Variable: PERF The b-weight and its t-test situational complexity variable tells us that there is a significant, negative relationship between performance and situational complexity for those 1 std below the mean on social skills (same value as was obtained from the computator above). One could interpret this as meaning that, for those with particularly poor social skills, do not “handle” increased social complexity well, and their performance suffers. You will probably notice that the significance test of the simple regression weight we have just interpreted does not reject H0:. Is this a problem? Remember that the choice of +/- 1 standard deviation is arbitrary, so many folks who do this sort of analysis suggest re-computing the simple slopes at +/- 1.5 standard deviations. It is likely that this more extreme set of simple slopes will be “more different” from the slope for the mean of social skills.