Digital Alternatives to Analogue Balanced Detection for Optical Tomography Rehan Hafiz and Krikor B. Ozanyan School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Manchester. Manchester M60 1QD, United Kingdom Abstract. Balanced detection schemes have been used extensively for laser noise removal in optical measurements, as a method suitable for applications requiring high-sensitivity, e.g. small signal detection in time and frequency domains or coherent heterodyne detection. However, the commercially available analogue systems are costly and therefore not suitable for multi-channel applications, such as tomography. In this work we present a digital alternative, which can be implemented on general-purpose programmable hardware. The reported methodology is based on a preliminary calculation of the balancing factor, from the average power ratio of the signal and reference photocurrents, measured with the object removed from the signal path. We discuss the performance of three digital processing algorithms for balanced detection, together with their relevance to particular measurement scenarios. The effect of the size of the signal averaging window for the power ratio calculation is compared with the feedback integrating time constant of the existing analogue systems. Simulation and experimental results are provided to compare the overall performance of the analogue and digital alternatives. The proposed digital alternatives lead to flexible, scalable, low cost and compact solutions for multi-channel balanced laser detection systems in general and Optical Tomography in particular. 1. Introduction Auto balanced detection schemes have found extensive usage in high-sensitivity small-signal laser sensing, e.g. in coherent heterodyne detection. It is particularly effective for the removal of laser intensity noise [1]. However, commercially available analogue implementations are limited by low bandwidth (125 KHz) and are difficult to integrate in multi-channel applications because of size, cost, etc. Much easier to integrate would be the digital alternatives which can be implemented on systems based e.g. on field-programmable logic arrays, with bandwidth limited only by the ADC sampling frequency and the clock speed of the logic. We propose novel digital sensing methodologies that will make Auto Balanced Detection feasible for fast computerized optical tomography. 2. Analogue Balanced Detection In the conventional auto-balanced detection[2], the original laser beam is split into two beams with some splitting ratio K. One beam (Signal) is passed through the sample while the other beam (Reference) is passed directly to the detector. Ideally, on the detectors, the reference beam photocurrent gets the same fractional laser excess noise as the signal beam photocurrent[3]. The two are then combined in some manner to obtain an output current resulting in substantially suppressed laser excess noise. The Hobbs auto balancing circuit is widely used for achieving auto-balanced detection. It has been applied in many commercially available state-of-the-art auto balanced detectors, such as the New Focus Nirvana auto-balanced detectors [4]. Therefore, the behavior of the proposed digital balanced algorithm is thus compared with the Nirvana’s output. 3. Digital Balancing Algorithms Initially, a balancing factor (BF) is calculated from the average power ratio of the signal and reference photocurrents, measured with the object removed from the signal path. The preliminary calculation of BF is referred to as calibration in the following discussion. This balancing factor provides the estimate for the splitting ratio of the beam splitter. Once this ratio is calculated the two beams are then balanced to achieve balanced detection. After calibration three digital balancing algorithms (DBAx) are considered for achieving balanced detection. 3.1. Digital Balancing Algorithm 1 In DBA1, point by point division is performed to perform ratio metric detection to remove the common mode noise. If the beam splitting ratio (K) is not ½, there will be a little offset in the result. This offset can however be removed using the BF calculated during calibration. 3.2. Digital Balancing Algorithm 2 In DBA2, the point by point ratio is averaged over a sliding window of data stream. The averaging works to smooth out the shot noise. Again, the BF can be used to remove the offset. Thus the DBA2 gives a much smoother result, as compared to DBA1. The analogue auto balancing circuitry makes use of a low frequency integrating feedback loop for gain compensation to balance the two photocurrents[2]. The speed of this feedback loop is a measure of the time required for the gain compensation circuitry to adjust to changes in reference or signal power [4]. The analog circuit balances out the low frequency components and acts like a low pass averaging filter. In the digital alternative, the size of the averaging window works in a similar way, a smaller size of the averaging window results in a higher bandwidth. 3.3. Digital Balancing Algorithm 3 In DBA3 first the baseline is removed using differentiation and then the noise inter-modulation effects are ratioed out. It removes common mode noise, as well as additional non-common mode background noise. Ratio of integrated difference during the calibration gives a measure of background removed BF, which can be used to measure a constant non-common mode added noise. Assuming that References signal is not having any non-common mode noise, this method can help in removing any additional constant background noise that affects only the signal beam. 4. Results The analogue balancing circuit was simulated with PSPICE and compared with the Matlab implementations of DBAx. The signal and reference photocurrents were modeled with common-mode laser intensity noise and some additional uncorrelated noise. The relative strengths of two signals are shown in Fig.1.a The signal photocurrent carries a very weak two-peak triangular absorption signal. Fig.1.b and Fig.1.c show that both analogue and digital balancing can distinguish the weak absorption signal from the large varying noisy background. DBA2 (Fig.1.d) can further reduce the independent uncorrelated noise (e.g. shot noise), at the cost of time averaging. Relative Signal Strengths (c) Digital Balancing output (DBA1) (b) Analogue Auto balanced output (PSPICE) Ratio Ratio (a) Reference and Signal Photocurrents (d) Window Averaged Digital Balancing output (DBA2) Figure 1 Simulation Results To perform a practical comparison of the analogue and digital balancing methods the output of the analogue balancing circuit was directly monitored and stored from the Nirvana log-ratio output using a digital oscilloscope. For the recorded values of the Nirvana’s outputs, the alternative digital logarithmic output was calculated offline and later compared with the analogue counterpart. A 1550nm laser source was first passed through a beam splitter. The strength of the signal beam was then varied to see the effect of attenuation on the log-ratio output. Figure 2 below shows that logratio auto-balanced output can be achieved using the given algorithms. With the signal strength decreasing along the x-axis, The Digital and the Analogue outputs are following nearly the same logarithmic curve. A differential current to voltage converter[5] has already been implemented as a front end for acquiring the reference and signal photocurrents. The implementation of the above algorithms on reconfigurable hardware[6] (FPGAs) is underway. Comparison of Digital and Analogue Log-Ratio Autobalancing Signal Strength 0 100% 93% 85% 77% 69% 62% 54% 46% 39% 31% 24% 16% 8% 1% -1 Voltage log-Ratio Ouput (V) -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 DBD Log-Ratio Output Nirvana Log-Ratio Output Figure 2 Experimental comparison of Algorithmic and Analogue version 5. Conclusions and benefits The digital solutions for the balanced detection provide various advantages over the analogue version. The output is unaffected by the temperature and other non-linear transient effects of the ICs. The nature of the algorithms makes them an ideal candidate to be implemented on reconfigurable hardware. This can allow multiple channels to be implemented on a single hardware, thus directly reducing the cost and size of the apparatus. The success of digital balancing algorithms expands the utilization of auto-balancing algorithms for multiple channels applications such as optical tomography. Real time calculations in reconfigurable hardware can allow easy control logic to be implemented for the control and automation purposes. The proposed digitally balanced scheme thus provides a flexible, scalable, inexpensive and compact solution for multi channel imaging systems References [1] NewFocus, "Application Note 14: A Survey of Methods Using Balanced Photodetection". [2] P. Hobbs, "Ultrasensitive laser measurements without tears," Applied optics, vol. 36, pp. 903, 1997. [3] P. Hobbs, "Shot noise-limited optical measurements at baseband with noisy lasers," Laser Noise R. Roy, ed., Proc. SPIE 1376, pp. 216-221, 1991. [4] New Focus Inc," Nirvana Auto-Balanced Photoreceivers Model 2017 User's Manual", 2002. [5] P. Wright, "Design of High-Performance Photodiode Receivers for Optical Tomography," IEEE sensors journal, vol. 5, pp. 281, 2005. [6] S.Garcia-Castillo and K. B. Ozanyan, "Field-programmable data acquisition and processing channel for optical tomography systems," Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 76, 2005.