
KFUPM Policy and Procedure on Graders
Graders are usually assigned in academic institutions to assist in grading homework and
assignments. Selection of qualified graders is important for quality of grading. This
document starts by setting for the nomination and selection of graders in order to select
qualified grader for each that need grader assistance. Duties and rights of a grader are
identified and listed. Duties of course instructor who is to be assisted by a grader are
listed. This document is concluded by listing the role of the academic departments and
Students Affairs as well.
Criteria for the nomination of a grader:
1. To qualify for part-time job as a grader, a student has to have a cumulative GPA
of 3.0 or higher. Moreover, the student should have scored a grade of 'B+' or better
in the course he wishes to grade. The department chairman or Student Affairs can
make exceptions if these conditions cannot be fulfilled.
2. Students who have been held in violation of university standards of conduct may
not be eligible.
3. The following criteria is established to set priority for the nomination of graders:
a. Student majoring in the same area of the course to be graded.
b. Student with higher cumulative GPA and higher grades in the area of the
course to be graded.
c. Student who was previously employed as a grader and received an excellent
d. Student who has not been employed in part time job during the previous
Procedure for the selection of graders:
1. The interested students has to submit an application form for part-time job.
2. The Student Affairs shall nominate the students who are eligible for employment
as graders and forward their names to the concerned department for interview.
3. The department shall evaluate the nominated students and forward its final
selection/recommendation to the Students Affairs.
4. The concerned academic department may suggest to Student Affairs name(s) of
qualified student(s) and shall have the final decision in hiring any grader.
5. The Student Affairs shall ask students who were selected as graders to sign an
employment contract.
Duties and responsibilities of a grader:
1. Grading is limited to homework. The grader shall not participate in grading exams
or quizzes.
2. As soon as the grader receives his grading assignment, he has to pick up the
textbook (if necessary) for the course from the department and immediately
contact the course instructor to know his expectations, preferred guidelines, kinds
of comments that are helpful, etc.
3. A grader is required to know his duties and rights and other related issues.
Graders who will be grading for the first time are required to attend the "Graders
Orientation Meeting" organized by the Student Affairs. In this meeting, job
responsibilities and personnel matter will be discussed.
4. Graders will be appointed for specific number of hours per week depending on
class size, frequency, and amount of homework, etc.
5. The grader and the instructor will decide on the procedure for contracting each
other, pick-up and delivery of assignments and grading policy.
6. Grader shall grade the assignments in a comprehensive, precise and honest
7. Grader must not have any contact with the students concerning his assignment.
8. Grader shall be held responsible for the confidentiality of his assignment.
9. Grader shall keep accurate records.
10. Grader shall return all assignments to the course instructor promptly.
11. Grader shall prepare a list of common mistakes made by the students and submit
them to the instructor of the course.
12. Grader shall submit the grades of homework on periodical basis as required by the
course instructor.
13. Grader shall fill out the timesheet in a clear and honest manner. The timesheet has
to be counter signed by the course instructor and the department chairman.
The time sheet has to be submitted to the accounting department no later than the
15th of the following Hijri month. Any delay in submitting the timesheet may
result in delaying the paycheck.
Rights of a Grader:
1. The grader has the right to be assigned and compensated for a minimum of 25
hours per month for his grading assignment.
2. All necessary arrangements and expectations shall be clarified to the grader by the
course instructor.
3. The course instructor shall guide the grader on how to grade different components
of the homework. The course instructor shall provide the grader with complete
solutions for each homework.
4. The grader shall receive the homework to be graded from the faculty as per the
agreed arrangements.
Duties of the Instructor teaching the course:
1. The course instructor shall clarify to the grader all necessary arrangements and
The course instructor shall guide the grader on how to grade different
components of the homework. The course instructor shall provide the grader with
complete solution for each homework.
The course instructor shall provide the grader with the homework to be graded as
per the agreed arrangements (time, location, etc.)
The course instructor shall not give the grader exams or quizzes to grade.
The course instructor shall counter sign the timesheet of the grader.
The course instructor shall write a report about the grader's performance and
submit it to the Student Affairs, through his department chairman, before the end
of the semester.
Discontinuity of work and/or lack of performance by the grader should
immediately be reported by the instructor to the Chairman of the Department.
Role of the academic department:
The department shall forward their needs of graders to the Student Affairs at
least one month before the commencement of the semester.
The department chairman/representative (or committee) shall interview the
student and forward his recommendation to the Student Affairs.
The department should inform the concerned faculty members about the grading
The department will ensure that the grader gets grading assignments for a
minimum of 25 hours per month.
The department shall report discontinuity and/or lack of performance by the
grader to the Student Affairs.
The department shall forward the instructor's report on the grader's performance,
with its comments, if deemed necessary, to the Students Affairs.
Role of Students' Affairs:
Before the end of each semester, the Student Affairs should contact different
academic departments requesting their needs for graders for the following
The Students Affairs shall advertise all grading job opportunities.
The Student Affairs shall nominate eligible graders and forward their
information that includes name, id#, email, other contact information, and
transcripts (provided by the students) to the concerned department for
The Students Affairs shall ask the students who have been selected by the
department to sign an employment contract and keep these contracts for
The Student Affairs shall hold a "New Graders Orientation Meeting" with
students who have been selected to work as grader for the first time. In this
meeting, job responsibilities and personnel matters will be discussed. Graders
who could not participate in the meeting can be given relevant information
package by the Student Affairs.
6. The Student Affairs shall keep a copy of the report prepared by the instructor
about the performance of a grader. This information is necessary for any future
employment of the student as a grader.