Categorising Folk Melodies Using Similarity Ratings Tuomas Eerola, Topi Järvinen, Jukka Louhivuori & Petri Toiviainen University of Jyväskylä Department of Music P. O. Box 35 FIN-40351 Jyväskylä FINLAND {ptee, tjarvine, louhivuo, ptoiviai} 1 Introduction 1.1 Categorisation and similarity The ability to classify musical styles is an important and intriguing task from the perspective of music cognition. This process, which listeners usually do effortlessly, involves integrating a number of perceptual processes. Recent summaries on categorisation divide these into two; 1) rule application 2) similarity computations (Smith & Patalano, Jonides, 1998; Hahn & Chater, 1998). This paper considers the latter using the statistical frequencies of events, which have been shown to be influential in learning and perception of language and sound patterns (e.g. Saffran, 1999). We also limit our line of inquiry into melodic similarity, since this allows to test and develop the frequency-based measures of melodic similarity that aim to tackle some of the categorisation and classification challenges music history holds for us. 1.2 Melodic similarity There has been a moderate amount of research into melodic similarity and a number of experiments have shed light on the parameters that give rise to this phenomenon. Findings by Dowling (1971, 1978) indicate that one of the main factors of similarity is contour information, which is essential in short-term comparisons (Dowling & Bartlett, 1981) and in shorter melodies (Edworthy, 1985; Cuddy et al, 1981). Some studies have concentrated on melodic archetypes (Rosner & Meyer, 1982, 1986), hierarchical structure (Serafine, Glassman & Overbeeke, 1989), themes (Pollard-Gott, 1983), motifs (Lamont & Dibben, 1997), whether melodies use scalar or non-scalar tones (Bartlett & Dowling, 1980; Dowling & Bartlett, 1981, 1988), and more recently, on transposed melodies (van Egmond et al, 1996), the effects of pitch direction, contour and pitch information (Dewitt & Crowder, 1986; Eiting, 1984; Freedman, 1999; Hofmann-Engl & Parncutt, 1998), and pitch range and key distance (van Egmont & Povel, 1994). Commonly, rhythm has been considered as a separate entity (Palmer & Krumhansl, 1990; Simpson & Huron 1993; Gabrielsson, 1973) 1 except by Monahan & Carterette (1985), who studied both rhythm and tonal dimensions as constituents of similarity. Theoretical models of melodic similarity include Cambouropoulos' (1995, 1997) formal definition of similarity based on the number of coinciding attributes of melodies. Smith, McNab & Witten (1998; also Orpen & Huron, 1992) have defined similarity as the complexity of the transformation process involved in mapping one object onto the other. Models that deal with contour and interval information of the melodies include work by Deutsch & Feroe (1981), Ó Maidín (1998), and HofmannEngl & Parncutt, (1998). The wide range of the focus of the research and the models can be credited to the multidimensional nature of melodic similarity. The approach used in this paper differs from the previous approaches in the sense that both rhythm and pitch are considered as statistical entities that are hypothesised to provide perceptually salient cues for similarity. 1.3 Similarity and statistical properties of the melodies Classifying melodies and musical styles according to the statistical distribution of different intervals, rhythmic patterns, or pitches has a long history in ethnomusicology (Freeman & Merriam, 1956; Lomax, 1968). Research on music cognition and learning has demonstrated the effect of statistical information for learning and perception using both cross cultural studies (Castellano et al, 1984; Kessler et al, 1984; Krumhansl et al, 1999) as well as studies using melodies in which the statistical properties of music have been intentionally manipulated (Oram & Cuddy, 1995). The results show that listeners are sensitive to pitch distributional information. Evidence from different modalities has also shown the importance of frequency information in cognitive processes (e.g., Saffran et al, 1999). In light of this evidence, it seems that statistical properties of melodies could provide a means for classification of musical styles in terms of their perceptual similarity. Indeed, studies using this approach have been successful, for example, Järvinen, Toiviainen & Louhivuori (1999) classified ten different musical styles based on the distributions of tones and tone transitions. The results, which were visualised by self-organizing maps (SOM), conformed with the musicological descriptions of the particular musical styles. Related methodology has been used by others (e.g. Smaill & Westhead, 1993; Atalay & Placek, 1997; Hörnel, 1998) with success. In spite of appealing results of the classifications based on statistical properties of melodies, it remains uncertain how well these methods simulate human classification process. A behavioural categorisation task was designed to investigate how effectively the statistical properties of the melodies can account for the categorisation by listeners. This was achieved by examining listeners' similarity ratings and similarities of the statistical properties of the melodies. 2 2 Method 2.1 Subjects 17 undergraduate music students (mean age 23.4 years, SD = 4.2 years) took part in the study. They reported that they had studied music for mean of 5.8 years (SD = 4.4), and having music as hobby for mean of 14.6 years (SD = 2.6). The listeners reported that they were not familiar with the melodies used in the experiment. The data from all listeners were pooled into a single group for analysis as the mean intersubject correlation was significant (r= .41, df= 103, p< .001). 2.2 Stimulus materials Five distinct musical styles were selected for the experiment. These were North Sami yoiks (Y), Finnish Spiritual folk hymns (H), Irish hornpipes (I), German folksongs (G) and Greek folksongs (C). Three typical melodies of each style were chosen by native experts and the selection criteria included typicality, major mode, and moderate tempo. All melodies contained complete phrases, were approximately equal in length, transposed to C-major, encoded as MIDI files, and had the same tempo (110 bpm), timbre (French horn sample) and the velocity of tones. The playback was controlled by a computer. 2.3 Procedure The task of the listeners was to rate the similarity of pairs of melodies on a scale of 1-9, using a slider on the computer screen. All 105 possible combinations were randomly paired and ordered. The interstimulus time between the melodies was 1500ms and the total duration of the experiment was 75min. All listeners were tested individually. Before the actual experiment, listeners filled a musical background questionnaire, read the instructions about the experiment and did three practice trials. 2.4 Similarity measures derived from statistical properties The MIDI files of the melodies were converted into kern representation and analysed with Humdrum Toolkit (Huron 1994) and some additional Perl and shell scripts. The first set of statistical measures, distribution of the tones, intervals, and tone durations, as well as distribution of two-tone transitions, interval transitions, and duration transitions, were obtained for each melody. The similarities of these measures were computed using the city block distance measure between all the statistical measures of the melodies. The second set of similarity measures consisted of three difference measures between the intervals of melodies. First was normalised interval difference, which, according Hofmann-Engl & Parncutt (1998), can explain a large part of the similarity ratings. The normalised interval difference between two fragments was defined as the sum of the absolute differences between the intervals of two fragments divided by the number of intervals. Additionally, two alternative 3 versions of the normalised interval difference were used; the first was computed using correlation coefficients between the intervals of the melodies and second disregarded the size of the intervals (i.e. considered only the up-down patterns of the melodies). Unfortunately the melodies had different number of tones and consequently the first 12 and last 12 tones and a combination of them were used instead. Finally, a number of descriptive variables of the melodies were obtained. The first group of these consisted of correlation of tone profile to C major profile (Krumhansl & Kessler, 1982) and predictability (an aggregate function of tonality, proximity and intervallic difference). The second group of variables concerned roughly with the qualities of the intervals: mean proximity of tones, registral return, registral direction, closure, intervallic difference, consonance, tessitura and mean pitch. The third group of variables portrayed the rhythmic qualities of melodies and were syncopation, rhythmic variability and rhythmic activity (no. of tones/sec). Again, similarities of these measures were obtained by computing the city block distance between all measures of the melodies. 3 Results 3.1 Perceived distances between the melodies The mean similarity rating of the listeners were analysed using multidimensional scaling (ALSCAL), which is able to produce spatial distances between the items that are regularly interpreted as the salient dimensions that underly the perceptual experience (see Nosofsky, 1992). The difference between the 2-dimensional (R2= .81) and 3-dimensional (R2= .89) solution was small. If we look at the two dimensional solution (Figure 1), few clear patterns emerge; the Greek songs (G1, G2, G3) can be seen as being further away from others, meaning that these melodies were most distinctly different from all the other melodies. The three yoiks (Y1, Y2, Y3) were perceived as more homogenous and can be seen clustered closely together. It is interesting to note that Finnish Spiritual folk hymns (H1, H2, H3) were fairly similar and listeners found one German folksong and one Irish Folksong (I2, G2) to bear a resemblance to hymns, which was reasoned to occur because of the number of common elements they share. However, it was expected that three samples per style is not enough to create stylistic categories and thus the results reflect more individual properties of the melodies. 4 Figure 1. Two-dimensional classical multidimensional scaling solution (R2 = .81, N = 15). Y=Yoiks, H=Hymns, G=German, I=Irish, C=Greek. 3.2 Association between the statistical properties of melodies and listeners' similarity ratings A comparison between the similarities derived from the statistical properties of the melodies and listeners' similarity judgements was done by multiple regression analysis. The similarity measures were regressed upon similarity ratings of listeners for all pairs of melodies. The overall prediction rate was fairly low, (R2= .41, F= 22.67, df= 3,101, p< .001) and revealed that the distribution of duration transitions explained 20%, note transitions 13% and normalised interval difference (of first 12 and last 12 intervals) 6% of the variance in listeners' similarity ratings. In other words, the melodies that possessed similar rhythms and had similar note transitions and interval differences were judged to more similar by the listeners. In a previous study (Hofmann-Engl & Parncutt, 1998), normalised interval difference accounted for 76% of the similarity judgements but this was not the case here. One reason for this could be the difference in the number of tones of the melodies, which makes it difficult to use this measure properly. As the connection between statistical properties and perceived similarities of the melodies was only moderate, the salient dimensions of listeners' ratings was studied in more detail. 3.3 Salient dimensions of the melodies The dimensions of the scaling solution were correlated with the descriptive variables of the melodies. Dimension 1 in the two dimensional solution correlated with mean pitch, predictability, registral return, registral direction, and rhythmic 5 activity (r= .926, r= .804, r= .549, r= .594, r= .629, respectively, p< .05 and df= 13 in all cases). Dimension 2 correlated with rhythmic variability (r=.662, df=13, p<.01). Thus, there is no obvious explanation for dimension 1, but it could be interpreted as the predictability of melodies, which consists of regularity of big intervals and mean pitch height. Dimension 2, again, can be interpreted as rhythmic dimension. In the three dimensional solution, the results displayed the same pattern of correlations and the third dimension correlated with the consonance of successive pitches (r= .52, df= 13, p< .05). Factor analysis (PCA) was used to test these interpretations, i.e. whether it could reduce the number of components corresponding with the selected labels for the axes. The first component explained 30%, second 22% and third 15% of the variance and were labelled "quality of intervals", "rhythmical aspects", and "tonality". Although both regression and PCA analysis suggest that in broad terms, pitch and rhythm could be possible categorisation factors of these melodies corresponding with the findings by Monahan & Carterette (1985), these analyses clarified that the dimensions could not be easily interpreted because of the multidimensional nature of the melodies used in the experiment. 3.4 Classification of melodies using statistical features of the melodies The statistical frequencies of the individual melodies were subjected to a hierarchical cluster analysis. The results of this analysis were consistent with listeners' similarity judgements, distinguishing Yoiks and Greek folk songs as separate categories. Also, the grouping of melodies that represented different styles but were rated as highly similar (e.g., H2, I2, G2), was apparent in the cluster solution. Still, these results must be viewed with caution, as the statistical properties of melodies were not particularly effective predictors of listeners' similarity ratings. 3.5 Conclusions Only moderate success was achieved by explaining the perceived similarities of the melodies with the similarities of the statistical properties of the melodies. There might be several reasons for this. Firstly, the small number of statistical data available does not do justice to the statistical approach. In the previous studies, considerably larger samples were used (e.g. 100 melodies in Järvinen et al, 1999; 80 works in Atalay & Placek, 1997) and therefore the results of the previous studies might reflect more appropriately the musical style in general, whereas the responses here were more driven by the unique features of the melodies. In effect, these unique features probably caused listeners to adopt different strategies when making the similarity judgements, which is not accommodated by the measurement models. Secondly, the melodies were fairly long and did not contain equal amount of tones, causing difficulties for listeners and similarity models. Thirdly, the measurement models did not consider any weighting of the events although it is plausible that all events are not perceptually equal in a melody. 4 Discussion 6 Categorisation of melodies using similarity ratings was compared with categorisation by means of statistical features of the melodies. The results of the study suggest that these statistical measures are able to capture only few basic aspects of the structures which portray common salient dimensions to which listeners pay attention whilst categorising melodies. The overall problems in this approach lie in the a) multidimensional nature of the melodies and b) oversimplified representation of melodic information. In future studies, the multidimensionality could be reduced by better control of the parameters. Also, the effects of musical expertise should be taken into account as well as different experimental paradigms (e.g. free classification task) should be employed. However, the main implication of the current study is that classification method based on statistical properties of melodies offers only a moderate degree of success. One reasonable explanation for this is offered by Keil and his colleagues (1998, p. 107) when explaining why higherorder tabulations of similarity usually fail: "bottom-up statistical patterns do not always drive reasoning: we often use high-level schema to impose interpretations of statistical patterns". 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