Still Life

Still Life
Favourite objects
One colour still-life
Hanging objects
Contrasts- colour/
Different Meals
-Breakfast table
-Dinner table
-Junk food
Areas in the rooms
Accidental arrangements
Photographs as a group, select from photos.
Draw groups of objects and from photographs.
Field trips based, /seashore, river etc
Found objects.
Litter- throw away culture, objects- plastic cups etc.
Photocopy- drawings, realistic, cubism- cut up study
Studies Before/After
Reality- Distortion
Look at normal still life through a lens/mirror
Photograph- cut up/cubism
Favourite things- Music
Grouping by Colour Shapes
Machinery- Cogs/tools
Under the bed
Toy box
Open Drawer
Family Cloakroom
Manipulate in computer then paint
Drawing on different surfaces
Scale- ‘Honey I Shrunk The Kids’
Strange Viewpoints
Objects in environments that are out of context
Still Life through view finders
Wrapping in other papers, foils, etc…
Odd objects out
Hanging objects putting holes in them
Stacked objects
Paper- texture
Continuous Lines
Pupils bring in their own objects
Collect small objects & wrap in paper, foil, string.
Group of objects of some colour
Time capsule of objects
Draw their bedroom drawer
Spend £5 in charity shop & collect objects
Collect objects from home used washing up liquid, old toys, plumbing tubes etc.
Arrange onto flat board, glue, spray one colour and draw, looking at tone
Enlarged detail
Select a section of the still life with a viewfinder.
Build in 3d or relief.
Use and include some real objects.
Collect objects and cover in tinfoil.
Wrap objects in paper and draw.
Choose objects of similar colour.
Digital Colour/filter manipulation using Photoshop of image of still life.
Using viewfinder to focus on different areas of objects in Still life
Different Viewpoints, ground etc
Positive and negative space-line/Contrasting colour and tone
Solid and transparent objects- creating illusion of depth
Cross Curricular e.g. Religious objects, literature, historical, geographical
Take a group of objects and make 4 or 5 different arrangements. Quick sketches.
Chose “best” arrangement and discuss why?
Figure/ ground
Painting in background, not objects.
Reassemble a still life of an artist- Maybe with modern alternation
Collaging still life’s out of photos from a magazine.
Make a folder of artists still life’s cut for magazines.
Collect light sources- torch, lamp, and candle or spot lights.
Sweets- pick and mix, jelly strips in a jar.
Jar of sweet wrappers
Car parts
Springs and coils.
High heels shoes, wellies hanging up
Umbrellas hanging from ceiling
Crashed car parts, scrap yard
Piles of fabric turn into mountain.
Stones, small bones or fossils.
Model animals
Objects behind frosted glass
Objects of similar colours
Contrasting objects/ environments
Variety of textures
Creative photography- moving camera/lighting
Draw out of the window- using clay papier-mâché working from observation
Crumpled Newspaper
Coloured glass bottles
Mixed Beach pebbles
Mechanical parts of engines
Pasta shapes
Footwear- shoes
Fabric/ foils etc
Chairs/ pile up positive -negative shapes
Objects in handbags
Pencil cases
Sports wear
School subjects
My personal things- in jam jar
Mirror images
Occupations – carpenter
Hobbies- Cricket
Cultural- African
Crop- the still life abstract
Patterns- Shapes in still life
Toys- Different Ages
Sight sized drawings
Blindfolded drawing
Enlargements of….
View finder drawings
Work in the style of…..
Large still life- Outside cars/walls/buildings/areas
Putting photos/paintings/textures/ patterns inside still-life outlines
Make each abject in still life have texture of surface of the others (swap around)
Draw Still life then distort into abstract
A different hour from each day of the week
Around interesting corners
Something precious/broken
Something to catch their imagination/attention i.e broken eggs on a table
Objects from a specific place- The forest, the beach etc
Still life piece cut into sections either horizontally, vertically or squares and
reassembled and re-created in a different media
Re-create still life using wide range of found materials
Family- collage of family photos.
Negative Spaces
Scraffito/scraper board
Drawing primitives
In Style & “Artist” personality box
Unusual objects painted in white emulsion
Viewfinder- looking through a frame
Badges and emblems
Sports equipment
New technologies
Life’s a gamble- dice, card
Patterns on fabric
Fill the jars- soil, coffee, sand etc
Karl Blosfeldt- Seed heads
Monochrome objects
Fruit fly glasses
Photograph Still life and change elements using Photoshop
Incorporate images from artists work
Hats and headpieces
Upside down drawings
Mirrors/ spoons
Cubist painting
Drawing from memory
Not –looking memory
Time for a walk
Cross-sections- Fruit and veg