Newsletter 14 – 14th December 2007

Newsletter 14 – 14th December 2007
Christmas Day Masses
There are two churches in our Parish; please note carefully in which Church it is taking place.
Masses for Christmas Day beginning Christmas Eve (Monday, 24th December) at 6.30 pm. (First Mass of
Christmas) in St Joseph’s, Winshill and 12 midnight in Holy Rosary Church, Stapenhill (Carols from 11.30 pm).
Christmas Day (Tuesday, 25th December) 9.30 am in St Joseph’s Church, Winshill.
Grandparent’s Christmas Concert
We are very aware of the important role and great support given by our grandparents. In order to show our
appreciation, all grandparents (together with the retired members of the Parish) are invited to a Christmas
coffee morning on Tuesday, 18th December at 10.00 am.
There will be Christmas music led by the school choir and instrumentalists. Refreshments will include
Christmas Events
Dates for the Christmas performances/events are as follows:
Tuesday, 18th December 2.30pm - Pre-school
Tuesday, 18th December 7.00 pm - Years 5/6 Carol Concert at Church
Wednesday, 19th December 9.30 am - Reception
Wednesday, 19th December—Children’s Christmas lunch
Friday, 21st December—End of Term Lunch
Year 6 & Reception Mass - 17th January
School Panto—8th January at 9.30 am
Year 2 Parent Helpers
We are currently looking for parents/grandparents who are prepared to give up a little bit of their spare time
to come in and hear some of our Year 2 children read. Please contact the office for further information.
Thank you.
Parking Complaints
FEO7 YBP and Y866 EOB have been seen parking on the double yellow lines outside the school this week. You
know who you are, please park considerately.
Year 4 Swimming
Year 4 swimming resumes on Tuesday, 8th January, but half of the children will stay behind for hockey
coaching further details will follow in a separate letter.
Egg Club
If anyone needs to cancel or order more eggs over Christmas, please alter the clipboard outside the office.
Also, please, please, please could everyone return the egg boxes to our friendly frog outside Year 1. Thank
Family Carol Service
St Mark’s Church will be holding a family carol service at 7.00 pm on 19th December. This will be a joint
service for the Anglican, Methodist and Catholic congregation, so please feel free to join us.
Holy Rosary 200 Plus Club
Congratulations to December’s winners:
1st Prize—£100 (7) - Mrs R Fitzpatrick
2nd Prize—£50.00 (83) - E Molloy-Brown
3rd Prize—£20.00 (219) - Mrs S Considine
4th Prize—A tin of biscuits (71) Fr Michael Gilligan
Thank you to all who have supported the Draw.
New members are invited to register for the January Draw. Please hand in £10.00 and your name, address and
telephone number to the school office or contact Mary Nissen (544849)
Celebration of Advent
In our Parish as part of our preparation for Christmas, that is preparing a way for The Lord, we might do well
to consider more time for prayer, scripture reading/reflection, or an additional weekday Mass, Exposition of
the Blessed Sacrament and even confession; as usual, we will have an additional early morning weekday Mass in
Advent. It will be at 7.15 am on Wednesday 19th December in St Joseph’s Church (Advent begins
Sunday, 2nd December).
School Crossing Patrol—Hawfield Lane
We have been advised by Staffordshire County Council that the School Crossing Patrol person who operates on
the above road is off ill and unfortunately, they do not have anyone to cover this area. They have asked us to
ask parents and children to use extra caution if crossing this road during the morning or evening.
Breakfast Club Questionnaire
Many thanks to all of the people who returned the Breakfast Club questionnaire. The governors subcommittee has had their second meeting and produced a report which will go to the full governors in midJanuary before being made available to all parents.
Childrens’ Christmas Dinner
Cook will be hosting her annual Christmas dinner for the children on Wednesday, 19th December. If you would
like your child to have lunch, the cost will be £1.75.