Edmonton Bicycle and Touring Club 1999 Annual General Meeting (AGM) Minutes DRAFT Edmonton International Hostel, 10647 - 81 Avenue Saturday, November 6, 1999 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Joanna Miazga at 7:40 p.m. MOTION: Alberto Rodriguez moved to add an item to the agenda. He would like to discuss the 2001 World Track and Field Games. Neil Morrison seconded the motion. The motion was carried and this item was added as agenda item 5.2. MOTION: Joanna Miazga moved that the agenda be accepted as amended. Rick Tuffs seconded the motion. The motion was carried. 2. Approval of 1998 Annual General Meeting Minutes The minutes were read aloud. MOTION: Alberto Rodriguez moved that the minutes be approved. Ellen Ainsley seconded the motion. The motion was carried. 3. Reports 3.1 President�s Report Richard Williams provided a copy of his report to the secretary and read it aloud. The topics included: Tour de L�Alberta - Held in July, this ride was attended by over 200 cyclists, in spite of early morning showers. This event will be held again in 2000. Runbikeski -32 individuals completed the runbikeski challenge in 1999 and were honoured on November 24 with a ceremony at Molson House. These individuals were the first to complete the challenge which consists of completing the 55 kilometre Birkebeiner cross-country ski race, the Edmonton marathon and the Tour de L�Alberta 100 mile bicycle ride in a 12-month period. More participants are expected to complete all three events next year. Jersey - EBTC official jerseys were produced in 1999 and may be considered for 2000 if enough interest warrants it. Non-members and the EBTC - Policies were solidified this year allowing nonmembers to participate in some club activities. These policies will expose this club without discounting the benefits of membership. Speakers Calendars - Richard advised tentative plans for speakers for the next six months. MOTION: Richard Williams moved that the President�s report be accepted. Janice Dmyterko seconded the motion. The motion was carried. 3.2 Vice-President�s (Touring) Report Richard Williams advised that Bob Davidson stepped down from this position and that Neil Morrison agreed to act in the position and be nominated for election at this meeting. Richard reported on the trips and events the club had put on this year on behalf of the Vice-President (Touring). MOTION: Neil Morrison moved that the Vice-President�s (Touring) report be accepted. Martin Kupilik seconded the motion. The motion was carried. 3.3 Membership Coordinator�s Report Al Carlson reported that we now have 317 members. There were 182 renewals of the 323 total members for 1998/1999, (56% renewal rate) and 135 new members. There are 142 single memberships and 175 household memberships. There was some discussion of why 44% of past year members did not renew. It was suggested that this issue be pursued in the new year. There was also discussion about making the membership list available on the internet on the EBTC web-site. It was suggested that members might give their permission for this on the membership form. Al recommended that members who indicate an interest in coordinating a trip be invited to a trip-planning meeting. He suggested that there be more than one such meeting each year. MOTION: Rick Tuffs moved that the membership list that is made available in Spokes, be available to members on request electronically. To enable implementation of this request, the executive should consider the wording of the membership application form. Janice Dmyterko seconded the motion. The motion was carried. MOTION: Al Carlson moved that the Membership Coordinator�s report be accepted. Bob Clonfero seconded the motion. The motion was carried. 3.4 Education & Safety Coordinator�s Report John Sisson reported that there was a traffic skills training session at one Show & Go this year. John thinks this activity should be continued. John reported on current cycling issues that he is aware of due to his involvement with the Alberta Bicycle Association (ABA): Mandatory helmet legislation is being considered Can-Bike training Problems with commuting and traffic to be addressed in 2000 John recommended that a policy should be implemented next year to instruct Show & Go and other trip coordinators in bike safety; to develop a �culture of instruction� in safety for individuals taking the responsibility for leading tours both in and out of the city. John volunteered to organize this activity and provide written instructions. MOTION: John Sisson moved that the Education & Safety Coordinator�s report be accepted. Sherrie Banks seconded the motion. The motion was carried. 3.5 Treasurer�s Report Maureen Lanuke provided the secretary with a copy of the Treasurer�s Report. 3.5a) Approval of Audited Financial Statements for 1998 Comments by the auditors of the 1998 financial statements included: Trip expenses should be submitted on a more timely basis. All trip expenses should be supported by receipts. MOTION: Maureen Lanuke moved that the 1998 fmancial statements and auditors� recommendations be approved. Neil Morrison seconded the motion. The motion was carried. 3.5b) Appointment of 1999 Auditors Joanna Miazga and Alberto Rodriguez volunteered to audit the 1999 fmancial statements. MOTION: Maureen Lanuke moved that Joanna Miazga and Alberto Rodriguez be approved as the auditors for the 1999 financial statements. Janice Dmyterko seconded the motion. The motion was carried. 3.5c) 1999 Statements to October, 1999 Maureen discussed some of the amounts on the 1999 financial statements to October 31, 1999 and reasons for variances from the budget. The club had a better year financially in 1999 than in 1998. MOTION: Bill Bell moved to change the club�s operational year-end from October 31 to December 31 to coincide with the fiscal year-end. Linda D�Ilio seconded the motion. The motion was carried. This means that the club will have a 14-month operational year and that the annual general meeting may be moved to January or later. MOTION: Bob Steen moved that the executive be instructed to review the club�s registration under the Societies Act and the bylaws to ensure internal compliance, and where problems are identified, move to resolve them by December 31, 1999. Bill Bell seconded the motion. The motion was carried. MOTION: Bob Steen moved that all the club�s bylaws be reviewed. Alberto Rodriguez seconded the motion. The motion was carried. There was some discussion on the possibility of simplifying the trip report and how this might be accomplished. A committee of volunteers may be required to work on this. MOTION: Ellen Ainsley moved that the trip report be revised and made simpler. Don Kennedy seconded the motion. The motion was carried. 3.5d) Budget and Fee Structure for 2000 Maureen advised that the fees will remain the same and that no major expenditures were planned. MOTION: Maureen moved that the 2000 budget and fee structure for EBTC be approved as presented. Martin Kupilik seconded the motion. The motion was carried. 4. Old Business 4.1 Bank Affiliation Review At last year�s AGM, there was a motion that the Treasurer research the benefits of different financial institutions and report back to the next AGM. Maureen researched two credit unions and the Bank of Montreal, where the club currently does its banking. The Bank of Montreal has a national policy on non-profit organizations. At the credit unions, each branch manager negotiates the fee structure for non-profit organizations and these terms are subject to review annually. Maureen recommended that we continue to deal with the Bank of Montreal. 4.2 RunBikeSki This event was discussed in the President�s report above. The $1,610 profit from the club�s participation, i.e. the Tour de l�Alberta, will be earmarked for promoting the 2000 Tour. MOTION: Bill Bell moved that any monies that flow to the RunBikeSki event from EBTC be restricted to the profit from the Tour de l�Alberta and be approved by the executive. Jan Herlich seconded the motion. The motion was carried. 5. New Business 5.1 Election of the 1999/2000 Executive President - Richard Williams Past President - John Sisson Vice-President/Touring Coordinator - Neil Morrison was nominated by Maureen Lanuke and acclaimed. Treasurer - Maureen Lanuke Secretary - Debbi Kowaliuk Publicity Coordinator - Linda D�llio volunteered and was acclaimed. Social Coordinator - Nadine Leenders volunteered and was acclaimed. Newsletter Editor - Don Kennedy was nominated by Maureen Lanuke and acclaimed. Education & Safety Coordinator - John Sisson Supplies & Equipment Coordinator - Ernie Mah Membership Coordinator - Al Carlson Volunteer Coordinator - vacant MOTION: Rick Tuffs moved that the executive find a candidate to fill the position of Volunteer Coordinator. Jan Herlich seconded the motion. The motion was carried. 5.2 2001 Games There was a discussion about whether the club could promote itself during the Games and how this could be done. Angela Ziemann suggested that the club might provide volunteers for the Games. MOTION: Alberto Rodriguez moved that the executive examine the possibilities of EBTC being involved with the 2001 Games by sponsoring a ride or event to raise the profile of the club. Maureen Lanuke seconded the motion. The motion was carried. Adjournment MOTION: Maureen Lanuke moved at 9:32 to adjourn the meeting. Janice Dmyterko seconded the motion. The motion was carried and the meeting was adjourned.