File - BPS Early Childhood

CYCLE 3, OWL Week #4, BB Week #14
Days 16-20 Materials
Sand & water
Book Area
Art Table
Transferring Waiter with Plastic Hoses: 4 pieces of plastic
tubing (2”-3.5” long), 4-6 small cups, 2 flat-bottomed plastic
containers about 5” -6” deep, 2 large buckets, duct tape, 2 small
bowls, newspaper, warm water tinted lightly with food coloring,
Add Rabbits & Raindrops, Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain, The
Very Noisy Night, See How they Grow: Kitten, and It looked
Like Spilled Milk
Spray Painting Background & Border Paper for Bulletin
Board: white construction paper (larger size sheets), small
push-down type spray bottles, paint, 4-6 cardboard pieces,
string, 18-20 clothespins, newspapers, cut-out geometric
shapes, smocks
Puzzles &
Dramatic Play
Writing Center
Spray Painting Clouds: white construction paper, small pushdown spray bottles, blue paint, 4-6 cardboard pieces, string, 1820 clothespins, masking tape, Styrofoam trays, newspapers,
irregular shapes that resemble common objects and animals,
markers, smocks
Paper Snow People: white construction paper circles in 1”6”diameters, hats & scarves cut from construction paper (to fit
snow people), thin black strips of construction paper for
“branch” arms, large construction paper in color that contrasts
with snow people, glue, thin markers, yogurt containers,
brushes for spreading glue, smocks
Beginning Sounds and Animal Puzzles: Add materials used
in Small Groups from Days 11-15
Continue from Days 11-15
Story-related Cards: Continue from Days 11-15
BB Hands-On Math
Dictations of Captions for Spray Painting Clouds: Paintings
from Spray Painting Clouds activity, markers
Shape Flip Book
Art Easel
Shape Pictures: Shape Sets, Pattern Blocks
Feely Box (Match and Name): Shape Sets
Shape Step: Large shapes to step on
Clay Experiment
Cardboard trays of children’s dried clay pieces, airtight
containers of clay children have reconstituted, glue sticks, large
paper plates, magnifying glasses, manila drawing paper, white
paper, markers (including gray), pencils, children’s name cards,
CYCLE 3, OWL Week #4, BB Week #14
Book Browsing
Exploring Insulating
Sound & Letter
Number & Numeral
Building Blocks
Story readings
Add The Snowy Day and A Hat for Minerva Louise, Picture
Cards # 38-60
3 cafeteria trays, hot water bottle (or other hot object), ice
cubes, 5-6 small zipper plastic bags, thermometer, insulating
materials (paper, felt, terry cloth, corrugated cardboard,
Styrofoam, oven mitts, insulated mittens, foil)
Clothespins, markers, numeral clothespins and number poster
board from Number & Numeral Matching from Days 6-10,
picture cards from Beginning Sound Picture Sorting from
Days 11-15
Continue from Days 6-10
Feely Box (Match and Name): Shape Sets
A Hat for Minerva Louise, The Snowy Day
See Clipboard Directions
Thermoses & Coolers: Insulation Keeps Things Hot or
Cold: The Snowy Day, Thermos, ice chest or small cooler
Dreams: The Snowy Day
Winter Equipment: A Hat for Minerva Louise, The Snowy Day,
informational books about winter equipment: skis, sleds,
snowshoes, sleighs, shovels, snowplows