CHAPTER 5 - Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Review on the previous studies regarding the effect of magnetic field on the
suspended solids particles; it can be concluded that the systems comprising starches
carbohydrate. In this work, magnetic field has a considerable impact on the starches
carbohydrate concentrations. Within different magnetic fields strength there are
significant effects on the starches concentrations.
In contrast, flow rates showed an inverse impact on the separation
performance that the expected for magnetic strength. Slower flow rates had a better
reduction efficiency as a time exposed for starches solution longer than that at faster
flow rates. On the other hand, at constant operating conditions of magnetic field
strength and flow rate, the treatment system with lower concentration of starches
carbohydrate showed better reduction efficiency and consequently a better separation
than that with high concentration. It is worthy to mention here that the common
theme runs throughout the work that this works unlike the previous studies on the
magnetic effects, by varying one variable while other variables hold constants and
fortunately the objectives of this work are achieved.
Due to the limited amount of time allocated for this study, this study was only
focused in on starches carbohydrate. Future study and development could cove
various type of carbohydrate to make the system more complete. Some
recommendations were made as follows:
(i) It recommended to apply another magnetic fields strength and combined
these strength to investigate the effects of different magnetic intense on
the starches carbohydrate concentrations.
(ii) It is encouraged to try another type of carbohydrate in order to study the
effect of the magnetic fields strength on various types of carbohydrate.
(iii)It is better to try different starches carbohydrate concentrations more than
the concentrations have been involved in this work to investigate the
influence of magnetic fields strength on the starches particles.
(iv) It is highly recommended to involve close flow system instead of single
flow to make the system more advances in treatment system and also to
study the effects of that system on the starches particle settling.
(v) It is prefer to investigate the effects of magnetic field intensity on the
BOD, COD and SS concentrations of each parameter.
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