Soft Tissue Injuries

Chapter 26
Soft Tissue Injuries
State the major functions of the skin.
List the layers of the skin.
Establish the relationship between BSI and soft-tissue injuries.
State the types of open soft-tissue injuries.
Describe care of a patient with an open soft-tissue injury.
• Discuss care considerations for a patient with a penetrating chest
• Discuss care considerations for a patient with an open abdomen
• Differentiate the care of an open wound to the chest from an
open wound to the abdomen.
List the classification of burns.
Define superficial burns.
List the characteristics of a superficial burn.
Define a partial-thickness burn.
List the characteristics of a partial-thickness burn.
Define a full-thickness burn.
List the characteristics of a full-thickness burn.
Describe the emergency medical care for all types of burns.
List the functions of dressing and bandaging.
Describe the purpose of a bandage.
• Describe the steps in applying a pressure bandage.
• Establish the relationship between airway management and the
patient with chest injury, burns, and blunt and penetrating
• Describe the effects of improperly applied dressings, splints, and
Describe the emergency care of a patient with an impaled object.
Describe the care of a patient with an amputation.
Describe the care for a chemical burn.
Describe the care for an electrical burn.
Anatomy of the Skin
Soft-Tissue Injuries
• Closed injuries
– Soft-tissue damage beneath the skin
• Open injuries
– Break in the surface of the skin
• Burns
– Soft tissue receives more energy than it can absorb
Closed Injuries
• Contusion
– Results from blunt force striking the body
• Hematoma
– Pool of blood that collects within damaged tissues or in a body cavity
• Crushing injury
– Occurs when a great amount of force is applied to the body for a long
period of time
Emergency Medical Care
Ice slows bleeding.
Compression over an injury slows bleeding.
Elevation above the level of the heart reduces swelling.
Splinting decreases bleeding and reduces pain.
Open Wounds
• Abrasions
– Caused by friction
• Laceration
– Smooth or jagged cut
• Avulsion
– Separation of various layers of the skin
• Penetrating wound
– Results from a sharp pointed object
Emergency Medical Care
Use proper BSI.
Apply direct pressure and elevation.
Secure dressing with pressure bandage.
Apply additional bandages if needed.
Splint the area to minimize movement.
Chest Wounds
• A penetrating wound to the chest may cause air to enter the
• This will result in air in the pleural space, known as a sucking
chest wound.
• Care includes providing oxygen and sealing the wound with an
occlusive dressing.
Abdominal Wounds
• An open wound in the abdomen may expose organs.
• An organ protruding through the abdomen is called an
• Do not touch protruding organs.
• Cover organs with a moist sterile dressing.
• Bandage wound with an occlusive dressing.
Penetrating Wounds
• Do not attempt to remove any embedded object.
• Control bleeding and immobilize object.
• Apply oxygen.
• Transport patient to the hospital carefully.
• Immobilize a partial amputation with bulky dressings and a
• Wrap a complete amputation in a dry sterile dressing and place
in a plastic bag.
• Put the bag in a cool container filled with ice.
• Transport severed part with patient.
Neck Injuries
An open neck injury can be life-threatening.
Air can get into the veins and cause an air embolism.
Cover the wound with an occlusive dressing.
Apply manual pressure.
Secure a pressure dressing loosely over the neck and firmly
around the opposite axilla.
• Burns account for over 10,000 deaths/year.
• Burns are the most serious and painful injuries.
• Proper care may increase survival and decrease long-term
• Remember to perform a complete assessment on burn patients
for other injuries.
Determining Burn Severity
What is the depth of the burn?
What is the extent of the burn?
Are any critical areas involved?
Are there any pre-existing medical conditions or other injuries?
Is the patient younger than 5 years or older than 55 years?
Depth of Burns
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• Superficial (first degree) burns
– Involve only top skin layer
Depth of Burns
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• Partial-thickness (second-degree) burns
– Involve the epidermis and dermis
Depth of Burns
• Full-thickness (third degree) burn
– Extends through all layers of the skin
Extent of Burns
Emergency Care for Burns
Follow proper BSI techniques.
Move the patient away from the burning area.
Immerse the affected area in cool sterile water.
Give oxygen if the patient has a critical burn.
Emergency Care for Burns
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Prevent body heat loss.
Estimate the burn’s severity.
Check for traumatic injuries.
Treat the patient for shock.
Provide prompt transport.
Chemical Burns
Occurs whenever a toxic substance contacts the body
Strong acids or alkalis cause most chemical burns.
Eyes are particularly vulnerable.
Removing the chemical from the patient is a priority.
Care for Chemical Burns
Remove the chemical from the patient.
If it is a powder chemical, brush off first.
Remove all contaminated clothing.
Flush burned area with large amounts of water for about 20
• Transport to the hospital quickly.
Electrical Burns
• May result from high or low voltage energy
• Body is a great conductor of electricity.
• Make sure the power is off before touching patient.
• There will be two wounds (an entrance and an exit wound) to
• Transport the patient and be prepared to administer CPR.
Gas Inhalation
• Poisonous gases can be as dangerous as smoke.
• Carbon monoxide and cyanide are common gases produced from
• If you suspect a person has inhaled either gas, move them to a
ventilated area.
• Administer high concentration oxygen.