Summary of Standards - Samaritan Institute

Summary of Ethics Standards and Guidelines
Use the following as standards or guidelines for conducting interviews and your ethical analysis.
10 Universal Ethical Principles
Functional Area Ethics, Standards, and Codes of Conduct
Accounting, marketing, financial, information technology, and other areas.
Example: AICPA, SEC, FASB etc.
Corporate Culture
Ideas, customs, traditions, practices, company values, and shared meanings
Ethical Climate – part of culture that sets the ethical tone, unspoken
understanding of what is and is not acceptable behavior
Ethical Safeguards
Ethics codes, committees, officers, ombudspersons, hotlines, training programs, audits.
United States Laws: U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
International Standards: Global Sullivan Principles (page 119 in text)
Methods of Ethical Reasoning: Utilitarianism, Rights, Justice, Golden Rule
Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Reasoning Development
Leadership Qualities
Ethical, charismatic leader – exhibits strong moral character and is capable of
influencing others. Personal spirituality
Ethics Awards Criteria
Example: A Business Ethics Magazine Awards criteria includes: be a leader in the
field, showing the way ethically, and have faced an ethically challenging situation
and overcame it with integrity.
Reasons Why Ethics Problems Occur:
Personal Gain and Selfish Interest
Competitive Pressure on Profits
Personal Values vs. Company Goals
Cross-Cultural Contradictions
Reasons to be Ethical:
Stakeholder/Public Expectations
Prevent Harm
It Pays; Greater Loyalty and Higher Productivity
Protect Businesses from Unethical Employees/Competitors
Protect Employees from Unethical Employers
The Samaritan Institute