ADDENDUM NO. 1 TO PROJECT MANUAL FOR Phase 1 CSO Project PROJECT NO. US 06-01 NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS Bid Opening April 26, 2012 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the instructions and requirements of the subject bid are amended as follows: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 1) The following information has been placed on Builder’s Exchange Washington as Supplemental Information: a. Pre-Bid Conference & Site Walk Sign-In b. Supplemental Upland Data Collection Work Plan, July 20, 2010 c. Pre-Bid Meeting - Project Milestone & Constraints Diagram RESPONSE TO QUESTIONS RECEIVED AS OF MARCH 28, 2012 1) The original route on the trail has to be open on May 15, 2013, when can you close portions of the trail around the mill site and use your 90 day detour? The marathon would be first or second weekend of June – can you detour trial users again after the marathon? The original Waterfront Trail (Olympic Discovery Trail) from the point that it enters the eastern side of the Rayonier property to its western end at approximately STA 210+00, including the portion that loops south toward the City’s WWTP and then back to the northwest (See Drawings 000-G-018 through 000-G-021) must be reopened for full and unrestricted use no later than May 15, 2013 in accordance with Milestone #5. Portions of the Trail not subject to Milestone #4 (portions not subject to Milestone #4 are those areas which are generally east of Pit G) may be closed again beginning June 4, 2013. 2) Also you said in areas of the trail asphalt gets replaced through the Rayonier site – It looks like the City’s intent is to have the trail cross the site on the new bridge after the contract, so does the old trail route need to be paved also and if so before the 2013 marathon? Those portions of the existing trail route that are damaged by construction need to be restored in kind prior to May 15, 2013. (The intent is for the trail to be realigned to cross the new bridge that will be built under this contract, however the City has assumed that the new bridge and PHASE 1 CSO, PROJECT 06-01 ADDENDUM NO.1 1 trail alignment may not be completed in time for the Marathon course to be recertified in accordance with USATF standards prior to the June 2013 Marathon, therefore the race director is planning on using the original course for 2013). 3) Does any asphalt on the former Rayonier property (City Owned) outside of the trail get repaved and does the pavement on Rayonier’s property get replaced? The Plans and Specifications identify the surfaces which require rehabilitation. In general, surfaces are to be restored in kind. See Contract Documents, especially the 300 series and 400 series Civil Drawings and the Typical Trench Sections on 000-C-003 and 000-C-009 through 000-C-013. 4) The excavation on Oak Street and other City streets – it is the City’s typical detail to use CDF, but on First Street with RNW they were allowed to use rock not CDF – is CDF going to be mandatory on this project or can rock be used? The specifications and drawings call out and define the materials to be used as backfill on the project. After award, the Contractor may make a substitution request as provided for in Section 00710-4.9 or a Value Engineering and Cost Sharing request as provided for in Section 00710-6.4. 5) My questions is regarding if all aluminum stair and landing system within the steel framework of the stair tower would be something you might consider? The Bid is to be based on the Project as presented in the Contract Documents. After award, the Contractor may make a substitution request as provided for in Section 00710-4.9 or a Value Engineering and Cost Sharing request as provided for in Section 00710-6.4. 6) You have Gravel Borrow in your specs for embankment. As you should know gravel borrow is hard to get around here in large quantities. How about Select Borrow? The Bid is to be based on the Project as presented in the Contract Documents. After award, the Contractor may make a substitution request as provided for in Section 00710-4.9 or a Value Engineering and Cost Sharing request as provided for in Section 00710-6.4. 7) Are there required DBE goals? As specified in Section 00421, the Contractor agrees to make six good faith efforts whenever procuring subcontractors, equipment, services and supplies. In addition, all bidders shall submit information for all firms that bid or quote on subcontracts (including both DBE and non-DBE firms) with their bid proposal as stated in Specification 00421 State Revolving Fund Specifications Insert and Specification 00430 Subcontractor List. 8) If the Archeologist delays construction, what will the contractor be able to do? PHASE 1 CSO, PROJECT 06-01 ADDENDUM NO.1 2 The results of impacts to the contractor from archaeological delays are described in Section 01020-4.0. 9) What is the Archeologist method for monitoring and will be contractor be responsible for the monitors safety? All methods for monitoring and working conditions are highlighted in the Archeological Work Plan located in the Specification. The contractor is responsible for providing a safe work place and access for archeological monitors. The Archeologist and monitors will be required to follow the safety procedures and protocols established by the Contractor. 10) Will the Archeological screening methods reduce the Contractors ability to excavate material at a typical construction rate? No, screening of sediments will be of the discretion of the Principal Archeologist, and will not typically be required. As stated in the Archeological Work Plan located in the Specifications, “Archeological monitoring will require close communication with the construction contractor. The monitor may enter the exaction area and examine the sidewalls and surfaces more closely if any signs of cultural resources are observed. In limited cases the archaeologist may request that equipment operators modify their procedures to expose subsurface stratigraphy in thin lifts in an effort to identify additional archaeological evidence. Archaeological monitors will always place safety first during monitoring activities. 11) Will all trenching material from the Rayonier Site go to Rayonier? Yes. All excavated material from the Former Rayonier Site (including the City Owned Parcel obtained by Rayonier) will be received by Rayonier. 12) Who will be classifying the soil on the Rayonier Property? Rayonier will have representatives classifying the material on the jobsite. 13) Are there any Tribal requirements for this job? This project does not have any Tribal Employment Rights Ordinance (TERO) requirements. 14) Are there any apprenticeship or training required on this project? As specified in Section 00421, the Contractor shall comply with Executive Order 11246, “Equal Employment Opportunity,” as amended by Executive Order 11375, “Amending Executive Order 11246 Relating to Equal Employment Opportunity, “and as supplemented by regulations at 41 CFR part 60. For additional information see Section 00421. PHASE 1 CSO, PROJECT 06-01 ADDENDUM NO.1 3 15) Is the funding in place? Yes, the City has funding for this project in place. 16) Does the material from the bridge demolition remain Rayonier’s responsibility or does the contractor have to dispose of the bridge? Material from the bridge demolition is classified as Debris per Section 02210 and will be handled in accordance with 02210, 303. Construction debris from the former Rayonier Mill Site will remain Rayonier’s responsibility. 17) During the walk through you stated the existing scales at Rayonier (St 37+50 to 39+30) could be removed- on sheet 400-C-002 note #4 states to preserve and protect the scales- which is it? The contractor shall preserve and protect the scales, as stated on sheet 400-C002. 18) On the SEW wall and the Pre-loading: Sheet 000-C-014 shows building the wall to St 43+27 and St 44+27 (center of the abutment of the bridge). Sheet 400-B-002 shows building the wall to the front of the abutments and removing the preload after requirements are meet. Sheet 400-B-025 & 400-B-026 ending the SEW at St 43+20 and St 44+34. 1) At which Station does the SEW wall stop and where are you expecting the SEW to be built to? Are you expecting to build a temporary SEW wall then remove it after the preload? See Sheets 400-B-025 and 400-B-026 for the 2 phase construction planned for the SEW’s. The first phase of the SEW is planned to be built to the Staging Joint locations shown. The completion of the SEW’s is to occur after the preload is removed and when the abutments are constructed. Part of the fill and preload will need to be removed in order to construct the abutments and complete the second stage of the SEW construction. 2) Does the preload have to built to the center of the abutment or the front of the abutments? See Sheet 000-C-014 for preload extent. The extent shown is to the center of abutment bearing so that it doesn’t get too close to the creek bank. Since the abutments are pile-supported, settlement is not a concern. The location of the wall Staging Joints are shown on sheets 400-B-025 for the SW wall and 400-B-026 for the SE wall. Though the joint locations are shown correctly on the wall elevations, the plan stations shown for the Staging Joints are not correct, and for the SE wall, the plan location is also not correct. See Addendum No. 1, PLAN section, Items 6 and 7. PHASE 1 CSO, PROJECT 06-01 ADDENDUM NO.1 4 19) In what area will workers be required to have OSHA HAZWOPER training? Remedial investigations have determined that surface soils throughout the Rayonier site are potentially contaminated. Surface soils at Rayonier site are currently exposed in some areas, and in most areas are covered by vegetation, asphalt pavement, concrete pads, and gravel. Site work, including erosion control provision installation, clearing and grubbing, demolition, excavation, pipe installation, backfill, and many other activities will result in worker exposure to contaminated soils. Additional information on the nature and extent of contamination on the site can be found in: Interim Action Report Volume I: Upland Data Summary Report for the Study Area, Port Angeles Rayonier Mill Site Port Angeles, Washington prepared by GeoEngineers, Inc. November 15, 2011. (Provide on the Builder’s Exchange of Washington website under Supplemental Information.) In areas of the Rayonier site controlled by the Contractor where contaminated soils are exposed (including surface soil), and operations could result in worker exposure to the soil, the training requirements and other requirements of the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response regulations (29 CFR 1910.120), and the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act regulations (Hazardous Waste Operations Chapter 296-843 WAC) would apply. It would be reasonably expected that workers involved in any way with construction work on the Rayonier site would potentially be exposed to contaminated soils unless the employer can demonstrate that the operation does not involve employee exposure, or reasonable likelihood of exposure to safety and/or health hazards. Additional information on the applicability of the regulations can be found at the following web sites: OSHA Standard Interpretation Letter regarding the applicability of 29 CFR 1910.120 ERPRETATIONS&p_id=20458 OSHA Frequently Asked Questions: Hazwoper 20) What are the HASP and HAZWOPER training requirements for this project? The HASP and HAZWOPER training requirements will be required for construction work on the Rayonier site as described in the response to Question 19. The specific requirements are described in of the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) Hazardous Waste Operations and PHASE 1 CSO, PROJECT 06-01 ADDENDUM NO.1 5 Emergency Response regulations (29 CFR 1910.120), and the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act regulations (Hazardous Waste Operations Chapter 296-843 WAC). These include preparation of a site specific safety plan and HAZWOPER training for workers. 21) Will we consider alternate methods of installing the pipelines? No. Sliplining must be accomplished by a contractor or subcontractor that meets the requirements of SECTION 00440 – SUPPLEMENTAL CRITERIA using the methods specified in SECTION 02630 – SLIPLINING WITH HDPE PIPE. 22) Under Section 2200-4 Section 1.04 Submittals Paragraph C Item #4 lists chemical analysis tests which are required to be run on any imported material used on the project. If more than one type of material comes from the same pit- can the chemical analysis be run on the pit or does it have to be each material? Is the requirement for all locations- City owned and Rayonier? The chemical analysis listed in Section 2200 should be performed for each type of imported material to be incorporated into the portions of the project on the former Rayonier Mill Site. All imported materials placed on the former Rayonier Mill Site shall be tested for C.1- C.4 from Section 02200-1.04. All imported materials placed on other areas of the project shall be tested for C.1- C.3. SPECIFICATIONS 1) DELETE the Table of Contents at the front of Volumes 1,2 and 3 and REPLACE with Table of Contents ATTACHED to this addendum. 2) SECTION 00100.9 BID FORM AND BID SCHEDULE, paragraph A has been DELETED and REPLACED as follows: A. The Bid Form and Bid Schedule are included in the Contract Documents. The Bid Form and Bid Schedule must be completed in ink. Bids that contain omissions, erasures or irregularities of any kind may be rejected. Any qualification, addition, limitation or provision attached to or contained in a bid may render the bid non-responsive and not eligible for award. No oral, facsimile, electronic, telegraphic or telephonic bids or modifications will be considered. 3) SECTION 00100.22 EVALUATION OF BIDDER RESPONSIBILITY, paragraph E.5 has been DELETED and REPLACED as follows: PHASE 1 CSO, PROJECT 06-01 ADDENDUM NO.1 6 (5) Bond Forfeiture, Litigation and Claims. Identify for the past five (5) years any construction contracts in which the Bidder has been involved in bond forfeiture by the Bidder or litigation or a major claim. Include a brief, concise and accurate explanation of the reasons or basis for such forfeiture, litigation, or major claim. For purpose of this item, “major claim” shall mean any dispute or claim which lead to or result in (a) the issuance of unilateral change orders; (b) entering into some form of Alternative Dispute Resolution, such as mediation, Dispute Review Board, or arbitration; or (c) filing a complaint; (d) threatened litigation; or (e) litigation. 4) SECTION 00421 STATE REVOLVING FUND SPECIFICATION INSERT has been CHANGED as follows: DELETE all references to EPA Form 6100-2, EPA Form 6100-3 and EPA Form 6100-4 from Project Manual and REPLACE with the following language: Form 6100-2, Form 6100-3 and 6100-4. DELETE paragraph 3 on page 00421-5 that reads are follows: “These forms may be obtained at: cs/GrantLoanMgmtEngRes.html” DELETE EPA Forms 6100-2, 6100-3 and 6100-4 from Attachment 3 in SECTON 00421 and REPLACE with Form 6100-2, Form 6100-3 and Form 6100-4, all attached to this addendum. 5) SECTION 00440 SUPPLEMENTAL CRITERIA has been DELETE and REPLACED with 00440 SUPPLEMENTAL CRITERIA attached to this addendum. 6) SECTION 00710.3.8 SUBCONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS, paragraph A1, has been DELETED and REPLACED as follows: 1. Notwithstanding Section 3.8.B.3, Selection of Subcontractors and Suppliers, the Contractor’s subcontracting shall not create a contract between City and the Subcontractor and Suppliers. Subcontractors and Suppliers are not intended as incidental third party beneficiaries to the Contract. The Subcontractor and Suppliers shall have no rights against City by reason of its subcontract with the Contractor. 7) SECTION 00710.3.20.E CONTRACTOR’S OVERALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROTECTION OF WORK, PROPERTY, AND PERSONS has been DELETED and REPLACED as follows: PHASE 1 CSO, PROJECT 06-01 ADDENDUM NO.1 7 E. The Contractor shall repair or replace without cost to City any damage or loss that may occur, except damages or loss caused by the sole acts or omissions of City. 8) SECTION 0710-4.3 SCHEDULE OF VALUES shall INCLUDE the following: F. Each activity must be broken down to show the total cost associated with Material(s), labor and equipment for each activity in the schedule of values. This shall be attached to each Pay Request submitted for payment. 9) SECTION 00710.4.6 REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION, paragraph C has been DELETED and REPLACED as follows: C. City will review RFIs to determine whether they meet the requirements identified above in paragraph 00710-4.6, Requests for Information, subparagraph B to qualify as an RFI. If City determines that the document is not an RFI it will be returned to the Contractor unreviewed as to content. When appropriate the Contractor may resubmit the RFI on the proper form, with all required information and in the proper manner. 10) SECTION 00710.5.1. CONTRACTOR’S REQUEST FOR A CHANGE ORDER, paragraph A.1 has been DELETED and REPLACED as follows: 1. The Contractor shall provide the Construction Manager with the written Notice that the Contractor intends to submit a Request For Change Order no later than seven (7) days after any direction, instruction, interpretation, determination by City and/or the onset of any event or impact to the Project except as specified below for Differing Site Conditions. 11) SECTION 00710.9.4 LITIGATION, paragraph A has been DELETED and REPLACED as follows: A. Parties intend that disputes go through all steps stated in paragraph 00710-9.0. Dispute and Claims and these remedies be exhausted prior to either party filing litigation. 12) SECTION 00710.10.2 INSURANCE, paragraph B has been DELETED and REPLACED as follows: B. The City, the Design Engineer (Brown & Caldwell), the Construction Manager (Vanir Construction Management, Inc.), KBA, Inc. and Farallon Consulting, L.L.C each of their officers, partners, employees and agents, grantors of easements and temporary access rights, and any other persons with an insurable interest designated by the City shall be named as additional insureds on all such insurance policies, with the exception of workers’ compensation coverage.” Contractor shall provide certificates of insurance, concurrent with execution of this Contract, evidencing such coverage and , at City’s request, furnish the City with copies of all insurance polices and with PHASE 1 CSO, PROJECT 06-01 ADDENDUM NO.1 8 evidence of payment of premiums or fees of such policies. All insurance polices shall contain a clause of endorsement providing that they may not be terminated or materially amended during the Term of this Contract, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City. Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverage’s for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance requirements as stated herein for the Contractor. Contractor’s failure to maintain such insurance policies shall be grounds for the City’s immediate termination of this Contract. 13) SECTION 00710.10.15 SEVERABILITY, the paragraph has been DELETED. Not Used. 14) DELETE DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Division Table of Contents and REPLACE with Division 01 General Requirements Division Table of Contents attached to this addendum. 15) SECTION 01062, PERMITS AND EASEMENTS has been DELETED and REPLACED with Section 01062 attached to this addendum. 16) SECTION 01314 was listed in the Table of Contents, but was not used. DELETE all references to 01314 from the Project Manual. 17) SECTION 01380 PHOTOGRAPHS, DELETE and REPLACE with Section 01380 attached to this addendum. 18) SECTION 01999 REFERENCE FORM, INCLUDE the attached reference forms attached to this addendum: Contractor’s Application for Payment Contract Change Order (CCO) Request for Approval of Material Contractor and Subcontractor or Lower Tier Subcontractor Certification for Federal-Aid Projects Request to Sublet Work Request for Information (RFI) Form 19) INCLUDE Section 02100 SITE PREPARATION attached to this addendum into the Project Manual bidding documents. 20) SECTION 02143-3.02 DEWATERING SYSTEM OPERATION, paragraph D has been DELETED and REPLACED with the following: The primary Control of Water for the excavation shall be by use of excavation methods and ground support systems that minimize the flow of groundwater into the excavation. PHASE 1 CSO, PROJECT 06-01 ADDENDUM NO.1 9 21) SECTION 02200-1.03 paragraph H, DELETE the sentence following NATIVE BACKFILL and REPLACE as follows: Unclassified material obtained from on-site excavation, shall not be used as backfill on any portion of the Project. All backfill material shall be imported material as defined in the Specifications. 22) SECTION 02200-2.01.J has been DELETED. 23) SECTION 02200-3.01, DELETE any reference to Fill Class J. 24) SECTION 02210 Part 3.07 VEHICLE DECONTAMINATION shall be DELETED and REPLACED with the following: 3.07 VEHICLE DECONTAMINATION Contractor shall put in place controls that limit vehicular access to the property owned or formerly owned by Rayonier to only those vehicles required to be on site to perform the work. Any vehicles that access unpaved areas and come in contact with surface soils on the property owned or formerly owned by Rayonier will be considered to have come in contact with contaminated or potentially contaminated soil and must be decontaminated prior to leaving the property. Contractor shall provide for vehicle decontamination. Provisions shall include, but not be limited to, providing; installing, maintaining and removing temporary wheel wash facilities at points of egress from unpaved areas. Decontamination shall be sufficient to prevent spread of soil and sediment off the project site. Contractor shall sweep egress areas to collect any soil and sediment that has spread off the project site. This material will be re-deposited on the project site as directed by the Construction Manager. 25) SECTION 02630-3.02B3 CLEANING has been DELETED and REPLACED as follows: Clean the existing 48-inch IWL pipe by pigging to remove sludge, sediment, debris and other material. Contractor shall be responsible for proper disposal of any material removed from the IWL. 26) SUPPLEMENT SECTION 02630-3.03C PIPE PULLING as follows: 12. The pipe bundle may rotate during pulling. The Contractor shall provide a means to further rotate the pipe bundle as necessary or to maneuver the individual HDPE pipes as necessary so the alignment of the 3 pipes at the pull pits and the termination points has the 30-inch HDPE pipe at the bottom as shown on the Drawings. PHASE 1 CSO, PROJECT 06-01 ADDENDUM NO.1 10 27) SUPPLEMENT SECTION 15065-2.02, paragraph C with the following: 7. Permanent identification of the piping service shall be provided by co-extruding green color stripes into the pipe outside surface. The striping material shall be the same material as the pipe material except for color. Stripes printed on the pipe outside surface shall not be acceptable. IPS sized pipes shall have four equally spaced, longitudinal color stripes. DIPS sized pipes shall have three equally spaced pairs of longitudinal color stripes. PLANS 1) DELETE sheet 100-C-001 and REPLACE with REVISED sheet 100-C-001 attached to this addendum. 2) DELETE sheet 100-C-002 and REPLACE with REVISED sheet 100-C-002 attached to this addendum. 3) DELETE sheet 300-C-005 and REPLACE with REVISED sheet 300-C-005 attached to this addendum. 4) DELETE sheet 300-C-006 and REPLACE with REVISED sheet 300-C-006 attached to this addendum. 5) DELETE sheet 300-C-009 and REPLACE with REVISED sheet 300-C-009 attached to this addendum. 6) Sheet 400-B-025, in the PLAN view, REVISE station of Staging Joint to read “STA 43+00.26” (vs. 43+06.26 shown) 7) Sheet 400-B-026, PLAN view, REVISE station of Staging Joint to read “ STA 44+54.26” (vs. 44+60.26 shown) The Bid Opening date and time has not been changed. This addendum must be acknowledged in the space provided on the Bid Form in the Project Manual that is submitted to the City. Failure to do so may result in the proposal being rejected as non-responsive. _______________________________ Michael C. Puntenney, PE Deputy Director of Engineering Service PHASE 1 CSO, PROJECT 06-01 ADDENDUM NO.1 11 Attachment: Table of Contents Section 00440 SUPPLEMENTAL CRITERIA Form 6100-2 Form 6100-3 Form 6100-4 Division 1 General Requirements Division Table of Contents Section 01062 PERMITS AND EASEMENTS Section 01380 PHOTOGRAPHS Contractor’s Application for Payment Contractor Change Order (CCO) Request for Approval of Material Form 420-004 EF Certification for Federal-Aid Projects Request to Sublet Work Request For Information (RFI) Form Section 02100 SITE PREPARATION Revised Sheet 100-C-001 Revised Sheet 100-C-002 Revised Sheet 300-C-005 Revised Sheet 300-C-006 Revised Sheet 300-C-009 PHASE 1 CSO, PROJECT 06-01 ADDENDUM NO.1 12