TSA File Number: HSY/ SPORTING ACTIVITY RISK ASSESSMENT PROFORMA Ser (a) 1 2 3 Unit/Formation: Humberside & South Yorkshire ACF Assessor: Activity/Exercise: Archery Date Assessment: Relevant Publications/Pamphlets/Procedures: Cadet Training Safety Precautions 2014. Review Date: Steps relate to the Risk Assessment Process Generic Risk Assessment: No/Yes Activity / Element (Step 1) (b) Hazards Identified (Step 2) (c) Existing Controls (Step 3) (d) Archery Misuse of the bow and arrows Instruction given and understood by participants before the activity takes place, activity supervised at all times by qualified/experienced instructor to ensure that the rules are complied with Archery Impact from arrows Instruction given and understood by participants before the activity takes place, activity supervised at all times by qualified/experienced instructor to ensure that the rules are complied with. Target bosses replaced regularly and the knocking points on the bows positioned to ensure true flight of arrows. Instructions reiterated about walking down the side for the range to collect the arrows. Archery Bruising of the arm from the string Instruction given and understood by participants before the activity takes place, arm guards issued to all participants and fitted correctly. Is the Residual Risk Acceptable Yes / No (Step 4) (e) YES YES YES Additional Controls Required (Step 5) Is the Residual Risk Acceptable Yes / No (Step 6) (f) (g) Ser Activity / Element (Step 1) Hazards Identified (Step 2) (b) (c) (a) 4 5 Archery Archery Horseplay Unauthorised use Existing Controls (Step 3) (d) Activity supervised at all times and leaders instructed that they are to ensure that their group complies with the operating rules and don’t mess about. All activity supervised at all times when Is the Residual Risk Acceptable Yes / No (Step 4) (e) YES YES not in use then the activity is secured 6 7 Archery Impact from rear of arrow Clear instructions given and participants supervised at all times YES Archery Equipment Failure Equipment checked before use and regularly inspected and maintained. YES Additional Controls Required (Step 5) Is the Residual Risk Acceptable Yes / No (Step 6) (f) (g) Ser Activity / Element (Step 1) Hazards Identified (Step 2) Existing Controls (Step 3) (b) (c) (d) (a) 8 Archery Weather conditions Is the Residual Risk Acceptable Yes / No (Step 4) (e) 1. Hot and sunny: Refreshments / shaded area available. Additional Controls Required (Step 5) Is the Residual Risk Acceptable Yes / No (Step 6) (f) (g) First aid trained personnel available. YES YES 2. Sun screen if necessary 3. Wet and cold: Hot drinks / shelter available 9 Archery Injury caused by uneven ground / slippery surface 1. Use suitable area YES 2. Suitable footwear to be worn. 10 Archery Injury sustained during Activity (muscle strains etc) 1. Check for cadets with existing injuries, NO 2. Cadets to stretch / warm up before Activity. Name Existing & Addition Controls Agreed Additional Controls Implemented Position / Rank Date Signature