General Membership – January 12, 2010

TCPA General Membership Meeting
January 12, 2010
Texas Crime Prevention Association
General Membership Meeting
Great Wolf Lodge, Grapevine, Texas
January 12, 2010
Meeting called to order by President Scott Rhodes at 12:02pm.
Scott Rhodes – TCPA President
Steve Garst – TCPA 1st Vice President (Legal Issues)
Claude Gamez – TCPA 2nd Vice President (Training)
Mark Brazelton – TCPA Membership Chair
Doug Sisk – TCPA 3rd Vice President (Communications)
Melissa Westen – Secretary
Laura “Kat” Tobias – Civilian At Large
Lennon Evans – Sgt at Arms
Guest Speaker – State Representative Jerry Madden, District 76, Texas House of Representatives
Conference Sponsors – Broadview Security, Lo Jack, Emfinders, 3rd Eye Surveillance, Law Publications,
Anderson Software, and C & C Defense. Thank you sent out to all the sponsors.
Pledge (American Flag and Texas Flag)
Prayer – Sergeant at Arms Lennon Evans
Regional President Reports
Chisholm Trail
Dennis Porter – President - Nothing to report. Thank you to North Texas for hosting this conference.
North Texas
Steven Caldwell – President – Thanks all of North Texas members who voted me in a week and a half before
this conference. 108 attendees present at this conference. This is the most attended Mid-Winter conference
in TCPA history.
Richardson has a CP II class coming up and all the information is on the ICJS web-site.
Schedule changes announced.
North Texas members will have a meeting at 5pm today.
Winners of the North Texas raffle were named during this meeting.
TCPA Board Meeting
January 12, 2010
Texas Gulf Coast
Jeffery McGowen – Thank you North Texas for hosting a great conference. TGC is hosting CP II February 813th at Harris County Sheriff’s Office.
Central Texas
Darryl Halstead – President – Thank North Texas for hosting this winter conference. Central Texas will host a
CP I course March 1 – 5th. Congratulations to the entire State of Texas for coming in 1st with National Night
Alamo Area
Gilbert De La Portillia – President – Thank North Texas for hosting the conference. July 11 – 16th Alamo Area
will host the 35th Anniversary Summer Conference in San Antonio. Registration papers are available at the
registration desk. The information is on the Alamo Area web-site and will be updated on the TCPA web-site
East Texas
No report.
South Texas
No report.
West Texas
No report.
Far West Texas
No report.
End of Regional President’s Reports
President’s Report
Item a – Vacant Treasurer’s Position Update
I hope everyone is aware that there is an opening for Treasurer. Scott Rhodes apologized for the short notice
and said notification of the open position when out via email. We will be taking nominations from the floor
to fill this position during the meeting.
Item B – Mid-Winter 2011 Site Proposal
No region has come forward and said they have met and decided to host the 2011 conference. We do have
information that Texas Gulf Coast may be interested in hosting Mid-Winter 2011. Texas Gulf Coast will meet at
the end of this month and decide if they will host the 2011 Mid-Winter conference. Jeffery McGowen asked
for support from the membership to give them time to decided on the 2011 Mid-Winter Conference.
TCPA Board Meeting
January 12, 2010
President Rhodes asked if there was anyone willing to make a motion to support TGC and move forward. Jerri
Neely said Texas Gulf Coast is strong and they want to host a conference they just need to decide when.
Motion: Made by Daniel McCool and 2nd by Mike Thielen, to support Texas Gulf Coast in their decision
making process for the 2011 Mid-Winter Conference, all in favor, motion passes.
Item C – New SE Texas Region Formation Update
There has been interest shown in forming a new region in South East Texas. Counties talked about are
the southern counties of East Texas Region and part of Texas Gulf Coast. Next step is going to Texas Gulf
Coast and making sure the region is on board with moving forward. Once everyone is on board we will
move forward with forming the new region. Counties involved are Walker, Polk, Tyler¸ Jasper, Newton
and San Jacinto.
Item D – Standing Committee By-law change – CP I, CP II, and CPTED Review Committee
The board voted to create a committee for the purpose of reviewing the CP I, CP II, and CPTED courses
given by ICJS. The Committee will review the curriculum every 2 years and will be chaired by the TCPA
2nd VP in charge of training, each regional president or designee, and one adjunct instructor from ICJS. In
order to make this a standing committee the by-law request will have to be presented in July to the
Item E – TCPA Crime Fighter Mascot Update
The board was brain storming during a board meeting and came up with developing a mascot that was
unique to Texas Crime Fighting. Scott said during the brain storming process it was determined the best
character was an Armadillo. Scott said that it was the best way to honor a man, Artie Woods, who has
done so much promoting McGruff and Crime Prevention in the state of Texas. Scott said the name of the
Mascot will be Artie the Armadillo. The copyright forms have been sent in on this mascot and it may
take up to 9 months to receive them. Artie Woods said he is honored and hopes he has as much fun
with this as he has with McGruff. Thank You Artie for your service to Crime Prevention.
End of President’s Report
Board Members Reports
Steve Garst – 1st Vice President, Legal Issues
Steve sent out letters to local Representatives such as Senator Jane Nelson asking for their support of the
upcoming legislation proposed by ICJS. The Crime Prevention Legislation proposal from ICJS is to have
criminals pay extra to support free crime prevention training. If you have any contact with Legislators please
talk to them about supporting this legislation.
Claude Gamez – 2nd Vice President, Training
A. Standing Committee By-law Change Review – The first meeting will be held after the business
meeting on Wednesday if the by-law change passes.
TCPA Board Meeting
January 12, 2010
B. Conference instructor evaluations needed. Please take the time to fill them out with honest
information. We do take those into consideration.
C. TCLEOSE punch sheets need to be filled out and turn in before you leave.
Doug Sisk – 3rd Vice President, Communications
A. Doug asked for more information to be sent to him to put in the newsletter. Training, pictures, cartoons
anything that you would like to see in the newsletter. Training information can be placed on the state
web-site for free. The newsletter is very large and some people are having issues opening the document.
The newsletter will be placed on the state web-site and will be sent to regional presidents for
B. Within the next week or so the password for the state web-site will be changed. The password will be
sent out in the newsletter and also to new members in a welcome letter.
ICJS Update – George Little
On this proposal it calls for creation of a research and development team, something this state has not
had. This is something that can be put to use for every crime prevention specialist here, and create
potential jobs for some. The Intel section and clearing house will develop state of the art curriculum.
Some might say that what happens in East Texas is different than what happens in West Texas but the
fact is the information needs to be put out there so when they do have a problem they have something
to draw from. There will be a Law Enforcement, Crime Prevention and an IT division, something that can
support this organization.
George said this is a 50/50 partnership not ICJS or TCPA. George said he has tried to be as transparent in
ICJS as humanly possible. This will eventually become a governing board so that the state curriculums
are being evaluated. George said we need to rise to the occasion and personalities must be set aside. If
there is still anyone that has concerns please contact him.
George said if you have not been certified under 2101 or 2102 because you went through the old
training, you will have to submit a request to the committee and they will tell George whether you will
be given your CCPS. ICJS is not here to monopolize anything we are not here to dominate anything, we
simply tried to develop a curriculum that we could all benefit from. George is available during the
conference please give him a call if you have any concerns.
Melissa Westen – Secretary
Motion made by Bo Bowers to accept the minutes as written, Jeffery McGowen 2 nd the motion, all in
favor, motion passes.
Treasurer Report
Motion to accept the treasurers report made by Scott Voigt, 2nd by Butch Lindsey, all in favor, motion
Mark Brazelton – Membership Chair
TCPA Board Meeting
January 12, 2010
2009 membership totals are 603 member, 23 life members.
Alamo Area
Central TX
East TX
North TX
Far West TX
South TX
TX Chisholm Trl 67
TX Gulf Coast 36
West TX
168 renewed for 2010. Get your renewals in, please use the web-site, they are a lot easier to read.
If you are not sure you have a 2010 form please go to the web-site and print the new form.
Laura “Kat” Tobias – Civilian at Large
Update on the Summer Conference. Kat said she has a template that can be used to send to your
legislators asking for their support. If you are interested please contact her for the letter. We all need to
get out there and talk to our legislators.
Lennon Evans – Sergeant at Arms
Will hold an open election shortly, everyone will be asked to leave and members will be verified
and allowed to reenter the room.
Tammy Snider – Past President Report
Tammy is working on recruiting new members and the Mid-Winter Conference. Tammy was
nominated to be the 2010 Awards Committee Chair.
Old Business
A. Darryl Halstead said at this time CTCPA will table the motion until Summer Conference.
Mike Thielen gave an explanation of the original by-law proposal that is being tabled.
New Business
A. Treasurer Election
Nomination made by Jeffery McGowan for Daniel McCool and was 2 nd by Tammy Snider.
James Kitchens made a motion that nomination cease if no more from the floor, 2 nd by John
Schale. Claude Gamez made a motion to accept Daniel McCool by acclimation. All in favor,
motion passes. Daniel McCool accepted the nomination.
B. Past President’s Presentation – Tammy Snider presented with a plaque for her service as
Past President of TCPA.
TCPA Board Meeting
January 12, 2010
C. Conference Chairpersons Presentation – Steven Caldwell, Vicki Stonaker, and Tammy Snider
recognized for their efforts in putting on the Mid-Winter 2010 conference.
D. Travel Award – Troy Rogers recognized for the distance he had to travel to attend the TCPA
E. CCPS Recipient Presentations
F. Treasurer & Civilian At Large Oath of Office – Daniel McCool and Laura “Kat” Tobias
Door Prizes
Motion to adjourn by Scott Voigt and 2nd by Mike Thielen, all in favor.
Adjourned at 1342 hours