MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORT DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR CULTURAL POLICIES AND INDUSTRIES AND FOR BOOKS RESOLUTION by the Secretary of State for Culture dated March 5th, 2013, inviting applications for the “Hispanex” programme of financial aid for cultural promotion at foreign universities corresponding to 2013. The promotion of culture abroad through support for the dissemination of Hispanic studies at foreign university centres with regard to Hispanism, as well as new emerging areas, is a top priority for the Office of the Secretary of State for Culture (SEC in its Spanish acronym) within the framework of the goals set in the 2012-2015 General Strategic Plan to foster the internationalization of culture. This support is structured through the present “Hispanex” programme aimed at financial assistance for projects presented by individual applicants in the university sphere in four priority areas for academic Hispanism: America (United States), Asia-Pacific (Japan, Philippines and Spanish-speaking Pacific Islands, Korea and Australia), Europe (Germany) and the Mediterranean (Morocco). The present invitation for applications will be governed by the provisions contained in article 3 of the Ministerial Order CUL/2912/2010, dated November 10th, 2010, establishing the legal rules regulating the award of public subsidies on a competitive basis by the Ministry of Culture (MCU) and its publicly-funded bodies (published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) nº 275 dated November 13th, 2010) and by the provisions contained in article 149.2 of the Spanish Constitution, which determines that the State will consider cultural services to be a duty and an essential attribution. Furthermore, pursuant to the General Subsidies Act (Law 38 dated November 17th, 2003) and Royal Decree 887 dated July 21st, 2006, approving the Regulations to the General Subsidies Act (Law 38 dated November 17th, 2003), it is now appropriate, in accordance with the terms of point three in the second section of the said Order, to invite applications for the said financial aid, for which the following legal bases are hereby established for the present call for applications for 2013: 1. Purpose The aims of the promotion and cultural co-operation activities between Spain and the countries in the areas referred to in the framework for this “Hispanex” programme, are as follows: - To promote academic Hispanism through research and studies in collaboration with foreign universities. To facilitate the dissemination of current Spanish culture at the said centres through specific cultural projects. To support and boost the languages of Spain at the said centres. - It has been resolved to award this financial assistance for the promotion of the Spanish culture and languages abroad to individuals working in the sphere of foreign universities, whether through publications, research, studies, meetings, congresses and work-related Plaza del Rey, 1 28004 MADRID TLF: 91 701 72 79 FAX: 91 701 72 48 . travel, or through cultural projects for the dissemination of Spanish creative works, creators and contents. These subsidies are intended for the dissemination of Spanish culture and the strengthening of research capabilities on relevant and related subjects in higher education systems abroad through a regime of co-financing between universities and the SEC. 2. Budget Charges 2.1. The financial aid referred to in the present call for invitations will be charged, up to the maximum amount of 250,000.00 euros, against the credits in budget application 18.13.144A.490.14 of the current Expenditure Budget of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport for 2013. 2.2. Should the Office of the Secretary of State enter into collaboration agreements with private institutions and entities interested in providing funding for this financial assistance, the maximum amount indicated in the preceding paragraph may be increased by an additional amount and the application of the same to the award of financial aid shall not require a further invitation for applications, pursuant to the provisions contained in article 58.2, rule a) 4 of the Regulations to the General Subsidies Act. The effectiveness of the additional amount is conditional on the declaration of credit availability as a consequence of the approval of the credit generation file which must precede the resolution for the award of the assistance. 3. Requirements for applicants 3.1. Individuals with the original nationality of one of the countries mentioned above (United States, Japan, Philippines and Spanish-speaking Pacific Islands, Korea, Australia, Germany and Morocco) or resident in such countries and related to the foreign university in question. 3.2. Availability of the sufficient resources and means in order to carry out the activities and to ensure the fulfilment of the goals foreseen in the activities referred to in the present invitation for applications. 3.3. Non-application of any of the circumstances foreseen in art. 13 of the General Subsidies Act (Law 38 dated November 17th, 2003) as reflected in Appendices II and III of the present call for applications, nor any debts for outstanding repayment of subsidies on the terms set out in article 21 of the Regulations to the General Subsidies Act (RLGS). 3.4. Applicants not resident in Spain must submit a tax residence certificate issued by the competent authorities in their country of residence. 3.5. In connection with the declarations given under their personal responsibility and in accordance with the provisions contained in article 71.bis.1. of the Public Administrations (Legal Regime) and Common Administrative Procedure Act (Law 30 dated November 26th, 1992), the beneficiary undertakes to maintain the fulfilment of the said undertakings throughout the duration of the financial assistance. 2 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORT 3.6. No payment of any assistance will be effected unless and until the beneficiary is up to date with the fulfilment of his or her tax and Social Security obligations and is no longer a debtor pursuant to a resolution ordering the repayment of any subsidies. 3.7. All projects must include a contribution by the applicant of at least 50% of the total amount for the project’s budget, and the headings for this co-funding must be duly broken down. 4. Categories of financial assistance available 4.1. In this annual invitation for applications for the “Hispanex” programme aimed at the promotion of Spanish language and culture abroad, the categories are as follows: - Publications with specialist or renowned publishing houses. - Academic research, postgraduate, doctoral and post-doctoral studies. - Meetings, congresses and seminars. - Work-related travel. - Cultural projects in the sphere of the various creative activities (performing arts, music, audio-visual production, fashion, design and architecture). 4.2. Expenses covered by the subsidies. - Travel - Board and lodgings - Publication-related expenses - Expenses inherent to the production of the cultural project Expenses for travel, and board and lodging may be covered in accordance with the amounts stipulated for group 2 in Royal Decree 462 dated May 24th, 2002. 5. Presentation of applications and deadlines 5.1. Applications must preferably be submitted electronically. For this purpose, the Spanish public administration, pursuant to Ministerial Order CUL/1132 dated April 28th, 2011 (BOE dated May 6th, 2011), facilitates the obtaining of an agreed password to acknowledge the identity of the applicant and improve the security of data exchanges. All applications submitted must be duly completed in either Spanish or English. Only one application will be completed per project and it shall not be possible to apply under different categories in the same invitation for applications. 5.2. In order to obtain the password indicated above and then proceed with the completion of the application, the steps indicated below must be followed: a) Applicants must access the web site, then click on “Trámites y procedimientos” (Steps and procedures) and type the word HISPANEX into the search engine. 3 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORT b) Requests for password (it is necessary to scan the personal ID document in order to confirm the details typed in). c) After requesting the password, applicants will receive three e-mails: the first is a welcome note, the second is used to activate the password request and the third includes the password assigned. d) After the password has been received, applicants must type this in, go to “Trámite” and select the financial aid and category before creating their application. e) Once all the forms displayed on screen have been completed, click on the “Firmar” (sign) button and download the pdf receipt accrediting submission of the application. 5.3. It is also possible to submit applications on paper, as reflected in article 38.4 of the Public Administrations (Legal Regime) and Common Administrative Procedure Act (Law 30 dated November 26th, 1992), hereinafter “L.R.J.A.P.P.A.C.”, by submitting a duly completed tax residence certificate together with the following documents: Appendix I accompanied by the corresponding documentation in duplicate (passport or official ID document in force; two letters supporting the application; and CV); Appendix II; Appendix III. 5.4. All applications containing details requested by this call for invitations that cannot be confirmed or that turn out to be incorrect shall be automatically eliminated. 5.5. The deadline for submitting applications shall be thirty calendar days counted from the day after the publication of the present call for invitations in the BOE. The deadline for requesting passwords electronically shall be thirty calendar days counted from the day after the publication of the present call for invitations in the BOE and shall conclude at twelve noon on the day indicated (Spanish peninsular time). If the application does not meet the requirements of the call for applications, the person concerned will be invited to remedy the problem within the maximum term of ten days, non-extendable; if the application is not remedied, it will be deemed to have been withdrawn. 6. Assessment of applications 6.1. The selection process for the present financial assistance will be conducted on a competitive basis in accordance with the principles of objectivity, transparency, equality, non-discrimination and public notice. 6.2. The competent body for executing the procedure will be the Subdirectorate General for Foreign Promotion (SGPEC) at the SEC in the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (MECD). 6.3. The assessment of applications and the proposal for the award of financial assistance will be made by an assessment committee for each country, comprising, in accordance with Article 6 of Ministerial Order CUL/2912 dated November 10th, 2010, the Subdirector General for the Promotion of Culture Abroad such person as the same may designate to 4 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORT act as its president, the Cultural Attaché at the Spanish Embassy or similar position acting as Vice-President and a maximum of six renowned experts representing the foreign universities listed and, if appropriate, a representative of the sponsoring entity. The Head of the SGPEC’s Bilateral International Relations Service will act as the Secretary to the Committee. 6.4. The committee will act in accordance with the provisions stipulated for the operation of collegiate bodies in article 22 and following of the L.R.J.A.P.P.A.C. Regard will be had for the provisions contained in Ministerial Order PRE/525 dated March 7th, 2005, giving public notice to the Resolution of the Cabinet adopting measures to favour equality between men and women. 7. Selection process and assessment criteria 7.1. The process will begin with the assessment of the applications by the assessment committee, taking into consideration the following criteria with the weightings indicated: 1. Quality: intrinsic interest, originality and excellence of the projects, as well as the curriculum and academic or professional merits of the applicants (up to 6 points). 2. Priority: relevance of the projects for the boosting of culture as an essential element of Spain’s projection abroad in the particular country in question as per the goals of the 2012–2015 General Strategic Plan (PEG) of the SEC (up to 2 points). 3. Impact: scope and capacity of the projects to achieve disseminating, accumulative and sustainable effects towards the achievement of the PEG’s goals (up to 2 points). 8. Award 8.1. The Director General for Cultural Policies and Industries and for Books, by delegation from the Secretary of State for Culture, pursuant to Ministerial Order ECD/465 dated March 2nd, 2012, on the delegation of powers within the MECD, shall issue the Order awarding the present financial aid, which shall be published in the BOE within the term of six months from the day following the publication of the present order. Should the term indicated elapse without any express notice of award having been announced, interested parties should consider their applications to have been turned down. 8.2. The award of financial assistance will be effected in accordance with the provisions contained in Ministerial Order CUL/2912 dated November 10th, 2010, and the provisions contained in the General Subsidies Act (Law 38 dated November 17th, 2003) and in Royal Decree 887 dated July 21st, 2006, approving the regulations for the said Act shall also be applicable. Where necessary, the Public Administrations (Legal Regime) and Common Administrative Procedure Act (Law 30 dated November 26th, 1992) will apply, as will any other provision that may be pertinent in view of its nature. 5 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORT 8.3. The Ministerial Order awarding the financial assistance, in addition to being notified to the beneficiary electronically, will be published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) and on the web site of the MECD ( 8.4. Pursuant to article 4.i of Ministerial Order CUL/2912 dated November 10th, 2010, the resolution awarding the subsidy or turning down applications brings the administrative procedure to a close. It will be possible to lodge an administrative dispute appeal against this resolution before the Administrative Dispute Division of the National Court within the term of two months counted from the day after the date of its publication in the Official State Gazette and, if desired, a petition for reconsideration before the same body handing down the resolution within the term of one month counted from the day after the date of its publication in the Official State Gazette. 9. Payment and justification of the financial aid 9.1. The payment of the present financial assistance will be effected in a single lump sum by bank transfer following formal acceptance of the award after the publication of the Resolution awarding it, without any further requirement for the establishment of any guarantee. 9.2. Term for carrying out the activity subsidized and the means of justifying the same: The deadline within which the project or activity must be carried out shall be one year from the date of receipt of the financial assistance. The beneficiaries of the aid must submit a report justifying their fulfilment of the purpose and application of the funds received within the term of three months counted from the conclusion of the actions subsidized. For proper compliance with the obligation to justify expenses, a technical report will be required explaining the action carried out and the fulfilment of any conditions imposed for the award of the financial assistance, indicating the activities and the results obtained. This report will be submitted in electronic format (CD-ROM, DVD, USB device). An economic report will also be required setting out the cost of the activities performed. This will contain: 9.2.1. A classified list of the expenses incurred and the date of their payment. 9.2.2. Invoices or documents accrediting the expenses and their payment. 9.2.3. A detailed breakdown of other income or subsidies used to finance the activity. 9.2.4. A receipt or a certified copy thereof accrediting the repayment of sums not spent or not justified, if any, and the settlement of interest due. 10. Obligations of participants in the Programme By accepting and receiving the present financial aid, all applicants undertake to: a) Accept the contents of this invitation for applications and its outcome, as well as to comply with the obligations acknowledged in the same. 6 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORT b) Accept in writing, through the computer application in place, the assistance awarded within the term of fifteen days following the notification of the proposal for the definitive order. Applicants who have not notified their acceptance of the award within this term will be deemed to have withdrawn their requests. c) Include the logo of the Office of the Secretary of State for Culture at the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport in a prominent location on all publications and media arising out of the projects, as well as the log of any private entity cofunding the project. 11. Repayments and failure to comply Any alteration in the conditions taken into account for the award of the financial assistance offered under this Order, if appropriate, may give rise to the repayment of the amount received, plus any applicable late-payment interest, as governed by the provisions contained in Part II of the General Subsidies Act (Law 38 dated November 17th, 2003) and in Part III of the Royal Decree 887 dated July 21st, 2006, approving the Regulations for the said Act. Similarly, the aid received may be refunded by means of a banker’s cheque made out to the Tesoro Público (Public Treasury) without any prior request from the Administration, as established in article 90 of the Regulations on Subsidies. 12. Legal liability and Regime for the imposition of penalties 12.1. All beneficiaries of the present financial assistance will be subject to the Regime for the imposition of penalties with regard to subsidies established in Part IV of the General Subsidies Act and Part IV of the Regulations on Subsidies. 12.2. Participation in this call for applications implies the acceptance of the provisions contained in Ministerial Order CUL/2912 dated November 10th, 2010, establishing the legal rules regulating the award of public subsidies on a competitive basis by the Ministry of Culture and its publicly-funded bodies, in the General Subsidies Act, in the Regulations on Subsidies, and in the present order for all those matters not expressly foreseen herein. Where necessary, the L.R.J.A.P.P.A.C. will apply, as will any other provision that may be pertinent in view of its nature. 13. Regime for challenging the order inviting applications and the possibility of appeal 13.1. The present call for applications shall in general be governed by the provisions contained in the LGS, the RLGS and, where necessary, in the L.R.J.A.P.P.A.C., and by any other regulatory provision that may be pertinent in view of its nature. 13.2. This Order brings the administrative procedure to a close. It will be possible to lodge an administrative dispute appeal against this order before the Administrative Dispute Division of the National Court within the term of two months counted from the day after the date of its publication in the Official State Gazette and, if desired, a petition for reconsideration before the same body handing down the resolution within the term of one month counted from the day after the date of its publication in the Official State Gazette. 7 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORT The submission of the aforesaid voluntary petition for reconsideration may be effected, as well as through the mechanisms established in article 38.4 of the L.R.J.A.P.P.A.C., through the Electronic Site of the Office of the Secretary of State for Culture (, providing that a full valid electronic signature certificate is held. 14. Supplementary rule and final rule Pursuant to Ministerial Order ECD/465 dated March 2nd, 2012, delegating powers within the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, the Director General for Cultural Policies and Industries and for Books, by delegation from the Secretary of State, is empowered to issue any and all rules that may be necessary for the interpretation, execution and enforcement of the present call for applications. 15. Entry into force The present order shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official State Gazette. Madrid, on March 5th, 2013 The Secretary of State for Culture By Delegation (Ministerial Order ECD/465 dated March 2nd, 2012) The Director General for Cultural Policies and Industries and for Books Teresa Lizaranzu Perinat 8 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SPORT