Title: Recharging Our Batteries

October – Week 4
Title: He Does All Things Well
Theme: Jesus does everything to perfection. Proper 18 (23) Yr. B
Object: A soccer ball, a music book, a painting, or other objects representing activities that a person
might do well.
Scripture: People were overwhelmed with amazement. "He has done everything well," they said. "He
even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak." Mark 7:37 (NIV)
I have several different objects with me this morning. One of the things I brought is a soccer ball. How
many of you would say you are a really good soccer player? Well, some of us may be very good soccer
players, but some of us may not play very well at all.
Isn't this a beautiful painting? How many of you think you could paint a picture just as beautiful as this
one? I wish that I could paint a picture as beautiful as this one, but I can't. The truth is, I really don't paint
very well at all.
Interactive Group Activities
by Carol Williams
Sermon Title: "He Does All Things Well"
Scripture Reading: Mark 7:24-37
SOCCER PLAY: Divide the class into teams and give each team a soccer ball to kick from one
area to another and see who gets the ball there the quickest without going out of bounds.
Continue to play as long as time allows and this can also be done in different ways, either by
teams or individuals or a child against the teacher, etc, just for fun.
PIANO PLAY OFF: Bring the class to a piano and let each child sit down and give 1-2 minutes
per child to sit down and play something on the piano! Tell children to be as creative as they
can be and enjoy the music!
PAINTING PARADISE: The teacher can tape a piece of construction paper on a wall - one for
each child in the class. Tell children they can take 2 minutes until the buzzer rings, to paint
whatever picture they'd like to paint. Children will enjoy seeing what others have painted.
This is a music book. I hope you enjoy music. How many of you would say that you are a really good
singer? Now, there may be some things that I can't do well, but that is one thing I think I can do pretty
SIGN GAME: Divide the children into two teams and let each team pick a slip of paper out of
the teacher's basket that will have an item that one team can "sign" for the other team until
they say the right answer. Continue to play with each team as time allows. Ideas for the
teacher to write on the slips for ideas for the children such as - tree, boat, elephant, frog, fish,
flower, mother, baby, or words from our lesson today,etc.
All of us have some things that we can do very well, but none of us can do everything well, can we? I
only know one person that does everything well. You probably know who that person is. His name is
READING LIPS: Give the children an opportunity to say a word for the rest of the class to
figure out what they said. If this is too easy, then children can be told they could try to have
the class read their lips for 3 words, etc. Encourage children to use words from today's Bible
story such as soccer ball, painting, music book, sick man, Bible, tongue, ears, etc.
One day some people brought a man to Jesus who could not hear and could hardly talk. The people
begged Jesus to heal their friend. The Bible tells us that Jesus put his fingers in the man's ears and
touched his tongue. Then he called out, "Be opened!" As soon as Jesus spoke these words, the man's
ears were opened and he could hear -- his tongue was loosed and he could speak. The people were
amazed and said, "He has done everything well. He even makes the deaf to hear and the mute to
Then Jesus did something unusual, he told the people not to tell anyone what they had seen him do. Do
you think they followed Jesus' instructions? No! They told everyone about this man who did everything
Jesus has done many great and wonderful things for you and me, but he didn't tell us not to tell anyone.
In fact, he told us to tell everyone. Have you told anyone?
Dear Jesus, you do all things well. We thank you for all that you do for us each and every day. Amen.
SONG RECORDING: Have a tape player ready and encourage children to sing songs together
as a class and record each song. Some children may be willing and excited to sing a portion of a
song as a solo. Play the songs back for the children to hear.
JESUS POSTER: Let children cut out letters J-E-S-U-S and glue onto a piece of poster board or
construction paper. Then the children can be shown how to write "JESUS DOES EVERYTHING
WELL" on the J-E-S-U-S letters. Decorate the poster with glitter glue on the JESUS letters and
around the border, etc.
TELL EVERYONE Door hanger: Divide the class into 2 teams. Each team will stand on either
side of the classroom door. Connect two large poster boards with strong string and hang OVER
the door. Give children supplies to write JESUS DOES EVERYTHING WELL... and each write
words or draw pictures on their side of the board to write all the GREAT AND WONDERFUL
things that JESUS does! Let the children change sides of the door to see what the other team
SNACK FUN: At the end of class, the teacher can show the children some snacks that are
available but the children have to either 'sign' the treat that they desire or the teacher will have
to lip read what the child would like to snack on! ENJOY!
Children’s Worship Bulletin
Mark 7:31-37
Copyright © Sermons4Kids, Inc.
May be reproduced for Ministry Use
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Anytown, USA
Complete the sentences by filling in the blanks with the correct
words from the word bank at the bottom of the page.
Each number represents a letter of the alphabet. Substitute
the correct letter for the numbers to reveal the words.