MARITIME AND PORT AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE LNG BUNKERING PILOT PROGRAMME APPLICATION FOR CO-FUNDING GRANT (1) QUALIFYING ORGANISATIONS To be eligible for co-funding from the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) under the LNG Bunkering Pilot Programme (LBPP) Grant, the applicant organisation must be: A company incorporated in Singapore pursuant to the Companies Act (Cap. 50) under Singapore law; and Engaged in the business of ship operations and/or harbour craft operations. (2) QUALIFYING PROJECTS Each qualifying organisation may submit up to two applications (each application being for one vessel only) for co-funding under the LBPP Grant for the building of vessels with LNG-fuelling capacity. The proposed projects must meet the following criteria in order to qualify for consideration: Engines proposed can either be pure LNG or dual-fuel, but must be classed for LNG bunkers; Design and installation work must be performed in Singapore; The LNG-fuelled vessel must be commissioned within eighteen (18) months from date of approval of application; The LNG-fuelled vessel must carry out LNG bunkering in Singapore at least twice a month thereafter for a period of five (5) years from its commissioning; The LNG-fuelled vessel must either be registered under the Singapore Registry of Ships or licensed to undertake activities in the Singapore port for at least five years; and No costs must have been incurred or committed for the building of the LNGfuelled vessel prior to project approval. Applications for retrospective funding will not be considered. Page 1 of 8 (3) CO-FUNDING Qualifying projects will be eligible for the following co-funding: Up to 70% of the total qualifying costs (inclusive of GST) for projects adopting Singapore-developed technologies, and Up to 50% of the total qualifying costs for projects adopting non-Singaporedeveloped technologies, Capped at S$2,000,000 per vessel. Qualifying costs are costs that need to be incurred over and above what would have been incurred for a conventional system and/or vessel. It includes costs of manpower, equipment, consumables and professional services, and will be disbursed in accordance with MPA’s Terms and Conditions, which terms will be annexed to the Letter of Offer when issued. (4) APPLICATION PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING THE FORM 1. The application form, consisting of both Schedules A and B, must be duly completed and submitted by the applicant together with all requested supporting documents. 2. All fields in the application form must be completed for it to be considered. Where information is not applicable, please indicate ‘N.A.’ in the field. 3. Each application should cover only one proposed project (i.e. for one vessel only). 4. Approval for co-funding from MPA must be obtained prior to the commencement of the proposed project. MPA will not consider or approve applications where costs have been incurred or committed for the proposed project prior to such approval. 5. Applicant must not have signed any contracts with, including but not limited to, any technology provider, shipyard and integrator for the proposed project prior to the approval of the project by MPA. 6. Approval or rejection of the application is at the sole discretion of MPA. MPA is not obliged to provide any reason(s) for its decision. If approved, MPA will notify the applicant by way of Letter of Offer. If rejected, MPA will notify the applicant by way of Letter of Rejection. 7. To submit the application, mail one copy of the completed and signed application form and proposal, together with one soft copy of the same in PDF format on a CD-ROM or on a USB flash drive to the following address: Page 2 of 8 Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Port Services Division Marine Fuel Development and Promotion Unit 7B Keppel Road #21-07 Tanjong Pagar Complex Singapore 089055 8. All enquiries relating to the submission of applications should be submitted in writing to the following MPA officers: Technical Matters Koh Xiao Le Tel: 6325 2305 Fax: 6221 1742 Email: James Seow Tel: 6325 2306 Fax: 6325 1742 Email: Administrative Matters Kok Tsui Leng Caroline Tel: 6325 2317 Fax: 6221 1742 Email: Page 3 of 8 SCHEDULE A MARITIME AND PORT AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE (MPA) LNG BUNKERING PILOT PROGRAMME APPLICATION FORM Part 1 Applicant Information Please attach a copy of: - the latest ACRA business profile or Instant Information search; and - the Annual Reports containing audited financial accounts for the last two years 1. Name of Company as Registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority of Singapore 2. Correspondence Address 3. Telephone 4. Facsimile 5. Website 6. Email 7. Registration Number 8. Date of Registration 9. Has your company / subsidiary / related company submitted applications for or obtained any other forms of incentives / funding for this project, (a) from MPA under its LNG bunkering pilot programme or other programmes; or (b) from other Government agencies? Yes No If Yes, please provide the following details: Number of previous application(s) submitted: Number of previous application(s) submitted that have been approved: (If more than one application has been previously submitted or approved, please provide the following details for each application.) Project title: Year of submission: Page 4 of 8 Approval date of funding: Details of incentive or funding granted (whether in cash or in-kind): Name of entity that received funding (if different from company): Please also attach a copy of previously-submitted application(s) for funding. Part 2 Project Details 1. Title of Project 2. Objectives and Scope 3. Description of technology to be developed / adopted, including (but not limited to): a. Background of technology b. Similar technologies available in the market, if any c. Cost comparison of similar technologies for proposed application1 d. Reports / studies where technology has been adopted / test-bedded2 e. Reports / studies on potential of technology to reduce emissions 4. Technology development process (for Singapore developed technologies only) Please describe how R&D, test-bedding, or fabrication of the technology was carried out partially/wholly in Singapore e.g. documentation of lab tests, country of origin certification 5. Details of vessel(s), if applicable a. Project will be carried out on: New vessel(s) Existing vessel(s) b. Name of vessel(s) c. Type of vessel(s) (if container vessel, please provide TEU) d. DWT of vessel(s) e. Main & auxiliary engine rating (kW) 1 For example, prices of engines should be compared based on similar power rating, as far as possible. Such reports or studies should be obtained from the supplier of technology, especially if the technology has previously been adopted by another user. If this is the first time the technology is being adopted, in addition to reports/studies provided by the supplier, the Applicant should also provide reported emission reductions of similar technologies. 2 Page 5 of 8 f. Expected lifespan of vessel(s)/ equipment(s) 6. Project Deliverables 7. Expected emission reduction Please quantify abatement of CO2, SOx, NOx 8. Project Risks (if any) 9. Project Duration (Months) 10. Scheduled Commencement Date (DD/MM/YYYY) 11. Scheduled Completion Date (DD/MM/YYYY) 12. Project Schedule Please list down work to be done, in Gantt Chart format 13. Project Team – Overall Team Leader Name Telephone Designation Facsimile Address Email 14. Background qualifications of each Superintendent/Engineer to be involved/supported 15. Collaborator(s) (technology provider, system integrator, emission verification etc.) Name of collaborator(s) Role of collaborator(s) (Please attach a copy of collaborator’s profile) Has contract been signed with the collaborator(s)? Yes No Page 6 of 8 16. Project Cost and Budget Breakdown* Category Expenditure Items Detail of Items (e.g. Designation, $x/mth, y mths) Purpose of item Cost ** S$K Total S$K Manpower (e.g. Hardware, Installation, etc) Equipment (e.g. Piping, Specialized software, Sensors, Gauges, etc) Consumables (e.g. Class Approval, Emission Verification Report, etc) Professional Services Total, $K * Full breakdown of cost to be provided ** Only details of qualifying costs for which funding is sought are to be provided. Qualifying costs are costs incurred by the Applicant over and above what would have been incurred for a conventional system and/or vessel. 17. Declaration by Applicant I declare that the information provided in this application form is true and correct. Name of Overall Team Leader: Date: ___________________ Signature of Overall Team Leader Page 7 of 8 SCHEDULE B APPLICATION SUBMISSION CHECKLIST For application submission, the Applicant shall ensure that all of the following items have been furnished for the MPA’s consideration. This checklist is to be completed and submitted together with Schedule A of the application form. Ref. Part 1 Description Tick if “Yes” or “NA” If “NA”, please provide reason(s) Company Information Have you submitted the ACRA business profile or Instant Information? Part 1 Financial Reports Have you submitted a copy of Annual Reports containing audited financial accounts of the past two years? (Note: Financial statements must be certified by the applicant company’s Auditors) Part 1, Sec. 9 Previous Application(s) Part 2, Collaborator Information Sec. 15 Have you submitted a copy of your collaborator’s company profile? Part 2, Work Schedule Sec. 12 Have you submitted the Gantt Chart for the proposed scope of works? Part 2, Detailed Budget Breakdown Sec. 16 Have you submitted a copy of the detailed budget breakdown? Have you submitted a copy of any previouslysubmitted applications for funding? Page 8 of 8