Appendix 1 Best Practice Note 1 – General House Guidelines The underlying principle in material/resource consumption is to: Use the materials efficiently so as to reduce unnecessary wastage and minimise consumption. Consider environmentally preferred alternatives, such as the utilization of recyclable and/or renewable resources. 1. Management Practice Action Printers and Copiers a) Place copiers and printers in well-ventilated areas and if possible, keeping a certain distance from staff if possible. b) Recycle old cartridges and toners – participate in suppliers’ cartridge/toner exchange program when possible. c) Ensure that printers and copiers have regular maintenance checks to maintain efficiency and reduce paper waste. d) Exchange old equipment with supplier for new equipment when possible during purchasing. Paper Use e) Collect paper for recycling, place recycling bins at appropriate locations in the office. f) Establish single-sided used paper collection boxes near to the sources of high paper usage, such as photocopiers, printers and fax machines. g) Use recycled paper for envelopes, letterhead, name card and general office paper where practicable. Electricity and Air Conditioning System/Refrigerator/Drink Machine h) Reduce non-essential load on equipment (e.g. install temperature controls in different indoor areas of UM; keep all windows closed when air conditioning is on; reduce use of air conditioning when possible). Rev 001 i) Purchase equipment with energy saving function and/or higher energy efficiency wherever possible. j) Remind staff to turn off computers, monitors and teaching equipment, etc. at the end of the day. k) Place stickers next to light switches to remind staff to switch off lights after use and in areas that are not occupied/in use. l) For refrigerators/drink machines, carry out routine checking for leakages and repair accordingly. m) Ensure checking and maintenance is by qualified personnel. Ensure proper procedures are being followed during maintenance of refrigerators/drink machines and disposal of refrigerants. n) o) Action Buy equipment with non-scheduled refrigerants only. Refit existing equipment with non-scheduled refrigerants when possible. p) Fix the air-conditioning system at 25C or above in summer months. Water Consumption and Pollution q) Place stickers beside wash basins to encourage staff to reduce water consumption. r) Repair leakages as soon as possible whenever detected. s) Display notice at appropriate locations to instruct staff not to discharge any chemicals in any drains. Furniture t) Purchase furniture that is durable, useful, and/or made from environmentally friendly or recyclable materials. Miscellaneous u) Discourage staff from using disposable paper/plastic utensils. v) Implement recycle programs for all recyclable materials (e.g. paper, aluminum cans, used packaging material etc.) w) Provide reusable stationery (such as refillable pen) as far as possible. x) Provide rechargeable batteries and solar/light powered appliances such as calculators to avoid battery disposal as far as possible. y) No smoking is allowed in office. z) Use refillable containers for cleaning products. aa) Service dripping and noisy air-conditioning systems regularly. bb) Consider the use of green products, such as recycled paper and biodegradable liquid soap, etc. as far as possible. Rev 001 2. Staff Practice The following is applicable to ALL STAFF: Action Printers and Photocopiers a) Print in draft quality when possible. Electricity Consumption b) Put office equipment/teaching equipment (including but not limited to fax machines, computers, monitors, copiers, and printers) on energy saving mode where possible. c) Set computers and monitors to shut down automatically after prolonged period of idling. d) Switch off computers and lighting when not in used for extended periods. e) User-controlled air-conditioning should be switched off upon vacating the area. f) All external windows in air-conditioned rooms should be kept closed at all times. Paper Usage g) Use both sides of paper and even with the function of multiple-up for printing and copying where possible. h) Use the blank side of discarded memos and documents. i) Place reports and memos on circulation rather than copying individual copies where applicable. j) Use e-mail or verbal communication rather than paper copy wherever possible. k) Use reusable paper in copiers where applicable. l) Reuse used envelopes for internal circulation. m) Minimise use of post-it notes. n) Avoid handing out paper flyers; instead use internet, newspapers, bulletin boards and television for advertisement. Water Consumption and Pollution o) Avoid excessive use of water. p) Do not discharge any chemicals in any drains. Miscellaneous q) Avoid the use of disposable plastic utensils. r) No smoking is allowed in office. s) Reuse packaging material as far as possible. t) Rev 001 Minimise the noise when performing daily activity.