PSI TRAINING COURSE - Royal Statistical Society

A Two Day Course on Survival Analysis
presented by
Dave Collett
28 & 29 September 2016
The Royal Statistical Society, 12 Errol Street, London, EC1Y 8LX
Nearest Tube stations: Barbican, Liverpool Street, Moorgate, Old Street
Standard methods of survival analysis based on the Kaplan-Meier estimate of a survivor function, the
log rank test and Cox regression modelling are widely used in many different areas of application.
But often, the assumptions that underlie these techniques may not be valid, or the data structure may
be more complex. Extensions of these basic methods allow particular features of data that occur in
practice to be handled appropriately. This course will begin with an overview of standard methods
and then move on to some of the more advanced techniques. Their practical application will be
illustrated using SAS and R.
An appreciation of how the methods of survival analysis can be used in a variety of situations.
Overview of standard methods for summarising survival data and the Cox regression model. Model
selection strategy. Incorporating time dependent variables and the counting process formulation of
survival data. Parametric models for survival data, including flexible models based on splines.
Detecting and handling non proportional hazards. Incorporating random effects into a survival
analysis; frailty models. Analysis of data where there is more than one type of event; models for
competing risks. Dependent censoring.
Statisticians and epidemiologists in public sector research organisations, pharmaceutical companies
and related organisations. University research students and fellows.
Some familiarity with basic methods for summarising survival data, including estimates of the survivor
function and the log rank test. Some experience in using the Cox regression model would be
Registration begins at 09.00 and the course runs from 09.30 until 16.30 on each day. The event will
include a mixture of discussions and interactive exercises.
Registration before
28 August 2016
Registration on/after
28 August 2016
Non Member
RSS Fellow
RSS CStat: also MIS, FIS & GradStat
Tessa Pearson, Royal Statistical Society, 12 Errol Street, London EC1Y 8LX.
Tel: +44 (0)20 7614 3947 Email: Fax: +44 (0)20 7614 3905
SURVIVAL ANALYSIS – 28 & 29 September 2016
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Registration before 28 August 2016
Registration on or after 28 August 2016
Non member (£562.50+vat)
RSS Fellow (£478.12+vat)
CStat, MIS, FIS and GradStat (£450+vat)
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£573.75 □
£540.00 □
£750.00 □
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RSS Fellow (£531.25+vat)
CStat, MIS, FIS and GradStat (£500+vat)
£600.00 □
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Tessa Pearson, Royal Statistical Society, 12 Errol Street, London EC1Y 8LX, UK
Tel: +44 (0)20 7614 3947
Fax: +44 (0)20 7614 3905