Faculty Role in the Accommodation Process Accessible Learning Centre Equity Partnership Success Purpose The Accessible Learning Centre is committed to assisting students with disabilities in reaching their full academic potential. Offering a range of services, delivered in a respectful, confidential and professional manner, the centre supports and encourages independence and self-determination. Students are accommodated to remove barriers that would otherwise impede participation and success in their academic experience. The provision of academic accommodations is based on a collaborative process that includes many individuals and groups within the University. The Accessible Learning Centre partners with students, faculty and the campus community at large to determine and implement effective and appropriate academic supports to enhance student success. Effective and open communication among those involved in the accommodation process is the key to optimizing success. The purpose of this document is to outline the key responsibilities and roles of the ALC and the faculty members. Principles 1. To offer and support an accommodation process that fosters a climate of understanding, respect and partnership. 2. To ensure that students with disabilities are accommodated in accordance with the terms of the Ontario Human Rights Code. 3. To preserve the academic integrity of the University in all procedures and activities of the Accessible Learning Centre. 4. To ensure an accommodation process that is based on equity, affirming that all students must satisfy the essential requirements of their respective course requirements. The Role of the Accessible Learning Centre The Accessible Learning Centre is dedicated to the overall academic development of students with disabilities who register with the Centre. The Centre shall coordinate requests for, and assist in the provision of accommodations by: Ensuring all criteria for service are met. This includes documented verification of disability by an approved and regulated health professional that is recent and relevant in nature. Developing an individualized accommodation plan that is based on the student’s needs, documentation and available course/program information and requirements. Ensuring that all student information and documentation is treated confidentially, subject to disclosure as necessary and abides by the information policy of the university. 106750521 Created July 29, 2008 1 Ensuring that ongoing support is provided to assist with the implementation of the accommodation plan. This includes communication of essential information to instructors, chairs, and other administrative staff as needed. Emails will be sent to all faculty at the start of term if they have students in their class who are registered with the ALC. This email will contain the name of the student and their accommodations. This is meant for information purposes only, if there is a need for an active role from the course instructor (e.g. support to secure a note taker) they will be contacted the ALC staff to discuss process. Specific information related to the nature of the disability will not be shared per the confidentiality policy of the university. Support students as needed during the petition process. This may include the provision of a support letter to underscore the student’s situation. Students are expected to communicate to their Consultant that they have submitted a petition to ensure the ALC can determine the appropriate support. The Role of Faculty Instructors play a vital role in shaping a student's post-secondary educational experience. An important relationship for many university students is the one established between themselves and their instructors, one which can be key to success for students. All requests to instructors for accommodation must first be discussed with the Accessible Learning Centre. To facilitate a student's academic success and maintain the university's standards for the benefit of all students, instructors will ensure the following: Refer students who raise disability and/or accommodation issues to the Accessible Learning Centre. Participate as requested, by Accessible Learning Disability Consultants, in structuring a suitable accommodation plan that meets the needs of the student and satisfies the essential requirements of the respective course/program (as defined by the faculty member). Work cooperatively with Accessible Learning in announcing requests for tutors, educational assistants and note-takers when required. Confidentiality will be maintained during this process, by indicating need not student name. Exam accommodations is one of the most highly utilized accommodations thereby requiring seamless communication between faculty and ALC staff to ensure responsibilities are met. The Accessible Learning Centre will ensure all exams are maintained in a safe and secure system, and that academic integrity be ensured during the invigilation process. It is integral to this process that the following occurs: Exam dates will be announced in class. All exams will be written at the same time as the class. With students’ accommodation of additional time, the ALC 106750521 Created July 29, 2008 2 may start the exam earlier, the student will be expected to remain the exam room until one half hour after the rest of the class begins writing. Ensure exams are submitted to the Accessible Learning Centre by the date indicated. Email requests will be sent to the faculty one week prior to the exam date. This ensures the ALC is able to make necessary arrangements of resources (e.g. booking of proctors and space), equipment (e.g. computers) and essential conversions of material into alternate format (based on needs identified in the accommodation plan). Should the faculty member wish to pick up exams prior to delivery time, necessary arrangements can be made by contacting the Accessible Learning Centre. Communicate contact information (e.g. phone number) to the ALC during the time of the exam for any clarification needs from students. Proctors will not respond to clarification requests from students. The role of the student The University recognizes the importance of the student’s experience and knowledge with respect to his or her disability and its impact on learning. Therefore, it is imperative that the student with the disability participate fully in determining the appropriate accommodations. Students requiring accommodation will ensure the following: Self identify to the ALC and provide relevant and recent psychological or medical documentation (from an approved and regulated health professional) to substantiate their disability and any restrictions Develop an accommodation plan with the support of the ALC, fulfill their responsibilities as identified on the plan and follow the procedures outlined in the Accessible Learning Student Guide (e.g. exam bookings). Be proactive and communicate with ALC staff, faculty members, and others to support the overall implementation of the accommodation plan. Summary It is important as we move forward to meet the mandate of Human Rights Code of Ontario and the Ontarians with Disabilities Act 2001, and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act 2005, that we mutually recognize our responsibilities to ensure an inclusive and responsive educational opportunity for students with disabilities. Student success within this domain can be achieved when we work as partners to ensure equity and due process. 106750521 Created July 29, 2008 3