PLEASANT GROVE/CURRY CREEK WATERSHED GROUP REGULAR MEETING February 3, 2004 The meeting of the Pleasant Grove/Curry Creek Watershed Group (PG/CC) was called to order by Edmund Sullivan, PG/CC Watershed Coordinator, at the City of Roseville’s Civic Center located at 311 Vernon Street, Roseville at 3:37 p.m. INTRODUCTIONS: Edmund Sullivan, Placer County Senior Planner, Mark Morse and Garth Gaylord, City of Roseville; Katie Maloney, Placer County Resource Conservation District; Kate Kirsh, Foothill Associates; Gregg Bates and David Baker, Dry Creek Conservancy; Mary Keller, Sutter County; Brian Keating, Placer County Flood Control District; Marilyn Jasper, Clover Valley Foundation and Sierra Club; Bob Morris and Lois VandeVelde, Sun City residents. WHO ELSE NEEDS TO BE INVOLVED? Ed Sullivan solicited contact info for those that are interested in being involved in water quality monitoring activities and additional stakeholders that should be invited to the table. COORDINATED RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN (CRMP) GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: Ed solicited via telephone or email additional feedback or comments on the revised CRMP goals and objectives outlined as follows: i. Public/private partnership with a long-term focus on sustainable development, regional planning and coordination, ecosystem management and habitat restoration, improved water quality, flood control, and understanding the interface between land and water. ii. Outreach to farmers, developers, government agencies, general public, and environmental stakeholder groups. iii. Develop plan that ultimately will be adopted by or serve as a guidance document for participating municipalities leading to tangible improvements in the watershed. iv. Identify achievable ecological restoration projects that conform to Plan Objectives, funding dynamics, and stakeholder consensus. v. Linkage with the Placer County Habitat Conservation Planning/Natural Communities Conservation Plan (HCP/NCCP) process. PLEASANT GROVE RETENTION BASIN PROJECT PRESENTATION: Garth Gaylord, City of Roseville, reviewed the collection of mitigation fees for increased volume of flows and impacts to downstream landowners resulting from development. New development mitigation is being handled via detention basins on site wherever appropriate. The proposed retention basin project is meant to provide flood protection to downstream landowners and Sutter County. It is meant to mitigate only for the volume of flows that are contributed from Roseville developments unable to mitigate on-site and is being funded by mitigation fees. The proposed retention basin site is located on the Pleasant Grove drainage at the Reason Farms site. The basin will hold stormwater flows until it is appropriate to release them back into the drainage after normal flows have passed through Sutter County. The retention site is 600 acres will provide for the bypass channel and levees to hold the water until released back into the Pleasant Grove drainage. The environmental documents for the project were passed approximately one year ago and Roseville is looking to acquire the property after gaining the rights to purchase the property. 1 Mark Morse reviewed the Memorandum of Understanding being developed between Roseville and Placer County regarding development in Roseville and includes Roseville’s option to annexation property in order to control development within the MOU area. The Roseville City Council will be considering the expansion of Roseville’s “sphere of influence” to include the project site and surrounding area. Garth reviewed the flood control element of the retention basin project that will include excavation of a basin designed to hold 1200 acre feet of water. The basin is expected to create a large area of new riparian habitat. Levees are being designed with 4 to 1 slopes that are very gradual and not readily identifiable as a levee. The top of the levees will be 20 feet wide and can accommodate trails. The maximum height of the levee at the spillway will be 10 feet. The proposed levees will be set back at least 100 feet from riparian areas. The retention basin is expected to be 1-2 feet deep with a weir to control flows to the new diversion channel leading to the retention basin. A gate will prevent water from flowing back upstream until release downstream is appropriate. Water will continue to flow through the Pleasant Grove drainage as usual unless flood concerns are triggered resulting in the blocking of the Pleasant Grove drainage to divert flows into the retention basin for holding until concerns are relieved then the flow will be allowed to move back into the Pleasant Grove drainage as normal. The storage requirement for the basin has been based on the worst storm event in the area that was recorded in 1986. It was noted that it was Sutter County’s desire that the retention basin project address peak flows and that the project does not address the issue at this time. Group discussion also highlighted special status species issues, fish stranding, the possibility of using the surrounding area for mitigation of the loss of vernal pool complexes and Swainson’s hawk habitat from development, possible management of the property as a wildlife preserve, the retention of the property as ag land, Placer Legacy opportunities, and the potential for re-charging ground water. Mark Morse reported a study is currently being conducted to explore compatible uses for the retention basin property. Ed closed discussion by commending the City of Roseville for dealing with developer impacts in a proactive manner. WATER QUALITY MONITORING UPDATE: Ed reported the water quality monitoring training workshop took place on January 24th. SUSTAINABILITY AND FUTURE OF THE PLEASANT GROVE/CURRY CREEK WATERSHEDS: This agenda item was deferred to the March meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Ed announced he is working to schedule presentations on the Spears Ranch open space project and the De La Salle development project. ADJOURN: Ed adjourned the meeting at 5:04 p.m. 2