Acronym Term Definition ACT American College Testing AYP Adequate Yearly Progress ADA Americans with Disabilities Act ADD Attention Deficit Disorder CHOICE Choice Differentiated Instruction Differentiated Instruction Disaggregated Data Disaggregated Data Dual Enrollment Dual Enrollment ESEA Elementary and Secondary Education Act ESL English as a Second Language ELL English Language Learners E-Rate Education Rate FERPA Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act FAPE GPA Frree, Appropriate Public Education Grade Point Average Growth Models Growth Models Higher Order Thinking Skills Higher Order Thinking Skills Highly Qualified Teachers Highly Qualified Teacher IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Individualized Education Program College Entrance Exam to determine students’ preparedness for college Measurement by which schools, districts and states are held accountable for student performance Civil Rights law mandating rights and protections for people with disabilities Disorder characterized by the inability to concentrate and in some cases, impulsiveness and hyperactivity Reform movement focused on affording parents the right to choose which school their child attends Teaching students at various levels of skill and knowledge within the same classroom Examination of students’ achievement data or test scores by separating out data for specific groups Courses allowing students to receive both high school and college credit simultaneously Act focuses on children from high-poverty communities and students at risk of educational failure Instruction for English-language learners that focus on English immersion Students enrolled in U.S. schools who speak a language other than English and have not mastered English Rate administered by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to pay for telecommunications services for K-12 schools and public libraries Federal law that protects the privacy of student records in schools receiving federal funding by requiring written permission to release educational data. Grants students with disabilities a “free, appropriate public education”. Calculation of students’ standings based on classes taken and grades received An accountability system based on the academic growth students show from year to year Skills that involve the ability to think and evaluate complex ideas A teacher that is certified and has demonstrated proficiency in his/her subject matter Grants handicapped students the right to a “free, appropriate public education Educational blueprint agreed on by parents and educators for a student with IEP Instructional Coach Instructional Coach IB International Baccalaureate LRE Least Restrictive Environment Act LEP Limited-English Proficient Students LEA LEF Local Education Agency Local Education Fund N-Size N-Size NAEP National Assessment of Educational Progress NCLB No Child Left Behind Act OCR Office for Civil Rights P-16/P-20 Councils or Initiatives P-16/P-20 Councils or Initiatives Peer Coaching Peer Coaching Performance Based Assessment Performance Based Assessment PLC Professional Learning Community PISA Program for International Student Assessment PSAE Prairie State Achievement Exam RTI Response to Intervention disabilities Full-time/Part-time teacher who works with colleagues individually or in a group to improve teaching practices Program of rigorous coursework and examinations based on internationally developed curriculum Mandate that a child with disabilities be educated in the regular classroom or least restrictive environment Students enrolled in U.S. schools who speak a language other than English and have not mastered English Local School Districts Community-based advocacy organizations that work to engage the public in the mission of public schools Number of children belonging to a subset…subgroup normally used to group students by test scores National testing program administered by the National Center for Education in Reading, Math, Science, Writing, History & Geography Measures designed to improve achievement and accountability in schools, including ensuring schools are making “adequate yearly progress” in student achievement as well as employing highly qualified teachers Office that investigates discrimination complaints involving schools and students Council or effort seeking to advise state governments and shape policy on how to integrate a student’s education beginning in pre-school through college Two or more teachers working in collaboration and confidential fashion to improve each other’s practice Method requiring students to perform hands-on tasks such as writing or conducting an experiment as an alternative to multiple-choice, machine scored tests Collaborative teams, usually teachers, working interdependently to improve learning for all students Standardized international science/mathematical exams by which achievement from various nations is compared Measures the achievement of grade 11 students reading, mathematics, science, and writing. Educational process of providing targeted, scientifically validated Safe Harbor Provisions Safe Harbor Provisions Scaffolding Scaffolding School Choice School Choice Scientifically Based Research Scientifically Based Research Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 SEL Social and Emotional Learning STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and Math SES Supplemental Educational Services Tenure Tenure Title I Title I Title IX Title IX Title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Educational Act Value Added Title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Educational Act Web 2.0 New generation of Internet Use What Works Clearinghouse What Works Clearinghouse Wiki Wiki Zero Tolerance Policy Zero Tolerance Policy Value Added instruction in a student’s areas of weakness Provides a second chance to schools by allowing schools credit for making adequate yearly progress as long as more students maintained/moved up in proficiency in the current year than in the preceding year Metaphor to describe support that teachers (and in some cases peers) offer students when learning a new concept Proposal that allows children to attend schools outside their local district boundaries General team used to refer to studies that use randomized controlled trials or other very rigorous research Section of law the prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities by agencies that receive federal funding School based program aiming to teach students to manage their emotions by practicing empathy, caring and cooperation Educational priority focusing on these subjects for business leaders and a growing cadre of American educators Mandate where schools that fail to make adequate yearly progress three years in a row must offer supplemental, educational services , free tutoring to low income students in the district Job security to teachers who have successfully completed a probationary period on the job Federal government’s flagship aid program for disadvantaged students Law that bars gender discrimination in education facilities that receive federal funds Federal program created to make limited English-proficient students proficient in the English language Statistical method for determining the impact of a teacher or school Term coined to reflect the new generation of Internet use Online clearinghouse supported by the U.S. Department of Education Internet site that allows anyone with access to it the ability to add or edit content on the site Practices in place in some schools and districts that exact strict discipline in cases where students violate policies concerning weapons and drugs.