Issue 1 - University College Dublin

Faculty of Agriculture, University of College Dublin
Issue No. 1 December 2003
--------------------------------------------------POSTGRADUATE/ POSTDOCTORAL NEWS
--------------------------------------------------ESTABLISHMENT OF THE GRADUATE COMMITTEE
In late September postgraduates/ postdoctoral researchers met about rejuvenating
seminars in the Faculty. An outcome from that meeting was the formation of the
Graduate Committee, which had its official start in October 2003. The committee
consists of representatives from each department and its primary activity is a monthly
seminar series. For a list of the committee representatives and more details regarding its
purpose and objectives, please visit the Graduate Committee’s website at
The next Graduate Committee Seminar will be held Tuesday, 16th December 2003 in
Rm. G.08 at 4:00pm.This month’s speakers will be Eric Corrigan from the Food
Science Department. The title of his presentation is, “Effect of Mono and Divalent Salts
on the Melting and Solubility of Gels and Films Made from Purified Gellan Gum”. The
other speaker is Dr. Alvin Helden from the Department of Environment and Resource
Management. His presentations is titled, “Pitfalls, Suction and Worming: Overview of
the Ag-Biota Project and Its Field Level Monitoring”. Everyone is encouraged to attend.
The Graduate Committee is holding a social at the Forum Bar on the UCD campus,
immediately following the seminar on the 16th December at 5:00pm. Finger food will be
available compliments of the Graduate Committee. Everyone is welcome.
In November the Graduate Committee surveyed postgraduates, postdoctoral researchers,
and faculty members. The aim of the survey was to look for suggestions and opinions
regarding the creation of a website/ newsletter for postgraduates/ postdoctoral
researchers in the Faculty as well as to attain feedback regarding Graduate Committee
seminars and socials. The results show a strong support for creating a website/
newsletter. There were also some good suggestions for improving the Graduate
Committee. A six-page detailed report of the results can be found at
As a result of the survey conducted in November, the Graduate Committee has designed
and created a website and newsletter to better communicate information pertinent to
postgraduates/ postdoctoral researchers in the faculty. The website and newsletter will
mirror one another in content. The newsletter will be sent electronically every two
months and be archived on the website. They will both feature postgraduate/
postdoctoral news in the Faculty; academic information pertaining to the monthly
seminars; research funding, grant and job opportunities; postgraduate/ postdoctoral
profiles; helpful communication tips; some useful websites; and reminders. The
Graduate Committee website is
The annual Irish Farmer’s Journal Seminar was held on 11th December 2003 in Rm.
G.15 in the Faculty of Agriculture. The seminar was opened by UCD’s President Dr.
Art Cosgrove and chaired by Maurice Boland, the Graduate Committee Faculty
Advisor. This year’s keynote speaker was Dr. Alex Evans who spoke on, “Genomics: A
Global Approach to Biology”.
There were presentations from every department in the faculty featuring MSc and PhD
research presentations. Sean Fair was awarded top prize for MSc research for his
presentation titled, “Differences between Belclare and Suffolk Ewes for Fertilisation
Rates, Embryo Quality and Accessory Sperm Numbers.” Padraig Nally, was award the
top prize for PhD research. The title of his presentation was, “A Quantitative Exposure
Assessment of Escherichia coli 0157H7 in Irish Retail Beef Products.” Congratulations
to both winners and all the presenters on a job well done. For more information about
the seminar please see
----------------------ACADEMIC STUFF
----------------------The Graduate Committee holds seminars the third Tuesday of every month, depending
on holidays. Thus far, the committee has held seminars in October and November.
Featured speakers include:
Dr. Dan Lovett, Animal Science Department, Title: “Entheric methane emissions
in Ireland and its measurement in UCD” (October)
Tommy Boland, Animal Science Department. Title: “Effect of mineral
supplementation in late pregnancy on ewe colostrum yield and immunoglobulin G
absorption in their lambs” (October)
Clara Montesinos, Food Science Department, Title: Fiber in Imitation Cheese
Fiona Meehan, Agribusiness, Extension and Department, Title: Subsistent
household livelihoods in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia-characteristics (November)
This section is a work in progress as it is our hope to include PowerPoint
presentations, abstracts and contact information of each speaker (at the presenter’s
discretion) sometime in the near future. If you are interested in giving a seminar, please
contact Angela Murphy at
Teagasc offers research funding opportunities for 2004 under the Walsh Fellowship
Scheme. Areas of funding include agriculture, horticulture, food, agri-food economics
and rural development. Eligibility requirements and application procedures can be
found at
Applications are due 9 January 2004.
Science Foundation Ireland offers a number of grants, awards and fellowships to
researchers in the fields of biotechnology, information and communication technology.
Application deadlines and eligibility vary. The deadline for the 2004 Basic Research
Grant is the 9th January 2004. See this website for more information:
The Irish Royal Academy offers grants and awards annually to researchers in the
humanity and natural sciences fields. Application deadlines and eligibility vary. Check
this website for more information.
Postdoc Jobs is a website that features jobs and fellowships specifically tailored for
PhD’s and professors. For more information, visit
The following website provides a comprehensive listing of international jobs
(international development, humanitarian assistance, rural development) for
professionals. See this website for current listings
If you have website that you think would be useful for postgraduates/ postdoctoral
researchers in the Faculty, please contact Lu Zhang at
------------------WHO’S WHO?
------------------The profiles for this month feature the two December seminar speakers.
ERIC CORRIGAN from Mullingar, Co. Longford is currently working on his MSc in the
Department of Food Science. He is working on a project that aims to manufacture
edible films for use in the packaging and preservation of foods.
DR. ALVIN HELDEN is our other speaker and is presently the Postdoctoral Project
Manager for the Ag-Biota Project. Dr. Helden is originally from Ickenham, a suburb of
greater London. He received his primary degree from the University of Exeter, Imperial
College of London and his PhD from the University of East Anglia, Norwich in cereal
aphid ecology. His previous work experience was as a Research Assistant and
Postdoctoral Researcher on woodlouse ecology. Dr. Helden commenced his work on the
Ag-Biota Project in October 2002.
-------------------------------COMMUNICATION KIOSK
-------------------------------EXCEL EDITING TIPS
The following website offers 39 Editing Tips for those who use Microsoft Excel.
PC Magazine’s online edition is offering 20 “secrets” for searching on google. Here are
a few of the tips: “Intitle” at the beginning of a query word or phrase (ex of
Intitle:"Three Blind Mice") restricts the search results to just the titles of Web pages.
“Intext” does the opposite of “Intitle”, searching only the body text, ignoring titles, links
and so forth. “Intext” is for searching for information that commonly appears in URLs.
The article is located at:,4149,1306756,00.asp
"Entitled" means the right to do or have something. "Titled" is the name you place on
something. Correct usages: She was entitled to the promotion. The book was titled
"Gone with the Wind." (Associated Press Stylebook 2002).
December Seminar: 16th December 2003, 4:00 pm, Rm. G.08.
Graduate Committee December Social: 16th December 2003, The Forum Bar,
5:00 pm UCD campus.
Teagasc Walsh Fellowships deadline, 9th January 2004.
Science Foundation Ireland, 2004 Basic Research Grant deadline, 9th January
Graduate Committee Seminar: 20th January 2004, 4:00pm, G.08.
Graduate Committee Seminar: 17th February 2004, 4:00pm, G.08
If you have any suggestions or questions regarding the:
Newsletter, contact:,
Website, contact:
Next issue: 12 February 2004