KICK OFF MEETING 17-21 November 2013, Zagreb, Croatia Report Participants: 1. Name Kadri Saat 2. Helen Lillie 3. Sophie Feauveau Country, participant organizations United Kingdom, Derby College United Kingdom, Derby College France „Les Terres Rouges“, St Barthelemy D'Anjou 4. Geoffroy Blain 5. Teija Anttila Koskinen 6. Sirje Hassinen 7. Angela Giomelou France „Les Terres Rouges“, St Barthelemy D'Anjou Finland Espoon seudun koulutuskuntayhtyma Omnia Finland Espoon seudun koulutuskuntayhtyma Omnia Greece Professional Lyceum of Vrodados Host partners: Obrtničko učilište-adult education institution Udruženje obrtnika grada Zagreba Host and all partners in the project were presented in short in order to get better information about organization, activities, staff etc. Derby College (Kadri Saat, project coordinator) made power point presentation about the whole project. Partners discussed and accepted it with some changes: - In the part Objectives of the project” - For the staff: - To increase “and impart” knowledge in the subjects they are currently teaching will be changed in the text: “To increase and share knowledge … Application form was reviewed and agreed the distribution of tasks: United Kingdom – coordination of the project Greece – investigation of traditional building skills in the context of the needs of the labour market. Administration of the PowerPoint presentation which will be updated with additional information after each mobilisation ECO- Traditional Techiques for Construction and Landscape Sectors 2013-1-GB2LEO04-11042 4 (6) Finland – design of the template and production of the traditional skills info sheets from the materials provided by all partners -template should include: photos, description, tools and auxiliary materials Croatia – development and hosting of the project website which is made available to all interested international professionals at the end of the partnership project France – development and administration of the pre- and post mobilisation evaluation and regular feedback to the partners of the project - all participants should fill and send to France - for the pre-mobility evaluation send to France programme and workshops at least 10 days before mobilisation to have enough time to do it From this feedback the overall success of the project is evaluated and it forms the basis for planning of future mobilisations with any strengths and weaknesses from the current one taken into an account. All partners investigate, collect and share traditional construction and landscape techniques in their own countries, attend partnership Skype meetings, mobilisations to partner institutions and are involved in the publicity of the project and and its outcomes. Partners agreed on work programme: Mobilisation 2: United Kingdom: 09.-13.02.2014. Topics: Skills for building maintenance Sustainability through locally and nationally sourced materials Demonstrations and workshops in traditional decorative interior techniques Mobilisation 3: France: 05.-09.10.2013. Topic: Skills for carbon footprint reduction Demonstrations and workshops in traditional joinery and carpentry techniques Mobilisation 4 - Greece: 08.-12.03.2015. Topic: Skills for combating effects of climate change Demonstrations and workshops in traditional stone, masonry and landscape techniques Mobilisation 5 - Finland: 03.-07.05.2015. Topic: Skills for energy efficiency and insulation Demonstrations and workshops in traditional landscape and exterior finishing techniques Coordinator and all partners have to inform their National Agencies about the agreed changes in work programme. All partners agreed that that information about the programme of mobilisation should be sent 6 week prior the mobility (enough time for participants to fill pre-evaluation) and 3 weeks after for post mobility evaluation. From this feedback the overall success of the project is ECO- Traditional Techiques for Construction and Landscape Sectors 2013-1-GB2LEO04-11042 4 (6) evaluated and it forms the basis for planning of future mobilisations with any strengths and weaknesses from the current one taken into an account. Crafts College presented education system in Croatia, regulations in the field of construction. Also enrolment results presented lack of interest for these occupations. Also, there are not skilled workers in Croatia, registered at employment service. Employers’ needs for skilled workers - can be only educated through company, because only older workers have competences to meet their needs. Partners discussed and agreed on closed web page that should create Association of Craftsmen Zagreb that includes: - Project logo and LLP logo : - Country name + logo - Skill/artefact name - Content: pictorial views (6-8 max.),, - Task/skill definition, - History of skill/artefact - Parts/assembly details - Skill process/list of stages of work - Description, tools and materials - Drawing and diagrams and enlarged details of any particular parts, templates - Health and safety consideration - Advantages and disadvantages - Blog for students opened for everyone, but write with permission - Links to all partners with logo - Croatia will open the same name e-mail address: Mobilisation plan should be done as partners agreed; objectives of the mobilisation and workshops should be sent in advance to all partners, all participants should fill pre-mobility inquiry. Crafts College and Association of Craftsmen Zagreb prepared evaluation questionnaire for all participants (topics of the meeting were relevant to the project, for professional development of participants, aims of the meeting were precise and clear, activities set in Zagreb meeting timetable were accomplished, gained information can be used, aims for the next meeting were set, satisfaction with socio-cultural events, quality of accommodation and satisfaction with organisation in general). Participants evaluated form 1 to 5, and we got result – average rating 4.75. Demonstration of traditional skills: Participants visited “Krapje – Architectural Heritage Village” with presentation of reconstruction in progress – wooden houses, stall and sty, landscape. Traditional Croatian wooden houses were presented with some specifics: - The planks were joined to each other with round wooden dowels. Corner joint, the old notched joint, known as straight cut “ Croatian corner” - Foundations: the foundations trenches were usually filled with stone, but where stone didn’t exist in any very large quantities, the houses were founded on large stones at the corners and under walls at distance of 2-3 meters ECO- Traditional Techiques for Construction and Landscape Sectors 2013-1-GB2LEO04-11042 4 (6) - This was the way the damp was prevented from rising to the timber, and in the case of flood houses could easily be moved 100-200 m in the more safe area Traditional techniques in building and landscape in Croatia were presented with historical overview (stone, wood etc). Mr. Zlatko Prosinečki, craftsman presented phases in wall reconstruction of Croatian Concert Hall and uses of tools to be able to build new wall decorative element on the 4th wall that was missing. Mr. Drago Sopina, craftsman painter presented the traditional restoration technique of wooden elements (doors, furniture and other wooden structures), traditional wood graining technique and tools. Participants visited French Pavilion (built 1936/1937) and Art Pavilion (189t) in Zagreb where were presented reconstruction and restoration done by craftsman Antun Trojnar. Specific techniques of outside reconstruction with a lot of artistic work, and unique roof construction were presented. Croatia will put these techniques in traditional skills info sheet created by Finland. Participants from France, Finland and Greece left Zagreb on 21st Nov., while UK team had a meeting with representatives of University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering and left on Friday 22nd Nov. ECO- Traditional Techiques for Construction and Landscape Sectors 2013-1-GB2LEO04-11042 4 (6)